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Easy? - continue countdown for novafile.com even if the tab isn't open

Posted: 2017-10-08

Easy? - continue countdown for novafile.com even if the tab isn't open

Hi everyone, I'm trying to download lots of files from this host and I have what should be a simple request - novafile.com has a countdown which pauses if you click away from the tab. I'd like to trick the page into continuing the countdown if you do click away.
It seems like the page is using some kind of javascript to detect the tab focus. Unfortunately I have zero programming experience, but if anyone can whip up a userscript for this, I would really appreciate it. I am using chrome.

Posted: 2017-10-08
// ==UserScript==
// @name  novafile: keep counting on blur
// @match https://novafile.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

delete jQuery._data(window, 'events').blur;
Posted: 2017-10-09

Thank you for that, is it also possible to include a function that automatically clicks the download now button?

Posted: 2017-10-09

I don't know. Usually such sites also check the timeout on the server.

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