Публикуван на: 19.07.2014
Редактиран на: 19.07.2014

Popup on web.stagram.com

EXAMPLE PAGE http://web.stagram.com/n/justinbieber/

● On all the http://web.stagram.com (NOT SIGNED IN because I do not have an account, I am just browsing)...
there is a popup that you need to click close, and then the page scrolls to the bottom of the page, so then you have to scroll up to the top of page.

● I could remove it with CSS but then clicking links malfunctions (leftclick or middleclick), and clicking the next page earlier/later fails... it instead causes the same page to scroll up.


● Request a script please that will eliminate this popup and the background overlay, and prevent the scroll to the bottom of the page, and allow all links to function and connect please.
This popup appears on each page (earlier/later) of an url.

● I browse 25 different webstagram accounts a day... and so this is much needed thankyou.
● I don't use adblock addon, I use Advert Ban and it does not remove it.

Please and thankyou.

Публикуван на: 19.07.2014

With a slight change to your CSS the earlier button will work, unsure about the links malfunctions.


Публикуван на: 20.07.2014
Редактиран на: 20.07.2014

I went ahead and created a script for you that would do this.
It's super simple but should be effect.

If you'd like to thank me write a better description that I can put on the script (:


Публикуван на: 20.07.2014
Редактиран на: 22.07.2014

Thankyou very much!
It does seem to work and allow all link function.
I should have tested more with CSS.
Appreciate your help AnnaMarie!

I wanted to give good review for any script or style you have posted... but see you have none posted.

Thankyou very much for the script!
It works perfectly!

● I think the Description in the script is fine the way it is.
"Removes popups from webstagram".

● I thanked you with review here.

● But maybe add author and homepage.

// ==UserScript==
// @name WebStagram Popup Remover
// @version 0.51
// @author Ray
// @homepage https://greasyfork.org/scripts/3446-webstagram-popup-remover
// @namespace Learning2Program
// @description Removes popups from webstagram.
// @include *web.stagram.com/*
// @run-at document-end
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
// ==/UserScript==

Публикуван на: 24.07.2014
Редактиран на: 24.07.2014

Wow this is freaky.

After months of being web.stagram.com... on July 22, a couple days after the script was created...
The site changed from web.stagram.com to websta.me
Could be just a temporary test and will be back to old url.

It redirects automatically... but you now need to include:
// @include *websta.me/*
// @include *web.stagram.com/*

And strangely the CSS


Must now be
{visibility: collapse !important;}

Публикуван на: 26.07.2014

I added the new domain, it's working again.

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