Google Search Classic Navbar

Restore the garbage UX nav bar.

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v0.2.6 09.12.2023
    • Support for selector updates
  • v0.2.5 08.12.2023
    • Support for selector updates
    • Modified to keep up with expected future selector updates
  • v0.2.4 03.11.2023
    • Fix doesnt work when search "youtube music"
    • Fix trusedTypes is undefined error
  • v0.2.3 23.10.2023

    bug fix

  • v0.2.2 09.09.2023

    fix selector

    fix icon

  • v0.2.0 09.07.2023

    add Books

  • v0.1.0-beta 03.07.2023