Blockers/Unblockers by jcunews
Scripts which blocks or unblocks things (non site specific)
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
Allow Clipboard Operations JS - Prevent websites from disallowing users to perform clipboard copy, cut, or paste operations. For allowing right-click browser context menu, use the "Prevent Right-Click Context Menu Hijaak" script (
Disable Site Restriction On Page Operations JS - Disable site restrictions which prevent users on performing clipboard operations, text selection, page printing (experimental), and opening the Right-Click context menu. To open the Right-Click context menu use SHIFT+RightClick (the default; configurable in the script code).
PunyCode Protection JS - Warns on clicking links and arriving into sites which uses PunyCode.
Prompt On New Tab JS - Display a confirmation dialog when the site wants to open a new tab, so that user has the chance to cancel or allow it to open in a new or current tab. This script won't work if the user opens a link in a new tab using web browser's "Open in a new tab", "Open in background tab", or similar which are web browser internal or browser extension features.
Disable Notifications API JS - Disable Notifications API where sites may show popup notifications message at bottom-right of the web browser. Any sites which require Notifications API may cause the web browser to ask user for a permission to display notifications. This script disables both the notifications and the permission prompt. It is intended for users who find them annoying.
Remove HTML5 Audio/Video and Flash JS - Remove HTML5 Video (and optionally Audio too) and Flash from any web page. This is somewhat an aggresive measure to disable audio, video and Flash when there's no other option is available.
Page Filter JS - Removes links, images, and text which refer to specific keywords. When a keyword is found in an URL of a link or image, the link/image will be removed. When a keyword is found in a text, the whole text in its container element, will be removed.
Browser Notification Filter JS - Filter out browser notifications by title or body of the notification. Edit script configuration before use, and backup script before updating.
Prevent Right-Click Context Menu Hijaak JS - Prevent websites from entirely disable web browser's Right-Click context menu by allowing use of SHIFT+RightClick, CTRL+RightClick, or CTRL+SHIFT+RightClick (configurable in the script code). This script is designed for Chrome and Chromium based web browsers. Firefox already has this feature built in via SHIFT+RightClick.
Fake GPS Location JS - Falsify GPS location to protect privacy, or to provide a virtual location sensor device. This script should either be be configured for specific sites only, or for all sites but excludes some specific sites.
Disable Video Popouts JS - Disable/remove non browser native video overlays on web pages. This script applies on all sites by default, and must be manually configured to exclude specific sites. Note: this is a somewhat aggresive blocker, where it may break site functionality.
Disable DRM JS - Disable DRM.
Anti Snoop JS - Conceal information about network type (e.g. cellular/broadband), number of CPU cores (or Hyper Threads), and video adapter brand & model.
Event Control JS - Provides ability to enable/disable specific events (accessible from GM menu) on a site page which are specifically listened by the site and browser extensions. When an event is disabled, event handlers including the web browser's, will be disabled.