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Removing reviews does not reflect the counters
Thanks Jason, that makes it way more clear then, I was wondering why this was behaving like that. Still there should be some sort of info up there explaining that it is only showing the 30 most recent, because there is absolutely nothing in there hinting that.
Removing reviews does not reflect the counters
Currently just got a red review "removed" after flagging, but the counter on the userscript listing remains unchanged. I also noticed that although there are 0 red reviews, it still shows 2 on the counters:
Reviews containing 0 red: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/?script_author=8223
Counter still shows 2 red: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9932-youtube
Also it counts 6 yellow, but there is only 2?
Are removed reviews actually being "hidden" or is this something that should be fixed?