Time on Tab Title

Display remaining travel time, hospital time, raceway time, and time left for chain on tab title.

هذه إصدارات لهذا البرنامج النصي حيث تم تحديث الكود. عرض كل الإصدارات.

  • v0.6 02-12-2023

    Bug fix for Hospital view.

  • v0.5 02-12-2023

    Added time left for the Raceway page and for Faction Chains on the Factions page.

  • v0.4 01-12-2023
  • v0.4 01-12-2023

    Updated with option to parse hospital time into hh:mm:ss format via setting IF_PARSE_HOSPITAL_TIME to true, instead of just copying the natural language format from Hospital view. By default it is false.

  • v0.3 01-12-2023

    0.2 Added Hospital Time. 0.3 updated to only match on index.php and hospitalview.php so the script should only be active on those web pages.

  • v0.2 01-12-2023
  • v0.1 30-11-2023