ScoreSaber Downloader

Adds a download button to Score Saber song pages

// ==UserScript==
// @name         ScoreSaber Downloader
// @version      1.3.2
// @description  Adds a download button to Score Saber song pages
// @author       bhackel
// @match*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @connect
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    // Obtain the song hash from the page
    var rightBoxDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("box has-shadow")[0]
    var id = rightBoxDiv.children[4].innerText
    var url = "" + id;
    var response;

    // Create buttons with text, function, and classes
    var oneclickButton = document.createElement('Button');
    oneclickButton.className = "bhackel-button button is-dark has-background-grey-dark";
    oneclickButton.innerHTML = "OneClick";
    oneclickButton.addEventListener("click", oneclick);

    var zipButton = document.createElement('Button');
    zipButton.className = "bhackel-button button is-dark has-background-grey-dark";
    zipButton.innerHTML = "Zip";
    zipButton.addEventListener("click", zip);

    var previewButton = document.createElement('Button');
    previewButton.className = "bhackel-button button is-dark has-background-grey-dark";
    previewButton.innerHTML = "View Map";
    previewButton.addEventListener("click", preview);

    // Add the buttons to the page
    rightBoxDiv.append(oneclickButton, zipButton, previewButton);

    // Setup for Beat Saver API call - error handling
    function error(rspObj) {
        console.error("There was an error downloading the song: " + rspObj.status + " " + rspObj.statusText);

    // Setup for Beat Saver API call - requesting data
    function request(url) {
        GM_xmlhttpRequest ({
            method:         "GET",
            url:            url,
            responseType:   "json",
            onload:         process_response,
            onabort:        error,
            onerror:        error,
            ontimeout:      error

    // Setup for Beat Saver API call - response from the API
    function process_response(rspObj) {
        // Check for invalid responses
        if (rspObj.status != 200 && rspObj.status != 304) {

        response = rspObj.response;

    // Get the response from Beat Saver

    function oneclick() {
        // Create a OneClick URL from the API response
        var oneclick_url = 'beatsaver://' + response.key
        // Open the URL
        window.location.href = oneclick_url;

    function zip() {
        // Create a zip download URL from the API response
        var zip_url = '' + response.directDownload;
        // Open the URL
        window.location.href = zip_url;

    function preview() {
        // Create a map preview URL from the API response
        var preview_url = '' + response.key;

        var difficulties = [];
        var difficulty = 0;

        // Get all difficulties for the song
        var difficulties_dict = response.metadata.characteristics[0].difficulties;
        if (difficulties_dict.easy) { difficulties.push('Easy'); }
        if (difficulties_dict.normal) { difficulties.push('Normal'); }
        if (difficulties_dict.hard) { difficulties.push('Hard'); }
        if ( { difficulties.push('Expert'); }
        if (difficulties_dict.expertPlus) { difficulties.push('Expert+'); }

        // Find the index of the selected difficulty
        var difficulty_str = document.getElementsByClassName("is-active")[0];
        // For other modes, the page doesn't show a selected difficulty
        if (difficulty_str) {
            difficulty = difficulties.indexOf(difficulty_str.textContent);

        // Add difficulty index to the URL, and open it
        preview_url += '&difficulty=' + difficulty;,'_blank');
