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Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation

Automatically selects professions for empty slots

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Публикуван на: 08.01.2015
Редактиран на: 13.10.2016

AutoIt Invoking Script

Here is a little AutoIt invoking script I made if anyone is interested:

Please post your questions or requests for this script here:

I will no longer respond to questions or requests posted in this thread.

Публикуван на: 09.01.2015

Added an InputBox to easily change where to start from if needed.

Публикуван на: 11.01.2015

Works good for me. Thanks.

Публикуван на: 11.01.2015

I was thinking about making almost the same thing. Thanks so much :)

Публикуван на: 12.01.2015
Редактиран на: 13.01.2015

I added some useful slash commands that I only just recently discovered to the first post.

Публикуван на: 13.01.2015
For $j = 2 to $TotalSlots
For $j = 2 to $i

Why not just do 2 downs instead of going all the way to the top then back down?

Публикуван на: 13.01.2015

Sometimes when you change characters it has a character selected that is not the one that was expected. Simply pressing the down key after every character change can get screwed up because of this. This is the simplest way that I could think of to eliminate the need to predict that possible variant.

Публикуван на: 13.01.2015

The other way is to allow the "change character" countdown to expire on it's own (15 seconds), which returns you to the character on the selection screen you just logged out of. But, that takes a lot more time ;)

Also thanks for the other commands, that's useful.

Публикуван на: 13.01.2015
Редактиран на: 13.01.2015

(removed and reposted below due to the wrong version of the modified script)

Публикуван на: 13.01.2015

I usually load up NW in windowed mode and not fullscreen. This creates a bit of a problem as the script is set to work only with a few fullscreen resolutions.

I've worked on it off and on for a little while, and I have an ugly & incomplete update available that keeps your resolution settings intact as well as adding _mostly_ working support for windows and scaling resolutions.

The problem is that damn change character (now) button. The interface scales differently than I expected so I haven't been able to figure out a good way of always knowing where that button is yet. For now I have an approximation.

This has been tested @ 1920x1080 at fullscreen and multiple window sizes and positions, as well as @ 1600x900 at fullscreen and a few window sizes. But on nothing else.

It does NOT work well when the NW window is scaled small. I also haven't tested bigger than 1920x1080.

I also added a delaytimer (set right under total characters). The reason is sometimes the servers are SLOW and if you change character too quickly, such as before the timer shows it's counting down again and not locked on the current number, it will return you to the login prompt instead of to the character select. A slight delay (I usually do 5100ms/5.1sec) mitigates this.

Feel free to use or disregard completely. Or Brent if you'd want to use it and clean it up or improve on it however you wish I won't be offended at all. I'm not an autoit expert by any means. I'm sure things could be done differently.

Публикуван на: 15.01.2015

I updated the script to include the changes made by numberb.

Публикуван на: 15.01.2015

Added a few more supported resolutions.

Публикуван на: 15.01.2015

Hey, Brent have extra JAVA -skills?

Script has way to detect "bag space" so it need just logic what checks it and use sell list to keep inventory clear.

List is below,(contains items what curent task list craft during profession leveling)

and here is function what returns "bag space",

Script itself has other parts but no success to get them work together (yet).

Публикуван на: 17.01.2015

When you have 7 Celestial Coins, it pops up that window. I have 20 chars and they have staggered completion so chances are, during a run, at least one will have that popup asking about going to Vault of Piety. Anyway to take that into consideration and get the Coffer every 7 days?

Публикуван на: 18.01.2015

I always buy the coffers manually myself. If a character has more coins than another, I personally just buy lower cost items to get rid of the difference. This script has no ability to check to see how many coins you have or to spend them.

Публикуван на: 18.01.2015

Removed the exclamation icon from the completion message box.

Публикуван на: 05.02.2015
Редактиран на: 12.02.2015

Added an initial prompt for total characters.

Публикуван на: 05.02.2015

Added an initial prompt for total characters.

Публикуван на: 05.02.2015

How I add this invoke to gateway bot?

Публикуван на: 05.02.2015

you need autoit (external script/macro program) to run this script.

Публикуван на: 05.02.2015

Yes, I know Autoit and I cant use Autoit script with Greasymonkey or Tampermonkey.

I did this kind script year ago and it rotated my Profession bots, accounts invoke... but I was just interested if this one have similar additions... current NW bot runs only one instance so script what rotate multiple accounts is useful to get.

Публикуван на: 06.02.2015

I think you may be mixing up two different things. Autoit is a windows scripting language that you can download and install. This script runs on that after you have opened up your game client and logged in. It will not, and can not, ever run with the NW bot (which is javascript in a browser). Two very different things.

Публикуван на: 06.02.2015
Редактиран на: 06.02.2015

numberb is correct.
I have also just updated this script a little. It will no longer prompt for the number of characters if it has been defined in the script.

Публикуван на: 06.02.2015
Редактиран на: 06.02.2015

So this have nothing to do with Gateway bot. xD

(still script like this can start/close browser, some users have 20+ accounts and running them all same time... so make script do that with proper timings will help)

Публикуван на: 07.02.2015

I uploaded another version because it would sometimes not click the change character button.

Публикуван на: 09.04.2015

Anyone update this for Mod 6? I'm taking a look at it again... because who doesn't want to auto invoke 100 times a day?

Публикуван на: 09.04.2015

I went through the code and just duplicated the Invoke line in the script, and it works fine.

Публикуван на: 09.04.2015

Here is place for


Публикуван на: 10.04.2015
Редактиран на: 10.04.2015


Публикуван на: 11.04.2015

That autoinvoke bot is probably better, but seems to be overkill and a lot more complicated. Now, if I could figure out how to get Brents script to loop 6 times (being able to set the loop interval), I'd be in heaven. As it stands, I run it every hour or 2 manually.

Публикуван на: 13.04.2015

I have updated the script to work for mod 6. I will consider adding a looping option later, but will have to consider the best way to do that.

Публикуван на: 13.04.2015

I agree, I had nothing but trouble with the "other" autoinvoke bot that seems better on paper but in practice skipped the same 9 chars for no real reason.

Публикуван на: 14.04.2015

i had this working before mod 6 but now it doesnt work well it keeps doing the ctr+i command 1 time but with mod 6 it seems like that isnt working efficient because very often opens the inoke screen but doesnt actually invoke going to try to edit to make ctr+i 2 times each time but am not very good with that does anyone else have suggestions that may fix the problem?

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015

yes it works with 2 control i's

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015
Редактиран на: 15.04.2015
i had this working before mod 6 but now it doesnt work well it keeps doing the ctr+i command 1 time but with mod 6 it seems like that isnt working efficient because very often opens the inoke screen but doesnt actually invoke going to try to edit to make ctr+i 2 times each time but am not very good with that does anyone else have suggestions that may fix the problem?

You can left click the script, go to edit script and at line 5 change the timing. It may be that your comp loads the chars a little slower. I think default it is 15 seconds.

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015
Yes, I know Autoit and I cant use Autoit script with Greasymonkey or Tampermonkey.

I did this kind script year ago and it rotated my Profession bots, accounts invoke... but I was just interested if this one have similar additions... current NW bot runs only one instance so script what rotate multiple accounts is useful to get.

found this listed in another forum dont know if it will help with the multi account problem, but looking through it i seen a section for multi accounts in it

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015

btw the post where that came from was pre mod 6

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015

thank you lunarcy i had already tried changing the timing to several different ammounts but that didnt seem to be helping.I did try the extra $invokekey/sleep 500 and it has seemed to help it does still have some skips but far less then it was before. It also made longer for a 48 toon run was taking like 46 minutes with the extra key i added makes it 52 minutes and now skips roughly 3-5 toons per run but was more like 10-15 before if any other suggestions as to what i may be doing wrong plz help with new invoke system have to do too many invokes per day and this is keeping my computer too occupied.I am not complaining about the script at all even with current issues i am having still works better then any others i have seen

Публикуван на: 15.04.2015
Редактиран на: 15.04.2015

After many changes, this script works for me incredibly.
But it is unfortunately version only for me.
My idea is to use PixelGetColor() function (but coordinates differs for different resolution).
On this basis I detect:
- character selection screen
- in game screen
- Ctrl+I state (whether invocation is possible)
- invocation window
- game menu window (this one with "change character" button)
You should find a fixed point for each of the above conditions and check if they have the right color.

It took ~20-25sec for one character.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015
My idea is to use PixelGetColor() function (but coordinates differs for different resolution).

I have considered doing that myself. I would love to figure out a universal way to do it though, so that it works with anyone's computer.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015
Редактиран на: 16.04.2015

I modified the script slightly to send the invoke command 4 times in half second intervals. I also increased the default login time delay to 16 seconds and decreased the default logout time delay to 9 seconds.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015

I updated the ETA estimation to be a little more accurate, taking the additional down key presses into consideration.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015
Редактиран на: 16.04.2015

I modify my script to work with variables.

1st script to determine parameters (this is only tool to find appropriate pixels).
2nd script to invoke.

Read instruction in 1st script !!!

I use 2 pixels to determine appropriate screen/window to reduce false-positive match.

In my opinion making invocation script with delays has little sense (unless someone has only a few characters). If script skip either character (because of lag), you have additional 1.5h to take second coin.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015

Login -stuff, maybe you can look this too,

I like make Multiaccount -version for Gateway Bot, current browser bot can run on TAB's but page reloads mess up things, below snippet gets TAB´s identifier so adding just way save/identify multiple accounts and job done... just wondering where to start.

// ==UserScript==
// @name       My Fancy New Userscript, sample for Multiacc. support.
// @namespace  http://use.i.E.your.homepage/
// @version    0.1
// @description  enter something useful
// @match      http://*/*
// @match https://*/*
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_getTab 
// @grant GM_saveTab
// @grant GM_getTabs
// @copyright  2012+, You
// ==/UserScript==

var this_tab_data, all_tabs, n;

GM_getTab(function (o) {
this_tab_data = o;
n = this_tab_data.rand = Math.random();

GM_getTabs(function (db) {
    all_tabs = db;;
    for (var i in all_tabs) {
        if (all_tabs[i].rand === n)"I bet I am the tab named: " + i);
        else"Other tab: " + i + " has value: " + all_tabs[i].rand);


Публикуван на: 16.04.2015

@Rotten_mind, this discussion (and only this) is about AutoIt script

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015

so people are using this and they have not been banned?

how long have you been using script?

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015
Редактиран на: 16.04.2015

About: Neverwinter gateway - Professions Robot

Not known bans.

Botting NW in general ingame and not related to Gateway or Greasyfork, bans can happen.

Публикуван на: 16.04.2015
Редактиран на: 16.04.2015
so people are using this and they have not been banned?

Do you know why Summoning Portal in Foundry was denied?
Because of user maps with dozens of portals and bot killing imps severals hours (with corresponding enchantments supplied).
And Criptic noticed that after a few months :D

I remember bots in way to Sharandar (this one-time location) which only collect boxes and going out (time after time).

I remember hundreds of TR, trying to go out from Mount Hotenow.

Do you really think that bot which only cycle through all the characters and check if invocation is possible is interesting for Criptic?
BTW. How do you cycle Invocation?
The only difference is script do it little faster and without mistakes.

Anyway for me Neverwinter is already ended. Criptic think only about $$$.
If I get banned, I will remove the game.

BTW. Do you really think, that character with 3 legendary artifacts, 4 legendary artifact equipments and ca. 15 pieces of 10th level enchantments is possible without automotion?

Публикуван на: 17.04.2015
so people are using this and they have not been banned?

Do you know why Summoning Portal in Foundry was denied? Because of user maps with dozens of portals and bot killing imps severals hours (with corresponding enchantments supplied). And Criptic noticed that after a few months :D

I remember bots in way to Sharandar (this one-time location) which only collect boxes and going out (time after time).

I remember hundreds of TR, trying to go out from Mount Hotenow.

Do you really think that bot which only cycle through all the characters and check if invocation is possible is interesting for Criptic? BTW. How do you cycle Invocation? The only difference is script do it little faster and without mistakes.

Anyway for me Neverwinter is already ended. Criptic think only about $$$. If I get banned, I will remove the game.

BTW. Do you really think, that character with 3 legendary artifacts, 4 legendary artifact equipments and ca. 15 pieces of 10th level enchantments is possible without automotion?

Making script version what runs multiple accounts lowers system requirements and helps Gateway automation handling. Thats why I look "multiacc." and OFC because it looks feature what Tampermonkey can handle.

OffTopic, and about NW game itself... Gateway automation is currently way get all "Mythics/Trans./RAnk12" and if risk accounts then get "Astral" for ingame botting.

Look here, Forum: Neverwinter Bots and Programs, place where I found Buntas Original and APB Infinite what I still use if Im "AFK" days or weeks.... that APBI is something I look to continue, but it need source code or start C#/++ with Webkit from scratch, phew not today.

Публикуван на: 17.04.2015
so people are using this and they have not been banned?
Anyway for me Neverwinter is already ended. Criptic think only about $$$.
If I get banned, I will remove the game.

BTW. Do you really think, that character with 3 legendary artifacts, 4 legendary artifact equipments and ca. 15 pieces of 10th level enchantments is possible without automotion?

i 2nd that. the game is SHIT. complete and utter shit anymore. they were greedy from the start charging 40 bucks for a mount etc. but past couple of mods it went overboard.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to make legendaries and full rank 10s without exploiting or botting leadership the way the economy was fucked since the beginning of the game. the developers are the worst i have seen in any mmo. leaving reported exploits for months/full year+ and not patching them etc. not banning easily distinguishable bots and gold sellers. i have seen gold selling spam bots being lvl 50+ . 50 fucking levels without a ban. and then you go to TERA online and the chat there is completely free of gold spam. they are completely useless. better for them to quit the programming job and find something else to do.

Публикуван на: 17.04.2015
... the chat there is completely free of gold spam ... better for them to quit the programming job and find something else to do.

When I look at the chat in the Enclave, I wonder if the bots that display advertising, do not direct to pages, which is Criptic profits :P

Публикуван на: 17.04.2015

..whoooa, @kakoura , did you read my mind, two first sentence on your last post here, ;D .(I dont mind ingame spam, no need AD or gold)

It is only this Gateway -script what keeps me looking "this" game content and nothing else... or maybe there is little hope that some day game itself became interesting...

Публикуван на: 17.04.2015

Back to AutoIt Invoking script.

Newest version (if someone interested) is here:

- auto relogin
- better "game menu" detection
- testing script and invoking script connected.

Публикуван на: 19.04.2015

Thanks for updating this Brent!

Along with the loop suggestion- which I think would be great... you could add in delays depending on which loop and how many loops one wanted to go through... anyway, along with that...

I think you could do the "hit down twice" at the character screen to switch characters. The trick is that you still have to go up the total amount of characters you have for the first 2, but only the first two. After you log out of the 2nd toon the selection will be on your first, thus allowing you to go down two easily. And since you always go in descending order it won't mess up anything else in the process.

Just a thought. Thanks again!

Публикуван на: 21.04.2015

I added optional variables for screen detection for those who know how to fill them in. I added options for the in game screen, character selection screen, and the login screen that shows up after you get logged out.

Публикуван на: 23.04.2015

I optimized the optional variables for screen detection a little.

Публикуван на: 24.04.2015

I added a timeout for the screen detection. I have also began to consider how to implement multiple loop runs. The way I am considering implementing it, it should not be very difficult to do.

Публикуван на: 25.04.2015

Added ability to do multiple loops.

Публикуван на: 25.04.2015
Редактиран на: 25.04.2015

Hi Brent,i downloaded the new script but i can't understand what i have to input in the "The X coordinate for the pixel" fields. I see 3 inputs for x,y, and colour. Does it mean that i need 3 pair's per each screen?A little help please? Thanks in advance

Публикуван на: 25.04.2015
Редактиран на: 25.04.2015

You can add as many or as little coordinates for the pixels as you want. You could add just one pair and delete the other two to the right of the first, or add many more if you want to. I recommend just three though. Spaces are filtered out, so you can add as many or as few of those in between as you like.

I did a test run last night and it did 6 entire loops invoking 24 characters without fail. I was impressed. :)

Публикуван на: 27.04.2015

I added an option to have the script invoke even if you will lose Celestial Coins. You just need to add the x, y coordinates for the button that will make it Invoke Anyway.

Публикуван на: 27.04.2015

About: Neverwinter gateway - Professions Robot

Updated, and it seems to working, now version

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015
Редактиран на: 29.04.2015


Loved the work you did on this script Brent, and also the way WloBeb, i am attemping to run neverwinter on a virtual machine, so it runs slow as molasses works! with that in mind Wlobeb's script worked nearly perfectly, i just had to increase a lot of the sleep() when moving around menu's exiting or during character selection, and also in general when it was detecting if the invoke window was open...

However Brent's script was able to do loops and had nice popup boxed for filling out # of characters, which loop you are on and also which character to start this current loop on and always start if you say add more characters that day).

With that in mind i modified Brent script to use some of the screen method detections Wlobeb was using instead of just waiting on a screen i had it do some while statments to wait for things to be true.. I also modified the timeout setting to be 60 seconds, and attempt to return to the Character select screen (i would get hung every once in awhile on the detecting ingame screen wait period), i KNOW this code could be cleaned up some, and it is UGLY!!! but i thought Brent and Wlobeb might be able to do something better with it and make it run nicer if they liked :)

Thanks for the work you guys did!! love it

here is a link to the modified version

PS.. sorry about hijacking your gateway bot/script forum for this autoit script, Rotten_mind!
hope ya don't mind..

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015

It's relevant to Neverwinter, so I doubt it is a problem. :) It isn't like we are charging anything for these scripts. :p

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015
It's relevant to Neverwinter, so I doubt it is a problem. :) It isn't like we are charging anything for these scripts. :p

It is part of NW, but not part of this forum. I keep other project on forums where they belongs... so if you cant start new fork with script here, then maybe it belongs place like Ownedcore.

... BTW, Neverwinter gateway - Professions Robot is now updated.

  • SCA has time based rolls, but how detect SCA reset and aautomat it better

Most script functions needs "timeout" functions can we replace them with "callback", this is now related to this place.

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015

So,in both Brent's script and in Randy's when i set up the pixels and i start the script the game seems to be the second window and it wont recognise it because the first window is the script..I also see the windows bar at the buttom indicating this.. So the script wont recognize the screen. Any ideas why is this happening?

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015

the location you pick for the pixel recognition matters a lot i found out..

for the login screen i got some of the yellow/orange on the "LOGIN" button on the bottom right

for the in game screen i got the righthand VERY edge of the minimap in the dark grey area, and made sure to miss any map location points or accidentally get the background

For the character selection screen i got the enter world button (this one gave me issues, and it may be your problem, i had to set my taskbar to autohide because it was coverying the pixels i had picked for it to recognize)

for the invocation screen, this one took me awhile too.. i picked some of the bright border around the actual button that you click on to "invoke".. you want the LOWER border box area not the upper (because it changes colors based on if you can invoke or not) this was one of the FEW unchanging points on that screen that was not also covered up by something else due to running at 1024/768 for me

the Ctrl-I on/off areas are the icon at the TOP of the screen/gui where it shows the icon for your chosen god then below that it says Ctrl-i that goes white or grey based on if you can invoke or not..

you have to take into account if ANYTHING covers you selected area it will screw up.. that even includes your task bar, the white window the script creates to tell you what it is doing, and i on two characters the backback window (because it was sometimes just getting I not ctrl-i) cover up the minimap point and screw things up...

lemme know if this additional info helps ya out...

Публикуван на: 29.04.2015


Публикуван на: 30.04.2015

I added an option to collect coffers if you get to max Celestial Coins. Those coffers can be opened from the gateway.

Публикуван на: 30.04.2015

Made the script remove the splash window when the script needs to interact with the screen.

Публикуван на: 02.05.2015

Replaced arrow key presses with a mouse click for the change character button, because some times the arrow key presses were not going through, causing the script to time out.

Публикуван на: 02.05.2015

Replaced remaining loops option with starting loop, so that it may be less confusing and more consistent.

Публикуван на: 02.05.2015

Added option to detect the game menu when changing characters.

Публикуван на: 02.05.2015

Yo Brent,
hope you can clarify for me, why you use 3 coordinates for on X pixel?
Local $SelectionScreenX = Array("0, 0, 0") ;The X coordinate for the pixel.

it's a bit confusing as to what to enter there... (subsequently all the following statements too)...

Публикуван на: 02.05.2015
Редактиран на: 02.05.2015
Yo Brent, hope you can clarify for me, why you use 3 coordinates for on X pixel? Local $SelectionScreenX = Array("0, 0, 0") ;The X coordinate for the pixel. it's a bit confusing as to what to enter there... (subsequently all the following statements too)...

Well, you can add as many or as few as you want to. The more you add the less likely there is of a mistake, but there should be no need for more than two or three. When looking for what pixels to use, you will want to pick something that stands out that does not change on the screen and does not get covered up, like the left edge of your character's level indicator.

Here is an example with two filled out:

Local $SelectionScreenX = Array("212,    213")
Local $SelectionScreenY = Array("568,    568")
Local $SelectionScreenC = Array("000000, 794200")

And here is an example with three filled out:

Local $SelectionScreenX = Array("212,    213,    214")
Local $SelectionScreenY = Array("568,    568,    568")
Local $SelectionScreenC = Array("000000, 794200, D97600")

The first coordinates points to a location at X212, Y568 with a color of black.

I hope that is helpful.

I am also considering making a little tutorial on how to fill out the information with screen shots, as I am sure that would help a lot more.

On a side note, I just ran the script with the latest changes last night and it went completely through 52 characters 6 times without fail. It took 5 hours and relogged 5 times in total.

Публикуван на: 03.05.2015

Hey, thanx for the information... that did clarify things (I actually thought that that was the way it is, but wasn't quite sure)...

and yes a small tut would be helpful, imho...

and time to switch over from the simple to this one... ;)

Публикуван на: 03.05.2015
Редактиран на: 03.05.2015

damn double post... ;(

Публикуван на: 03.05.2015

It now counts how many coffers it collects and shows that number when done invoking.

Публикуван на: 03.05.2015

Great work on the script, thank you so much! :)
I'd just like to ask a few questions, though:
1. How does the script handle automatic logout due to 15 minutes of inactivity?
2. As I understand it, the script will buy a coffer when it detects the charater has 11 coins, is that correct?
3. If 2. is correct - which of the three coffers will the script buy?

Публикуван на: 04.05.2015

It never stays in game and the character selection screen does not have an inactivity timer. If you have the login screen information filled out it will try to detect the login screen and log you back in if you are logged out, even if you are somehow logged out due to inactivity.

It will buy a coffer when it detects 14 coins, because a warning message pops up when you try to invoke with 14 coins, and it tries to detect that message. You will have to take a screen shot of that warning and get the information needed for the button that is on that message.

And, you have to fill out the location of the coffer that it clicks on for it to work, so, you get to decide what coffer that it picks.

None of this will work unless you properly fill out the pixel information though.

Публикуван на: 04.05.2015

Its not working.

Its not do profession and invoke.

Публикуван на: 04.05.2015
Its not working. Its not do profession and invoke.

Autoinvoke is Autoit -script.

It has nothing to do with greasyfork, tampermonkey or userscript for browsers.

@Brent just use this thread to promote he´s script.

I wish that @Brent stop this thread Hijacking and move to fully in Github or Ownedcore, those are good place to keep conversation for bot script in general.

This is About: Neverwinter gateway - Professions Robot

Публикуван на: 04.05.2015
Редактиран на: 24.03.2016

Please post any further questions or requests for this script here:

I will no longer respond to questions or requests posted in this thread.

Публикуван на: 07.05.2015

For anyone interested, I just released a 2.0 version of this invoking script. Seems to work pretty well.

Публикуван на: 08.05.2015

The thread is sinked now so it won't be bumped up on new messages. Won't delete it for its historical value.

Публикуван на: 10.05.2015
Редактиран на: 10.05.2015

Released version 2.1 with an added delay start option.

I sometimes wanted to have the script wait before it began. Like, if it had some time before invoking would be available again, or if it was waiting for the server reset. So that is why I added this option.

Публикуван на: 13.04.2016
Редактиран на: 06.05.2016

Hey, this worked fine untill today suddenly it "waiting for login screen" and if i manually log in it says "neverwinter window not found" any ideas? been using this for along time now no probs, i had to manually invoke my 20 characters today :'(
I am happy to donate to the cause this makes me enough ingame diamonds, if you can fix it i can give you some money!! mail me @

also can i add action to this? would like it to collect my VIP rewards if possible.


Публикуван на: 16.04.2016

Seems to get stuck at the "Press Any Key" screen when logging in after the first run...

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