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Scroll to Bottom or Top


< Feedback on Scroll to Bottom or Top

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Posted: 14-11-2014


Hi, I just tested this scrip and found a couple of bugs:
1. On a test page, I saw both the icons. However, when I clicked on the bottom pointing arrow, the web page did not scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Instead it stopped at 3/4th of the page.
Page tested:

2. On a single page (contents of the page are just a single page and no scroll bar), I am always seeing the bottom pointing arrow icon. This should only show on a page where are contents span more than a single page.
Page tested: This very page while composing this discussion.

Posted: 18-01-2015

Your first example work for me : i go to the real bottom.
For the second yes , i see the bottom arrow.

Posted: 18-01-2015
Edited: 18-01-2015

Another problem :
If the page provide iframe (by example for a video player), your script show its arrow in this iframe too.
But we don't need it here.

I found that:
// [1] skip all iframe
// From TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere [OpenUserJs
if (window.self! {return}

That work fine.

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