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Nihongo de ok for RES settings

Reddit Enhancement Suite(RES)の設定画面を日本語に翻訳します(RES v5.2.1対応)

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Nihongo de ok for RES settings
// @namespace    nihongo-de-ok-for-res-settings
// @version
// @description  Reddit Enhancement Suite(RES)の設定画面を日本語に翻訳します(RES v5.2.1対応)
// @author       kusotool
// @include      http://**
// @include      https://**
// @grant        none
// @license      GNU General Public License version 3 or later
// ==/UserScript==
//	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//	(at your option) any later version.
//	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//	GNU General Public License for more details.
//	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//	along with this program.  If not, see <>.

/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';

// Your code here...
var resja_debug = false;
var res_official_translated = false;
var prev_url = "";
var attr_translated = "translated_by_resja";
var fTranslate = [];
var translate_data_keyhelp = TranslateData([
    "Keyboard navigation for reddit!",
    "If media is open on the currently selected post when moving up/down one post, open media on the next post.",
    "Scroll window to top of link when expando key is used (to keep pics etc in view)",
    "When moving up/down with keynav, when and how should RES scroll the window?",
    "Directional: Scroll just enough to bring the selected element into view, if it's offscreen.",
    "Directional: 選択中の項目が画面に入るようにスクロールします。",
    "Page up/down: Scroll up/down an entire page after reaching the top or bottom.",
    "Page up/down: 画面の一番上/下に移動したときに、ページ単位でスクロールします。",
    "Lock to top: Always align the selected element to the top of the screen.",
    "Lock to top: 選択中の項目が常に画面の一番上になるようにします。",
    "In middle: Scroll just enough to bring the selected element to the middle of the viewport.",
    "In middle: 選択中の項目が画面の真ん中あたりに来るようにスクロールします。",
    "Legacy: If the element is offscreen, lock to top.",
    "Legacy: 項目が画面外に出てしまうとき、一番上に来るようにします。",
    "When jumping to a entry (moveUpThread/moveDownThread, moveUpSibling/moveDownSibling, moveToParent, and moveDownParentSibling), when and how should RES scroll the window?",
    "Assign number keys (e.g. [1]) to links within selected comment",
    "Which side commentsLinkNumbers are displayed",
    "When a link has an expando, toggle it instead of opening the link. Holding alt inverts this action.",
    "Open number key links in a new tab",
    "After hiding a link, automatically select the next link",
    "After voting on a link, automatically select the next link",
    "After voting on a comment, automatically select the next comment",
    "Require initiating goMode before using \"go to\" shortcuts",
    "When following a link in new tab - focus the tab?",
    "Show help for keyboard shortcuts",
    "Launch RES command line",
    "Launch filter command line",
    "Hide link",
    "Move up to the previous link or comment in flat lists",
    "Move down to the next link or comment in flat lists",
    "Move up to the previous comment on threaded comment pages",
    "Move down to the next comment on threaded comment pages",
    "Move to top of list (on link pages)",
    "Move to bottom of list (on link pages)",
    "Move to previous sibling (in comments) - skips to previous sibling at the same depth.",
    "前の兄弟コメントに移動する。(コメント表示のとき) - 同じ深さの前の兄弟までスキップします。",
    "Move to next sibling (in comments) - skips to next sibling at the same depth.",
    "次の兄弟コメントに移動する。(コメント表示のとき) - 同じ深さの次の兄弟までスキップします。",
    "Move to parent' next sibling (in comments).",
    "Move to the topmost comment of the previous thread (in comments).",
    "Move to the topmost comment of the next thread (in comments).",
    "Move to the topmost comment of the current thread (in comments).",
    "Move to parent (in comments).",
    "Display parent comments.",
    "Follow link (link pages only)",
    "Follow link in new tab (link pages only)",
    "Toggle expando (image/text/video)",
    "Increase the size of image(s) in the highlighted post area",
    "Decrease the size of image(s) in the highlighted post area",
    "Increase the size of image(s) in the highlighted post area (finer control)",
    "Decrease the size of image(s) in the highlighted post area (finer control)",
    "Removes the height restriction of image(s) in the highlighted post area",
    "Move the image(s) in the highlighted post area up",
    "Move the image(s) in the highlighted post area down",
    "Move the image(s) in the highlighted post area left",
    "Move the image(s) in the highlighted post area right",
    "View the previous image of an inline gallery.",
    "インラインギャラリーの前のイメージを見る。(\"← 01 of 20 →\"のような表示がある場合の画像切り替えを行う)",
    "View the next image of an inline gallery.",
    "インラインギャラリーの次のイメージを見る。(\"← 01 of 20 →\"のような表示がある場合の画像切り替えを行う)",
    "Toggle \"show images\" button",
    "\"show images\"ボタンの状態を切り替える。",
    "Expand/collapse comments (comments pages only)",
    "View comments for link (shift opens them in a new tab)",
    "View comments for link in a new tab",
    "View link and comments in new tabs",
    "View link and comments in new background tabs",
    "Upvote selected link or comment (or remove the upvote)",
    "Downvote selected link or comment (or remove the downvote)",
    "Upvote selected link or comment (but don't remove the upvote)",
    "Downvote selected link or comment (but don't remove the downvote)",
    "Save the current post to your reddit account. This is accessible from anywhere that you're logged in, but does not preserve the original text if it's edited or deleted.",
    "Save the current comment to your reddit account. This is accessible from anywhere that you're logged in, but does not preserve the original text if it's edited or deleted.",
    "Save the current comment with RES. This does preserve the original text of the comment, but is only saved locally.",
    "Reply to current comment (comment pages only)",
    "Open the current comment's permalink (comment pages only)",
    "Open the current comment's permalink in a new tab (comment pages only)",
    "Go to subreddit of selected link (link pages only)",
    "Go to subreddit of selected link in a new tab (link pages only)",
    "Enter \"goMode\" (necessary before using any of the below \"go to\" shortcuts)",
    "Go to inbox",
    "[goモード対応] メッセージの受信箱を開く。",
    "Go to inbox in a new tab",
    "[goモード対応] メッセージの受信箱を新しいタブで開く。",
    "Go to modmail",
    "[goモード対応] modmailを開く。",
    "Go to modmail in a new tab",
    "[goモード対応] modmailを新しいタブで開く。",
    "Go to profile",
    "[goモード対応] プロフィールを開く。",
    "Go to profile in a new tab",
    "[goモード対応] プロフィールを新しいタブで開く。",
    "Go to front page",
    "[goモード対応] フロントページを開く。",
    "Go to subreddit front page",
    "[goモード対応] サブレディットのフロントページを開く。",
    "Go to a random subreddit",
    "[goモード対応] ランダムなサブレディットに行く。",
    "Go to next page (link list pages only)",
    "[goモード対応] 次のページに行く。(リンク一覧ページでのみ有効)",
    "Go to prev page (link list pages only)",
    "[goモード対応] 前のページに行く。(リンク一覧ページでのみ有効)",
    "Open Comment Navigator",
    "Move up using Comment Navigator",
    "Move down using Comment Navigator",
    "Place on right",
    "Place on left",

function TranslateCategory(cat_id, jp) {
    var arrayTarget = document.getElementsByClassName("categoryButton");
    for(var i = 0; i < arrayTarget.length; i++){
        var target = arrayTarget[i];
        if(target.getAttribute("data-category") === "aboutCategory" && target.innerHTML === "RESについて"){
            res_official_translated = true;
        if(target.getAttribute("data-category") === cat_id){
                target.innerHTML = jp;
                target.innerHTML = jp + "<br> " + target.innerHTML;                

function TranslateModule(en, jp, arrayRightPaneTranslateData, funcCustom) {
    var arrayTarget = document.getElementsByClassName("moduleButton");
    for(var i = 0; i < arrayTarget.length; i++){
        var target = arrayTarget[i];
        if(target.getAttribute("data-module") === en){
                target.innerHTML = jp;
                target.innerHTML = jp + "<br> " + target.innerHTML;
            fTranslate[en] = function(){
                if(typeof(funcCustom) === "function") funcCustom();
                prev_url = location.href;
            target.addEventListener("click", function() {
                setTimeout(fTranslate[en], 100);

function TranslateRightPane(arrayRightPaneTranslateData) {
    if(resja_debug) {
        document.getElementsByClassName("moduleName")[0].innerHTML += "[" + arrayRightPaneTranslateData.count + "]";

    Translate(document.getElementById("RESConfigPanelOptions"), arrayRightPaneTranslateData);

function Translate(e, td){

    if(td.count == 1 && td["*"]){
        e.innerHTML += td["*"];
    else if(e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute("class") === "optionTitle"){
        Translate(e.nextSibling, td);
        var translated = false;
            var en1 = e.innerHTML;
            en1 = en1.replace(/(\n|\t|\s)+/g, " ");
            en1 = en1.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
                e.innerHTML = td[en1];
                translated = true;
        else if(e.nodeValue){
            var en2 = e.nodeValue;
            en2 = en2.replace(/(\n|\t|\s)+/g, " ");
            en2 = en2.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
                e.nodeValue = td[en2];
                translated = true;

        if(!translated && e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute("value") && td[e.getAttribute("value")]) {
            e.setAttribute("value", td[e.getAttribute("value")]);
            e.addEventListener("click", function(){
                Translate(document.getElementById("RESConfigPanelOptions"), td);
            }, false);

    if(e.hasChildNodes) Translate(e.childNodes[0], td);
    Translate(e.nextSibling, td);

function TranslateDescriptionByRegExp(regexp, replacetext) {
    var arrayElements = document.getElementsByClassName("optionDescription");
    for(var i = 0; i < arrayElements.length; i++) {
        var e = arrayElements[i];
        if(("" + e.innerHTML).match(regexp)){
            e.innerHTML = ("" + e.innerHTML).replace(regexp, replacetext);

function TranslateData(arrayData){
    var td = [];

    if(arrayData.length % 2 === 1){

    var count = 0;
    while(arrayData.length > 0){
        var l = arrayData.shift();
        var r = arrayData.shift();
        if(!td[l] && td[l] !== ""){
            if(!resja_debug) {
                td[l] = r;
            else {
                td[l] = "" + (count+1) + ":" + r;
    td.count = count;

    return td;

function AddDescription(id, text) {
    var targetparent = document.getElementById(id);
    for(var i = 0; i < targetparent.children.length; i++) {
        var target = targetparent.children[i];
        var c = target.getAttribute("class").split(" ");
        for(var j = 0; j < c.length; j++){
            if(c[j] === "optionDescription") {
                target.innerHTML = text;

function TranslateActiveModule() {
    var arrayTarget = document.getElementsByClassName("moduleButton");
    for(var i = 0; i < arrayTarget.length; i++) {
        var target = arrayTarget[i];
        var c = target.getAttribute("class").split(" ");
        for(var j = 0; j < c.length; j++){
            if(c[j] === "active") {
                var dm = fTranslate[target.getAttribute("data-module")];
                if(typeof(dm) === "function") dm();

function IsTranslated(e) {
    if(e && e.getAttribute) {
        return(e.getAttribute(attr_translated) === "true");
        return true;

function MarkTranslated(e) {
    if(e && e.setAttribute) {
        e.setAttribute(attr_translated, "true");
        throw "Error on MarkTranslated";

function TranslateSettings(){
    var resconfpane = document.getElementById("RESConfigPanelModulesPane");
    if(IsTranslated(resconfpane)) {
        if(prev_url !== location.href && !location.href.match(/#!settings\/search\/.*/)){//RES tipsなどから移動してきた場合など、翻訳されてない場合に強制実行
            prev_url = location.href;

    TranslateCategory("aboutCategory",        "RESについて"   );
    TranslateCategory("myAccountCategory",    "マイアカウント");
    TranslateCategory("usersCategory",        "ユーザー"      );
    TranslateCategory("commentsCategory",     "コメント"      );
    TranslateCategory("submissionsCategory",  "サブミッション");
    TranslateCategory("subredditsCategory",   "サブレディット");
    TranslateCategory("appearanceCategory",   "見た目"        );
    TranslateCategory("browsingCategory",     "ブラウジング"  );
    TranslateCategory("productivityCategory", "生産性"        );
    TranslateCategory("coreCategory",         "コア"          );

    Translate(document.getElementById("RESAllOptions"), TranslateData(["Show advanced options", "上級者向け設定を表示する"]));
    Translate(document.getElementById("noOptions"), TranslateData(["There are no configurable options for this module.", "この機能に他の設定はありません。"]));
    Translate(document.getElementById("keyCodeModal"), TranslateData(["Press a key (or combination with shift, alt and/or ctrl) to assign this action.", "キー(shift, alt, ctrl から一つまたは複数の同時押しも可)を登録できます"]));
    Translate(document.getElementById("alert_message"), TranslateData(["<div id=\"alert_message\" style=\"display: block;\"><div><p>Restoring a .resbackup file will <strong>permanently</strong> overwrite your current settings. Are you sure you want to do this?</p></div><input type=\"button\" value=\"confirm\" class=\"button-right\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"cancel\" class=\"button-right\"></div>", "きます"]));
    Translate(document.getElementById("RESConsoleVersionDisplay"), TranslateData(["*", "(+unofficial Japanese translation v5.2.1.0)"]));

        "contribute", "寄付と貢献", TranslateData([
            "RES is entirely free - as in beer, as in open source, as in everything. If you like our work, a contribution would be greatly appreciated.",
            "RESは完全に無料です - すべての場合のように、オープンソースの場合のように、ビールの場合のように。もし気に入っていただけたのなら、寄付をお願いいたします。",
            "When you contribute, you make it possible for the team to cover hosting costs and other expenses so that we can focus on doing what we do best: making your Reddit experience even better.",
            "Fee-free donation methods:",
            "Donation methods we pay a fee on:",
            "PayPal (least preferred, charges fees)",
            "PayPal (手数料がかかるので、最も好まれません)",
        "search", "RESの設定項目の検索", TranslateData([
            "You can search for RES options by module name, option name, and description. For example, try searching for \"daily trick\" in one of the following ways:",
            "RESの設定項目をモジュール名・オプション名・説明文から検索できます。例えば「daily trick」を探す場合は次の方法のいずれかが使用できます:",
            "type <code>daily trick</code> in the search box to the left and click the magnifying glass button",
            "左にある検索ボックスに daily trick と入力して虫眼鏡ボタンを押します。",
            "press <code>.</code> to open the RES console, type in <code>search <em>daily trick</em></code>, and press Enter",
            "キーボードの . を押してRESコンソールを開き、search daily trick と入力してEnterキーを押します。",
        "submitIssue", "問題を報告", TranslateData([
            "If you have any problems with RES, visit <a href=\"/r/RESissues\">/r/RESissues</a>. If you have any requests or questions, visit <a href=\"/r/Enhancement\">/r/Enhancement</a>.",
            "RESの問題を見つけたら <a href=\"/r/RESissues\">/r/RESissues</a> (英語)を訪れてください。要望や質問があれば <a href=\"/r/Enhancement\">/r/Enhancement</a>(英語) を訪れてください。<br>※RESの翻訳は非公式なものですので、上記のサブミッションには書き込まないでください。<br><br>RESの日本語化や、RESに関する情報交換を日本語でやり取りをしたい方は <a href=\"/r/Enhancement_ja\">/r/Enhancement_ja</a> を訪れてください。",
        "troubleshooter", "トラブルシューター", TranslateData([
            "Resolve common problems and clean/clear unwanted settings data.<br><br>Your first line of defence against browser crashes/updates, or potential issues with RES, is a frequent backup.<br><br>See <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings\">here</a> for details on backing up your RES settings.",
            "よくある問題の解決や、不要なデータの削除ができます。<br><br>RESの設定を定期的にバックアップして、ブラウザやRESの不具合による消失に備えてください。<br><br>RESの設定のバックアップについては <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings\">ここ</a> を見てください。(<a id=\"resja_1\" href=\"#!settings/backupAndRestore\">RESの設定画面からバックアップと復元ができます</a>。)",
            "Clear your RES cache and session. This includes the \"My Subreddits\" dropdown and cached user or subreddit info.",
            "あなたのRESキャッシュとセッションを消去します。これにはMy Subredditsドロップダウンとユーザーもしくはサブレディット情報のキャッシュが含まれます。",
            "Remove all entries for users with between +1 and -1 vote tallies (only non-tagged users).",
            "Warning: This will remove all your RES settings, including tags, saved comments, filters etc!",
            "Reloads the page and disables RES for this tab <i>only</i>. RES will still be enabled in any other reddit tabs or windows you currently have open or open after this. This feature can be used for troubleshooting, as well as to quickly hide usernotes, vote counts, subreddit shortcuts, and other RES data for clean screenshotting.",
            "Reloads the page and profiles startup time. Future reloads in the current tab only will also be profiled.",
            "Reloads the page and profiles the duration of each module stage (in the console). Future reloads in the current tab only will also be profiled.",
            "Pause JavaScript execution to allow debugging",
            "Test rendering templates",
            "A few environment/browser specific tests",
            "Pause JavaScript",
            "Test templates",
            "Test environment",
        function() {
            document.getElementById("resja_1").addEventListener("click", function() {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 100);
            }, false);
        "about", "RESについて", TranslateData([
            "Reddit Enhancement Suite is a collection of modules that makes browsing reddit a whole lot easier.",
            "Reddit Enhancement Suiteはredditを簡単に見られるようにする機能の集まりです。",
            "Quickly customize RES with various presets.",
            "Back up and restore your RES settings.",
            "Find RES settings.",
            "Read the latest at /r/RESAnnouncements.",
            "アナウンス:最新情報を /r/RESAnnouncements で確認します。",
            "Support further RES development.",
            "If something isn't working right, visit /r/RESissues for help.",
            "バグ:もし正しく動作していないなら /r/RESissues で助けを求めてください。",
            "If you have an idea for RES or want to chat with other users, visit /r/Enhancement.",
            "提案:RESへの要望や、他のRESユーザーとチャットをするには /r/Enhancement を訪れてください。",
            "Learn more about RES on the /r/Enhancement wiki.",
            "よくある質問:RESについてさらに知るために /r/Enhancement wikiに移動します。",
            "You can improve RES with your code, designs, and ideas! RES is an open-source project on GitHub.",
            "開発:あなたのコード、デザイン、アイデアでRESをより良くすることができます! RESはGitHub上で公開されているオープンソースプロジェクトです。",
            "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferer\" href=\"\">Steve Sobel</a> (<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferer\" href=\"/user/honestbleeps/\">/u/honestbleeps</a>) and a slew of community members have contributed code, design and/or great ideas to RES.",
            "貢献者:<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferer\" href=\"\">Steve Sobel</a>氏 (<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferer\" href=\"/user/honestbleeps/\">/u/honestbleeps</a>) とコミュニティのメンバーがRESのためにコード・デザイン・素晴らしいアイデアを提供してくれました。",
            "Read about RES's privacy policy.",
            "Reddit Enhancement Suite is released under the GPL v3.0 license.",
            "ライセンス:Reddit Enhancement Suiteのライセンス(GPL v3.0)を読みます。",
        "RESTips", "RESの便利な使い方", TranslateData([
            "Adds tips/tricks help to RES console.",
            "Show a random tip once every 24 hours.",
        "accountSwitcher", "アカウント切り替え", TranslateData([
            "Store username/password pairs and switch accounts instantly while browsing Reddit! <br><br> If you forget a password which is stored in Account Switcher, <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/faq/passwords\">you can recover them from RES settings</a>. Be aware that RES offers very little protection for stored passwords, so be careful when sharing your computer or settings!",
            "ユーザー名(ID)とパスワードの組み合わせを保存しておき、アカウントをすぐに切り替えることができます。<br><br>もしパスワードを忘れてしまっても、ここで保存したパスワードなら <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/faq/passwords\">RES設定から復元</a>(英語) することができます。しかしRESのパスワード保護は最低限なので、PCや設定を共有するときはパスワードを盗まれないように注意してください。",
            "Keep me logged in when I restart my browser.",
            "Set your usernames and passwords below. They are only stored in RES preferences.",
            "+add account",
            "After switching accounts, show a warning in other tabs.",
            "After switching accounts, automatically reload other tabs.",
            "Show my current user name in the Account Switcher.",
            "snoo (alien)",
            "simple arrow",
            "Use the \"snoo\" icon, or older style dropdown?",
            "Show details of each account in the Account Switcher, such as karma or gold status.",
            "Show the post and comment karma of each account in the Account Switcher.",
            "Show the gold status of each account in the Account Switcher.",
            "アカウント切り替え機能で、reddit goldの状態を表示する。",
        "localDate", "ローカル日時", TranslateData([
            "Shows date in your local time zone when you hover over a relative date.",
        "profileNavigator", "プロファイルナビゲーター", TranslateData([
            "Enhance getting to various parts of your user page.",
            "Show a menu linking to various sections of the current user's profile when hovering your mouse over the username link in the top right corner.",
            "Links to display in the profile hover menu.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip loads.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip fades away.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds).",
            "+add profile section shortcut",
        "messageMenu", "メッセージメニュー", TranslateData([
            "Hover over the mail icon to access different types of messages or to compose a new message.",
            "+add shortcut",
            "Use Quick Message pop-up when composing a new message",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip loads. Default is 1000.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip fades away. Default is 200.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds). Default is 0.7.",
        "quickMessage", "クイックメッセージ", TranslateData([
            "A pop-up dialog that allows you to send messages from anywhere on reddit. Messages can be sent from the quick message dialog by pressing control-enter or command-enter.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to open the quick message dialog.",
            "Text that will automatically be inserted into the subject field, unless it is auto-filled by context.",
            "The default user or subreddit to select when the \"from\" field is unspecified.<p>Reverts to the current user if the selected option can't be used (i.e. you aren't a moderator of the current subreddit).</p>",
            "Open the quick message dialog when clicking on links in comments, selftext, or wiki pages.",
            "コメント・selftext(※詳細不明)・reddit内のwikiにある に移動するリンクをクリックしたとき、クイックメッセージ画面を開く。",
            "Open the quick message dialog when clicking on links in the sidebar. (e.g. \"message the moderators\")",
            "サイドバーにある に移動するリンクをクリックしたときクイックメッセージ画面を開く。(例えばモデレーター一覧の右上にある、\"message the moderators(モデレーターにメッセージを送る)\"など)",
            "Automatically start with a link to the current page in the message body (or, if opened from the user info popup, a link to the current post or comment).",
            "Current user",
            "Current subreddit",
            "Last selected",
            "Last selected (this page load)",
            "最後に選択したもの (このページ中で)",
        "showKarma", "カルマ表示", TranslateData([
            "Add more info and tweaks to the karma next to your username in the user menu bar.",
            "Show comment karma in addition to post karma",
            "Separator character between post/comment karma",
            "Use commas for large karma numbers",
            "Display gilded icon if current user has gold status",
        "orangered", "未読メッセージ表示", TranslateData([
            "Helping you get your daily dose of orangereds.",
            "When clicking the mail envelope or modmail icon, open mail in a new tab?",
            "Update mail buttons on current tab when RES checks for orangereds",
            "Update all open tabs when RES checks for orangereds",
            "Show an envelope (inbox) icon in the top right corner",
            "Hide unread message count",
            "If you dislike the unread count provided by native reddit, you can replace it with the RES-style bracketed unread count",
            "Show unread message count in page/tab title?",
            "Show unread message count in favicon?",
            "Reset the favicon before leaving the page. This prevents the unread badge from appearing in bookmarks, but may hurt browser caching.",
            "Always go to the inbox, not unread messages, when clicking on orangered",
            "Hide the mod mail button in user bar.",
        "userbarHider", "ユーザーバー非表示", TranslateData([
            "Add a toggle button to show or hide the user bar.",
            "User bar",
            "Toggle button",
        "usernameHider", "ユーザー名非表示", TranslateData([
            "Username hider hides your username from displaying on your screen when you're logged in to reddit. This way, if someone looks over your shoulder at work, or if you take a screenshot, your reddit username is not shown. This only affects your screen. There is no way to post or comment on reddit without your post being linked to the account you made it from.",
            "What to replace your username with. Default is ~anonymous~.",
            "Allows you to specify the display text for a specific account. (useful in conjunction with the Account Switcher!)",
            "Hide all accounts listed in perAccountDisplayText, not just the logged-in user.",
            "Hide all accounts listed in Account Switcher. <br> If an username isn't already listed in perAccountDisplayText, then hide that username with the default displayText.",
            "Mousing over the text hiding your username reveals your real username.<br> This makes it easy to double check that you're commenting/posting from the correct account, while still keeping your username hidden from prying eyes.",
            "+add account",
        "userHighlight", "ユーザーハイライト", TranslateData([
            "Highlights certain users in comment threads: OP, Admin, Friends, Mod - contributed by MrDerk.",
            "Highlight OP's comments",
            "Color to use to highlight OP. Defaults to original text color",
            "Color used to highlight OP on hover.",
            "Highlight Admin's comments",
            "Color to use to highlight Admins. Defaults to original text color",
            "Color used to highlight Admins on hover.",
            "Highlight Friends' comments",
            "Color to use to highlight Friends. Defaults to original text color",
            "Color used to highlight Friends on hover.",
            "Highlight Mod's comments",
            "Color to use to highlight Mods. Defaults to original text color",
            "Color used to highlight Mods on hover. Defaults to gray.",
            "Highlight the person who has the first comment in a tree, within that tree",
            "Don't highlight the \"first commenter\" on the first comment in a tree",
            "Color to use to highlight the first-commenter. Defaults to original text color",
            "Color used to highlight the first-commenter on hover.",
            "Color for highlighted text.",
            "Automatically set a special color for each username",
            "Select a method for setting colors for usernames",
            "Automatically generate hover color based on normal color.",
            "Random color, not too bright, consistent for each user; night mode-friendly",
            "ランダムで明るすぎない色を選ぶ。ナイトモード対応。 ",
            "Simple random color, consistent for each user. (original)",
            "All black or, in night mode, all light gray",
        "userInfo", "ユーザー情報", TranslateData([
            "Adds a hover tooltip to users.",
            "Show information on user (karma, how long they've been a redditor) on hover.",
            "Open the quick message dialog when clicking on the \"send message\" button in hover info, instead of going straight to reddit's message page.",
            "ユーザー情報ポップアップの\"send message\"ボタンを押した時にredditのメッセージページではなくクイックメッセージ入力ボックスを開く。",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip loads. Default is 800.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip fades away. Default is 200.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds). Default is 0.7.",
            "When clicking the \"give gold\" button on the user hover info on a comment, give gold to the comment.",
            "Show \"highlight\" button in user hover info, for distinguishing posts/comments from particular users.",
            "Color used to highlight a selected user, when \"highlighted\" from hover info.",
            "Color used to highlight a selected user on hover.",
        "userTagger", "ユーザータグ", TranslateData([
            "Adds a great deal of customization around users - tagging them, ignoring them, and more. You can manage tagged users on <a href=\"/r/Dashboard/#userTaggerContents\">Manage User Tags</a>. <p><b>Ignoring users:</b> users will <i>not</i> be ignored in modmail, moderation queue or your inbox.</p>",
            "<a href=\"/r/Dashboard/#userTaggerContents\">ユーザータグの設定</a> でユーザーに関する強力なカスタマイズ(タグ付与、無視、その他)を提供します。<br>(ユーザー無視はモデレーターメール、モデレーションキュー、受信箱では無効です。)",
            "Always show a tag tool icon after every username.",
            "Completely remove links and comments posted by ignored users. If an ignored comment has replies, collapse it and hide its contents instead of removing it.",
            "Provide a link to reveal an ignored link or comment. The hardIgnore option overrides this.",
            "無視したリンクとコメントを見るボタンを表示します。Hard Ignore(完全無視)の設定が優先されます。",
            "When \"hard ignore\" is off, only post titles and comment text is hidden. When it is on, the entire post is hidden (or for comments, collapsed).",
            "offの場合はサブミッションのタイトルとコメントが隠されますが、「show anyway?(それでも表示する)」リンクをクリックすれば見ることができます。onにすると無視しているユーザーが投稿したサブミッションは完全に見えなくなり、コメントは非表示にしたうえで折り畳まれます。",
            "By default, store a link to the link/comment you tagged a user on",
            "By default, store a link to the comments when tagging a user in a link post. Otherwise, the link (that the post refers to) will be used.",
            "Store counts of cumulative upvotes / downvotes given to each user and replace the tag icon with a vote weight count displaying this number.",
            "Show the number (i.e. [+6]) rather than [vw]",
            "Show the vote weight tooltip on hover (i.e. \"your votes for...\")",
        "commentHidePersistor", "コメント非表示の保持", TranslateData([
            "Saves the state of hidden comments across page views.",
        "commentNavigator", "コメントナビゲーター", TranslateData([
            "Provides a comment navigation tool to easily find comments by OP, mod, etc.",
            "Display Comment Navigator by default",
            "Display Comment Navigator when a user is highlighted",
        "commentStyle", "コメントスタイル", TranslateData([
            "Add readability enhancements to comments.",
            "Highlights comment boxes for easier reading / placefinding in large threads.",
            "Round corners of comment boxes",
            "Highlight comment box hierarchy on hover (turn off for faster performance)",
            "Indent comments by [x] pixels (only enter the number, no 'px')",
            "Show comment continuity lines",
        "context", "コンテキスト", TranslateData([
            "Adds a link to the yellow infobar to view deeply linked comments in their full context.",
            "Add a \"View the Full Context\" link when on a comment link",
            "\"View the Full Context\"(そのコメントを含むスレッドを全て表示する)リンクを追加する。",
            "Change the default context value on context link",
        "commentDepth", "カスタムコメント深度", TranslateData([
            "Allows you to set the preferred depth of comments you wish to see when clicking on comments links. 0 = Everything, 1 = Root level, 2 = Responses to root level, 3 = Responses to responses to root level, etc.",
            "コメントリンクをクリックしたときに見たいコメントの深度を設定できます。(0:全て 1:ルート 2:ルートへの返信 3:ルートへの返信への返信 など)",
            "Default depth to use for all subreddits not listed below.",
            "Set depth on links to particular comments.",
            "Set depth on links to particular comments with context.",
            "Subreddit-specific comment depths.",
            "Add Row",
        "commentTools", "コメントツール", TranslateData([
            "Provides tools and shortcuts for composing comments, text posts, wiki pages, and other markdown text areas.",
            "Show user autocomplete tool when typing in posts, comments and replies",
            "Show subreddit autocomplete tool when typing in posts, comments and replies",
            "Show formatting tools (bold, italic, tables, etc.) to the edit form for posts, comments, and other snudown/markdown areas.",
            "Use keyboard shortcuts to apply styles to selected text",
            "Keyboard shortcut to make text bold.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to make text italic.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to add a strikethrough.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to make text superscript.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to add a link.",
            "Keyboard shortcut to quote text.",
            "Pressing Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter will submit your comment/wiki edit.",
            "Pressing Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter will save updates to your live thread.",
            "Pressing Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter will submit your post.",
            "Shows your currently logged in username to avoid posting from the wrong account.",
            "ログイン中のユーザー名をコメントの入力ボックスの上に表示(Commenting As: ユーザー名)し、誤爆防止に役立てる。",
            'Put in bold the "Commenting As" part if you are using an alt account. The first account in the Account Switcher module is considered as your main account.',
            "サブアカウントを使用している場合、Commenting Asを太字で表示する。アカウント切り替え機能で一番上に登録したものがメインアカウントとなり、それ以外はサブアカウントとなります。",
            "When submitting, display the number of characters entered in the title and text fields and indicate when you go over the 300 character limit for titles.",
            "Add macro buttons to the edit form for posts, comments, and other snudown/markdown text areas.",
            "Add buttons to insert frequently used snippets of text.",
            "After selecting a macro from the dropdown list, do not hide the list.",
            "When using macro, replace placeholders in text via pop-up prompt.",
            "Example macro text:",
            "Some placeholders are automatically filled in when you use the macro:",
            "The current subreddit, in the form /r/subreddit",
            "Your username, in the form /u/username",
            'The username of the "original poster", in the form /u/username. On a post'+"'s comments page, this the person who made the post; on a PM / modmail, this is the person who started the conversation",
            "The current page's URL, like",
            "現在のページのURL。 のように表示されます。",
            "The username of person you're replying to, in the form /u/username.",
            "The text which is currently selected (highlighted)",
            "The current date and time in your locale",
            "The current date in your locale",
            "The selected text, escaped for snudown/markdown. Useful for text emoji like ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
            "Show the comment tools on the ban note textbox.",
            "ban noteの入力画面でコメントツールを表示する。",
            "+add shortcut",
        "hideChildComments", "子コメントを隠す", TranslateData([
            "Allows you to hide all comments except for replies to the OP for easier reading.",
            "Automatically hide all but parent comments, or provide a link to hide them all?",
        "commentPreview", "書き込みプレビュー", TranslateData([
            "Provides a live preview while editing comments, text submissions, messages, wiki pages, and other markdown text areas; as well as a two column editor for writing walls of text.",
            "Enable the 2 column editor.",
            "2カラムエディタを有効にする。(入力ボックスの右下にブラウザいっぱいの画面で編集できるようになるbig editorボタンが追加される)",
            "Swap the preview and editor (so preview is on left and editor is on right)",
            "Open the current markdown field in the big editor. (Only when a markdown form is focused)",
            "Apply a 'draft' style background to the preview to differentiate it from the comment textarea.",
            "Show preview for comments",
            "Show preview for posts",
            "Show preview for wiki pages",
            "Show preview for editing subreddit settings",
            "Show preview for ban notes",
            "ban noteのプレビューを表示する。",
            "Show the markdown live preview directly in the sidebar when editing",
        "noParticipation", "不参加", TranslateData([
            "Helps discourage brigading and helps you avoid getting banned, by warning against voting or commenting when following \"No Participation\" (np) links, and by providing options to prevent you from accidentally participating.",
            "No Participation(NP)リンクで移動した場合に投票またはコメントに関する警告を出します。(redditでは一時的に人を集めて投票を稼ぐことが禁止されているためリンクをするときにNPモードを使用することがあります。NPモードでは警告ポップアップが出たり投票矢印が見えなくなったりします。これはコメントや投票の前にワンクッション置いて、訪問先の雰囲気やルールを理解する機会を設けるためのものです。)",
            "Find out more about \"No Participation\".",
            "No Participationについてはこちらを見てください。(未翻訳)",
            "Hide vote buttons. If you have already visited the page and voted, your prior votes will still be visible.",
            "Disable commenting.",
            "Enable NP mode in subreddits where you're a subscriber",
            "Remove np mode when leaving a No-Participation page",
        "saveComments", "コメント保存", TranslateData([
            "<p>To save comments with RES click the <em>save-RES</em> button below a comment. You can view saved comments on your user page under the <a href=\"/user/me/saved/#comments\">saved</a> tab. If you use <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES Settings > キーボードナビゲーション\">キーボードナビゲーション</a>, you can press <code>.</code> to open the RES command line, then type in <code>me/sc</code> to see saved-RES comments.</p> <p>Saving with RES saves a comment locally in your browser. This means that you can view the comment you saved <i>as it looked when you saved it</i>, even if it is later edited or deleted. You can save comments with RES if you are not logged in, or if you are logged in to any account—all the comments will be visible in one location. You will only be able to view saved RES comments on whichever browser you have RES installed on.</p> <p>When saving comments with reddit, you must be logged into an account; the comment is saved specifically for that account; it won't be shown if you switch to a different account or log out. You can view these comments whenever you are logged into the reddit account you saved them from, including on other browsers or devices.</p> <p>Visually, saving comments with reddit looks the same as saving with RES—but the text is not saved locally, so the saved comment text shows the <i>current</i> state of the comment. If the comment has been edited or deleted since you saved it, the text that displays on your account's \"saved\" page will look different than it looked when you saved it.</p> <p>If you have <a href=\"/gold/about\">reddit gold</a> on an account, you can add a category/tag to comments you have saved with reddit, then filter saved comments/posts by category. (You cannot sort or filter comments saved with RES.)</p>",
            "RESを使ってコメントを保存することができます。コメントの下にある<em>save-RES</em>ボタンをクリックすると保存され、\"saved - RES\"タブ(で見ることができます。<a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES設定 > キーボード操作\">キーボード操作</a>が有効であれば場合は . (ドット)を押してコマンドラインを出した後 <code>me/sc</code> と入力することでも見ることができます。<br><br>RESを使って保存したコメントはブラウザに保存されるので保存時の環境(同じPC、同じブラウザ、RESがインストール済)でなければ読めません。しかしコメントが編集されたり削除されても保存時の状態が維持され、redditにログインしていなくても保存したり読んだりできます。<br><br>redditの機能でコメントを保存するにはログインしておく必要があります。サーバー側に保存されるので他のデバイスやブラウザからでもコメントを保存したユーザーでログインすれば読むことができます。コメントが編集されたり削除された場合は、保存したコメントもその影響を受けます。(コメントの内容ではなく、リンクを保存していると考えてください)<br><br>reddit goldアカウントを持っている場合は、そのアカウントで保存したコメントにカテゴリ・タグを追加することができ、それを利用してフィルターすることができます。(RESを使って保存したコメントではできません)",
            "<p>To save comments with RES click the <em>save-RES</em> button below a comment. You can view saved comments on your user page under the <a href=\"/user/me/saved/#comments\">saved</a> tab. If you use <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES Settings > Keyboard Navigation\">Keyboard Navigation</a>, you can press <code>.</code> to open the RES command line, then type in <code>me/sc</code> to see saved-RES comments.</p> <p>Saving with RES saves a comment locally in your browser. This means that you can view the comment you saved <i>as it looked when you saved it</i>, even if it is later edited or deleted. You can save comments with RES if you are not logged in, or if you are logged in to any account—all the comments will be visible in one location. You will only be able to view saved RES comments on whichever browser you have RES installed on.</p> <p>When saving comments with reddit, you must be logged into an account; the comment is saved specifically for that account; it won't be shown if you switch to a different account or log out. You can view these comments whenever you are logged into the reddit account you saved them from, including on other browsers or devices.</p> <p>Visually, saving comments with reddit looks the same as saving with RES—but the text is not saved locally, so the saved comment text shows the <i>current</i> state of the comment. If the comment has been edited or deleted since you saved it, the text that displays on your account's \"saved\" page will look different than it looked when you saved it.</p> <p>If you have <a href=\"/gold/about\">reddit gold</a> on an account, you can add a category/tag to comments you have saved with reddit, then filter saved comments/posts by category. (You cannot sort or filter comments saved with RES.)</p>",
            "RESを使ってコメントを保存することができます。コメントの下にある<em>save-RES</em>ボタンをクリックすると保存され、\"saved - RES\"タブ(で見ることができます。<a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES設定 > キーボード操作\">キーボード操作</a>が有効であれば場合は . (ドット)を押してコマンドラインを出した後 <code>me/sc</code> と入力することでも見ることができます。<br><br>RESを使って保存したコメントはブラウザに保存されるので保存時の環境(同じPC、同じブラウザ、RESがインストール済)でなければ読めません。しかしコメントが編集されたり削除されても保存時の状態が維持され、redditにログインしていなくても保存したり読んだりできます。<br><br>redditの機能でコメントを保存するにはログインしておく必要があります。サーバー側に保存されるので他のデバイスやブラウザからでもコメントを保存したユーザーでログインすれば読むことができます。コメントが編集されたり削除された場合は、保存したコメントもその影響を受けます。(コメントの内容ではなく、リンクを保存していると考えてください)<br><br>reddit goldアカウントを持っている場合は、そのアカウントで保存したコメントにカテゴリ・タグを追加することができ、それを利用してフィルターすることができます。(RESを使って保存したコメントではできません)",
        "showParent", "親コメントポップアップ", TranslateData([
            "Shows the parent comments when hovering over the \"parent\" link of a comment.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before parent hover loads. Default is 500.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before parent hover fades away after the mouse leaves. Default is 200.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds). Default is 0.7.",
            "Order the parent comments to place each parent comment above or below its children.",
        "sourceSnudown", "ソース表示", TranslateData([
            "Add tool to show the original text on posts and comments, before reddit formats the text.",
        "styleTweaks", "スタイル調整", TranslateData([
            "Provides a number of style tweaks to the Reddit interface. Also allow you to disable specific subreddit style (the <a href=\"/prefs/#show_stylesheets\">global setting</a> must be on).",
            "redditのスタイル調整機能を提供します。また、特定のサブレディットスタイルを無効にできます。(<a href=\"/prefs/#show_stylesheets\">redditの個人設定</a> で「allow subreddits to show me custom themes」を有効にする必要があります。).",
            "Moves the username navbar to the top (great on netbooks!)",
            "Discourage CSS3 animations. (This will apply to all of reddit, every subreddit, and RES functionality. However, subreddits might still have some animations.)",
            "Change the color of links you've visited to purple. (By default Reddit only does this for submission titles.)",
            "Bring back video and text expando buttons for users with compressed link display",
            "compressed link display(redditの設定)がonの時に、ビデオとテキストの展開ボタンを元に戻す。",
            "Hide vote arrows on threads where you cannot vote (e.g. archived due to age)",
            "Choose when full link flair should be shown",
            "Make edited timestamps bold (e.g. \"last edited 50 minutes ago\")",
            "編集のタイムスタンプを太字で表示する(\"last edited 50 minutes ago\"などの表示)",
            "Use colorblind friendly styles when possible",
            "Scroll the standard subreddit dropdown (useful for pinned header and disabled Subreddit Manager)",
            "Add a toolbar/omnibar icon to disable/enable current subreddit style - note this may be behind a hamburger menu in some browsers.",
            "Draws a line to separate top-level comments for easier distinction.",
            "Specify the color to separate top-level comments",
            "Specify how thick (in pixels) of a bar is used to separate top-level comments",
            "Makes the left sidebar (with multireddits) float as you scroll down so you can always see it.",
            "Force a particular style of capitalization on post titles",
            "On hover",
            "do nothing",
        "filteReddit", "フィルター", TranslateData([
            "Filter out NSFW content, or links by keyword, domain (use User Tagger to ignore by user) or subreddit (for /r/all or /domain/*).",
            "NSFW(Not Safe For Work:職場では不適切という意味でエロ・グロなどが該当)コンテンツや、設定したキーワード、ドメイン、サブレディットをフィルタします。(※redditの投稿一覧から見えなくなりますが、他の場所から移動することは防げません。)",
            "Filters all links labelled NSFW",
            "If more than this percentage (0-100) of a page is filtered, show a notification",
            "Add a quick NSFW on/off toggle to the gear menu",
            "Show filterline controls by default",
            "Don't filter your own posts",
            "Show a 'filter visited links' tab at the top of each subreddit, to easily toggle whether to filter visited posts.",
            "'filter visited links'(既読リンクをフィルター) タブを各サブレディットのトップに表示する。",
            "When visiting the comments page for a filtered link, allow the link/expando to be shown",
            "Don't filter anything on modqueue pages (modqueue, reports, spam, etc.)",
            "Don't filter anything on users' profile pages",
            "Allow RegExp in certain filteReddit fields. <br>If you have filters which start with <code>/</code> and don't know what RegExp is, you should turn this option off. <br>Find out more on the <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a>.",
            "このページの設定項目で正規表現を有効にする。<br>正規表現が何のことかわからない場合はoffにすべきです。<br>詳しくは <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a> を見てください。",
            "Hide posts with certain keywords in the title. <br><br>RegExp like <code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> is allowed for keyword (but not unlessKeyword). <br>Find out more on the <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a>.",
            "タイトルに指定した文字列を含む投稿を隠します。<br><br>キーワードには <code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> のようなJavaScriptの正規表現の記法が可能です。(除外キーワードには使用できません)<br>詳しくは <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a> を見てください。",
            "Hide posts submitted to certain subreddits. <br><br>RegExp like <code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> is allowed for subreddit. <br>Find out more on the <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a>.",
            "指定したサブレディットにされた投稿を隠します。<br><br><code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> のようなJavaScriptの正規表現の記法が可能です。<br>詳しくは <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a> を見てください。",
            "Overwrite and automatically sync your native /r/all filters with your first 100 non-RegExp filtered subreddits.",
            "Immediately overwrite your native /r/all filters (same as the previous option).",
            "Hide posts that link to certain domains. <br><br>Caution: domain keywords like \"reddit\" would ignore \"\" and \"\". <br><br>RegExp like <code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> is allowed for domain. <br>Find out more on the <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a>.",
            "指定したドメインにリンクしている投稿を隠します。<br><br>注意:\"reddit\"と指定した場合、\"\" や \"\" が対象になります。(指定した文字列が含まれていればマッチする)<br><br><code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> のようなJavaScriptの正規表現の記法が可能です。<br>詳しくは <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a> を見てください。",
            "Hide in posts where certain keywords are in the post's link flair <br><br>RegExp like <code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> is allowed for flair. <br>Find out more on the <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a>.",
            "リンクフレアーに指定した文字列を含む投稿を隠します。<br><br><code>/(this|that|theother)/i</code> のようなJavaScriptの正規表現の記法が可能です。<br>詳しくは <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/index/filters/filtereddit/regexp\">/r/Enhancement wiki</a> を見てください。",
            "Don't hide NSFW posts from certain subreddits when the NSFW filter is turned on.",
            "Hide posts based on complex custom criteria. <p>This is a very advanced feature, please <a href=\"\">read the guide</a> before asking questions. </p><p style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 16pt;\">This feature is currently in beta. Filters may break in future RES updates.</p>",
            "複雑な条件で投稿を隠すことができます。<p>これは超上級者向けの機能なので質問する前に <a href=\"\">ガイド</a> を読んでください。</p><p style=\"font-weight: bold; font-size: 16pt;\">この機能はベータ版です。今後のアップデートで設定が使用できなくなる可能性があります。</p>",
            "Everywhere but:",
            "Only on:",
            "Everywhere except inside a subreddit",
            "/r/all and domain pages",
            "/r/all とドメインページ",
            "When browsing subreddit/multi-subreddit",
            "When filtering subreddits with the above option, where should they be filtered?",
            "+add filter",
            "+add subreddits",
            "+add custom filter",
        function() {
            //            AddDescription("optionContainer-filteReddit-filterSubredditsFrom", "(※ドメインページとは /domain/ のようなページの事です。例の場合は にリンクしている投稿が全て表示されるページになります。)");
        "multiredditNavbar", "マルチレディットナビゲーション", TranslateData([
            "Enhance the navigation bar shown on the left side of the frontpage.",
            "Show a menu linking to various sections of the multireddit when hovering your mouse over the link.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip loads. Default is 1000.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip fades away. Default is 200.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds). Default is 0.7.",
            "+add multireddit section shortcut",
        "newCommentCount", "新着コメント数カウント", TranslateData([
            "Tells you how many comments have been posted since you last viewed a thread.",
            "Number of days before RES stops keeping track of a viewed thread",
            "Number of days before thread subscriptions expire",
            "Show the Subscribe button?",
            "Monitor the number of comments on posts you have visited.",
            "Monitor the number of comments on posts you have visited while browsing in incognito/private mode.",
        "spamButton", "スパム報告ボタン", TranslateData([
            "Adds a Spam button to posts for easy reporting.",
            "違反報告のための「rts」ボタンを追加します。各書き込みの下側のflair(フレアー)またはgive gold(goldを贈る)の右隣に表示されます。",
        "submitHelper", "投稿補助", TranslateData([
            "Provides utilities to help with submitting a post.",
            "Show a warning when the current URL has already been submitted to the selected subreddit. <p><i>Not 100% accurate, due to search limitations and different ways to format the same URL.</i></p>",
            "Uncheck \"send replies to my inbox\" by default, when submitting a new post.",
            "新しく投稿するとき、\"send replies to my inbox\"(投稿したサブミッションに返信があったとき、受信箱に通知する)の初期値をoffにする。",
        "xPostLinks", "クロスポストリンク", TranslateData([
            "Create links to x-posted subreddits in post taglines.",
        "subredditInfo", "サブレディット情報", TranslateData([
            "Adds a hover tooltip to subreddits.",
            "Should the popup appear only for direct /r/ links, or for all links to a subreddit?",
            "/r/ でリンクしてある場合だけサブレディット情報をポップアップ表示する。(offの場合、それ以外の方法でリンクしたサブレディットでも表示する)",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip loads. Default is 800.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before hover tooltip fades away. Default is 200.",
            "Fade animation's speed (in seconds). Default is 0.7.",
        "subredditManager", "サブレディットマネージャー", TranslateData([
            "Allows you to customize the top bar with your own subreddit shortcuts, including dropdown menus of multi-reddits and more.",
            "Add +shortcut button in subreddit sidebar for easy addition of shortcuts.",
            "ショートカットを簡単登録できるように、サブレディットのサイドバーに [+shortcut] ボタンを追加する。",
            "Show personalized shortcuts for each account",
            "For multi-subreddit shortcuts like a+b+c/x, show a dropdown like a/x, b/x, c/x",
            "マルチレディットショートカットの解釈方法を変更する。(例:onの場合、a/x+b/yはa/x/y, b/yと解釈され、offの場合はa/x, b/yと解釈される)",
            "Show \"edit\" and \"delete\" buttons in dropdown menu on subreddit shortcut bar",
            "How long (in milliseconds) to wait after moving your mouse over a shortcut to show its dropdown. (This particularly applies for shortcuts to multi-subreddits like sub1+sub2+sub3.)",
            "ミリ秒 ショートカットにマウスオーバーしてからドロップダウンが表示されるまでの待ち時間。(ショートカットにマルチレディットが登録されている場合)",
            "How long (in milliseconds) to wait after moving your mouse over a shortcut to show its dropdown edit buttons. (This particularly applies to just the edit/delete button dropdown.)",
            "ミリ秒 ショートカットにマウスオーバーしてから編集/削除のドロップダウンが表示されるまでの待ち時間。(ショートカットに単一のサブレディットが登録されている場合)",
            "Allow lowercase letters in shortcuts instead of forcing uppercase",
            "Show last update information on the front page (work only if you have at least 50/100 subscription, see <a href=\"/r/help/wiki/faq#wiki_some_of_my_subreddits_keep_disappearing.__why.3F\">here</a> for more info).",
            "フロントページで最新更新情報を表示する。(通常アカウントでは50以上、goldアカウントでは100以上のサブレディットを購読している場合のみ効果があります。詳しくは <a href=\"/r/help/wiki/faq#wiki_some_of_my_subreddits_keep_disappearing.__why.3F\">ここ</a> を見てください。",
            "Store the last time you visited a subreddit.",
            "Store the last time you visited a subreddit in incognito/private mode.",
        function() {
            TranslateDescriptionByRegExp(/show "([\w.]*)" (link|button) in subreddit manager/i, "トップバーに[$1]を表示する。");
        "subRedditTagger", "サブレディットのタグ付け", TranslateData([
            "Add custom text to the beginning of submission titles on your front page and /r/all. Useful for adding context to submissions.",
            "フロントページまたは /r/all を表示したときにサブミッションのタイトルの先頭にカスタムテキストを追加します。",
            "Name of the subreddit, without slashes.",
            "サブレディットの名前を / 抜きで記述します。",
            "Any string of text that could be present in a submission title. If a title contains this string, the tag will not be applied.",
            "The text that will appear at the beginning of submission titles. E.g. use [tag], (tag), TAG | , etc...",
            "サブミッションのタイトルの先頭にこの文字列が追加されます。(例:[タグ], (タグ), タグ| など...)",
            "+add tag",
        "betteReddit", "ベターレディット", TranslateData([
            "Adds a number of interface enhancements to Reddit, such as \"full comments\" links, the ability to unhide accidentally hidden posts, and more.",
            "Open links found in comments in a new tab.",
            "Changes \"hide\" links to read as \"hide\" or \"unhide\" depending on the hide state.",
            "Delay, in milliseconds, before a hidden link fades.",
            "Show lengths of videos when possible",
            "Show upload date of videos when possible",
            "Show number of views for a video when possible",
            "Pin the subreddit bar, user menu, or header to top, floating down as you scroll.",
            "Show the time that a text post/comment was edited, without having to hover the timestamp.",
            "When hovering [score hidden] show time left instead of hide duration.",
            "[score hidden]にマウスオーバーした時、非表示の時間ではなく残り時間を表示する。",
            "Show the precise date (Sun Nov 16 20:14:56 2014 UTC) instead of a relative date (7 days ago), for posts.",
            "投稿の日時を相対的(~日前など)ではなく正確に(Sun Nov 16 20:14:56 2014 UTCのように)表示する。",
            "Show the precise date for comments / messages.",
            "Show the precise date in the sidebar.",
            "Show the precise date in the wiki.",
            "Show the precise date in the moderation log (/r/mod/about/log).",
            "The saved tab is now located in the multireddit sidebar. This will restore a \"saved\" link to the header (next to the \"hot\", \"new\", etc. tabs).",
            "When using the browser's Ctrl+F/Cmd+F \"find text\", only search comment/post text and not navigation links (\"permalink source save...\"). Disabled by default due to a slight performance impact.",
            "ブラウザの Ctrl+F/Cmd+F による検索で、コメント/投稿のテキストのみ検索しナビゲーションリンク(固定リンク、ソース、保存など)は検索しない。処理速度に少し影響があるので初期では無効です。",
            "Reddit hides some comment sorting options (random, etc.) on most pages. This option reveals them.",
            "Truncates long post titles (greater than 1 line) with an ellipsis.",
            "Show the [-] collapse button in the inbox.",
            "受信箱で [-] 折りたたみボタンを表示する。",
            "Subreddit Bar only",
            "User Bar",
            "Subreddit Bar and User bar",
            "Full Header",
        "spoilerTags", "スポイラータグ", TranslateData([
            "Hide spoilers on user profile pages.",
            "Delay showing spoiler text momentarily",
        "nightMode", "ナイトモード", TranslateData([
            "A darker, more eye-friendly version of Reddit suited for night browsing.",
            "Note: Using this on/off switch will disable all features of the night mode module completely.",
            "To simply turn off night mode, use the nightModeOn switch below.",
            "Enable/disable night mode.",
            "Enable night switch, a toggle between day and night reddit located in the Settings dropdown menu.",
            "Enable automatic night mode—night mode automatically starts and stops at the times configured below. <br><br>For the times below, a 24-hour clock (\"military time\") from 0:00 to 23:59 is used. <br>e.g. the time 8:20pm would be written as 20:20, and 12:30am would be written as 00:30 or 0:30. <br><br>To temporarily override automatic night mode, manually flip the night mode switch. <br>Configure how long the override lasts below.",
            "Time that automatic night mode starts. Default is 20:00 (8:00pm).",
            "Time that automatic night mode ends. Default is 6:00 (6:00am).",
            "Number of hours that the automatic night mode override lasts. Default is 8 (hours). <br>You can use a decimal number of hours here as well; e.g. 0.1 hours (which is 6 min).",
            "Always keep subreddit styles enabled when using night mode, ignoring the compatability check. <br><br>When using night mode, subreddit styles are automatically disabled unless <a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/subredditstyling#wiki_res_night_mode_and_your_subreddit\">the subreddit indicates it is night mode-friendly</a>. You must tick the \"Use subreddit stylesheet\" in a subreddit's sidebar to enable subreddit styles in that subreddit. This is because most subreddits are not night mode-friendly. <br><br>If you choose to show subreddit styles, you will see flair images and spoiler tags, but be warned: <em>you may see bright images, comment highlighting, etc.</em> It is up to the mods of each subreddit to make their sub night mode friendly, which is not a tiny amount of work. Please be polite when requesting moderators make a sub night mode friendly.",
            "ナイトモード時に互換性チェックの結果に関わらず常にサブレディットのスタイルを維持する。<br><br>ナイトモードを使用するとき、<a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/subredditstyling#wiki_res_night_mode_and_your_subreddit\">サブレディットのスタイルがナイトモード対応であると明示</a>されていないとサブレディットのスタイルは自動的に無効になります。そのサブレディットでスタイルを有効にするにはサイドバーの \"Use subreddit stylesheet\" を手動でクリックする必要があります。<br><br>※警告:ナイトモードに対応していないサブレディットのスタイルを使用するとスポイラータグ(ネタバレ防止)が機能しなかったり、ナイトモードにふさわしくない明るい表示になることがあります。根本的な解決にはモデレーターにナイトモード対応のスタイルを作成してもらう必要がありますが、かなり手間がかかるので無理な注文を付けないようにしてください。",
            "Allow the subreddits listed to display subreddit styles during night mode if useSubredditStyles is disabled.",
            "Color links blue and purple",
        "selectedEntry", "選択項目", TranslateData([
            "Style the currently selected submission or comment. For use with Keyboard Navigation.",
            "Automatically select the topmost item while scrolling",
            "Automatically select a post/comment when the page loads",
            "Automatically select the last thing you had selected",
            "Automatically scroll to the post/comment that is selected when the page loads",
            "Allows you to click on an item to select it",
            "Use a background color",
            "The background color",
            "The background color while using Night Mode",
            "The text color while using Night Mode",
            "Use a border",
            "Border appearance. E.g. <code>1px dashed gray</code> (CSS)",
            "選択中の項目のボーダースタイルをCSSで記述。(例:<code>1px dashed gray</code>)",
            "Border appearance using Night Mode (as above)",
        "stylesheet", "スタイルシートローダー", TranslateData([
            "Load extra stylesheets or your own CSS snippets.",
            "reddit allows you to customize the appearance of reddit! A reddit theme will be applied anywhere the default reddit style is present and subreddit style is disabled via reddit.",
            "External or subreddit CSS to load.",
            "CSS snippets to load.",
            "CSS classes to add to <body>.",
            "When browsing a subreddit, add the subreddit name as a class to the body. <br><br>For example, /r/ExampleSubreddit adds <code>body.res-r-examplesubreddit</code>",
            "サブレディットを見ているとき、サブレディットの名前をbodyタグのclassに追加します。<br><br>例えば /r/ExampleSubreddit を見ているなら <code>body.res-r-examplesubreddit</code> が追加されます。",
            "When browsing a multireddit, add the multireddit name as a class to the body. <br><br>For example, /u/ExampleUser/m/ExampleMulti adds <code>body.res-user-exampleuser-m-examplemulti</code>",
            "マルチレディットを見ているとき、マルチレディットの名前をbodyタグのclassに追加します。<br><br>例えば /u/ExampleUser/m/ExampleMulti を見ているなら <code>body.res-user-exampleuser-m-examplemulti</code> が追加されます。",
            "When browsing a user profile, add the username as a class to the body. <br><br>For example, /u/ExampleUser adds <code>body.res-user-exampleuser</code>",
            "ユーザープロファイルを見ているとき、ユーザーの名前をbodyタグのclassに追加します。<br><br>例えば /u/ExampleUser を見ているなら <code>body.res-user-exampleuser</code> が追加されます。",
            "When logged in, add your username as a class to the body. <br><br>For example, /u/ExampleUser adds <code>body.res-me-exampleuser</code>",
            "ログインしている間、あなたのユーザー名をbodyタグのclassに追加します。例えばあなたが /u/ExampleUser なら <code>body.res-me-exampleuser</code> が追加されます。",
            "url or subreddit",
            "Everywhere but:",
            "Only on:",
            "learn more",
            "Add Row",
        function() {
            AddDescription("optionContainer-stylesheet-loadSubredditStylesheets", "他のサブレディット、または自分で用意したCSSを読み込むことができます。(※この機能はgoldメンバーでなくても使用できます)");
        "tableTools", "表組み立てツール", TranslateData([
            "Include additional functionality to Reddit Markdown tables (only sorting at the moment).",
            "Enable column sorting.",
        "voteEnhancements", "投票拡張", TranslateData([
            "Format or show additional information about votes on posts and comments.",
            "Calculate a post's score from its points and \"liked\" percentage.",
            "Calculate the total number of votes.",
            "Bolden post and comment scores, making them easier to find.",
            "Add color to a link's score depending on its value.",
            "This does not work with reddit's \"compressed link display\" preference.",
            "この機能はredditの設定で\"compressed link display\"が有効だと機能しません。",
            "Choose a color for colorLinkScore with a threshold of your choice.",
            "Add color to a comment's score depending on its value.",
            "Smoothly blend link and comment score colors when the score is between two thresholds.",
            "Add color to the \"controversial\" comment indicator.<br>This indicator can be enabled/disabled in your <a href=\"/prefs/#highlight_controversial\">reddit preferences</a>.",
            "論争中のコメントを示すインジケーターに色を付ける。<br>インジケーターは<a href=\"/prefs/#highlight_controversial\">redditの設定</a>で有効/無効にします。",
            "Select a color for the \"controversial\" comment indicator.",
            "No coloration",
            "Automatic coloration",
            "Reddit Classic",
            "レディットの旧スタイル ",
            "User-defined coloration",
            "+add threshold",
        "showImages", "インラインイメージビューア", TranslateData([
            "Opens images inline in your browser with the click of a button. Also has configuration options, check it out!",
            "Number of preloaded expandos for faster browsing. Currently only active when using keyboard navigation.",
            "Number of preloaded gallery pieces for faster browsing.",
            "Conserve memory by temporarily hiding images when they are offscreen.",
            "Hide images that are further than x screens away to save memory. A higher value means less flicker, but less memory savings.",
            "Max width of media (in pixels, enter zero for unlimited). Percentage of window width may also be used (e.g. \"100%\").",
            "Max height of media (in pixels, enter zero for unlimited). Percentage of window height may also be used (e.g. \"100%\").",
            "Display each image's original (unresized) resolution in a tooltip.",
            "Add a scroll bar to text expandos taller than [x] pixels (enter zero for unlimited).",
            "Add a scroll bar to comments taller than [x] pixels (enter zero for unlimited).",
            "Increase the max height of a self-text expando or comment if an expando is taller than the current max height. This only takes effect if max height is specified (previous two options).",
            "Open images in a new tab/window when clicked?",
            "If checked, do not show images marked NSFW.",
            "Add special styling to expando buttons for images marked NSFW.",
            "When loading selftext from an Aa+ expando, auto expand images, videos, and embeds.",
            "Allow dragging to resize/zoom images.",
            "Allow dragging while holding shift to move images.",
            "Show additional image controls on hover.",
            "Set position of media controls",
            "Show educational info, such as showing \"drag to resize\" in the media controls.",
            "Retrieve image captions/attribution information.",
            "Where to display captions around an image.",
            "Mark links visited when you view images.",
            "Keeps NSFW links from being added to your browser history <span style=\"font-style: italic\">by the markVisited feature</span>.<br> <span style=\"font-style: italic\">If you chose the second option, then links will be blue again on refresh.</span><br> <span style=\"color: red\">This does not change your basic browser behavior. If you click on a link then it will still be added to your history normally. This is not a substitute for using your browser's privacy mode.</span>",
            "NSFWなリンクを<span style=\"font-style: italic\">markVisited機能</span>の履歴に残すか選びます。<span style=\"font-style: italic\">二番目のオプションを選んだ場合</span>、再読み込みで元の色に戻ります。<br> <span style=\"color: red\">この機能はブラウザの履歴に関する機能を変更するわけではないので、ブラウザのプライバシーモードの代わりにはなりません。</span>",
            "In 'slideshow' layout, use the same width on all pieces after resizing.",
            "Display all media at once in a 'filmstrip' layout, rather than the default navigable 'slideshow' style.",
            "全てのメディアをデフォルトのスライドショースタイルではなくフィルムストリップ レイアウトで表示する。",
            "Limit the number of pieces loaded in a 'filmstrip' by this number. (0 for no limit)",
            "Show gallery as 'slideshow' when the total number of pieces is larger than this number. (0 for no limit)",
            "Convert Gif links to Gfycat links.",
            "Show a 'show images' tab at the top of each subreddit, to easily toggle showing all images at once.",
            "show imagesタブを各サブレディットのトップに表示する。これにより全ての画像を一気に開閉できます。",
            "Media types to be automatically expanded when using \"show images\" or autoExpandSelfText.",
            "show imagesタブもしくはAuto Expand Self Textの設定(次の項目)で展開するメディアタイプ。",
            "When loading selftext from an Aa+ expando, auto expand enclosed expandos.",
            "In selftexts, expand the first visible potentially non-muted expando.",
            "Also expand expandos in selftexts which are marked NSFW.",
            "Show the site logo and name after embedded content.",
            "How should RES handle posts where the link is redirected to the comments page with preview expanded?",
            "Show controls such as pause/play, step and playback rate.",
            "Auto-pause muted videos when they are not visible.",
            "Autoplay inline videos",
            "Auto-play at most this many muted videos simultaneously. (0 for no limit)",
            "Prefer RES support for imgur albums rather than reddit's built in support",
            "Which view to request when following a link to imgur.",
            "Which size of imgur images should be loaded?",
            "Show a toggle for embeds in subreddits with sidebar links to a playlist",
            "Always show the embed in the sidebar when applicable",
            "Top left",
            "Top right",
            "Bottom left.",
            "Bottom right.",
            "Display all captions above image.",
            "Display title and caption above image, credits below.",
            "Display title above image, caption and credits below.",
            "Display all captions below image.",
            "Add links to history",
            "Color links, but do not add to history",
            "Do not add or color links.",
            "Images (but occasionally also .gif)",
            "Images, text",
            "Images, text, galleries, and muted videos",
            "All muted expandos (includes iframes)",
            "Do nothing",
            "Create expandos",
            "Create expandos, redirect the link back to the image",
            "full page (",
            "フルページ (",
            "direct image (",
            "画像を直接開く (",
            "Full Resolution",
        function() {
            TranslateDescriptionByRegExp(/display expander for (.*)/i, "$1の展開ボタンを表示する。");
        "keyboardNav", "キーボード操作", translate_data_keyhelp
        "logoLink", "ロゴリンク", TranslateData([
            "Allow you to change the link on the reddit logo.",
            "Current subreddit/multireddit",
            "My user page",
            "Location when you click on the reddit logo.",
            "If redditLogoDestination is set to custom, link here",
        "neverEndingReddit", "次ページ自動読み込み", TranslateData([
            "Inspired by modules like River of Reddit and Auto Pager - gives you a never ending stream of reddit goodness.",
            "Return to the page you were last on when hitting \"back\" button?",
            "Automatically load new page on scroll (if off, you click to load)",
            "Show a reminder to unpause Never-Ending Reddit after pausing",
            "Never Ending Reddit機能を一時停止した時、一時停止の解除を忘れないように通知する。",
            "Show \"paused\" bars icon when auto-load is paused and \"play\" wedge icon when active",
            "Show the π server / debug details next to the floating Never-Ending Reddit tools",
            "After auto-loading a certain number of pages, pause the auto-loader<br><br>0 or a negative number means Never-Ending Reddit will only pause when you click the play/pause button in the top right corner.",
            "半透明にする ",
            "隠す ",
            "Do not hide",
            "隠さない ",
            "Fade or completely hide duplicate posts already showing on the page.",
        "pageNavigator", "ページナビゲーター", TranslateData([
            "Provides tools for getting around the page.",
            "Add an icon to every page that takes you to the top when clicked.",
            "Show information about the submission when scrolling up on comments pages.",
            "Open link in new tab.",
        "searchHelper", "検索補助", TranslateData([
            "Provide help with the use of search.",
            "Allow you to choose sorting and time range on the search form of the side panel.",
            "Request the \"legacy layout\" feature for reddit search. <br>This will only be available for a limited time.",
            "When on a user profile, offer to search user's post from the subreddit or multireddit we come from.",
            "When clicking on a post's flair, search its subreddit for that flair. <p>May not work in some subreddits that hide the actual flair and add pseudo-flair with CSS (only workaround is to disable subreddit style).</p>",
            "Add tabs to the search page.",
            "none ",
            "開かない  ",
            "The tab that will be expanded each time you search.",
            "デフォルトで開くタブ。<br>subreddits:検索にヒットしたサブレディットの一覧<br>limit to subreddit:検索するサブレディットの絞り込み<br>refine:検索オプションの説明",
            "Play a transition when you open and close tabs.",
        "singleClick", "シングルクリック", TranslateData([
            "Adds an [l+c] link that opens a link and the comments page in new tabs for you in one click.",
            "open comments then link",
            "コメント→リンクの順に開く ",
            "open link then comments",
            "リンク→コメントの順に開く ",
            "What order to open the link/comments in.",
            "Hide the [l=c] when the link is the same as the comments page",
            "Open the [l+c] link in background tabs",
        "floater", "フローター", TranslateData([
            "Managing free-floating RES elements",
            "Managing free-floating  RES elements<br>(※現在のところ設定項目はありません。画面をスクロールしたときに右上に出るボタン類などの処理を担当しているようです。)",
        "dashboard", "ダッシュボード", TranslateData([
            "The RES Dashboard is home to a number of features including widgets and other useful tools.",
            "Show link to my dashboard in RES menu",
            "RESメニューに my dashboard(ダッシュボードを開く)を表示します。",
            "Number of posts to show by default in each widget",
            "Default sort method for new widgets",
            "Show +dashboard shortcut in sidebar for easy addition of dashboard widgets.",
            "ダッシュボードウィジットへの登録が簡単にできるように、サイドバーに [+dashboard] ボタンを表示する。",
            "How many user tags to show per page on the <a href=\"/r/Dashboard/#userTaggerContents\">my users tags</a> tab. (enter zero to show all on one page)",
            "<a href=\"/r/Dashboard/#userTaggerContents\">my users tags</a> タブで表示する1ページあたりの数。(0で全部になります)",
        "backupAndRestore", "バックアップと復元", TranslateData([
            "Backup and restore your Reddit Enhancement Suite settings.",
            "Download a backup of your current RES settings.",
            "Restore a backup of your RES settings. Warning: This will overwrite your current settings.",
        "customToggles", "カスタムトグル", TranslateData([
            "Set up custom on/off switches for various parts of RES.",
            "Enable or disable everything connected to this toggle; and optionally add a toggle to the RES gear dropdown menu",
        "presets", "プリセット", TranslateData([
            "Select from various preset RES configurations. Each preset turns on or off various modules/options, but does not reset your entire configuration.",
            "RES Lite: just the popular stuff",
            "Turn off all the RES modules",
            "Turn off notifications and hover pop-ups",
            "Warning: This will remove all your RES settings, including tags, saved comments, filters etc!",
            "apply preset",
        "commandLine", "コマンドライン", TranslateData([
            "Command line for navigating reddit, toggling RES settings, and debugging RES.",
            "Redditの操作やRES設定の変更・デバッグのためのコマンドライン(※コマンドラインは . キーを押すと開けます。テンキーには反応しません。)",
            "Open the RES Command Line",
            AddDescription("optionContainer-commandLine-menuItem", "歯車メニューにRESコマンドラインを開く項目を追加する");
            AddDescription("optionContainer-commandLine-launchFromMenuButton", "歯車ボタンをクリックしたとき、RESコマンドラインを開く");
        "notifications", "通知", TranslateData([
            "Manage pop-up notifications for RES functions.",
            "per notification type",
            "通知タイプごとに設定 ",
            "always sticky",
            "全ての通知で有効  ",
            "never sticky",
            "全ての通知で無効 ",
            "Sticky notifications remain visible until you click the close button.",
            "In milliseconds, length of time until a notification begins to disappear.",
            "In milliseconds, length of time available to stop a notification from disappearing.",
            "Manage different types of notifications",
            "manually register notification type",
        "hover", "マウスオーバー", TranslateData([
            "Customize the behavior of the large informational pop-ups which appear when you hover your mouse over certain elements.",
            "Manage particular pop-ups",
        function() {
            AddDescription("optionContainer-hover-openDelay", "ポップアップまでの待ち時間。");
            AddDescription("optionContainer-hover-fadeDelay", "フェードアウト時間をミリ秒単位で指定する。");
            AddDescription("optionContainer-hover-width", "ポップアップウィンドウの幅をミリ秒単位で指定する。");
            AddDescription("optionContainer-hover-closeOnMouseOut", "マウスカーソルが外に出たら閉じる。");
            AddDescription("optionContainer-hover-updatePositionOnScroll", "スクロール時に位置を調整する。(※詳細不明)");

    document.getElementById("moduleOptionsSave").innerHTML = "設定を保存する";


function TranslateKeyHelp(){
    var keyhelp = document.getElementById("keyHelp");
    if(IsTranslated(keyhelp)) return;

    Translate(keyhelp, translate_data_keyhelp);


function TranslateDailyTip() {
    var tip0 = document.getElementById("tip0");
    if(IsTranslated(tip0)) return;

        tip0, TranslateData([
            "RES Tips and Tricks",
            "Back up your RES data!",
            "Welcome to RES! You can turn on, turn off, or change options for RES features using the gear icon link at the top right. <p>For feature requests, or just help getting a question answered, be sure to subscribe to <a href=\"/r/Enhancement\">/r/Enhancement</a>.</p> <p>If RES has enhanced your reddit experience, please show your appreciation by <a href=\"#res:settings/contribute\">donating or contributing!</a></p>",
            "RESへようこそ。右上の歯車アイコンから機能のon/offや設定を変更できます。<p>機能の要望のため、または既にされた質問への答えを見るために /r/Enhancement を購読してください。</p><p>もしRESが役に立ったなら<a href=\"#res:settings/contribute\">寄付または貢献</a>を検討してください。</p>",
            "Click the tag icon next to a user to tag that user with any name you like - you can also color code the tag. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Users</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userTagger\">User Tagger</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "ユーザー名の横にあるタグをクリックすることで、好きなタグを付けることができます。また、色を付けることもできます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ユーザー</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userTagger\">ユーザーのタグ付け</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "If your RES data gets deleted or you move to a new computer, you can restore it from backup. <br><br><b>Firefox</b> especially sometimes loses your RES settings and data. <br><br><a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings\" target=\"_blank\">Learn where RES stores your data and settings</a><p></p>",
            "RESの設定が消えたり新しいPCに移動したときは、設定をバックアップから復元することができます。<br><br><b>Firefox</b>では特にRESの設定が消えやすいです。<br><br><a href=\"/r/Enhancement/wiki/backing_up_res_settings\" target=\"_blank\">RESの設定とデータがどこにあるか確認しましょう</a>。<p>(※現在のバージョンでは、RES設定の <a href=\"#!settings/backupAndRestore\">バックアップと復元</a> から簡単に操作できます。)</p>",
            "Don't forget to subscribe to <a href=\"/r/Enhancement\">/r/Enhancement</a> to keep up to date on the latest versions of RES or suggest features! For bug reports, submit to <a href=\"/r/RESIssues\">/r/RESIssues</a>",
            "<a href=\"/r/Enhancement\">/r/Enhancement</a>を忘れずに購読して、RESの最新バージョンや機能の提案を見逃さないでください! バグを報告するには<a href=\"/r/RESIssues\">/r/RESIssues</a>に投稿してください。",
            "Don't want to see posts containing certain keywords? Want to filter out certain subreddits from /r/all? Try the filteReddit module! <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Subreddits,Submissions</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/filteReddit\" title=\"RES Settings > filteReddit\">filteReddit</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "特定のキーワードを含んだ投稿を隠したいですか? /r/allからフィルターしたいサブレディットがありますか? filteRedditを試してみてください!<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>サブレディット・サブミッション</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/filteReddit\">filteReddit</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Keyboard Navigation is one of the most underutilized features in RES. You should try it! <h2 class=\"keyboardNav\"> Keyboard Navigation </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td><code>shift-/</code></td> <td>toggleHelp</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Show help for keyboard shortcuts</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Browsing</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES Settings > Keyboard Navigation\">Keyboard Navigation</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "キーボード操作はRESの中で最も活用されていない機能の一つです。ぜひ試してください!<h2 class=\"keyboardNav\">キーボード操作</h2><table><tbody><tr><td><code>shift-/</code></td><td>toggleHelp</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>キーボードショートカットのヘルプを表示する</td></tr></tbody></table><h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ブラウジング</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav\">キーボード操作</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Did you know you can configure the appearance of a number of things in RES? For example: keyboard navigation lets you configure the look of the \"selected\" box, and commentBoxes lets you configure the borders / shadows. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Browsing</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES Settings > Keyboard Navigation\">Keyboard Navigation</a> </td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav/focusBGColor\" title=\"RES Settings > Keyboard Navigation > focusBGColor\">focusBGColor</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Appearance,Comments</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/styleTweaks\" title=\"RES Settings > Style Tweaks\">Style Tweaks</a> </td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/styleTweaks/commentBoxes\" title=\"RES Settings > Style Tweaks > commentBoxes\">commentBoxes</a> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "RESで見た目に関するいくつもの設定ができることをご存知ですか? 例えば、キーボード操作では選択中の項目の色を設定できます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ブラウジング</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav\">キーボード操作</a></td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav/focusBGColor\">focusBGColor</a></td></tr><tr><td>見た目・コメント</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/styleTweaks\">スタイル調整</a></td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/styleTweaks/commentBoxes\">commentBoxes</a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\">コメントボックスをハイライトして大きなスレッドで読みやすく・見つけやすくする。</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Do you subscribe to a ton of subreddits? Give the subreddit tagger a try; it can make your homepage a bit more readable. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Subreddits</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/subRedditTagger\" title=\"RES Settings > Subreddit Tagger\">Subreddit Tagger</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "大量のサブレディットを購読していますか? サブレディットのタグ付けを試してみてください。それでフロントページがもう少し見やすくなります。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>サブレディット</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/subRedditTagger\">サブレディットのタグ付け</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "If you haven't tried it yet, Keyboard Navigation is great. Just hit ? while browsing for instructions. <h2 class=\"keyboardNav\"> Keyboard Navigation </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td><code>shift-/</code></td> <td>toggleHelp</td> </tr><tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Show help for keyboard shortcuts</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Browsing</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/keyboardNav\" title=\"RES Settings > Keyboard Navigation\">Keyboard Navigation</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "まだ使ったことがないのなら、キーボード操作は便利です。?キー(shift-/)を押せば使用法がわかります。<h2 class=\"keyboardNav\">キーボード操作</h2><table><tbody><tr><td><code>shift-/</code></td><td>ヘルプの表示/非表示</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td>キーボードショートカットのヘルプを表示する</td></tr></tbody></table><h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ブラウジング</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/keyboardNav\">キーボード操作</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Roll over a user's name to get information about them such as their karma, and how long they've been a reddit user. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Users</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/userTagger\" title=\"RES Settings > User Tagger\">User Tagger</a> </td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/userTagger/hoverInfo\" title=\"RES Settings > User Tagger > hoverInfo\">hoverInfo</a> </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "ユーザー名にマウスオーバーすることでそのアカウントの作成日やカルマを知ることができます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ユーザー</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userInfo\">ユーザー情報</a></td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userInfo/hoverInfo\">hoverInfo</a></td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Hover over the \"parent\" link in comments pages to see the text of the parent being referred to. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Comments</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/showParent\" title=\"RES Settings > Show Parent on Hover\">Show Parent on Hover</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "コメントページで\"parent\"(親コメント)リンクにマウスオーバーすることで、そのコメントの親をポップアップで表示できます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>コメント</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/showParent\">親コメントポップアップ</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "You can configure the color and style of the User Highlighter module if you want to change how the highlights look. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Users,Appearance</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/userHighlight\" title=\"RES Settings > User Highlighter\">User Highlighter</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "ユーザーハイライトの色とスタイルは変更できます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>ユーザー または 見た目</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userHighlight\">ユーザーハイライト</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Not a fan of how comments pages look? You can change the appearance in the Style Tweaks module <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Appearance,Comments</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/styleTweaks\" title=\"RES Settings > Style Tweaks\">Style Tweaks</a> </td> <td> &nbsp; </td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "コメントページの見た目が気に入りませんか? 見た目はスタイル調整機能で変更できます。<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>見た目 または コメント</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/styleTweaks\">スタイル調整</a></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Don't like the style in a certain subreddit? RES gives you a checkbox to disable styles individually - check the right sidebar!",
            "好みでない表示スタイルのサブレディットがありますか? RESはサブレディットのスタイルを無効にできるボタンを用意しています。右のサイドバーを見てください!",
            "Looking for posts by submitter, post with photos, or posts in IAmA form? Try out the comment navigator.",
            "サブミッション投稿者の書き込み、画像のある投稿、IAmAの書き込みなどを探していますか? コメントナビゲーターを使ってみてください。",
            "Have you seen the <a href=\"/r/Dashboard\">RES Dashboard</a>? It allows you to do all sorts of great stuff, like keep track of lower traffic subreddits, and manage your <a href=\"/r/Dashboard#userTaggerContents\">user tags</a> and <a href=\"/r/Dashboard#newCommentsContents\">thread subscriptions</a>!",
            "<a href=\"/r/Dashboard\">RESダッシュボード</a>を見たことがありますか? ここでは流れの遅いサブレディットに注目したり、<a href=\"/r/Dashboard#userTaggerContents\">ユーザータグ</a>と<a href=\"/r/Dashboard#newCommentsContents\">スレッドの購読</a>を管理できます!",
            "Sick of seeing these tips? They only show up once every 24 hours, but you can disable that in the RES Tips and Tricks preferences.",
            "このヒントを見飽きましたか? これは24時間ごとにしか表示されませんが、RES設定のTips and Tricksで無効にできます。",
            "Did you know that there is now a \"keep me logged in\" option in the Account Switcher? Turn it on if you want to stay logged in to Reddit when using the switcher! <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>My account</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/accountSwitcher\" title=\"RES Settings > Account Switcher\">Account Switcher</a> </td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/accountSwitcher/keepLoggedIn\" title=\"RES Settings > Account Switcher > keepLoggedIn\">keepLoggedIn</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=\"3\">Keep me logged in when I restart my browser.</td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "アカウント切り替え機能に \"keepLoggedIn\" という設定項目があるのを知っていましたか? アカウント切り替え機能を使っていて、redditにログインしたままにしたいなら有効にしましょう!<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table><tbody><tr><td>マイアカウント</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/accountSwitcher\">アカウント切り替え</a></td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/accountSwitcher/keepLoggedIn\">keepLoggedIn</a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\">ブラウザを再起動したとき、ログインしたままにする。</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "See that little [vw] next to users you've voted on? That's their vote weight - it moves up and down as you vote the same user up / down. <h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"> <span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES Settings </h2> <table> <tbody><tr> <td>Users</td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/userTagger\" title=\"RES Settings > User Tagger\">User Tagger</a> </td> <td> <a class=\"\" href=\"#res:settings/userTagger/vwTooltip\" title=\"RES Settings > User Tagger > vwTooltip\">vwTooltip</a> </td> </tr><tr> <td colspan=\"3\">Show the vote weight tooltip on hover (i.e. \"your votes for...\")</td> </tr> </tbody></table>",
            "投票したユーザーの横に[+1]などと表示してあるのが見えますか? これは彼らの投票ウェイト - その人に対する、あなたの投票の合計点です。(upvoteで+1、downvoteで-1)<h2 class=\"settingsPointer\"><span class=\"gearIcon\"></span> RES設定</h2><table> <tbody><tr><td>ユーザー</td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userTagger\" title=\"RES設定 > ユーザータグ\">ユーザータグ</a></td><td><a class=\"\" href=\"#!settings/userTagger/vwTooltip\" title=\"RES設定 > ユーザータグ > vwTooltip\">vwTooltip</a></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"3\">マウスオーバー時に投票ウェイトの情報を表示する。(例えば \"your votes for...\")</td></tr></tbody></table>",
            "Show these tips once every 24 hours",


function start() {
    if(document.getElementById("RESClose")) {

    if(document.getElementById("keyHelp")) {

    if(document.getElementById("tip0")) {

    setTimeout(start, 1000);
