Remove Stackoverflow Sidebar

Remove the sidebar and stretch the main content so that it fills the whole width, better when you have a browser window open next to your code and it's too narrow to see much with all the wasted space.

// ==UserScript==
// @name     Remove Stackoverflow Sidebar
// @description Remove the sidebar and stretch the main content so that it fills the whole width, better when you have a browser window open next to your code and it's too narrow to see much with all the wasted space.
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://**
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @include        http*://*
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

  var esidebar = d.getElementById('sidebar');
  var emainbar = d.getElementById('mainbar');

  esidebar.parentNode.removeChild(esidebar); = "100%"