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Self reporting as not adult not implemented yet?

Posted: 28-09-2015

Self reporting as not adult not implemented yet?

I'm the developer of Manga Loader - https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/692-manga-loader

I recently separated out the adult portion of my script into Manga Loader NSFW - https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/12657-manga-loader-nsfw

Mostly because of the recent changes on the main site to hide adult content but also because it doesn't seem like a terrible idea to give users the option to install adult content or not.

I self reported the script as not adult, but I've been reading the forums and it seems like maybe it doesn't do anything yet?

Posted: 28-09-2015
Edited: 28-09-2015

So it does work, I knew about the moderator approval I just wasn't sure if it actually notified the mods yet, since I hadn't received any messages.

It would be useful if it listed which sites are considered adult because at this point I'm mostly just going by the name / a quick scan of the content, I haven't used a lot the sites my script supports.

For example from scanning Japanzai it seems like a site that separates adult content into a separate subdomain h.japanzai.com, but I can see why that would still count. I've moved it to the other script.

Posted: 29-09-2015
Edited: 29-09-2015


But weird, I guess I didn't notice it. Should I be able to see it on my other script?
Which is the mark page? The only place I saw was the "update script" page and that one checkbox.

Eg: http://i.imgur.com/h5To46u.png

EDIT: is it supposed to be /mark ? I get access denied when I try that and there doesn't seem to be a visible link to it. I do see the code for it though on github https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/blob/master/app/views/scripts/mark.html.erb

EDIT2: I guess you're only supposed to see it if you're a mod? https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/blob/master/app/views/layouts/scripts.html.erb#L26-L28

if user_is_mod

Posted: 29-09-2015

Also is there some way to test if a site would be considered adult by greasyfork?
Since it isn't always obvious and people often request new sites.

Posted: 16-12-2015
Edited: 16-12-2015

My script got marked as adult again. Is there still no mechanism for the average user to see which site is being flagged? The Mark page still doesn't show up for me as a non mod, I get access denied when I try to access it directly.

Posted: 16-12-2015

@fuzetsu, dynasty-scans.com this time

Posted: 16-12-2015

thanks @wOxxOm , I moved that site out to the NSFW script.

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