HackintoshShop.com unlock

Unlock HackintoshShop.com website if you're browsing with an ad-block and you see just a blue page with a 3 dots loader or an orange page with a circular loader. It also skips the "Download Terms" confirmation dialogue window that appears before you actually get to the real download buttons. By the way, I would rather avoid downloading hacked software form such a greedy site.

Seznam verzí skriptu, při kterých došlo ke změnám v kódu. Zobrazit všechny verze.

  • v3.0 30. 11. 2020 Updated for HackitoshShop.
  • v2.0 12. 01. 2019
  • v2.0 02. 11. 2017 The script now also skips the pompous "Download Terms" confirmation dialogue window that appears twice before you actually 

get to the real download buttons.
  • v1 28. 08. 2017
  • v1 28. 08. 2017