Před instalací, Greasy Fork chce abyste věděli, že tento skript obsahuje "antifunkce", což jsou věci, které spíše přispívají autorovi skriptu, než vám.
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Install the script and edit line 112 to 126 with your faucetpay address.
Install noptcha Solver LINK: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/noptcha-recaptcha-hcaptch/dknlfmjaanfblgfdfebhijalfmhmjjjo
Install AB Links Solver LINK: https://pastebin.com/5kJfFcn6
Goto https://aruble.net/?r=1hFy9QhrJy AND LEAVE THE TAB OPEN
NOTE: After installing noptcha enable Auto Solve and Auto Open and select Image Recaptcha Method.
To avoid [sending automated queries and popup audio] goto chrome setting, Privacy and security,Cookies and other site data,select Block third-party cookies, then add
google.com on Always clear cookies when windows are closed and Sites that can never use cookies [VERY IMPORTANT].
If you get "http Error 500 this page isn't working" Install this extension below
Tick auto refresh 10s then click try again ( now every time you get that error it will autorefresh the page after 10s)