[splixHax Vbetter]
- Status messages will appear in the page's title bar.
- Keys:
- F=fast mode (not much faster though b/c of server side checking)
- G=spam mode (spams other players lol)
- H=high mode (wHoA)
- P=pause (change direction to start moving again)
- O=toggle leaderboard
- T=dark mode (dark character only)
- Y=spectate mode (switch who you are spectating every three seconds!)
- ESC=commit deathpacito (despacito urself)
- E=eat the entire universe (client side only)
- Scroll to zoom
- Zombie mode when you die!
- Rainbow (UI colors change randomly every second)
- When you spawn in, you're not moving!
- Server chooser!
- Slightly bigger minimap!
- (experimental) MACROS!! Go to browser console and type "macroMaker()" to use!
- EXAMPLE: "macroMaker([0,3,0,3,0,3,0,1,6,6,6,2,6,6,6,6,4,5],500)" (stairs)
- EXAMPLE 2: "macroMaker([0,6,3,6,2,6,6,1,6,0,4,5],500)" (box)
- 0=right
- 1=down
- 2=left
- 3=up
- 4=pause (useful for turning 360deg while within your own color)
- 5=honk (aka space bar)
- 6=nothing (aka wait) [NOTE: if ur player thinks it has died and it pauses, it will not unpause when this is run)
Good luck and happy hacking!