Greasy Fork is available in English. King

Free ad-rewards, player ESP, anti recoil

// ==UserScript==
// @name King
// @namespace
// @version      1.0
// @description  Free ad-rewards, player ESP, anti recoil
// @author       You
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const { log, debug, warn, error } = console;

// Ad stuff (Makes Poki SDK work with most adblockers, the ad will be skipped but the rewards will still be granted)
function skipRewardedBreak() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {

Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, {
    'rewardedBreak': {
        get() {
            return skipRewardedBreak.bind(this);
        set() {},
        enumerable: false,
    'gameanalytics': {
        get() {
            return {
                GameAnalytics: {
                    addAdEvent: () => {},
                "EGAErrorSeverity": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Debug",
                    "2": "Info",
                    "3": "Warning",
                    "4": "Error",
                    "5": "Critical",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Debug": 1,
                    "Info": 2,
                    "Warning": 3,
                    "Error": 4,
                    "Critical": 5
                "EGAProgressionStatus": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Start",
                    "2": "Complete",
                    "3": "Fail",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Start": 1,
                    "Complete": 2,
                    "Fail": 3
                "EGAResourceFlowType": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Source",
                    "2": "Sink",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Source": 1,
                    "Sink": 2
                "EGAAdAction": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Clicked",
                    "2": "Show",
                    "3": "FailedShow",
                    "4": "RewardReceived",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Clicked": 1,
                    "Show": 2,
                    "FailedShow": 3,
                    "RewardReceived": 4
                "EGAAdError": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Unknown",
                    "2": "Offline",
                    "3": "NoFill",
                    "4": "InternalError",
                    "5": "InvalidRequest",
                    "6": "UnableToPrecache",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Unknown": 1,
                    "Offline": 2,
                    "NoFill": 3,
                    "InternalError": 4,
                    "InvalidRequest": 5,
                    "UnableToPrecache": 6
                "EGAAdType": {
                    "0": "Undefined",
                    "1": "Video",
                    "2": "RewardedVideo",
                    "3": "Playable",
                    "4": "Interstitial",
                    "5": "OfferWall",
                    "6": "Banner",
                    "Undefined": 0,
                    "Video": 1,
                    "RewardedVideo": 2,
                    "Playable": 3,
                    "Interstitial": 4,
                    "OfferWall": 5,
                    "Banner": 6
                "http": {
                    "EGAHTTPApiResponse": {
                        "0": "NoResponse",
                        "1": "BadResponse",
                        "2": "RequestTimeout",
                        "3": "JsonEncodeFailed",
                        "4": "JsonDecodeFailed",
                        "5": "InternalServerError",
                        "6": "BadRequest",
                        "7": "Unauthorized",
                        "8": "UnknownResponseCode",
                        "9": "Ok",
                        "10": "Created",
                        "NoResponse": 0,
                        "BadResponse": 1,
                        "RequestTimeout": 2,
                        "JsonEncodeFailed": 3,
                        "JsonDecodeFailed": 4,
                        "InternalServerError": 5,
                        "BadRequest": 6,
                        "Unauthorized": 7,
                        "UnknownResponseCode": 8,
                        "Ok": 9,
                        "Created": 10
                "events": {
                    "EGASdkErrorCategory": {
                        "0": "Undefined",
                        "1": "EventValidation",
                        "2": "Database",
                        "3": "Init",
                        "4": "Http",
                        "5": "Json",
                        "Undefined": 0,
                        "EventValidation": 1,
                        "Database": 2,
                        "Init": 3,
                        "Http": 4,
                        "Json": 5
                    "EGASdkErrorArea": {
                        "0": "Undefined",
                        "1": "BusinessEvent",
                        "2": "ResourceEvent",
                        "3": "ProgressionEvent",
                        "4": "DesignEvent",
                        "5": "ErrorEvent",
                        "9": "InitHttp",
                        "10": "EventsHttp",
                        "11": "ProcessEvents",
                        "12": "AddEventsToStore",
                        "20": "AdEvent",
                        "Undefined": 0,
                        "BusinessEvent": 1,
                        "ResourceEvent": 2,
                        "ProgressionEvent": 3,
                        "DesignEvent": 4,
                        "ErrorEvent": 5,
                        "InitHttp": 9,
                        "EventsHttp": 10,
                        "ProcessEvents": 11,
                        "AddEventsToStore": 12,
                        "AdEvent": 20
                    "EGASdkErrorAction": {
                        "0": "Undefined",
                        "1": "InvalidCurrency",
                        "2": "InvalidShortString",
                        "3": "InvalidEventPartLength",
                        "4": "InvalidEventPartCharacters",
                        "5": "InvalidStore",
                        "6": "InvalidFlowType",
                        "7": "StringEmptyOrNull",
                        "8": "NotFoundInAvailableCurrencies",
                        "9": "InvalidAmount",
                        "10": "NotFoundInAvailableItemTypes",
                        "11": "WrongProgressionOrder",
                        "12": "InvalidEventIdLength",
                        "13": "InvalidEventIdCharacters",
                        "15": "InvalidProgressionStatus",
                        "16": "InvalidSeverity",
                        "17": "InvalidLongString",
                        "18": "DatabaseTooLarge",
                        "19": "DatabaseOpenOrCreate",
                        "25": "JsonError",
                        "29": "FailHttpJsonDecode",
                        "30": "FailHttpJsonEncode",
                        "31": "InvalidAdAction",
                        "32": "InvalidAdType",
                        "33": "InvalidString",
                        "Undefined": 0,
                        "InvalidCurrency": 1,
                        "InvalidShortString": 2,
                        "InvalidEventPartLength": 3,
                        "InvalidEventPartCharacters": 4,
                        "InvalidStore": 5,
                        "InvalidFlowType": 6,
                        "StringEmptyOrNull": 7,
                        "NotFoundInAvailableCurrencies": 8,
                        "InvalidAmount": 9,
                        "NotFoundInAvailableItemTypes": 10,
                        "WrongProgressionOrder": 11,
                        "InvalidEventIdLength": 12,
                        "InvalidEventIdCharacters": 13,
                        "InvalidProgressionStatus": 15,
                        "InvalidSeverity": 16,
                        "InvalidLongString": 17,
                        "DatabaseTooLarge": 18,
                        "DatabaseOpenOrCreate": 19,
                        "JsonError": 25,
                        "FailHttpJsonDecode": 29,
                        "FailHttpJsonEncode": 30,
                        "InvalidAdAction": 31,
                        "InvalidAdType": 32,
                        "InvalidString": 33
                    "EGASdkErrorParameter": {
                        "0": "Undefined",
                        "1": "Currency",
                        "2": "CartType",
                        "3": "ItemType",
                        "4": "ItemId",
                        "5": "Store",
                        "6": "FlowType",
                        "7": "Amount",
                        "8": "Progression01",
                        "9": "Progression02",
                        "10": "Progression03",
                        "11": "EventId",
                        "12": "ProgressionStatus",
                        "13": "Severity",
                        "14": "Message",
                        "15": "AdAction",
                        "16": "AdType",
                        "17": "AdSdkName",
                        "18": "AdPlacement",
                        "Undefined": 0,
                        "Currency": 1,
                        "CartType": 2,
                        "ItemType": 3,
                        "ItemId": 4,
                        "Store": 5,
                        "FlowType": 6,
                        "Amount": 7,
                        "Progression01": 8,
                        "Progression02": 9,
                        "Progression03": 10,
                        "EventId": 11,
                        "ProgressionStatus": 12,
                        "Severity": 13,
                        "Message": 14,
                        "AdAction": 15,
                        "AdType": 16,
                        "AdSdkName": 17,
                        "AdPlacement": 18
                "logging": {},
                "utilities": {},
                "validators": {},
                "device": {},
                "threading": {},
                "store": {
                    "EGAStoreArgsOperator": {
                        "0": "Equal",
                        "1": "LessOrEqual",
                        "2": "NotEqual",
                        "Equal": 0,
                        "LessOrEqual": 1,
                        "NotEqual": 2
                    "EGAStore": {
                        "0": "Events",
                        "1": "Sessions",
                        "2": "Progression",
                        "Events": 0,
                        "Sessions": 1,
                        "Progression": 2
                "state": {},
                "tasks": {},
        set(v) {},
        enumerable: false,

// Player ESP
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'material', {
    get() {
        return this._material;
    set(v) {
        if (this.type === 'SkinnedMesh' && this?.skeleton) {
            Object.defineProperties(v, {
                'depthTest': {
                    get () {
                        return false;
                    set(v) {},
                'transparent': {
                    get () {
                        return true;
                    set(v) {},
        this._material = v;

// Anti Recoil (credits to
const _random = Math.random;
Object.defineProperty(Math, 'random', {
    set(value) {
        _random = value;
    get() {
        try {
            throw new Error();
        } catch (error) {
            const stack = error.stack;
            if (stack.includes('shoot')) {
                return _=>.5;
        return _random;