现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Search By Image JS - Search By Image | 以图搜图
百度贴吧图片缩放增强脚本 JS - 增强百度贴吧图片缩放,看大图无需开新标签页。
Google Images direct link JS - NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
Tieba Advanced JS - 贴吧增强 - Gerald倾情打造
Baidu Multiuser JS - 百度马甲切换
Tieba Multiuser JS - 百度贴吧马甲切换
userscripts 只显示中文 JS - 在 userscripts、greasyfork 脚本页面只显示中文脚本,支持 AutoPager 和其它翻页脚本。
Remove google footer JS - Remove the footer from google home page + google chrome ad.
NoBrighter JS - Change element's background color that is too bright to a light green.
Netease Music Download JS - 网易云音乐下载地址
Flickr Original Link JS - Show direct links to download biggest Flickr image available and some other sizes.
页内书签 JS - 记录页面的当前位置,可以轻松从其他位置返回
Douban Timeline Marker JS - You can place a marker on the last newsfeed you have read, so it can be found easily next time. Ctrl-Click on an item to mark it, again to remove the mark.
Pixiv animated image downloader (and gif convert) JS - A small script to download the new png animated image in pixiv
baidu-music-download JS - 快速免费下载百度音乐
Youtube Auto Quick Buffer JS - Quickens the bufferer on all Youtube videos
vipVideos_skipAd JS - 配合ABP去视频广告;开启GPU加速
163图集完整显示 JS - 看网易图集的时候一张一张的翻很麻烦,本脚本可以让所有图片全部展示出来。
YouTube - Always Theater Mode JS - Set the default viewing mode to Theater Mode.
网易云音乐高音质支持 JS - 去除网页版网易云音乐仅可播放低音质(96Kbps)的限制,强制播放高音质版本
Smart Header for Zhihu JS - 根据页面滚动,自动隐藏及显示知乎顶栏。
Zhihu Laji Search JS - Replace zhihu search button with google search
YouTube Subscriptions Page: Hide Viewed Videos JS - Once a video is clicked, it will be hidden from the subscription page
知乎上班摸鱼隐藏标题和图片 JS - 隐藏图片和标题