Base Brazen Resource Edited

Base library for my scripts test

لا ينبغي أن لا يتم تثبيت هذا السكريت مباشرة. هو مكتبة لسكبتات لتشمل مع التوجيه الفوقية // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Base Brazen Resource Edited 2
// @namespace    brazenvoid ItsColby
// @version      3.8.0
// @author       brazenvoid ItsColby
// @license      GPL-3.0-only
// @description  Base library for my scripts
// @grant       GM.getValue
// @grant       GM.setValue
// @grant        GM.deleteValue
// @run-at  	 document-end
// ==/UserScript==

const REGEX_LINE_BREAK = /\r?\n/g

class ChildObserver
     * @callback observerOnMutation
     * @param {NodeList} nodes
     * @param {Element} previousSibling
     * @param {Element} nextSibling
     * @param {Element} target

     * @return {ChildObserver}
    static create ()
        return new ChildObserver

     * ChildObserver constructor
    constructor ()
        this._node = null
        this._observer = null
        this._onNodesAdded = null
        this._onNodesRemoved = null

     * @return {ChildObserver}
     * @private
    _observeNodes ()
        this._observer.observe(this._node, {childList: true})
        return this

     * Attach an observer to the specified node(s)
     * @param {Node} node
     * @returns {ChildObserver}
    observe (node)
        this._node = node
        this._observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
            for (let mutation of mutations) {
                if (mutation.addedNodes.length && this._onNodesAdded !== null) {
                if (mutation.removedNodes.length && this._onNodesRemoved !== null) {
        return this._observeNodes()

     * @param {observerOnMutation} eventHandler
     * @returns {ChildObserver}
    onNodesAdded (eventHandler)
        this._onNodesAdded = eventHandler
        return this

     * @param {observerOnMutation} eventHandler
     * @returns {ChildObserver}
    onNodesRemoved (eventHandler)
        this._onNodesRemoved = eventHandler
        return this

    pauseObservation ()

    resumeObservation ()

class LocalStore
     * @callback storeEventHandler
     * @param {Object} store

     * @param {string} key
     * @param {Object} defaults
    constructor (key, defaults)
         * @type {Object}
         * @private
        this._defaults = defaults

         * @type {boolean}
         * @private
        this._defaultsSet = false

         * @type {string}
         * @private
        this._key = key

        // Events

         * @type {storeEventHandler}
        this._onChange = null

    _handleOnChange ()
        if (this._onChange !== null) {

     * @return {LocalStore}
    delete ()
        return this

     * @return {*}
    get ()
        this._defaultsSet = false
        let storedStore = GM.getValue(this._key);
        return storedStore === null ? this.restoreDefaults() : Utilities.objectFromJSON(storedStore)

     * @param {storeEventHandler} handler
     * @return {LocalStore}
    onChange (handler)
        this._onChange = handler
        return this

     * @return {Object}
    restoreDefaults ()
        this._defaultsSet = true
        return this._defaults

     * @param {Object} data
     * @return {LocalStore}
    save (data)
        GM.setValue(this._key, Utilities.objectToJSON(data))
        return this

     * @return {boolean}
    wereDefaultsSet ()
        return this._defaultsSet

class SelectorGenerator
     * @param {string} selectorPrefix
    constructor (selectorPrefix)
         * @type {string}
         * @private
        this._prefix = selectorPrefix

     * @param {string} selector
     * @return {string}
    getSelector (selector)
        return this._prefix + selector

     * @param {string} settingName
     * @return {string}
    getSettingsInputSelector (settingName)
        return this.getSelector(Utilities.toKebabCase(settingName) + '-setting')

     * @param {string} settingName
     * @param {boolean} getMinInputSelector
     * @return {string}
    getSettingsRangeInputSelector (settingName, getMinInputSelector)
        return this.getSelector(Utilities.toKebabCase(settingName) + (getMinInputSelector ? '-min' : '-max') + '-setting')

     * @param {string} statisticType
     * @return {string}
    getStatLabelSelector (statisticType)
        return this.getSelector(Utilities.toKebabCase(statisticType) + '-stat')

class StatisticsRecorder
     * @param {string} selectorPrefix
    constructor (selectorPrefix)
         * @type {SelectorGenerator}
         * @private
        this._selectorGenerator = new SelectorGenerator(selectorPrefix)

         * @type {{Total: number}}
         * @private
        this._statistics = {Total: 0}

     * @param {string} statisticType
     * @param {boolean} validationResult
     * @param {number} value
    record (statisticType, validationResult, value = 1)
        if (!validationResult) {
            if (typeof this._statistics[statisticType] !== 'undefined') {
                this._statistics[statisticType] += value
            } else {
                this._statistics[statisticType] = value
            this._statistics.Total += value

    reset ()
        for (const statisticType in this._statistics) {
            this._statistics[statisticType] = 0

    updateUI ()
        let label, labelSelector

        for (const statisticType in this._statistics) {
            labelSelector = this._selectorGenerator.getStatLabelSelector(statisticType)
            label = document.getElementById(labelSelector)
            if (label !== null) {
                label.textContent = this._statistics[statisticType]

class Utilities
     * @param {string[]} words
     * @return {RegExp|null}
    static buildWholeWordMatchingRegex (words)
        if (words.length) {
            let patternedWords = []
            for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
                patternedWords.push('\\b' + words[i] + '\\b')
            return new RegExp('(' + patternedWords.join('|') + ')', 'gi')
        return null

    static callEventHandler (handler, parameters = [], defaultValue = null)
        return handler ? handler(...parameters) : defaultValue

    static callEventHandlerOrFail (name, handler, parameters = [])
        if (handler) {
            return handler(...parameters)
        throw new Error('Callback "' + name + '" must be defined.')

     * @return {number|string}
    static generateId (prefix = null)
        let id = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 1000000000)
        return prefix ? prefix + id.toString() : id

     * @param {string} json
     * @return {Object}
    static objectFromJSON (json)
        /** @type {{arrays: Object, objects: Object, properties: Object}} */
        let parsedJSON = JSON.parse(json)
        let arrayObject = {}
        let result = {}

        for (let property in parsedJSON.arrays) {
            arrayObject = JSON.parse(parsedJSON.arrays[property])
            result[property] = []

            for (let key in arrayObject) {
        for (let property in parsedJSON.objects) {
            result[property] = Utilities.objectFromJSON(parsedJSON.objects[property])
        for (let property in {
            result[property] =[property]
        return result

     * @param {Object} object
     * @return {string}
    static objectToJSON (object)
        let arrayToObject
        let json = {arrays: {}, objects: {}, properties: {}}
        for (let property in object) {
            if (typeof object[property] === 'object') {
                if (Array.isArray(object[property])) {
                    arrayToObject = {}
                    for (let key in object[property]) {
                        arrayToObject[key] = object[property][key]
                    json.arrays[property] = JSON.stringify(arrayToObject)
                } else {
                    json.objects[property] = Utilities.objectToJSON(object[property])
            } else {
      [property] = object[property]
        return JSON.stringify(json)

     * @param milliseconds
     * @return {Promise<*>}
    static sleep (milliseconds)
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))

     * @param {string} text
     * @return {string}
    static toKebabCase (text)
        return text.toLowerCase().replaceAll(' ', '-')

     * @param {string[]} strings
    static trimAndKeepNonEmptyStrings (strings)
        let nonEmptyStrings = []
        for (let string of strings) {
            string = string.trim()
            if (string !== '') {
        return nonEmptyStrings

class Validator
     * @param {JQuery} item
     * @param {string} selector
     * @return {boolean}
    static doesChildExist (item, selector)
        return item.find(selector).length > 0

    static iFramesRemover ()
        GM_addStyle('iframe { display: none !important; }')

     * @param {JQuery} item
     * @param {string} selector
     * @return {boolean}
    static isChildMissing (item, selector)
        return item.find(selector).length === 0

     * @param {number} value
     * @param {number} lowerBound
     * @param {number} upperBound
     * @return {boolean}
    static isInRange (value, lowerBound, upperBound)
        let validationCheck = true

        if (lowerBound > 0 && upperBound > 0) {
            validationCheck = value >= lowerBound && value <= upperBound
        } else {
            if (lowerBound > 0) {
                validationCheck = value >= lowerBound
            if (upperBound > 0) {
                validationCheck = value <= upperBound
        return validationCheck

     * @param {string} text
     * @param {Object} rules
     * @return {string}
    static sanitize (text, rules)
        if (rules) {
            for (const substitute in rules) {
                text = text.replace(rules[substitute], substitute)
        return text.trim()

     * @param {JQuery} textNode
     * @param {Object} rules
     * @return {Validator}
    static sanitizeTextNode (textNode, rules)
        textNode.text(Validator.sanitize(textNode.text(), rules))
        return this

     * @param {string} selector
     * @param {Object} rules
     * @return {Validator}
    static sanitizeNodeOfSelector (selector, rules)
        let node = $(selector)
        if (node.length) {
            let sanitizedText = Validator.sanitize(node.text(), rules)
            document.title = sanitizedText
        return this

     * @param {string} text
     * @param {Object} rules
     * @return {boolean}
    static regexMatches (text, rules)
        return rules ? text.match(rules) !== null : true

     * @param {string} text
     * @param {Object} rules
     * @return {boolean}
    static validateTextDoesNotContain (text, rules)
        return rules ? text.match(rules) === null : true