Tento skript by neměl být instalován přímo. Jedná se o knihovnu, kterou by měly jiné skripty využívat pomocí meta příkazu // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/19857/174436/node-creation-observer.js
Use cases
1: Apply a callback each time a type of node is created
Fire a callback each time an element that matches the selector is created.
Don't apply the callback for the same element multiple times.
In this case, the removeOnFirstMatch
property should be set to false.
2: Wait for the creation of one node and apply a callback
Fire a callback when the first element that matches the selector is created.
In this case, the removeOnFirstMatch
property should be set to true.
// Add a new callback for a selector
String selector,
function callback,
boolean removeOnFirstMatch (optionnal, default value: false)
// Stop observing a selector
String selector
// Stop observing all the selectors
// Use case 1
NodeCreationObserver.onCreation("MY_SELECTOR", function (element) {
// callback body
// Use case 2
NodeCreationObserver.onCreation("#my_element_id", function (element) {
// callback body
}, true);
// When observing "MY_SELECTOR" is no longer needed
// When node observing is no longer needed
Based on the MutationObserver API