Copy ChatGPT's all replies JS - Add a Copy button to the first element with class "ml-1" on https://chat.openai.com to copy content of all elements with class "prose" with basic formatting.
Read Aloud ChatGPT JS - Add "🗣️", "🀄", and "⏹️" buttons to read aloud elements with the "prose" class in English, Chinese, and to stop reading aloud respectively.
Claude slack plus JS - Generate buttons to copy and paste text on Slack
Twitter Notification Hider JS - hide div with specific aria-label
隐藏今日头条的置顶新闻 JS - Hide sticky-cell class elements on Toutiao
Open NewAtlas Links in New Tab (Auto Refresh) JS - Opens all links on NewAtlas in a new tab and refreshes the page every 2 seconds