Trainer Hack

A Trainer to help you play on Reveal the positions of worms close to you.Shows where's the closest and biggest food near you, and can also create 2 danger zone circles around you.

Ask a question, post a review, or report the script.

Icewerve 31-01-2025
Last: hacker09مؤلف 01-02-2025
سيئة Doesnt work
hbk rust 21-12-2024
Last: hacker09مؤلف 07-01-2025
سيئة dont work for me
leeeoooosteeello 07-01-2022
Last: hacker09مؤلف 24-01-2022
جيد this is amazing i swear
Henry Byrd 09-03-2021
Last: hacker09مؤلف 09-03-2021
جيد Wow. Good mod.

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