KissCartoon/Anime/Asian++ (Defunct)

"Adds hotkeys, auto fullscreen, continous play and shuffle functionality. Hotkeys: F11 - fullscreen, "R" - random episode, Arrow Keys - previous/next episode. Holding "R" or RMB also reverses direction of arrow keys. Double tapping "R" toggles shuffle.

< Feedback on KissCartoon/Anime/Asian++ (Defunct)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2016-12-28

Arrow Keys

The arrow keys now change the episode but I am wondering if it could be changed to 'n' for the next episode and 'b' for the previous episode. I feel that this change wouldn't be too difficult however I do not know how to code in the language that this script is in.

Posted: 2016-12-31

I recently realised the arrows keys originally functioned as way to skip back and forth a few seconds! so all keys are now configurable from the options page coming in 1.0

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