// ==UserScript==
// @name Premium Overviews
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.12
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author AlegreVida
// @match https://s46-tr.ikariam.gameforge.com/?view=city*
// @match https://s46-tr.ikariam.gameforge.com/?view=island*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
function fnc_BuildingsTableListener(){
function fnc_BuildingsTable(){
//var city = {name:"", id:"", link:"", buildings:(new Array(30)) };
//var building = {lvl:0, status:0, link:""};
var cities = new Array($('.table01:first tr').length-1);
var cityPNG = 'skin/layout/city.png';
var buildingCounter = 0;
var allBuildings = new Array(30);
for (var x = 1; x <= $('#buildingsOverview .table01').length; x++){
for (var y = 2; y <= $('#buildingsOverview .table01:nth-of-type('+x+') tr.headingrow th').length; y++){
var th = $('#buildingsOverview .table01:nth-of-type('+x+') tr.headingrow th:nth-of-type(' + y + ')');
allBuildings[buildingCounter] = { title:$(th).attr('title'), src:$(th).find('img').attr('src') };
buildingCounter = buildingCounter + 1;
console.log("Length of AllBuildings: " + allBuildings.length);
buildingCounter = 0;
for(var a = 2; a <= $('#buildingsOverview .table01:first tr').length; a++){
var link = $('#buildingsOverview .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + a + ') a');
var href = $('#buildingsOverview .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + a + ') a').attr('href');
var city = {
id:href.slice(href.lastIndexOf('=')+1, href.length),
buildings:new Array(30)
cities[a-2] = city;
for(var i = 1; i <= $('#buildingsOverview .table01').length; i++){
var table = $('#buildingsOverview .table01:nth-of-type(' + i + ')');
for(var j = 2; j <= $(table).find('tr').length; j++){
var row = $(table).find('tr:nth-of-type(' + j + ')');
for(var k = 1; k <= $(row).find('td').length; k++){
var td = $(row).find('td:nth-of-type(' + k + ')');
var buildingLink = $(row).find('td:nth-of-type(' + k + ') a');
var flag = $(buildingLink).length > 0 ? true : false;
var build = {
lvl: flag ? $(buildingLink).text() : "-",
link: flag ? $(buildingLink).attr('href') : null,
if($(td).find('div.upgrade').length > 0){
build.status = 1;
}else if($(td).find('div.upgradeList').length > 0){
build.status = 2;
cities[j-2].buildings[(i-1)*5 + k-1] = build;
//var upgradeHTML = '<td class="building"><div class="upgradeList"><a href="?view=city&dialog=' + keyword + '&cityId=' + cityId + '" class">' + cityLvl + '<span>' + timeText + '</span></a></div></td>';
//var upgradeListHTML = '<td class="building"><div class="upgrade"><a href="?view=city&dialog=' + keyword + '&cityId=' + cityId + '">' + cityLvl + '<span>' + timeText + '</span></a></div></td>';
while($('#buildingsOverview .content .table01').length > 1){
$('#buildingsOverview .content .table01:last').remove();
while($('#buildingsOverview .content .table01 tr:first th').length > 1){
$('#buildingsOverview .content .table01 tr:first th:last').remove();
for(var i2 = 2; i2 <= $('#buildingsOverview .content .table01 tr').length; i2++){
while($('#buildingsOverview .content .table01 tr:nth-of-type(' + i2 + ') td').length > 0){
$('#buildingsOverview .content .table01 tr:nth-of-type(' + i2 + ') td:last').remove();
var z = 0;
while(z <= 29){
$('#buildingsOverview .content .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(1)').append('<th class="building" title="' + allBuildings[z].title + '"><img width="28px" src="' + allBuildings[z].src + '" alt="' + allBuildings[z].title + '" title="' + allBuildings[z].title + '"></th>');
for(var w = 2; w <= $('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tbody tr').length; w++){
var v = 0;
while(v <= 29){
if(cities[w-2].buildings[v].status == 0){
if(cities[w-2].buildings[v].link == null){
$('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + w + ')').append('<td class="building">-</td>');
$('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + w + ')').append('<td class="building"><a href="' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].link + '" title="' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].name + '">'+ cities[w-2].buildings[v].lvl +'</a></td>');
}else if(cities[w-2].buildings[v].status == 1){
$('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + w + ')').append('<td class="building"><div class="upgrade"><a href="' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].link + '">' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].lvl + '</a></div></td>');
}else if(cities[w-2].buildings[v].status == 2){
$('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr:nth-of-type(' + w + ')').append('<td class="building"><div class="upgradeList"><a href="' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].link + '">' + cities[w-2].buildings[v].lvl + '</a></div></td>');
v = v+1;
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings').css("width", "auto");
$('.mainContentScroll:first').css("width", "auto");
$('#buildingsOverview').css("width", "auto");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings>div.mainHeader').css("background-position-x", "center");
$('.mainContentScroll:first').css("height", "");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings_c').css("left", "75px");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings_c').css("top", "250px");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings_c').css("right", "auto");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings_c').css("z-index", "98");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings ul.tabmenu').css("width", "100%");
$('#js_backlinkButton').css("left", "880px");
$('#premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings div.close').css("left", "900px");
//$('#buildingsOverview .content').append('<table class="table01"><tbody></tbody></table>');
for(var zz = 2; zz <= $('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr.headingrow th').length; zz++){
//$('#buildingsOverview .content:first .table01:first tr.headingrow th:nth-of-type('+zz+') img').css("width", "30px");
$('buildingsOverview .table01:nth-of-type(2) tr:nth-of-type(8) td:nth-of-type(4) .upgrade').text();
var params_BuildingsTable = {
id: 'premiumTradeAdvisorBuildings',
parent: document.querySelector('body'),
recursive: false,
done: function() {
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
}).observe(params_BuildingsTable.parent || document, {
childList: true
function fnc_ResourceOverview(){
function ResourceOverview(){
if($('#js_ResourceOverviewTypeSelectionContainer a').css("background") == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url("https://s46-tr.ikariam.gameforge.com/skin/resources/icon_worldmap_wine.png") no-repeat scroll 5% 50% / auto padding-box border-box'){
var rowLength = $('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr').length;
var wineIdArray = [];
var notWineIdArray = [];
for(var k = 2; k < rowLength; k++){
if($('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + k + ') td:nth-of-type(3)').text() == "-"){
var wine = getTotalWineInCities(wineIdArray);
var obj = createObj(notWineIdArray);
var totalConsumption = totalConsump(obj);
var flag = true;
var coef = 5;
obj = calculateNeeds(obj, coef);
if(getTotalNeeds(obj) < wine){
coef += 5;
flag = false;
coef -= 5;
obj = calculateNeeds(obj, coef);
function createObj(arr){
var obj = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
var cityId = arr[i];
obj[i] = {wineInCity:parseInt($('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + cityId + ') td:nth-of-type(2)').text().replace(",", "")),
consumption:parseInt($('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + cityId + ') td:nth-of-type(7)').text().split("/")[0]),
cityName:$('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + cityId + ') td:nth-of-type(1)').text().split(" ")[0],
return obj;
function getTotalWineInCities(arr){
var wine = 0;
for(var id of arr){
wine += parseInt($('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + id + ') td:nth-of-type(2)').text().replace(",", ""));
return wine;
function totalConsump(obj){
var totalConsumption = 0;
for (var city of obj){
totalConsumption += city.consuption;
return totalConsumption;
function updateNeedsVisually(obj){
for (var city of obj){
var id = city.id;
var name = city.cityName;
var need = ikaNumberStyle(city.needed, false);
$('#resourceOverview>div.content>table.overview tr:nth-of-type(' + id + ') td:nth-of-type(1)').html(name + " " + "<span style='color:green'>(" + need + ")</span>");
function calculateNeeds(obj, coef){
var hour = (obj[0].wineInCity + obj[0].consumption*coef) / obj[0].consumption;
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++){
obj[i].needed = Math.floor(obj[i].consumption*hour-obj[i].wineInCity);
return obj;
function getTotalNeeds(obj){
var totalNeeded = 0;
for (var city of obj){
totalNeeded += city.needed;
return totalNeeded;
function ikaNumberStyle(num, withPlus){
var isMinus = (num < 0);
num = Math.abs(num) + "";
if(num.length > 6){
num = num.substring(0, num.length-6) + "," + num.substring(num.length-6, num.length-3) + "," + num.substring(num.length-3, num.length);
}else if(num.length > 3){
num = num.substring(0, num.length-3) + "," + num.substring(num.length-3, num.length);
return (isMinus ? "-" + num : ((withPlus) ? "+" : "") + num);
var params_Yyy = {
id: 'premiumTradeAdvisor',
parent: document.querySelector('body'),
recursive: false,
done: function() {
new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
}).observe(params_Yyy.parent || document, {
childList: true