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YouTube Super Fast Chat

Ultimate Performance Boost for YouTube Live Chats

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v0.60.41 07.01.2024

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature

    • added fixChildrenIssue801 to fix the incorrect YouTube engine coding due to Polymer Controller method get not found in HTMLDivElement

    • added skipErrorForhandleAddChatItemAction_ to avoid throwing error due to above issue (just in case)

  • v0.60.40 01.01.2024

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.39 01.01.2024

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Change

    Introduce nextBrowserTick (experimental)

  • v0.60.38 31.12.2023

    Script Update

    remove kevlar_tuner_should_test_maintain_stable_list = true due to timestamp toggle issue

  • v0.60.38 31.12.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.60.37 29.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Minor Update

  • v0.60.36 29.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Fix Async Issue

  • v0.60.35 29.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Fix Async Issue

  • v0.60.34 20.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.33 20.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update

  • v0.60.32 20.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.31 20.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature


  • v0.60.30 14.12.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.60.29 14.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | FireFox Bug Fix

  • v0.60.28 06.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.27 06.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update Fix

  • v0.60.26 04.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update Fix

  • v0.60.25 04.12.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.60.24 04.12.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature


  • v0.60.23 30.11.2023

    Script Update | polymer_enable_sink_wrapper

    prepare for polymer_enable_sink_wrapper

  • v0.60.22 10.11.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.21 10.11.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update

    update to fnIntegrity(mclp.flushActiveItems_, '0.138.81')

  • v0.60.20 10.11.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update

    update to fnIntegrity(cProto.startScrolling, '1.43.31')

  • v0.60.19 10.11.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Update

    update fnIntegrity(cProto.computeContainerStyle) to 2.44.29

  • v0.60.18 10.11.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Minor fix

  • v0.60.17 14.10.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Fix

    fix auto scrolling issue

  • v0.60.16 07.10.2023

    Update vanillajs-iframe-v1

  • v0.60.15 05.10.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix

  • v0.60.14 05.10.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.13 05.10.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Fix

    revert operation on shouldAnimateIn to avoid bug

  • v0.60.12 28.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Minor Fix

    Fix FLAGS execution ordering

  • v0.60.11 27.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix

  • v0.60.10 26.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix

  • v0.60.9 26.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.8 26.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature


  • v0.60.7 26.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature


  • v0.60.6 22.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature

    Disable Google Translation Hints (DISABLE_Translation_By_Google)

  • v0.60.5 19.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Fix

  • v0.60.4 19.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Code Change

    added ytConfigHacks to replace flagsFnOnInterval

  • v0.60.3 18.09.2023

    blobURL for clean context in WebKit

  • v0.60.2 18.09.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js


  • v0.60.1 08.09.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.60.0 06.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | New Feature

    added AMEND_TICKER_handleLiveChatAction to fix ticker duplication and unresponsively fast ticker generation

  • v0.58.6 05.09.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.58.5 05.09.2023

    Update 469878-youtube-chat.js

  • v0.58.4 05.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Change Feature


  • v0.58.2 05.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Change Default


  • v0.58.2 05.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix

  • v0.58.1 02.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Bug Fix

  • v0.58.0 02.09.2023

    YouTube Super Fast Chat | Major Change

    • CHANGE_DATA_FLUSH_ASYNC changed to false due to bug report 199479
    • rewrite the mechanism for playback tickers handling
    • code to fix playback preload data incorrectness.

Покажи всички версии на скрипта.