IMDB Ratings Importer

Import ratings for movies, TV series and episodes from a csv file.

< Feedback on IMDB Ratings Importer

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2023-04-20

Script simply does not work.

Posted: 2023-04-22

I'm sorry for this. Can you explain what exactly does not work: the form (as shown on the screenshot) does not appear, or it does not start importing, or it stops import after a while? Also which OS, browser and browser extension you use.

Posted: 2023-05-17

Got a similar bug report with enough information to fix the bug. You likely had the same problem, which now should be fixed.

Posted: 2023-06-03
Edited: 2023-06-03

Thank you my friend, now it works perfectly!
Keep up the good work.

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