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User threatening to vote red every userscript out of revenge

Posted: 19-02-2017
Edited: 19-02-2017

User threatening to vote red every userscript out of revenge

The following user has exhibited toxic behavior unbecoming of this website, as a result I have removed my userscript from here since I have no intentions of subjecting myself to this kind of treatment.

The fallout can be read in this thread: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/17812/

This was the PM's I was sent after my final decision was made, which he changed his yellow vote to red:

delicacy 6:22PM updated feedback, kind regards.

delicacy 6:25PM Expect other red ratings elsewhere in the following weeks & months.

& to answer you:

1) you can be rated "anywhere" wise individual..

2) "developers working for free that do not have the time" you clearly had the time to type a romance in the feedback, but no time to send me the portion of the code you regularly update that involves a function that's causing trouble in my browser configuration. I can understand your egomaniac attitude & "idontgiveatos" attitude when someone asks you a minor request that could have taken you less time than typing a single paragraph from your romance. But in this case, don't even take the time to pretend you're human & have will to help when you take the time to send back 4 paragraphs commenting about my situation by feedback, cause that form of bipolarism is totally vain & unhelpful.. Just like the infantile assumptions that users who ask you the portion of a code know computer languages by telling them they're free to do it themselves, which clearly shows you seek financial support without any will to help people. Who gives a tos either it's free or not, you mainly created the script for yourself & decided to share it, in a forum where people help each others & you're bragging about it ? this isn't a place to buy scripts intellectual one.. & learn that many people in this world are on gov's help & even if they had money, i don't think they should send you a paypal advance to locate for them a few lines of your script.. you're unhelpful & i don't think anyone will be missing you. keep spitting on my humble request, you can be found & rated anywhere posting any sort of unsuspected situation.. when what i asked you wouldn't have killed you flamer.

3) "do not want to teach users how to program without owing anyone anything" Who asked you a programing tutorial ? you're full of assumptions & also have reading issues, it's probably time to add water to your wine.

I don't know what kind of website this is meant to be, perhaps I had a wrong idea in the beginning, but if this kind of situation and users are allowed to continue here, then this is definitely a place I don't want to be anymore.

Posted: 19-02-2017

The linked discussion at the start already went from blue, to yellow and to the now present red rating. I didn't meant every userscript on the website, but every userscript I upload. The linked discussion shows what has been going on in more detail.

Posted: 20-02-2017

ParticleCore, why do you treat this user and their threat so seriously?

Posted: 20-02-2017

Don't let this one cunt get to you. Youtube + is one of the best scripts on here and it would be a same if you took it down because of them.

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017

I explained everything in the linked discussion when I made my decision:

As a result of this pleasant exchange, and seeing that the website admin did not act on help requests under previous similar situations, and developers here have no way to protect their work from vote trashing, meaning that anyone can do what this user did (or worse) I have decided to completely pull the userscript from this website to prevent further situations like these and focus my limited time on better places.

This wasn't the first time and it appears it won't be the last. If this is how this place is going to be then I have no interest in being here any longer before this gets even worse.

The userscript might return if things happen to change to prevent or control this. Until then it will be only officially hosted in openuserjs and github.

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017

If this is how this place is going to be

I'm a mod here and I haven't seen any reports on that topic except this morning, post mortem already. Sometimes script authors report inappropriate behavior of users and I handle it in the same day as I have automatic notifications for the reports. While I agree this kind of user behavior is toxic and inappropriate, this is the internet, and there is a lot of trolling going on that can't be prevented unless the site pre-moderates all content.

I still don't understand why you had to take this user seriously. Usually developers simply stop paying attention to requests from people who use outdated/nonstandard software.

@JasonBarnabe, is it possible to implement a feature on GF to allow user script authors to close issues with a wontfix status and probably more labels a-la github and other dev-related sites?

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017

I had to take this seriously because 1) it wasn't the firs time, you can see for yourself the growing numbers of yellow and red votes

2) I dedicated too much time and work to this project and other future projects to let it be trashed unfairly

3) A voting system is suppose to provide other users with a relatively easy to understand state of the userscript. When it starts being used as threat/trash tool then the entire system becomes pointless to have, especially considering that those negative votes stay permanently, which means that even if the negative votes are related to something not working correctly, no matter how many fixed versions are uploaded, those negative votes will always stay there, despite their reason to exist is no more, ending up giving the wrong information to any future interested users.

User with unsupported browser, yellow and then red:

User with unsupported browser, yellow:

User with problem no one had, found solution, remained yellow:

User with problem no one had, yellow, never replied:

User with unsupported browser, yellow, never replied:

User with problem no one had, red, never replied:

None of these will ever go away and none of those are a problem related to the userscript at all.

Yes, this is the internet, doesn't mean that I have to put up with this or that a solution for a problem shouldn't be found. Especially when this user proved to be committed to vote trashing and nothing is done to him.

Posted: 20-02-2017

None of these will ever go away and none of this is a problem related to the userscript at all.

I haven't seen any of those posts flagged during my being mod here (a year or so). I can easily revert the ratings to neutral since it's justified: your userscript description mentions only Chrome and Firefox. However, the note is not really prominent: consider using meta keys: @compatible, @incompatible to have browser icons displayed:


You may also use big browser icons at the start of your description, and explicitly state that Palemoon and other obscure forks aren't supported. Be pro-active.

I had to take this seriously

My point is that there is absolutely no reason for you to do so. 99.9% of users won't pay any attention to these several bad/yellow ratings since you have 700 positive ones. Of the remaining 0.1% some will read your responses and understand it's not a problem as they use mainstream browsers.

Especially when this user proved to be committed to vote trashing and nothing is done to him.

I think this user should be restricted from posting for some time, not necessarily banned. However, I'm not sure this primitive forum engine allows doing that.

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017

I can't handle the idea that my script can have 100% invalid and/or unfair negative votes, I think I was pretty much clear about that. I don't care about 100% positive reviews, I never cared, I care about honesty and fairness. If that's not something possible here then indeed this is not the place for me and I don't see any point in wasting any more of your time than I already have with this.

@wOxxOm thanks for the suggestion, will include those tags in the next version update.

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017

I can't handle the idea that my script can have 100% invalid and/or unfair negative votes

Where does this idea come from? Sounds like that user's threats made you imagine things. Let's talk about something realistic. What do you propose other than ragequitting? Can I or JB do anything at all to make you forget that insignificant troll and stop giving them undue importance? For example, I can delete the troll posts after the formal technical ones but will it really make you comfortable here? Or do you only want to announce your final disappointment and never come back?

P.S. I'll answer tomorrow, done for today.

Posted: 20-02-2017

I understand why you get that impression, but I am being honest when I said that I couldn't care less about the positive voting, I hardly advertise the userscript. The feedback and valid bug reporting are what I value the most, it is what makes the software better for the user and everyone that had his problem. For me, the positive reviews are mainly important for others interested in the software. On AMO I've even reported plenty of 4 and 5 star ratings because they were feature requests or similar non-review content, I couldn't care less about what their rating is.

I guess, when it comes to something like this, a voting system such as this one will never work well unless it is done similarly to AMO or switch into something similar to the GitHub issue tracker.

The "i'ts not perfect, but it works" isn't enough for me, unfortunately. I'd probably waste a lot less time if I cared a lot less or not at all about what users say or report, but that's not the kind of developer I am or want to be.

I care and I'd rather stop the problem at its source before it gets a chance to become worse, regardless of how many users it might affect, because those users, the ones that truly like the userscript and actually care, they will find it elsewhere where this abuse is not able to take place or, at least, appears to be controllable.

All in all, this decision might be the right thing to do and one I should have done a long time ago. I guess @wOxxOm was right after all, I was mostly just announcing my disappointment and frustration.

Sorry for bothering all of you with this nonsense, if you'd like please delete this thread since it serves no purpose to anyone, there's nothing here but unnecessary negativism from my part. Stay well.

Posted: 20-02-2017
Edited: 20-02-2017
delicacy said:

since it's so easy to not give a tos when it could help me a lot for a minor request,

& you ignored me as much through the script's feedback as in pm in a latter more objective way.. i'll also be objective and keep up the yellow rating, since i don't give a tos either & don't have time to revert that, facing a complication as much as you are.. as you can see, i can play this game too & if it happened to be fixed without my will, i'll make an even better report under "firefox" & another nick, that will look darker than the previous one & come out of the blue.

From: https://greasyfork.org/en/forum/discussion/17812/

That looks like a threat to me...

Posted: 21-02-2017

ParticleCore has enough reasons to feel unconfortable.
Since Oct 2015, when he gave me attention about a question, I can see he cares about users feedbacks.
I hope this issue can be solved fine and he and the Mod get a deal at end.

Posted: 17-03-2017

Signed in just to comment on this. This is proof that all it takes is one dick head to ruin it for the rest. There's so many people who enjoy the dev's work. Thank you, ParticaleCore for your work, it has been much appreciated. People like you make the world a better place, I'm sorry for the bad encounter you're having here.

Posted: 21-07-2017

That person is such a InsertVulgarWordOfYourChoosing. Please don't let one person get you down, you are a great dev.

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