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Youtube videos preview pictures

Posted: 2019-07-23

Youtube videos preview pictures

Hey there,

is there (still) a script that allows me to hover over a video and cycle through its (three) preview pictures? I do not even want the video to play like it is on Chrome, just the pictures. There once was a script but ofc it's no longer working. (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/2818-youtube-animated-thumbnails-preview-videos)

I do not want any fancy stuff. Basicly just what above script did. I don't know how much work this is for experienced people like you but I'm seriously willing to donate money for it.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 2019-07-25

Nobody? :/

Posted: 2019-09-02

btw this is impossible because YouTube doesn't make people upload 1+ thumbnails anymore...

Posted: 2019-09-03

YT: peek-a-pic script shows the storyboard, that is screenshots from regular intervals over the entire length of the video.

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