Uncap FPS for Suroi JS - Uncaps the FPS limit (turns off V-sync)
Change the scope to suroi.io (surviv.io) and zombsroyale.io JS - Сhange the scope in the game suroi.io (surviv.io), and zombsroyale.io
Suroi Chat JS - A simple chat feature for suroi.io
Blubbled's UI Mod v1 JS - Adds some QoL features, such as always showing kill count, green health bar, etc
Blubbled's UI Mod v1.3 JS - Adds some QoL features, such as always showing kill count, green health bar, etc
Galaxy CSS (Beta!) JS - Applies a video background to the splash-ui element on suroi.io and changes the color of various elements to shades of blue
Galaxy CSS JS - a cool CSS for suroi i will work on it :)