Prevent Page Visibility

Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Prevent Page Visibility
// @namespace   Disable Page Visibility API
// @description Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows
// @author      @SalahDesDz
// @version     0.1
// @run-at      document-start
// @grant       none
// @match       *://*/*
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==

// This userscript blocks the page visibility API and to some extent the old blur/focus APIs.

const eventsToBlock = [

const preventDefaultHandler = (event) => {

for (const eventName of eventsToBlock) {
  document.addEventListener(eventName, preventDefaultHandler, true);

for (const eventName of eventsToBlock) {
  window.addEventListener(eventName, preventDefaultHandler, true);

document.hasFocus = () => true;
document.onvisibilitychange = null;
Object.defineProperty(document, "visibilityState", { value: "visible" });
Object.defineProperty(document, "hidden", { value: false });
Object.defineProperty(document, "mozHidden", { value: false });
Object.defineProperty(document, "webkitHidden", { value: false });
Object.defineProperty(document, "webkitVisibilityState", { value: "visible" });