Discussions » Creation Requests

Bypass cookiewall tubantia.nl

Posted: 2017-03-10

Bypass cookiewall tubantia.nl

Is it possible to create a greasemonkey script that disables a cookieswall event without having to accept the cookie window after cleaning cookies?


Posted: 2017-03-10
// ==UserScript==
// @name    tubantia cookiewall
// @match   *://*.tubantia.nl/*
// @run-at  document-start
// ==/UserScript==

if (document.cookie.indexOf('nl_cookiewall_version') < 0) {
    (document.head || document.documentElement).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style>* {display:none}</style>');
    document.cookie = 'nl_cookiewall_version=1; domain=tubantia.nl; path=/';
    document.cookie = 'nl_cookiewall_version=1; domain=www.tubantia.nl; path=/';
Posted: 2017-03-10

Thank you, it works like a charm

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