Bangumi 译名次要化或删除

Make Translated Names Secondary or Removed on Bangumi.

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v0.16 27.01.2024

    fix regex to handle worklist under person subject with params

    remove localized character or person names under /mono page

    Merge pull request #3 from 2Jelly2/2Jelly2-patch-1

    version 0.16

  • v0.15 31.10.2023

    Add: handles timeline pages for nonspecific users

  • v0.14 29.10.2023

    Fix: handles localized episode name in subject page

  • v0.13 29.10.2023

    Optimize: improve Extinction Mode coverage

  • v0.12 29.10.2023

    Fix: change filter logic to handle subjects in user collection page

  • v0.11 29.10.2023 Imported from URL
  • v0.10 29.10.2023 Imported from URL