Watch Series Skipper

Skips ad page

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v0.1.15 2017-04-09
  • v0.1.14 2017-04-09
  • v0.1.13 2015-10-14 Left a debugging alert in by mistake. No other changes.
  • v0.1.12 2015-10-14
  • v0.1.12 2015-10-13 WatchSeries is adding a style attribute to the button after the page loads. Sometimes this edit occurs before the script runs, other times after. Script now checks if the url found contains the style string, and if it does, fixes the link.
  • v0.1.11 2015-10-13 Tired of messing with this... what started as an attempt to fix an occasional problem has led to trying to make an approach that seems to simply be less reliable work. I have reverted the else code, may revisit at a later date to either revert other code, or integrate and improve it. If the original problem occurs again, I will probably try to find a workaround, because even though this code seems like it wouldn't be as efficient, it has proven to be faster and more reliable than other solutions
  • v0.1.10 2015-10-10 Commented out setInterval lines which were intended to solve a problem that I may have misinterpreted. It seems that these lines may be causing more problems than they solved, if they solved any at all. If you have inconsistent results with this script, try uncommenting the lines. If that still doesn't work, please contact me with the symptoms, and I will do my best to address your problem.
  • v0.1.9 2015-10-07 Changed all link retrievel to a single function. Added a setInterval in case the script doesn't get the link the first time (seems to happen occasionally). Redirect method should be reliable now.
  • v0.1.8 2015-10-07 Changed how the target url is found. Am having a few inconsistencies with the page that I'm unsure about. This seems to work most of the time, and is faster. Occasionally, the script seems to run before the page is loaded, in which case the page reloads a few times before redirecting. Overall this new way seems to be faster. Please let me know if you have any problems with it.
  • v0.1.7 2015-10-07 Simplified code for else case, making the script behavior more consistent, and more resilient against future page changes.
  • v0.1.6 2015-04-16 Changed to run at document-end due to inconsistent performance. Added new url, Checked all sites for functionality.
  • v0.1.5 2014-12-19 Updated the list of sites/alternate domains.
  • v0.1.4 2014-12-10 Added new UK Proxy domains
  • v0.1.3 2014-10-14 Added support for two additional semi-clone websites, &
  • v0.1.2 2014-10-13 Changed script to run as soon as the page starts to load, to improve speed.
  • v0.1.1 2014-05-30
  • v0.1 2014-05-30