Reddit - Load 'Continue this thread' inline

Changes 'Continue this thread' links to insert the linked comments into the current page

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Daniel Zhang 28-10-2022
Last: spiralxمؤلف 14-11-2022
جيد Brilliant!
Jake0 09-07-2022
Last: spiralxمؤلف 14-07-2022
جيد Thanks for this! works perfectly.
meesa 19-06-2022
Last: spiralxمؤلف 30-06-2022
جيد Does what it says on the tin!
Alistair1231 28-03-2022
Last: spiralxمؤلف 01-04-2022
جيد Life saver!
NextDev65 20-11-2020
Last: spiralxمؤلف 18-01-2021
جيد very nice

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