Change YouTube logo link to user's subscription feed instead of homepage, when logged in, for 2017 and later YouTube layout.
< Отзив за Youtube Logo - Link to subscriptions feed
Now rewritten to work with AJAX page updates and all top TLDs
Greetings friend, I also have a script like this [made it myself, it is not posted on greasyfork though] and I just realized that my script broke because whenever I click a link now the entire page doesn't reload anymore [yeah AJAX page changes] I just wanted to know how you managed to fix that. Your code looks very different from mine, and my code looks very noob-ish compared to yours, but I assume its that addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted') part of your code that listens for page changes.
I hope you reply :D.
Greetings friend, I also have a script like this [made it myself, it is not posted on greasyfork though] and I just realized that my script broke because whenever I click a link now the entire page doesn't reload anymore [yeah AJAX page changes] I just wanted to know how you managed to fix that. Your code looks very different from mine, and my code looks very noob-ish compared to yours, but I assume its that addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted') part of your code that listens for page changes.
I hope you reply :D.
Sorry for late reply.
Yes you are correct the addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted') is triggered every time an element changes, this was implemented due to AJAX no longer triggering the original script - just like you said!
I am not a userscript pro, and it is my understanding that using addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted') is not the most efficient method due to being triggered so many times, but I had no better idea! If you find another method please let me know.
The previous version of the script (based off' the original by tolanri @ is here:
Hello again Ranie.
After more research I have updated the script to use the following handlers which are only triggered 1-2 times per page load:
document.addEventListener('readystatechange', runScript);
document.addEventListener('spfdone', runScript);
Please see:
Regards :)
Updated 11th November 2015
YouTube updates broke script again. Fixed.