现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
AnnoyScript JS - Confirms that you are viewing a webpage.
Avoid_source JS - try to take over the world!
Doppelte Fenster JS - Synchronisiert Aktionen über Fenster/Tabs der gleichen Domain hinweg. Drücke C L O N E, um zu (de)aktivieren
MiniClock JS - simple clock for full screen mode
Block OpenSearch Descriptions JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
阅读csdn博客登录限制解除 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube to Invidious JS - Scan page for Youtube embeds and urls and replace with Invidious.
Dom image downloader JS - download dom node as image.
VPN'siz Vikipedi ve Imgur JS - Wikipedia sayfaları için Wikiwand'a ve Imgur fotoğrafları için Imgurp'a yönlendirerek içeriğe erişebilmenizi sağlar. Bu hizmetin asıl sahibi olan sunucu sahiplerine teşekkürler.
HTML5画中画 JS - 向兼容浏览器中的HTML5视频添加画中画按钮
Easy change speed Youtube JS - try to take over the world!
Unfix Fixed Elements JS - Intelligently reverses ill-conceived element fixing on sites like Medium.com
强制使用思源简宋(Noto Serif CJK SC) JS - 使用谷歌思源简宋字体
强制使用思源简黑(Noto Sans CJK SC) JS - 使用谷歌思源简黑字体
Website to editor JS - Easy to edit anything in website.
F2改变网页背景色(for Chrome) JS - Changes color of page to grey text on black background to make pages easier to read. Uses F2 to toggle colors on and off.
RSSフィードに見えるリンクからRSS Autodiscoveryを作って埋め込む JS - Firefox64-向き
禁用input自动完成功能 JS - 禁用所有网站中input输入框的自动完成功能
TypeShower JS - 动态弹幕实时显示按下的按键
Popup Search JS - Popup search box and translate button (etc) for selected texts
TypeSounder JS - 给按键加入机械键盘的触发声音
防掉线刷新助手 JS - 定期ajax刷新你的网页,防止你被session过期掉线。如果你登录的系统session过期很快,那么这将是神器。
GREGuru JS - try to take over the world!
Surrounded JS - Surrounds selected text on web pages with pairs of characters when typed, keeps selection unchanged.
Easy Picture-in-Picture JS - Picture in Picture を簡単に利用できるようにポップアウト ボタンを追加します。
Disable Google Optimize page-hiding CSS JS - Disable Google Optimize page-hiding CSS.The homepage using Google Optimize will show up quickly.
Dark++ JS - CSS 实现夜间模式; 代码是从贴吧抄的, 嗯 ... over; 由于该实现本质上是覆盖一层, 可能会有未知问题出现: 如 sortTable.js 拖拽无效
Clock figuccio JS - clock ore minuti secondi millesimi data
eBonus.gg Skip ad JS - Bypass Ads
eBonus.gg [Captcha Skip] JS - Resolve o captcha automaticamente em alguns segundos.
AutoClicker JS - 一个自动对网页元素(按钮,链接等)进行重复点击的脚本,可以利用到春节刷票,大学选课,双十一抢购等场景中。
video watch page url JS - Display "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=***********" of embedded YouTube videos.
fか[で全画面化 JS - Firefoxで全画面化のアラートを消すにはabout:config→full-screen-api.warning.timeout→-1
茄子去广告 JS - try to take over the world!
FPS Counter JS - Check your FPS count
authorsmith JS - Authorsmith 自动化
Keyboard navigator JS - Keyboard navigation
👏👏 *** review 👏👏 JS - This userscript replaces most references of <word> review with 👏👏 <word> review 👏👏
Google Homepage Script - Add or replace text... JS - Show a string in Google below the search bar if "alternate language notice" exists, otherwise: Text in searchbox
Google Homepage Script - Prompt For Text JS - Show a string in Google below the search bar if "alternate language notice" exists, otherwise: Text in searchbox
All the boxes JS - more boxes
保持专注_keepFocused JS - 临时屏蔽指定url,给自己一个清净(只屏蔽首页,防止摸鱼,但详情页不屏蔽,便于从搜索引擎进入查找资料)
Page Filter JS - Removes links, images, and text which refer to specific keywords. When a keyword is found in an URL of a link or image, the link/image will be removed. When a keyword is found in a text, the whole text in its container element, will be removed.
Hi-history JS - 获取网站浏览历史
CollectMissingSrc JS - 收集console的error数据!
ad bind JS - Bind AD to <- ->
Enable Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbar Everywhere JS - Enable vertical and horizontal page BODY scrolling (for example, where it is disabled if a modal is open).
替换网页中的内容 JS - 替换网页中的文本内容
i,o,pでXPath生成ツール JS - i:生成 o:除外条件付き生成 p:除外条件+1つの要素のみを生成 Shift+i:除外条件変更 Shift+o:要求条件入力 Shift+p:要求Hits数変更
-で指定した要素をオートフォーカス JS - [-]:Escで戻る+オートフォーカス要素に登録(上端) Shift+[-]:Escで戻る+オートフォーカス要素に登録(中央) Shift+Ctrl+[-]:Escで戻る要素に登録(中央) Esc:そこに戻る
Copy as cp1251 JS - try to take over the world!
Edit Everything JS - Edit every webpage
Pause LastPass! JS - Pause LastPass by adding 'lpignore' to every input of type text or password.
CAPTCHA SKIP BY ЦEZ4P6 JS - Captcha Skip Pro By ЦEZ4P6
Navigational Keyboard Shortcuts SFW JS - Navigate through websites using keyboard buttons N/B for next/previous pages.
回到顶部/底部 JS - 快速滚到页面顶部或底部
磁力mp4搜索 JS - 快速搜索想看的视频,书籍,软件的磁力链接,方便,节省时间
ClearNotes JS - remove all notes and custom colours from planets and ships (notes type 1 & 2).
去繁留简-繁简转换 JS - 网页上的繁体中文字转为简体。
Яндекс ИКС JS - Отображает на каждом сайте иконку Яндекс ИКС
天猫京东苏宁淘宝电脑手机页面互转工具V1.1 Tony JS - 苏宁秒杀助手,秒杀产品购买助手
Sugg JS - Provides link suggestions based on the current page, similar to youtube
快点做正事! 结合Todoist帮助你专心工作 JS - 帮助提醒你限制娱乐时长,专心工作,同时提醒你每日任务,需要注册Todoist(https://todoist.com)
杀死“麦欧兔” JS - 如题
Force Full Editor JS - Forces WYSIWYG editors to always use the full editor if possible
Social Limit JS - Prevents being on social media too long
Show me now time JS - 在打开每个网页的时候显示一下当前时间,以及今天已经过去的百分比
Dissonant JS - Dissonant web chat, for every page on the internet
COS图床上传脚本 JS - ImgURL快捷上传工具
Node Auto proxy JS - Auto redirects you to a proxy
Make page editable JS - Make page editable with keyboard shortcut (contenteditable="true" feature)
双击显示密码 JS - 双击显示密码,失去焦点隐藏.不覆盖 onload,支持密码框后生成的网站
Always Open Telegram Link with tp Protocol JS - convert the URL from "http://t.me" or "http://telegram.me" to "tp://"
Enhanced word highlight JS - Enhanced keywords highlight for Search Engines and All !
Counter for any page JS - React on title of page
Депереименование Астаны JS - Заменяет Нур-Султан на Астану
Browser Notification Filter JS - Filter out browser notifications by title or body of the notification. Edit script configuration before use, and backup script before updating.
Incognito trick JS - Prevent sites detecting if you're in incognito by calling the success callback of webkitRequestFileSystem even if it's failing.
Bt磁力电驴迅雷双击复制 JS - 识别任意BT网站的磁力链接、电驴链接、迅雷下载链接,双击当前页面即可快速复制[hahacium(GitHub)]
Github anchor enhance JS - Enhance github repository link with badges
Emoji & Symbol Picker JS - Adds ability to input emoji and symbol characters via picker popup which is accessible using ALT+` (ALT and backquote) keyboard shortcut (configurable in the script). Character will be generated at the (blinking) cursor. If there's text selected, the character will replace the selection. Note: this script will not work on inputboxes whose keyboard inputs is script driven. e.g. WYSIWYG text boxes.
过图自定义 JS - 给手机网站增加一个可以删除图片的按钮
网页字体替换[苹方]并加阴影 JS - 个人向
强制使用Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 JS - 强制使用Hiragino Kaku Got
禁止图片加载 JS - clear image
Clock1 JS - Clock in basso alle pagine colore blu e rosso
Clock2 JS - Show time drag
Back to Top figuccio JS - Aggiungi pulsante per tornare all'inizio di ogni pagina.
Scrollbars figuccio JS - scrollbars for Chrome 2024
mask fix screen JS - 添加水印层,修复联想显示器,灰色色值显示问题
点击显示爱心 JS - 鼠标移动或点击,浏览器中显示爱心
Disable Hyperlink Auditing JS - A simple script that removes hyperlink auditing from all websites.
Correcteur de frappe JS - Rempalce les erreursd e frappe
HZAU自动思想测评 JS - 允许脚本,打开测评页面,刷新一次,自己提交
Drag Link to Copy Text JS - Copy text of any link by simply dragging it.
Paste Enabler JS - Enables pasting on every site, useful for ourworldoftext.com
Don't fuck with my scroll!!! JS - Whenever the user scrolls using the mouse wheel it will disable all methods to programmatically scroll for 500 ms (0.5 seconds). Basically preventing websites to implement custom scrolling behaviors like smooth scrolling.
GitLab Jira Issue Extractor JS - GitLab Jira Issue Exactor: You can extract jira issues in GitLab after you enable the plugin "jira-issue-tracker".
mini clock 2020figuccio JS - clock 2024 dragabile