Remove inoreader ADS

Remove's advertisement in reading list, upgrae button and some annoying dialogs.

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Posted: 11-12-2017

Don't kill upgrade bar

Please kill the green bar too :

Screenshot :

HTML code :

Soutenez ce logiciel en plaçant en liste blanche dans votre bloqueur de pub ou en achetant un plan premium. Merci !
Posted: 11-12-2017
Edited: 11-12-2017
Soutenez ce logiciel en plaçant en liste blanche dans votre bloqueur de pub ou en achetant un plan premium. Merci !

To make it easier : div class="alertstate greenstate topnotification" id="consentbbb"

Posted: 12-12-2017

Bonjour ;)

this bar, sometimes is used to display important notice. you can see that through it's class (top_notification). and, it is multi language, so I can not remove it by it's content either.

this bar just appears time to time, it won't annoy you very much. just close it, and it will disappear for a while.

Posted: 12-02-2018

Little exception for french version? Remain annoying. thanks!

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