ChatGPT 问题导航侧边栏


// ==UserScript==
// @name               ChatGPT Question Navigation sidebar
// @name:zh-CN         ChatGPT 问题导航侧边栏
// @namespace          npm/chatgpt-question-navigator
// @version            3.0.0
// @author             okokdi
// @description        It provides a convenient question sidebar directory for the ChatGPT official website. It automatically collects the questions asked by users on the current session page and displays them on the sidebar, enabling quick navigation to the location of historical questions.
// @description:zh-CN  为ChatGPT官网提供了一个便捷的问题侧边栏目录。它能够自动搜集当前会话页面的用户提的问题,并展示在侧边栏上,提供快速导航到历史问题的位置的能力。
// @license            GPL-3.0-or-later
// @source   
// @supportURL
// @match    **
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  'use strict';

  function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x2) {
    return x2 && x2.__esModule &&, "default") ? x2["default"] : x2;
  var jsxRuntimeExports = {};
  var jsxRuntime = {
    get exports() {
      return jsxRuntimeExports;
    set exports(v2) {
      jsxRuntimeExports = v2;
  var reactJsxRuntime_production_min = {};
  var reactExports = {};
  var react = {
    get exports() {
      return reactExports;
    set exports(v2) {
      reactExports = v2;
  var react_production_min = {};
   * @license React
   * react.production.min.js
   * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
   * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
   * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  var l$1 = Symbol.for("react.element"), n$1 = Symbol.for("react.portal"), p$2 = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), q$1 = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), r = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), t = Symbol.for("react.provider"), u = Symbol.for("react.context"), v$1 = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), w = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), x = Symbol.for("react.memo"), y = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), z$1 = Symbol.iterator;
  function A$1(a) {
    if (null === a || "object" !== typeof a)
      return null;
    a = z$1 && a[z$1] || a["@@iterator"];
    return "function" === typeof a ? a : null;
  var B$1 = { isMounted: function() {
    return false;
  }, enqueueForceUpdate: function() {
  }, enqueueReplaceState: function() {
  }, enqueueSetState: function() {
  } }, C$1 = Object.assign, D$1 = {};
  function E$1(a, b, e) {
    this.props = a;
    this.context = b;
    this.refs = D$1;
    this.updater = e || B$1;
  E$1.prototype.isReactComponent = {};
  E$1.prototype.setState = function(a, b) {
    if ("object" !== typeof a && "function" !== typeof a && null != a)
      throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.");
    this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, a, b, "setState");
  E$1.prototype.forceUpdate = function(a) {
    this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, a, "forceUpdate");
  function F() {
  F.prototype = E$1.prototype;
  function G$1(a, b, e) {
    this.props = a;
    this.context = b;
    this.refs = D$1;
    this.updater = e || B$1;
  var H$1 = G$1.prototype = new F();
  H$1.constructor = G$1;
  C$1(H$1, E$1.prototype);
  H$1.isPureReactComponent = true;
  var I$1 = Array.isArray, J = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, K$1 = { current: null }, L$1 = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true };
  function M$1(a, b, e) {
    var d, c = {}, k2 = null, h = null;
    if (null != b)
      for (d in void 0 !== b.ref && (h = b.ref), void 0 !== b.key && (k2 = "" + b.key), b), d) && !L$1.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = b[d]);
    var g = arguments.length - 2;
    if (1 === g)
      c.children = e;
    else if (1 < g) {
      for (var f2 = Array(g), m2 = 0; m2 < g; m2++)
        f2[m2] = arguments[m2 + 2];
      c.children = f2;
    if (a && a.defaultProps)
      for (d in g = a.defaultProps, g)
        void 0 === c[d] && (c[d] = g[d]);
    return { $$typeof: l$1, type: a, key: k2, ref: h, props: c, _owner: K$1.current };
  function N$1(a, b) {
    return { $$typeof: l$1, type: a.type, key: b, ref: a.ref, props: a.props, _owner: a._owner };
  function O$1(a) {
    return "object" === typeof a && null !== a && a.$$typeof === l$1;
  function escape(a) {
    var b = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" };
    return "$" + a.replace(/[=:]/g, function(a2) {
      return b[a2];
  var P$1 = /\/+/g;
  function Q$1(a, b) {
    return "object" === typeof a && null !== a && null != a.key ? escape("" + a.key) : b.toString(36);
  function R$1(a, b, e, d, c) {
    var k2 = typeof a;
    if ("undefined" === k2 || "boolean" === k2)
      a = null;
    var h = false;
    if (null === a)
      h = true;
      switch (k2) {
        case "string":
        case "number":
          h = true;
        case "object":
          switch (a.$$typeof) {
            case l$1:
            case n$1:
              h = true;
    if (h)
      return h = a, c = c(h), a = "" === d ? "." + Q$1(h, 0) : d, I$1(c) ? (e = "", null != a && (e = a.replace(P$1, "$&/") + "/"), R$1(c, b, e, "", function(a2) {
        return a2;
      })) : null != c && (O$1(c) && (c = N$1(c, e + (!c.key || h && h.key === c.key ? "" : ("" + c.key).replace(P$1, "$&/") + "/") + a)), b.push(c)), 1;
    h = 0;
    d = "" === d ? "." : d + ":";
    if (I$1(a))
      for (var g = 0; g < a.length; g++) {
        k2 = a[g];
        var f2 = d + Q$1(k2, g);
        h += R$1(k2, b, e, f2, c);
    else if (f2 = A$1(a), "function" === typeof f2)
      for (a =, g = 0; !(k2 =; )
        k2 = k2.value, f2 = d + Q$1(k2, g++), h += R$1(k2, b, e, f2, c);
    else if ("object" === k2)
      throw b = String(a), Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + ("[object Object]" === b ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(a).join(", ") + "}" : b) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.");
    return h;
  function S$1(a, b, e) {
    if (null == a)
      return a;
    var d = [], c = 0;
    R$1(a, d, "", "", function(a2) {
      return, a2, c++);
    return d;
  function T$1(a) {
    if (-1 === a._status) {
      var b = a._result;
      b = b();
      b.then(function(b2) {
        if (0 === a._status || -1 === a._status)
          a._status = 1, a._result = b2;
      }, function(b2) {
        if (0 === a._status || -1 === a._status)
          a._status = 2, a._result = b2;
      -1 === a._status && (a._status = 0, a._result = b);
    if (1 === a._status)
      return a._result.default;
    throw a._result;
  var U$1 = { current: null }, V$1 = { transition: null }, W$1 = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: U$1, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: V$1, ReactCurrentOwner: K$1 };
  react_production_min.Children = { map: S$1, forEach: function(a, b, e) {
    S$1(a, function() {
      b.apply(this, arguments);
    }, e);
  }, count: function(a) {
    var b = 0;
    S$1(a, function() {
    return b;
  }, toArray: function(a) {
    return S$1(a, function(a2) {
      return a2;
    }) || [];
  }, only: function(a) {
    if (!O$1(a))
      throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.");
    return a;
  } };
  react_production_min.Component = E$1;
  react_production_min.Fragment = p$2;
  react_production_min.Profiler = r;
  react_production_min.PureComponent = G$1;
  react_production_min.StrictMode = q$1;
  react_production_min.Suspense = w;
  react_production_min.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = W$1;
  react_production_min.cloneElement = function(a, b, e) {
    if (null === a || void 0 === a)
      throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + a + ".");
    var d = C$1({}, a.props), c = a.key, k2 = a.ref, h = a._owner;
    if (null != b) {
      void 0 !== b.ref && (k2 = b.ref, h = K$1.current);
      void 0 !== b.key && (c = "" + b.key);
      if (a.type && a.type.defaultProps)
        var g = a.type.defaultProps;
      for (f2 in b), f2) && !L$1.hasOwnProperty(f2) && (d[f2] = void 0 === b[f2] && void 0 !== g ? g[f2] : b[f2]);
    var f2 = arguments.length - 2;
    if (1 === f2)
      d.children = e;
    else if (1 < f2) {
      g = Array(f2);
      for (var m2 = 0; m2 < f2; m2++)
        g[m2] = arguments[m2 + 2];
      d.children = g;
    return { $$typeof: l$1, type: a.type, key: c, ref: k2, props: d, _owner: h };
  react_production_min.createContext = function(a) {
    a = { $$typeof: u, _currentValue: a, _currentValue2: a, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null };
    a.Provider = { $$typeof: t, _context: a };
    return a.Consumer = a;
  react_production_min.createElement = M$1;
  react_production_min.createFactory = function(a) {
    var b = M$1.bind(null, a);
    b.type = a;
    return b;
  react_production_min.createRef = function() {
    return { current: null };
  react_production_min.forwardRef = function(a) {
    return { $$typeof: v$1, render: a };
  react_production_min.isValidElement = O$1;
  react_production_min.lazy = function(a) {
    return { $$typeof: y, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: a }, _init: T$1 };
  react_production_min.memo = function(a, b) {
    return { $$typeof: x, type: a, compare: void 0 === b ? null : b };
  react_production_min.startTransition = function(a) {
    var b = V$1.transition;
    V$1.transition = {};
    try {
    } finally {
      V$1.transition = b;
  react_production_min.unstable_act = function() {
    throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.");
  react_production_min.useCallback = function(a, b) {
    return U$1.current.useCallback(a, b);
  react_production_min.useContext = function(a) {
    return U$1.current.useContext(a);
  react_production_min.useDebugValue = function() {
  react_production_min.useDeferredValue = function(a) {
    return U$1.current.useDeferredValue(a);
  react_production_min.useEffect = function(a, b) {
    return U$1.current.useEffect(a, b);
  react_production_min.useId = function() {
    return U$1.current.useId();
  react_production_min.useImperativeHandle = function(a, b, e) {
    return U$1.current.useImperativeHandle(a, b, e);
  react_production_min.useInsertionEffect = function(a, b) {
    return U$1.current.useInsertionEffect(a, b);
  react_production_min.useLayoutEffect = function(a, b) {
    return U$1.current.useLayoutEffect(a, b);
  react_production_min.useMemo = function(a, b) {
    return U$1.current.useMemo(a, b);
  react_production_min.useReducer = function(a, b, e) {
    return U$1.current.useReducer(a, b, e);
  react_production_min.useRef = function(a) {
    return U$1.current.useRef(a);
  react_production_min.useState = function(a) {
    return U$1.current.useState(a);
  react_production_min.useSyncExternalStore = function(a, b, e) {
    return U$1.current.useSyncExternalStore(a, b, e);
  react_production_min.useTransition = function() {
    return U$1.current.useTransition();
  react_production_min.version = "18.2.0";
  (function(module) {
      module.exports = react_production_min;
  const React = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(reactExports);
   * @license React
   * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js
   * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
   * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
   * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  var f = reactExports, k = Symbol.for("react.element"), l = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), m$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, n = f.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, p$1 = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true };
  function q(c, a, g) {
    var b, d = {}, e = null, h = null;
    void 0 !== g && (e = "" + g);
    void 0 !== a.key && (e = "" + a.key);
    void 0 !== a.ref && (h = a.ref);
    for (b in a)
      m$, b) && !p$1.hasOwnProperty(b) && (d[b] = a[b]);
    if (c && c.defaultProps)
      for (b in a = c.defaultProps, a)
        void 0 === d[b] && (d[b] = a[b]);
    return { $$typeof: k, type: c, key: e, ref: h, props: d, _owner: n.current };
  reactJsxRuntime_production_min.Fragment = l;
  reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsx = q;
  reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsxs = q;
  (function(module) {
      module.exports = reactJsxRuntime_production_min;
  var client = {};
  var reactDomExports = {};
  var reactDom = {
    get exports() {
      return reactDomExports;
    set exports(v2) {
      reactDomExports = v2;
  var reactDom_production_min = {};
  var schedulerExports = {};
  var scheduler = {
    get exports() {
      return schedulerExports;
    set exports(v2) {
      schedulerExports = v2;
  var scheduler_production_min = {};
   * @license React
   * scheduler.production.min.js
   * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
   * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
   * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  (function(exports) {
    function f2(a, b) {
      var c = a.length;
        for (; 0 < c; ) {
          var d = c - 1 >>> 1, e = a[d];
          if (0 < g(e, b))
            a[d] = b, a[c] = e, c = d;
            break a;
    function h(a) {
      return 0 === a.length ? null : a[0];
    function k2(a) {
      if (0 === a.length)
        return null;
      var b = a[0], c = a.pop();
      if (c !== b) {
        a[0] = c;
          for (var d = 0, e = a.length, w2 = e >>> 1; d < w2; ) {
            var m2 = 2 * (d + 1) - 1, C2 = a[m2], n2 = m2 + 1, x2 = a[n2];
            if (0 > g(C2, c))
              n2 < e && 0 > g(x2, C2) ? (a[d] = x2, a[n2] = c, d = n2) : (a[d] = C2, a[m2] = c, d = m2);
            else if (n2 < e && 0 > g(x2, c))
              a[d] = x2, a[n2] = c, d = n2;
              break a;
      return b;
    function g(a, b) {
      var c = a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex;
      return 0 !== c ? c : -;
    if ("object" === typeof performance && "function" === typeof {
      var l2 = performance;
      exports.unstable_now = function() {
    } else {
      var p2 = Date, q2 =;
      exports.unstable_now = function() {
        return - q2;
    var r2 = [], t2 = [], u2 = 1, v2 = null, y2 = 3, z2 = false, A2 = false, B2 = false, D2 = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : null, E2 = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : null, F2 = "undefined" !== typeof setImmediate ? setImmediate : null;
    "undefined" !== typeof navigator && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling.isInputPending && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling);
    function G2(a) {
      for (var b = h(t2); null !== b; ) {
        if (null === b.callback)
        else if (b.startTime <= a)
          k2(t2), b.sortIndex = b.expirationTime, f2(r2, b);
        b = h(t2);
    function H2(a) {
      B2 = false;
      if (!A2)
        if (null !== h(r2))
          A2 = true, I2(J2);
        else {
          var b = h(t2);
          null !== b && K2(H2, b.startTime - a);
    function J2(a, b) {
      A2 = false;
      B2 && (B2 = false, E2(L2), L2 = -1);
      z2 = true;
      var c = y2;
      try {
        for (v2 = h(r2); null !== v2 && (!(v2.expirationTime > b) || a && !M2()); ) {
          var d = v2.callback;
          if ("function" === typeof d) {
            v2.callback = null;
            y2 = v2.priorityLevel;
            var e = d(v2.expirationTime <= b);
            b = exports.unstable_now();
            "function" === typeof e ? v2.callback = e : v2 === h(r2) && k2(r2);
          } else
          v2 = h(r2);
        if (null !== v2)
          var w2 = true;
        else {
          var m2 = h(t2);
          null !== m2 && K2(H2, m2.startTime - b);
          w2 = false;
        return w2;
      } finally {
        v2 = null, y2 = c, z2 = false;
    var N2 = false, O2 = null, L2 = -1, P2 = 5, Q2 = -1;
    function M2() {
      return exports.unstable_now() - Q2 < P2 ? false : true;
    function R2() {
      if (null !== O2) {
        var a = exports.unstable_now();
        Q2 = a;
        var b = true;
        try {
          b = O2(true, a);
        } finally {
          b ? S2() : (N2 = false, O2 = null);
      } else
        N2 = false;
    var S2;
    if ("function" === typeof F2)
      S2 = function() {
    else if ("undefined" !== typeof MessageChannel) {
      var T2 = new MessageChannel(), U2 = T2.port2;
      T2.port1.onmessage = R2;
      S2 = function() {
    } else
      S2 = function() {
        D2(R2, 0);
    function I2(a) {
      O2 = a;
      N2 || (N2 = true, S2());
    function K2(a, b) {
      L2 = D2(function() {
      }, b);
    exports.unstable_IdlePriority = 5;
    exports.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1;
    exports.unstable_LowPriority = 4;
    exports.unstable_NormalPriority = 3;
    exports.unstable_Profiling = null;
    exports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2;
    exports.unstable_cancelCallback = function(a) {
      a.callback = null;
    exports.unstable_continueExecution = function() {
      A2 || z2 || (A2 = true, I2(J2));
    exports.unstable_forceFrameRate = function(a) {
      0 > a || 125 < a ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported") : P2 = 0 < a ? Math.floor(1e3 / a) : 5;
    exports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function() {
      return y2;
    exports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function() {
      return h(r2);
    exports.unstable_next = function(a) {
      switch (y2) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
          var b = 3;
          b = y2;
      var c = y2;
      y2 = b;
      try {
        return a();
      } finally {
        y2 = c;
    exports.unstable_pauseExecution = function() {
    exports.unstable_requestPaint = function() {
    exports.unstable_runWithPriority = function(a, b) {
      switch (a) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
          a = 3;
      var c = y2;
      y2 = a;
      try {
        return b();
      } finally {
        y2 = c;
    exports.unstable_scheduleCallback = function(a, b, c) {
      var d = exports.unstable_now();
      "object" === typeof c && null !== c ? (c = c.delay, c = "number" === typeof c && 0 < c ? d + c : d) : c = d;
      switch (a) {
        case 1:
          var e = -1;
        case 2:
          e = 250;
        case 5:
          e = 1073741823;
        case 4:
          e = 1e4;
          e = 5e3;
      e = c + e;
      a = { id: u2++, callback: b, priorityLevel: a, startTime: c, expirationTime: e, sortIndex: -1 };
      c > d ? (a.sortIndex = c, f2(t2, a), null === h(r2) && a === h(t2) && (B2 ? (E2(L2), L2 = -1) : B2 = true, K2(H2, c - d))) : (a.sortIndex = e, f2(r2, a), A2 || z2 || (A2 = true, I2(J2)));
      return a;
    exports.unstable_shouldYield = M2;
    exports.unstable_wrapCallback = function(a) {
      var b = y2;
      return function() {
        var c = y2;
        y2 = b;
        try {
          return a.apply(this, arguments);
        } finally {
          y2 = c;
  (function(module) {
      module.exports = scheduler_production_min;
   * @license React
   * react-dom.production.min.js
   * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
   * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
   * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
  var aa = reactExports, ca = schedulerExports;
  function p(a) {
    for (var b = "" + a, c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++)
      b += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[c]);
    return "Minified React error #" + a + "; visit " + b + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.";
  var da = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), ea = {};
  function fa(a, b) {
    ha(a, b);
    ha(a + "Capture", b);
  function ha(a, b) {
    ea[a] = b;
    for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
  var ia = !("undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof window.document || "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement), ja = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ka = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/, la = {}, ma = {};
  function oa(a) {
    if (, a))
      return true;
    if (, a))
      return false;
    if (ka.test(a))
      return ma[a] = true;
    la[a] = true;
    return false;
  function pa(a, b, c, d) {
    if (null !== c && 0 === c.type)
      return false;
    switch (typeof b) {
      case "function":
      case "symbol":
        return true;
      case "boolean":
        if (d)
          return false;
        if (null !== c)
          return !c.acceptsBooleans;
        a = a.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5);
        return "data-" !== a && "aria-" !== a;
        return false;
  function qa(a, b, c, d) {
    if (null === b || "undefined" === typeof b || pa(a, b, c, d))
      return true;
    if (d)
      return false;
    if (null !== c)
      switch (c.type) {
        case 3:
          return !b;
        case 4:
          return false === b;
        case 5:
          return isNaN(b);
        case 6:
          return isNaN(b) || 1 > b;
    return false;
  function v(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g) {
    this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === b || 3 === b || 4 === b;
    this.attributeName = d;
    this.attributeNamespace = e;
    this.mustUseProperty = c;
    this.propertyName = a;
    this.type = b;
    this.sanitizeURL = f2;
    this.removeEmptyString = g;
  var z = {};
  "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 0, false, a, null, false, false);
  [["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function(a) {
    var b = a[0];
    z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a[1], null, false, false);
  ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 2, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false);
  ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 2, false, a, null, false, false);
  "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 3, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false);
  ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 3, true, a, null, false, false);
  ["capture", "download"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 4, false, a, null, false, false);
  ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 6, false, a, null, false, false);
  ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 5, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false);
  var ra = /[\-:]([a-z])/g;
  function sa(a) {
    return a[1].toUpperCase();
  "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach(function(a) {
    var b = a.replace(
    z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, null, false, false);
  "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function(a) {
    var b = a.replace(ra, sa);
    z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, "", false, false);
  ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function(a) {
    var b = a.replace(ra, sa);
    z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, "", false, false);
  ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 1, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false);
  z.xlinkHref = new v("xlinkHref", 1, false, "xlink:href", "", true, false);
  ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function(a) {
    z[a] = new v(a, 1, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, true, true);
  function ta(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = z.hasOwnProperty(b) ? z[b] : null;
    if (null !== e ? 0 !== e.type : d || !(2 < b.length) || "o" !== b[0] && "O" !== b[0] || "n" !== b[1] && "N" !== b[1])
      qa(b, c, e, d) && (c = null), d || null === e ? oa(b) && (null === c ? a.removeAttribute(b) : a.setAttribute(b, "" + c)) : e.mustUseProperty ? a[e.propertyName] = null === c ? 3 === e.type ? false : "" : c : (b = e.attributeName, d = e.attributeNamespace, null === c ? a.removeAttribute(b) : (e = e.type, c = 3 === e || 4 === e && true === c ? "" : "" + c, d ? a.setAttributeNS(d, b, c) : a.setAttribute(b, c)));
  var ua = aa.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, va = Symbol.for("react.element"), wa = Symbol.for("react.portal"), ya = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), za = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), Aa = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), Ba = Symbol.for("react.provider"), Ca = Symbol.for("react.context"), Da = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), Ea = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), Fa = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), Ga = Symbol.for("react.memo"), Ha = Symbol.for("react.lazy");
  var Ia = Symbol.for("react.offscreen");
  var Ja = Symbol.iterator;
  function Ka(a) {
    if (null === a || "object" !== typeof a)
      return null;
    a = Ja && a[Ja] || a["@@iterator"];
    return "function" === typeof a ? a : null;
  var A = Object.assign, La;
  function Ma(a) {
    if (void 0 === La)
      try {
        throw Error();
      } catch (c) {
        var b = c.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
        La = b && b[1] || "";
    return "\n" + La + a;
  var Na = false;
  function Oa(a, b) {
    if (!a || Na)
      return "";
    Na = true;
    var c = Error.prepareStackTrace;
    Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
    try {
      if (b)
        if (b = function() {
          throw Error();
        }, Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, "props", { set: function() {
          throw Error();
        } }), "object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) {
          try {
            Reflect.construct(b, []);
          } catch (l2) {
            var d = l2;
          Reflect.construct(a, [], b);
        } else {
          try {
          } catch (l2) {
            d = l2;
      else {
        try {
          throw Error();
        } catch (l2) {
          d = l2;
    } catch (l2) {
      if (l2 && d && "string" === typeof l2.stack) {
        for (var e = l2.stack.split("\n"), f2 = d.stack.split("\n"), g = e.length - 1, h = f2.length - 1; 1 <= g && 0 <= h && e[g] !== f2[h]; )
        for (; 1 <= g && 0 <= h; g--, h--)
          if (e[g] !== f2[h]) {
            if (1 !== g || 1 !== h) {
                if (g--, h--, 0 > h || e[g] !== f2[h]) {
                  var k2 = "\n" + e[g].replace(" at new ", " at ");
                  a.displayName && k2.includes("<anonymous>") && (k2 = k2.replace("<anonymous>", a.displayName));
                  return k2;
              while (1 <= g && 0 <= h);
    } finally {
      Na = false, Error.prepareStackTrace = c;
    return (a = a ? a.displayName || : "") ? Ma(a) : "";
  function Pa(a) {
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 5:
        return Ma(a.type);
      case 16:
        return Ma("Lazy");
      case 13:
        return Ma("Suspense");
      case 19:
        return Ma("SuspenseList");
      case 0:
      case 2:
      case 15:
        return a = Oa(a.type, false), a;
      case 11:
        return a = Oa(a.type.render, false), a;
      case 1:
        return a = Oa(a.type, true), a;
        return "";
  function Qa(a) {
    if (null == a)
      return null;
    if ("function" === typeof a)
      return a.displayName || || null;
    if ("string" === typeof a)
      return a;
    switch (a) {
      case ya:
        return "Fragment";
      case wa:
        return "Portal";
      case Aa:
        return "Profiler";
      case za:
        return "StrictMode";
      case Ea:
        return "Suspense";
      case Fa:
        return "SuspenseList";
    if ("object" === typeof a)
      switch (a.$$typeof) {
        case Ca:
          return (a.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
        case Ba:
          return (a._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
        case Da:
          var b = a.render;
          a = a.displayName;
          a || (a = b.displayName || || "", a = "" !== a ? "ForwardRef(" + a + ")" : "ForwardRef");
          return a;
        case Ga:
          return b = a.displayName || null, null !== b ? b : Qa(a.type) || "Memo";
        case Ha:
          b = a._payload;
          a = a._init;
          try {
            return Qa(a(b));
          } catch (c) {
    return null;
  function Ra(a) {
    var b = a.type;
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 24:
        return "Cache";
      case 9:
        return (b.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
      case 10:
        return (b._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
      case 18:
        return "DehydratedFragment";
      case 11:
        return a = b.render, a = a.displayName || || "", b.displayName || ("" !== a ? "ForwardRef(" + a + ")" : "ForwardRef");
      case 7:
        return "Fragment";
      case 5:
        return b;
      case 4:
        return "Portal";
      case 3:
        return "Root";
      case 6:
        return "Text";
      case 16:
        return Qa(b);
      case 8:
        return b === za ? "StrictMode" : "Mode";
      case 22:
        return "Offscreen";
      case 12:
        return "Profiler";
      case 21:
        return "Scope";
      case 13:
        return "Suspense";
      case 19:
        return "SuspenseList";
      case 25:
        return "TracingMarker";
      case 1:
      case 0:
      case 17:
      case 2:
      case 14:
      case 15:
        if ("function" === typeof b)
          return b.displayName || || null;
        if ("string" === typeof b)
          return b;
    return null;
  function Sa(a) {
    switch (typeof a) {
      case "boolean":
      case "number":
      case "string":
      case "undefined":
        return a;
      case "object":
        return a;
        return "";
  function Ta(a) {
    var b = a.type;
    return (a = a.nodeName) && "input" === a.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === b || "radio" === b);
  function Ua(a) {
    var b = Ta(a) ? "checked" : "value", c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a.constructor.prototype, b), d = "" + a[b];
    if (!a.hasOwnProperty(b) && "undefined" !== typeof c && "function" === typeof c.get && "function" === typeof c.set) {
      var e = c.get, f2 = c.set;
      Object.defineProperty(a, b, { configurable: true, get: function() {
      }, set: function(a2) {
        d = "" + a2;, a2);
      } });
      Object.defineProperty(a, b, { enumerable: c.enumerable });
      return { getValue: function() {
        return d;
      }, setValue: function(a2) {
        d = "" + a2;
      }, stopTracking: function() {
        a._valueTracker = null;
        delete a[b];
      } };
  function Va(a) {
    a._valueTracker || (a._valueTracker = Ua(a));
  function Wa(a) {
    if (!a)
      return false;
    var b = a._valueTracker;
    if (!b)
      return true;
    var c = b.getValue();
    var d = "";
    a && (d = Ta(a) ? a.checked ? "true" : "false" : a.value);
    a = d;
    return a !== c ? (b.setValue(a), true) : false;
  function Xa(a) {
    a = a || ("undefined" !== typeof document ? document : void 0);
    if ("undefined" === typeof a)
      return null;
    try {
      return a.activeElement || a.body;
    } catch (b) {
      return a.body;
  function Ya(a, b) {
    var c = b.checked;
    return A({}, b, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: null != c ? c : a._wrapperState.initialChecked });
  function Za(a, b) {
    var c = null == b.defaultValue ? "" : b.defaultValue, d = null != b.checked ? b.checked : b.defaultChecked;
    c = Sa(null != b.value ? b.value : c);
    a._wrapperState = { initialChecked: d, initialValue: c, controlled: "checkbox" === b.type || "radio" === b.type ? null != b.checked : null != b.value };
  function ab(a, b) {
    b = b.checked;
    null != b && ta(a, "checked", b, false);
  function bb(a, b) {
    ab(a, b);
    var c = Sa(b.value), d = b.type;
    if (null != c)
      if ("number" === d) {
        if (0 === c && "" === a.value || a.value != c)
          a.value = "" + c;
      } else
        a.value !== "" + c && (a.value = "" + c);
    else if ("submit" === d || "reset" === d) {
    b.hasOwnProperty("value") ? cb(a, b.type, c) : b.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && cb(a, b.type, Sa(b.defaultValue));
    null == b.checked && null != b.defaultChecked && (a.defaultChecked = !!b.defaultChecked);
  function db(a, b, c) {
    if (b.hasOwnProperty("value") || b.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) {
      var d = b.type;
      if (!("submit" !== d && "reset" !== d || void 0 !== b.value && null !== b.value))
      b = "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue;
      c || b === a.value || (a.value = b);
      a.defaultValue = b;
    c =;
    "" !== c && ( = "");
    a.defaultChecked = !!a._wrapperState.initialChecked;
    "" !== c && ( = c);
  function cb(a, b, c) {
    if ("number" !== b || Xa(a.ownerDocument) !== a)
      null == c ? a.defaultValue = "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue : a.defaultValue !== "" + c && (a.defaultValue = "" + c);
  var eb = Array.isArray;
  function fb(a, b, c, d) {
    a = a.options;
    if (b) {
      b = {};
      for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++)
        b["$" + c[e]] = true;
      for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
        e = b.hasOwnProperty("$" + a[c].value), a[c].selected !== e && (a[c].selected = e), e && d && (a[c].defaultSelected = true);
    } else {
      c = "" + Sa(c);
      b = null;
      for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
        if (a[e].value === c) {
          a[e].selected = true;
          d && (a[e].defaultSelected = true);
        null !== b || a[e].disabled || (b = a[e]);
      null !== b && (b.selected = true);
  function gb(a, b) {
    if (null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)
      throw Error(p(91));
    return A({}, b, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue });
  function hb(a, b) {
    var c = b.value;
    if (null == c) {
      c = b.children;
      b = b.defaultValue;
      if (null != c) {
        if (null != b)
          throw Error(p(92));
        if (eb(c)) {
          if (1 < c.length)
            throw Error(p(93));
          c = c[0];
        b = c;
      null == b && (b = "");
      c = b;
    a._wrapperState = { initialValue: Sa(c) };
  function ib(a, b) {
    var c = Sa(b.value), d = Sa(b.defaultValue);
    null != c && (c = "" + c, c !== a.value && (a.value = c), null == b.defaultValue && a.defaultValue !== c && (a.defaultValue = c));
    null != d && (a.defaultValue = "" + d);
  function jb(a) {
    var b = a.textContent;
    b === a._wrapperState.initialValue && "" !== b && null !== b && (a.value = b);
  function kb(a) {
    switch (a) {
      case "svg":
        return "";
      case "math":
        return "";
        return "";
  function lb(a, b) {
    return null == a || "" === a ? kb(b) : "" === a && "foreignObject" === b ? "" : a;
  var mb, nb = function(a) {
    return "undefined" !== typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function(b, c, d, e) {
      MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() {
        return a(b, c, d, e);
    } : a;
  }(function(a, b) {
    if ("" !== a.namespaceURI || "innerHTML" in a)
      a.innerHTML = b;
    else {
      mb = mb || document.createElement("div");
      mb.innerHTML = "<svg>" + b.valueOf().toString() + "</svg>";
      for (b = mb.firstChild; a.firstChild; )
      for (; b.firstChild; )
  function ob(a, b) {
    if (b) {
      var c = a.firstChild;
      if (c && c === a.lastChild && 3 === c.nodeType) {
        c.nodeValue = b;
    a.textContent = b;
  var pb = {
    animationIterationCount: true,
    aspectRatio: true,
    borderImageOutset: true,
    borderImageSlice: true,
    borderImageWidth: true,
    boxFlex: true,
    boxFlexGroup: true,
    boxOrdinalGroup: true,
    columnCount: true,
    columns: true,
    flex: true,
    flexGrow: true,
    flexPositive: true,
    flexShrink: true,
    flexNegative: true,
    flexOrder: true,
    gridArea: true,
    gridRow: true,
    gridRowEnd: true,
    gridRowSpan: true,
    gridRowStart: true,
    gridColumn: true,
    gridColumnEnd: true,
    gridColumnSpan: true,
    gridColumnStart: true,
    fontWeight: true,
    lineClamp: true,
    lineHeight: true,
    opacity: true,
    order: true,
    orphans: true,
    tabSize: true,
    widows: true,
    zIndex: true,
    zoom: true,
    fillOpacity: true,
    floodOpacity: true,
    stopOpacity: true,
    strokeDasharray: true,
    strokeDashoffset: true,
    strokeMiterlimit: true,
    strokeOpacity: true,
    strokeWidth: true
  }, qb = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"];
  Object.keys(pb).forEach(function(a) {
    qb.forEach(function(b) {
      b = b + a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substring(1);
      pb[b] = pb[a];
  function rb(a, b, c) {
    return null == b || "boolean" === typeof b || "" === b ? "" : c || "number" !== typeof b || 0 === b || pb.hasOwnProperty(a) && pb[a] ? ("" + b).trim() : b + "px";
  function sb(a, b) {
    a =;
    for (var c in b)
      if (b.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
        var d = 0 === c.indexOf("--"), e = rb(c, b[c], d);
        "float" === c && (c = "cssFloat");
        d ? a.setProperty(c, e) : a[c] = e;
  var tb = A({ menuitem: true }, { area: true, base: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, keygen: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true });
  function ub(a, b) {
    if (b) {
      if (tb[a] && (null != b.children || null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML))
        throw Error(p(137, a));
      if (null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) {
        if (null != b.children)
          throw Error(p(60));
        if ("object" !== typeof b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML || !("__html" in b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML))
          throw Error(p(61));
      if (null != && "object" !== typeof
        throw Error(p(62));
  function vb(a, b) {
    if (-1 === a.indexOf("-"))
      return "string" === typeof;
    switch (a) {
      case "annotation-xml":
      case "color-profile":
      case "font-face":
      case "font-face-src":
      case "font-face-uri":
      case "font-face-format":
      case "font-face-name":
      case "missing-glyph":
        return false;
        return true;
  var wb = null;
  function xb(a) {
    a = || a.srcElement || window;
    a.correspondingUseElement && (a = a.correspondingUseElement);
    return 3 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a;
  var yb = null, zb = null, Ab = null;
  function Bb(a) {
    if (a = Cb(a)) {
      if ("function" !== typeof yb)
        throw Error(p(280));
      var b = a.stateNode;
      b && (b = Db(b), yb(a.stateNode, a.type, b));
  function Eb(a) {
    zb ? Ab ? Ab.push(a) : Ab = [a] : zb = a;
  function Fb() {
    if (zb) {
      var a = zb, b = Ab;
      Ab = zb = null;
      if (b)
        for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
  function Gb(a, b) {
    return a(b);
  function Hb() {
  var Ib = false;
  function Jb(a, b, c) {
    if (Ib)
      return a(b, c);
    Ib = true;
    try {
      return Gb(a, b, c);
    } finally {
      if (Ib = false, null !== zb || null !== Ab)
        Hb(), Fb();
  function Kb(a, b) {
    var c = a.stateNode;
    if (null === c)
      return null;
    var d = Db(c);
    if (null === d)
      return null;
    c = d[b];
      switch (b) {
        case "onClick":
        case "onClickCapture":
        case "onDoubleClick":
        case "onDoubleClickCapture":
        case "onMouseDown":
        case "onMouseDownCapture":
        case "onMouseMove":
        case "onMouseMoveCapture":
        case "onMouseUp":
        case "onMouseUpCapture":
        case "onMouseEnter":
          (d = !d.disabled) || (a = a.type, d = !("button" === a || "input" === a || "select" === a || "textarea" === a));
          a = !d;
          break a;
          a = false;
    if (a)
      return null;
    if (c && "function" !== typeof c)
      throw Error(p(231, b, typeof c));
    return c;
  var Lb = false;
  if (ia)
    try {
      var Mb = {};
      Object.defineProperty(Mb, "passive", { get: function() {
        Lb = true;
      } });
      window.addEventListener("test", Mb, Mb);
      window.removeEventListener("test", Mb, Mb);
    } catch (a) {
      Lb = false;
  function Nb(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g, h, k2) {
    var l2 =, 3);
    try {
      b.apply(c, l2);
    } catch (m2) {
  var Ob = false, Pb = null, Qb = false, Rb = null, Sb = { onError: function(a) {
    Ob = true;
    Pb = a;
  } };
  function Tb(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g, h, k2) {
    Ob = false;
    Pb = null;
    Nb.apply(Sb, arguments);
  function Ub(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g, h, k2) {
    Tb.apply(this, arguments);
    if (Ob) {
      if (Ob) {
        var l2 = Pb;
        Ob = false;
        Pb = null;
      } else
        throw Error(p(198));
      Qb || (Qb = true, Rb = l2);
  function Vb(a) {
    var b = a, c = a;
    if (a.alternate)
      for (; b.return; )
        b = b.return;
    else {
      a = b;
        b = a, 0 !== (b.flags & 4098) && (c = b.return), a = b.return;
      while (a);
    return 3 === b.tag ? c : null;
  function Wb(a) {
    if (13 === a.tag) {
      var b = a.memoizedState;
      null === b && (a = a.alternate, null !== a && (b = a.memoizedState));
      if (null !== b)
        return b.dehydrated;
    return null;
  function Xb(a) {
    if (Vb(a) !== a)
      throw Error(p(188));
  function Yb(a) {
    var b = a.alternate;
    if (!b) {
      b = Vb(a);
      if (null === b)
        throw Error(p(188));
      return b !== a ? null : a;
    for (var c = a, d = b; ; ) {
      var e = c.return;
      if (null === e)
      var f2 = e.alternate;
      if (null === f2) {
        d = e.return;
        if (null !== d) {
          c = d;
      if (e.child === f2.child) {
        for (f2 = e.child; f2; ) {
          if (f2 === c)
            return Xb(e), a;
          if (f2 === d)
            return Xb(e), b;
          f2 = f2.sibling;
        throw Error(p(188));
      if (c.return !== d.return)
        c = e, d = f2;
      else {
        for (var g = false, h = e.child; h; ) {
          if (h === c) {
            g = true;
            c = e;
            d = f2;
          if (h === d) {
            g = true;
            d = e;
            c = f2;
          h = h.sibling;
        if (!g) {
          for (h = f2.child; h; ) {
            if (h === c) {
              g = true;
              c = f2;
              d = e;
            if (h === d) {
              g = true;
              d = f2;
              c = e;
            h = h.sibling;
          if (!g)
            throw Error(p(189));
      if (c.alternate !== d)
        throw Error(p(190));
    if (3 !== c.tag)
      throw Error(p(188));
    return c.stateNode.current === c ? a : b;
  function Zb(a) {
    a = Yb(a);
    return null !== a ? $b(a) : null;
  function $b(a) {
    if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag)
      return a;
    for (a = a.child; null !== a; ) {
      var b = $b(a);
      if (null !== b)
        return b;
      a = a.sibling;
    return null;
  var ac = ca.unstable_scheduleCallback, bc = ca.unstable_cancelCallback, cc = ca.unstable_shouldYield, dc = ca.unstable_requestPaint, B = ca.unstable_now, ec = ca.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel, fc = ca.unstable_ImmediatePriority, gc = ca.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, hc = ca.unstable_NormalPriority, ic = ca.unstable_LowPriority, jc = ca.unstable_IdlePriority, kc = null, lc = null;
  function mc(a) {
    if (lc && "function" === typeof lc.onCommitFiberRoot)
      try {
        lc.onCommitFiberRoot(kc, a, void 0, 128 === (a.current.flags & 128));
      } catch (b) {
  var oc = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : nc, pc = Math.log, qc = Math.LN2;
  function nc(a) {
    a >>>= 0;
    return 0 === a ? 32 : 31 - (pc(a) / qc | 0) | 0;
  var rc = 64, sc = 4194304;
  function tc(a) {
    switch (a & -a) {
      case 1:
        return 1;
      case 2:
        return 2;
      case 4:
        return 4;
      case 8:
        return 8;
      case 16:
        return 16;
      case 32:
        return 32;
      case 64:
      case 128:
      case 256:
      case 512:
      case 1024:
      case 2048:
      case 4096:
      case 8192:
      case 16384:
      case 32768:
      case 65536:
      case 131072:
      case 262144:
      case 524288:
      case 1048576:
      case 2097152:
        return a & 4194240;
      case 4194304:
      case 8388608:
      case 16777216:
      case 33554432:
      case 67108864:
        return a & 130023424;
      case 134217728:
        return 134217728;
      case 268435456:
        return 268435456;
      case 536870912:
        return 536870912;
      case 1073741824:
        return 1073741824;
        return a;
  function uc(a, b) {
    var c = a.pendingLanes;
    if (0 === c)
      return 0;
    var d = 0, e = a.suspendedLanes, f2 = a.pingedLanes, g = c & 268435455;
    if (0 !== g) {
      var h = g & ~e;
      0 !== h ? d = tc(h) : (f2 &= g, 0 !== f2 && (d = tc(f2)));
    } else
      g = c & ~e, 0 !== g ? d = tc(g) : 0 !== f2 && (d = tc(f2));
    if (0 === d)
      return 0;
    if (0 !== b && b !== d && 0 === (b & e) && (e = d & -d, f2 = b & -b, e >= f2 || 16 === e && 0 !== (f2 & 4194240)))
      return b;
    0 !== (d & 4) && (d |= c & 16);
    b = a.entangledLanes;
    if (0 !== b)
      for (a = a.entanglements, b &= d; 0 < b; )
        c = 31 - oc(b), e = 1 << c, d |= a[c], b &= ~e;
    return d;
  function vc(a, b) {
    switch (a) {
      case 1:
      case 2:
      case 4:
        return b + 250;
      case 8:
      case 16:
      case 32:
      case 64:
      case 128:
      case 256:
      case 512:
      case 1024:
      case 2048:
      case 4096:
      case 8192:
      case 16384:
      case 32768:
      case 65536:
      case 131072:
      case 262144:
      case 524288:
      case 1048576:
      case 2097152:
        return b + 5e3;
      case 4194304:
      case 8388608:
      case 16777216:
      case 33554432:
      case 67108864:
        return -1;
      case 134217728:
      case 268435456:
      case 536870912:
      case 1073741824:
        return -1;
        return -1;
  function wc(a, b) {
    for (var c = a.suspendedLanes, d = a.pingedLanes, e = a.expirationTimes, f2 = a.pendingLanes; 0 < f2; ) {
      var g = 31 - oc(f2), h = 1 << g, k2 = e[g];
      if (-1 === k2) {
        if (0 === (h & c) || 0 !== (h & d))
          e[g] = vc(h, b);
      } else
        k2 <= b && (a.expiredLanes |= h);
      f2 &= ~h;
  function xc(a) {
    a = a.pendingLanes & -1073741825;
    return 0 !== a ? a : a & 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : 0;
  function yc() {
    var a = rc;
    rc <<= 1;
    0 === (rc & 4194240) && (rc = 64);
    return a;
  function zc(a) {
    for (var b = [], c = 0; 31 > c; c++)
    return b;
  function Ac(a, b, c) {
    a.pendingLanes |= b;
    536870912 !== b && (a.suspendedLanes = 0, a.pingedLanes = 0);
    a = a.eventTimes;
    b = 31 - oc(b);
    a[b] = c;
  function Bc(a, b) {
    var c = a.pendingLanes & ~b;
    a.pendingLanes = b;
    a.suspendedLanes = 0;
    a.pingedLanes = 0;
    a.expiredLanes &= b;
    a.mutableReadLanes &= b;
    a.entangledLanes &= b;
    b = a.entanglements;
    var d = a.eventTimes;
    for (a = a.expirationTimes; 0 < c; ) {
      var e = 31 - oc(c), f2 = 1 << e;
      b[e] = 0;
      d[e] = -1;
      a[e] = -1;
      c &= ~f2;
  function Cc(a, b) {
    var c = a.entangledLanes |= b;
    for (a = a.entanglements; c; ) {
      var d = 31 - oc(c), e = 1 << d;
      e & b | a[d] & b && (a[d] |= b);
      c &= ~e;
  var C = 0;
  function Dc(a) {
    a &= -a;
    return 1 < a ? 4 < a ? 0 !== (a & 268435455) ? 16 : 536870912 : 4 : 1;
  var Ec, Fc, Gc, Hc, Ic, Jc = false, Kc = [], Lc = null, Mc = null, Nc = null, Oc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), Pc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), Qc = [], Rc = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split(" ");
  function Sc(a, b) {
    switch (a) {
      case "focusin":
      case "focusout":
        Lc = null;
      case "dragenter":
      case "dragleave":
        Mc = null;
      case "mouseover":
      case "mouseout":
        Nc = null;
      case "pointerover":
      case "pointerout":
      case "gotpointercapture":
      case "lostpointercapture":
  function Tc(a, b, c, d, e, f2) {
    if (null === a || a.nativeEvent !== f2)
      return a = { blockedOn: b, domEventName: c, eventSystemFlags: d, nativeEvent: f2, targetContainers: [e] }, null !== b && (b = Cb(b), null !== b && Fc(b)), a;
    a.eventSystemFlags |= d;
    b = a.targetContainers;
    null !== e && -1 === b.indexOf(e) && b.push(e);
    return a;
  function Uc(a, b, c, d, e) {
    switch (b) {
      case "focusin":
        return Lc = Tc(Lc, a, b, c, d, e), true;
      case "dragenter":
        return Mc = Tc(Mc, a, b, c, d, e), true;
      case "mouseover":
        return Nc = Tc(Nc, a, b, c, d, e), true;
      case "pointerover":
        var f2 = e.pointerId;
        Oc.set(f2, Tc(Oc.get(f2) || null, a, b, c, d, e));
        return true;
      case "gotpointercapture":
        return f2 = e.pointerId, Pc.set(f2, Tc(Pc.get(f2) || null, a, b, c, d, e)), true;
    return false;
  function Vc(a) {
    var b = Wc(;
    if (null !== b) {
      var c = Vb(b);
      if (null !== c) {
        if (b = c.tag, 13 === b) {
          if (b = Wb(c), null !== b) {
            a.blockedOn = b;
            Ic(a.priority, function() {
        } else if (3 === b && c.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) {
          a.blockedOn = 3 === c.tag ? c.stateNode.containerInfo : null;
    a.blockedOn = null;
  function Xc(a) {
    if (null !== a.blockedOn)
      return false;
    for (var b = a.targetContainers; 0 < b.length; ) {
      var c = Yc(a.domEventName, a.eventSystemFlags, b[0], a.nativeEvent);
      if (null === c) {
        c = a.nativeEvent;
        var d = new c.constructor(c.type, c);
        wb = d;;
        wb = null;
      } else
        return b = Cb(c), null !== b && Fc(b), a.blockedOn = c, false;
    return true;
  function Zc(a, b, c) {
    Xc(a) && c.delete(b);
  function $c() {
    Jc = false;
    null !== Lc && Xc(Lc) && (Lc = null);
    null !== Mc && Xc(Mc) && (Mc = null);
    null !== Nc && Xc(Nc) && (Nc = null);
  function ad(a, b) {
    a.blockedOn === b && (a.blockedOn = null, Jc || (Jc = true, ca.unstable_scheduleCallback(ca.unstable_NormalPriority, $c)));
  function bd(a) {
    function b(b2) {
      return ad(b2, a);
    if (0 < Kc.length) {
      ad(Kc[0], a);
      for (var c = 1; c < Kc.length; c++) {
        var d = Kc[c];
        d.blockedOn === a && (d.blockedOn = null);
    null !== Lc && ad(Lc, a);
    null !== Mc && ad(Mc, a);
    null !== Nc && ad(Nc, a);
    for (c = 0; c < Qc.length; c++)
      d = Qc[c], d.blockedOn === a && (d.blockedOn = null);
    for (; 0 < Qc.length && (c = Qc[0], null === c.blockedOn); )
      Vc(c), null === c.blockedOn && Qc.shift();
  var cd = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, dd = true;
  function ed(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = C, f2 = cd.transition;
    cd.transition = null;
    try {
      C = 1, fd(a, b, c, d);
    } finally {
      C = e, cd.transition = f2;
  function gd(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = C, f2 = cd.transition;
    cd.transition = null;
    try {
      C = 4, fd(a, b, c, d);
    } finally {
      C = e, cd.transition = f2;
  function fd(a, b, c, d) {
    if (dd) {
      var e = Yc(a, b, c, d);
      if (null === e)
        hd(a, b, d, id, c), Sc(a, d);
      else if (Uc(e, a, b, c, d))
      else if (Sc(a, d), b & 4 && -1 < Rc.indexOf(a)) {
        for (; null !== e; ) {
          var f2 = Cb(e);
          null !== f2 && Ec(f2);
          f2 = Yc(a, b, c, d);
          null === f2 && hd(a, b, d, id, c);
          if (f2 === e)
          e = f2;
        null !== e && d.stopPropagation();
      } else
        hd(a, b, d, null, c);
  var id = null;
  function Yc(a, b, c, d) {
    id = null;
    a = xb(d);
    a = Wc(a);
    if (null !== a)
      if (b = Vb(a), null === b)
        a = null;
      else if (c = b.tag, 13 === c) {
        a = Wb(b);
        if (null !== a)
          return a;
        a = null;
      } else if (3 === c) {
        if (b.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
          return 3 === b.tag ? b.stateNode.containerInfo : null;
        a = null;
      } else
        b !== a && (a = null);
    id = a;
    return null;
  function jd(a) {
    switch (a) {
      case "cancel":
      case "click":
      case "close":
      case "contextmenu":
      case "copy":
      case "cut":
      case "auxclick":
      case "dblclick":
      case "dragend":
      case "dragstart":
      case "drop":
      case "focusin":
      case "focusout":
      case "input":
      case "invalid":
      case "keydown":
      case "keypress":
      case "keyup":
      case "mousedown":
      case "mouseup":
      case "paste":
      case "pause":
      case "play":
      case "pointercancel":
      case "pointerdown":
      case "pointerup":
      case "ratechange":
      case "reset":
      case "resize":
      case "seeked":
      case "submit":
      case "touchcancel":
      case "touchend":
      case "touchstart":
      case "volumechange":
      case "change":
      case "selectionchange":
      case "textInput":
      case "compositionstart":
      case "compositionend":
      case "compositionupdate":
      case "beforeblur":
      case "afterblur":
      case "beforeinput":
      case "blur":
      case "fullscreenchange":
      case "focus":
      case "hashchange":
      case "popstate":
      case "select":
      case "selectstart":
        return 1;
      case "drag":
      case "dragenter":
      case "dragexit":
      case "dragleave":
      case "dragover":
      case "mousemove":
      case "mouseout":
      case "mouseover":
      case "pointermove":
      case "pointerout":
      case "pointerover":
      case "scroll":
      case "toggle":
      case "touchmove":
      case "wheel":
      case "mouseenter":
      case "mouseleave":
      case "pointerenter":
      case "pointerleave":
        return 4;
      case "message":
        switch (ec()) {
          case fc:
            return 1;
          case gc:
            return 4;
          case hc:
          case ic:
            return 16;
          case jc:
            return 536870912;
            return 16;
        return 16;
  var kd = null, ld = null, md = null;
  function nd() {
    if (md)
      return md;
    var a, b = ld, c = b.length, d, e = "value" in kd ? kd.value : kd.textContent, f2 = e.length;
    for (a = 0; a < c && b[a] === e[a]; a++)
    var g = c - a;
    for (d = 1; d <= g && b[c - d] === e[f2 - d]; d++)
    return md = e.slice(a, 1 < d ? 1 - d : void 0);
  function od(a) {
    var b = a.keyCode;
    "charCode" in a ? (a = a.charCode, 0 === a && 13 === b && (a = 13)) : a = b;
    10 === a && (a = 13);
    return 32 <= a || 13 === a ? a : 0;
  function pd() {
    return true;
  function qd() {
    return false;
  function rd(a) {
    function b(b2, d, e, f2, g) {
      this._reactName = b2;
      this._targetInst = e;
      this.type = d;
      this.nativeEvent = f2; = g;
      this.currentTarget = null;
      for (var c in a)
        a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b2 = a[c], this[c] = b2 ? b2(f2) : f2[c]);
      this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != f2.defaultPrevented ? f2.defaultPrevented : false === f2.returnValue) ? pd : qd;
      this.isPropagationStopped = qd;
      return this;
    A(b.prototype, { preventDefault: function() {
      this.defaultPrevented = true;
      var a2 = this.nativeEvent;
      a2 && (a2.preventDefault ? a2.preventDefault() : "unknown" !== typeof a2.returnValue && (a2.returnValue = false), this.isDefaultPrevented = pd);
    }, stopPropagation: function() {
      var a2 = this.nativeEvent;
      a2 && (a2.stopPropagation ? a2.stopPropagation() : "unknown" !== typeof a2.cancelBubble && (a2.cancelBubble = true), this.isPropagationStopped = pd);
    }, persist: function() {
    }, isPersistent: pd });
    return b;
  var sd = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function(a) {
    return a.timeStamp ||;
  }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0 }, td = rd(sd), ud = A({}, sd, { view: 0, detail: 0 }), vd = rd(ud), wd, xd, yd, Ad = A({}, ud, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: zd, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function(a) {
    return void 0 === a.relatedTarget ? a.fromElement === a.srcElement ? a.toElement : a.fromElement : a.relatedTarget;
  }, movementX: function(a) {
    if ("movementX" in a)
      return a.movementX;
    a !== yd && (yd && "mousemove" === a.type ? (wd = a.screenX - yd.screenX, xd = a.screenY - yd.screenY) : xd = wd = 0, yd = a);
    return wd;
  }, movementY: function(a) {
    return "movementY" in a ? a.movementY : xd;
  } }), Bd = rd(Ad), Cd = A({}, Ad, { dataTransfer: 0 }), Dd = rd(Cd), Ed = A({}, ud, { relatedTarget: 0 }), Fd = rd(Ed), Gd = A({}, sd, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }), Hd = rd(Gd), Id = A({}, sd, { clipboardData: function(a) {
    return "clipboardData" in a ? a.clipboardData : window.clipboardData;
  } }), Jd = rd(Id), Kd = A({}, sd, { data: 0 }), Ld = rd(Kd), Md = {
    Esc: "Escape",
    Spacebar: " ",
    Left: "ArrowLeft",
    Up: "ArrowUp",
    Right: "ArrowRight",
    Down: "ArrowDown",
    Del: "Delete",
    Win: "OS",
    Menu: "ContextMenu",
    Apps: "ContextMenu",
    Scroll: "ScrollLock",
    MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified"
  }, Nd = {
    8: "Backspace",
    9: "Tab",
    12: "Clear",
    13: "Enter",
    16: "Shift",
    17: "Control",
    18: "Alt",
    19: "Pause",
    20: "CapsLock",
    27: "Escape",
    32: " ",
    33: "PageUp",
    34: "PageDown",
    35: "End",
    36: "Home",
    37: "ArrowLeft",
    38: "ArrowUp",
    39: "ArrowRight",
    40: "ArrowDown",
    45: "Insert",
    46: "Delete",
    112: "F1",
    113: "F2",
    114: "F3",
    115: "F4",
    116: "F5",
    117: "F6",
    118: "F7",
    119: "F8",
    120: "F9",
    121: "F10",
    122: "F11",
    123: "F12",
    144: "NumLock",
    145: "ScrollLock",
    224: "Meta"
  }, Od = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" };
  function Pd(a) {
    var b = this.nativeEvent;
    return b.getModifierState ? b.getModifierState(a) : (a = Od[a]) ? !!b[a] : false;
  function zd() {
    return Pd;
  var Qd = A({}, ud, { key: function(a) {
    if (a.key) {
      var b = Md[a.key] || a.key;
      if ("Unidentified" !== b)
        return b;
    return "keypress" === a.type ? (a = od(a), 13 === a ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(a)) : "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? Nd[a.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : "";
  }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: zd, charCode: function(a) {
    return "keypress" === a.type ? od(a) : 0;
  }, keyCode: function(a) {
    return "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? a.keyCode : 0;
  }, which: function(a) {
    return "keypress" === a.type ? od(a) : "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? a.keyCode : 0;
  } }), Rd = rd(Qd), Sd = A({}, Ad, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0 }), Td = rd(Sd), Ud = A({}, ud, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: zd }), Vd = rd(Ud), Wd = A({}, sd, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }), Xd = rd(Wd), Yd = A({}, Ad, {
    deltaX: function(a) {
      return "deltaX" in a ? a.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX" in a ? -a.wheelDeltaX : 0;
    deltaY: function(a) {
      return "deltaY" in a ? a.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY" in a ? -a.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta" in a ? -a.wheelDelta : 0;
    deltaZ: 0,
    deltaMode: 0
  }), Zd = rd(Yd), $d = [9, 13, 27, 32], ae = ia && "CompositionEvent" in window, be = null;
  ia && "documentMode" in document && (be = document.documentMode);
  var ce = ia && "TextEvent" in window && !be, de = ia && (!ae || be && 8 < be && 11 >= be), ee = String.fromCharCode(32), fe = false;
  function ge(a, b) {
    switch (a) {
      case "keyup":
        return -1 !== $d.indexOf(b.keyCode);
      case "keydown":
        return 229 !== b.keyCode;
      case "keypress":
      case "mousedown":
      case "focusout":
        return true;
        return false;
  function he(a) {
    a = a.detail;
    return "object" === typeof a && "data" in a ? : null;
  var ie = false;
  function je(a, b) {
    switch (a) {
      case "compositionend":
        return he(b);
      case "keypress":
        if (32 !== b.which)
          return null;
        fe = true;
        return ee;
      case "textInput":
        return a =, a === ee && fe ? null : a;
        return null;
  function ke(a, b) {
    if (ie)
      return "compositionend" === a || !ae && ge(a, b) ? (a = nd(), md = ld = kd = null, ie = false, a) : null;
    switch (a) {
      case "paste":
        return null;
      case "keypress":
        if (!(b.ctrlKey || b.altKey || b.metaKey) || b.ctrlKey && b.altKey) {
          if (b.char && 1 < b.char.length)
            return b.char;
          if (b.which)
            return String.fromCharCode(b.which);
        return null;
      case "compositionend":
        return de && "ko" !== b.locale ? null :;
        return null;
  var le = { color: true, date: true, datetime: true, "datetime-local": true, email: true, month: true, number: true, password: true, range: true, search: true, tel: true, text: true, time: true, url: true, week: true };
  function me(a) {
    var b = a && a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    return "input" === b ? !!le[a.type] : "textarea" === b ? true : false;
  function ne(a, b, c, d) {
    b = oe(b, "onChange");
    0 < b.length && (c = new td("onChange", "change", null, c, d), a.push({ event: c, listeners: b }));
  var pe = null, qe = null;
  function re(a) {
    se(a, 0);
  function te(a) {
    var b = ue(a);
    if (Wa(b))
      return a;
  function ve(a, b) {
    if ("change" === a)
      return b;
  var we = false;
  if (ia) {
    var xe;
    if (ia) {
      var ye = "oninput" in document;
      if (!ye) {
        var ze = document.createElement("div");
        ze.setAttribute("oninput", "return;");
        ye = "function" === typeof ze.oninput;
      xe = ye;
    } else
      xe = false;
    we = xe && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode);
  function Ae() {
    pe && (pe.detachEvent("onpropertychange", Be), qe = pe = null);
  function Be(a) {
    if ("value" === a.propertyName && te(qe)) {
      var b = [];
      ne(b, qe, a, xb(a));
      Jb(re, b);
  function Ce(a, b, c) {
    "focusin" === a ? (Ae(), pe = b, qe = c, pe.attachEvent("onpropertychange", Be)) : "focusout" === a && Ae();
  function De(a) {
    if ("selectionchange" === a || "keyup" === a || "keydown" === a)
      return te(qe);
  function Ee(a, b) {
    if ("click" === a)
      return te(b);
  function Fe(a, b) {
    if ("input" === a || "change" === a)
      return te(b);
  function Ge(a, b) {
    return a === b && (0 !== a || 1 / a === 1 / b) || a !== a && b !== b;
  var He = "function" === typeof ? : Ge;
  function Ie(a, b) {
    if (He(a, b))
      return true;
    if ("object" !== typeof a || null === a || "object" !== typeof b || null === b)
      return false;
    var c = Object.keys(a), d = Object.keys(b);
    if (c.length !== d.length)
      return false;
    for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
      var e = c[d];
      if (!, e) || !He(a[e], b[e]))
        return false;
    return true;
  function Je(a) {
    for (; a && a.firstChild; )
      a = a.firstChild;
    return a;
  function Ke(a, b) {
    var c = Je(a);
    a = 0;
    for (var d; c; ) {
      if (3 === c.nodeType) {
        d = a + c.textContent.length;
        if (a <= b && d >= b)
          return { node: c, offset: b - a };
        a = d;
      a: {
        for (; c; ) {
          if (c.nextSibling) {
            c = c.nextSibling;
            break a;
          c = c.parentNode;
        c = void 0;
      c = Je(c);
  function Le(a, b) {
    return a && b ? a === b ? true : a && 3 === a.nodeType ? false : b && 3 === b.nodeType ? Le(a, b.parentNode) : "contains" in a ? a.contains(b) : a.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16) : false : false;
  function Me() {
    for (var a = window, b = Xa(); b instanceof a.HTMLIFrameElement; ) {
      try {
        var c = "string" === typeof b.contentWindow.location.href;
      } catch (d) {
        c = false;
      if (c)
        a = b.contentWindow;
      b = Xa(a.document);
    return b;
  function Ne(a) {
    var b = a && a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    return b && ("input" === b && ("text" === a.type || "search" === a.type || "tel" === a.type || "url" === a.type || "password" === a.type) || "textarea" === b || "true" === a.contentEditable);
  function Oe(a) {
    var b = Me(), c = a.focusedElem, d = a.selectionRange;
    if (b !== c && c && c.ownerDocument && Le(c.ownerDocument.documentElement, c)) {
      if (null !== d && Ne(c)) {
        if (b = d.start, a = d.end, void 0 === a && (a = b), "selectionStart" in c)
          c.selectionStart = b, c.selectionEnd = Math.min(a, c.value.length);
        else if (a = (b = c.ownerDocument || document) && b.defaultView || window, a.getSelection) {
          a = a.getSelection();
          var e = c.textContent.length, f2 = Math.min(d.start, e);
          d = void 0 === d.end ? f2 : Math.min(d.end, e);
          !a.extend && f2 > d && (e = d, d = f2, f2 = e);
          e = Ke(c, f2);
          var g = Ke(
          e && g && (1 !== a.rangeCount || a.anchorNode !== e.node || a.anchorOffset !== e.offset || a.focusNode !== g.node || a.focusOffset !== g.offset) && (b = b.createRange(), b.setStart(e.node, e.offset), a.removeAllRanges(), f2 > d ? (a.addRange(b), a.extend(g.node, g.offset)) : (b.setEnd(g.node, g.offset), a.addRange(b)));
      b = [];
      for (a = c; a = a.parentNode; )
        1 === a.nodeType && b.push({ element: a, left: a.scrollLeft, top: a.scrollTop });
      "function" === typeof c.focus && c.focus();
      for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
        a = b[c], a.element.scrollLeft = a.left, a.element.scrollTop =;
  var Pe = ia && "documentMode" in document && 11 >= document.documentMode, Qe = null, Re = null, Se = null, Te = false;
  function Ue(a, b, c) {
    var d = c.window === c ? c.document : 9 === c.nodeType ? c : c.ownerDocument;
    Te || null == Qe || Qe !== Xa(d) || (d = Qe, "selectionStart" in d && Ne(d) ? d = { start: d.selectionStart, end: d.selectionEnd } : (d = (d.ownerDocument && d.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getSelection(), d = { anchorNode: d.anchorNode, anchorOffset: d.anchorOffset, focusNode: d.focusNode, focusOffset: d.focusOffset }), Se && Ie(Se, d) || (Se = d, d = oe(Re, "onSelect"), 0 < d.length && (b = new td("onSelect", "select", null, b, c), a.push({ event: b, listeners: d }), = Qe)));
  function Ve(a, b) {
    var c = {};
    c[a.toLowerCase()] = b.toLowerCase();
    c["Webkit" + a] = "webkit" + b;
    c["Moz" + a] = "moz" + b;
    return c;
  var We = { animationend: Ve("Animation", "AnimationEnd"), animationiteration: Ve("Animation", "AnimationIteration"), animationstart: Ve("Animation", "AnimationStart"), transitionend: Ve("Transition", "TransitionEnd") }, Xe = {}, Ye = {};
  ia && (Ye = document.createElement("div").style, "AnimationEvent" in window || (delete We.animationend.animation, delete We.animationiteration.animation, delete We.animationstart.animation), "TransitionEvent" in window || delete We.transitionend.transition);
  function Ze(a) {
    if (Xe[a])
      return Xe[a];
    if (!We[a])
      return a;
    var b = We[a], c;
    for (c in b)
      if (b.hasOwnProperty(c) && c in Ye)
        return Xe[a] = b[c];
    return a;
  var $e = Ze("animationend"), af = Ze("animationiteration"), bf = Ze("animationstart"), cf = Ze("transitionend"), df = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), ef = "abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel".split(" ");
  function ff(a, b) {
    df.set(a, b);
    fa(b, [a]);
  for (var gf = 0; gf < ef.length; gf++) {
    var hf = ef[gf], jf = hf.toLowerCase(), kf = hf[0].toUpperCase() + hf.slice(1);
    ff(jf, "on" + kf);
  ff($e, "onAnimationEnd");
  ff(af, "onAnimationIteration");
  ff(bf, "onAnimationStart");
  ff("dblclick", "onDoubleClick");
  ff("focusin", "onFocus");
  ff("focusout", "onBlur");
  ff(cf, "onTransitionEnd");
  ha("onMouseEnter", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
  ha("onMouseLeave", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
  ha("onPointerEnter", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
  ha("onPointerLeave", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
  fa("onChange", "change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" "));
  fa("onSelect", "focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" "));
  fa("onBeforeInput", ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"]);
  fa("onCompositionEnd", "compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
  fa("onCompositionStart", "compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
  fa("onCompositionUpdate", "compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" "));
  var lf = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(" "), mf = new Set("cancel close invalid load scroll toggle".split(" ").concat(lf));
  function nf(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.type || "unknown-event";
    a.currentTarget = c;
    Ub(d, b, void 0, a);
    a.currentTarget = null;
  function se(a, b) {
    b = 0 !== (b & 4);
    for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
      var d = a[c], e = d.event;
      d = d.listeners;
      a: {
        var f2 = void 0;
        if (b)
          for (var g = d.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) {
            var h = d[g], k2 = h.instance, l2 = h.currentTarget;
            h = h.listener;
            if (k2 !== f2 && e.isPropagationStopped())
              break a;
            nf(e, h, l2);
            f2 = k2;
          for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) {
            h = d[g];
            k2 = h.instance;
            l2 = h.currentTarget;
            h = h.listener;
            if (k2 !== f2 && e.isPropagationStopped())
              break a;
            nf(e, h, l2);
            f2 = k2;
    if (Qb)
      throw a = Rb, Qb = false, Rb = null, a;
  function D(a, b) {
    var c = b[of];
    void 0 === c && (c = b[of] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
    var d = a + "__bubble";
    c.has(d) || (pf(b, a, 2, false), c.add(d));
  function qf(a, b, c) {
    var d = 0;
    b && (d |= 4);
    pf(c, a, d, b);
  var rf = "_reactListening" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
  function sf(a) {
    if (!a[rf]) {
      a[rf] = true;
      da.forEach(function(b2) {
        "selectionchange" !== b2 && (mf.has(b2) || qf(b2, false, a), qf(b2, true, a));
      var b = 9 === a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument;
      null === b || b[rf] || (b[rf] = true, qf("selectionchange", false, b));
  function pf(a, b, c, d) {
    switch (jd(b)) {
      case 1:
        var e = ed;
      case 4:
        e = gd;
        e = fd;
    c = e.bind(null, b, c, a);
    e = void 0;
    !Lb || "touchstart" !== b && "touchmove" !== b && "wheel" !== b || (e = true);
    d ? void 0 !== e ? a.addEventListener(b, c, { capture: true, passive: e }) : a.addEventListener(b, c, true) : void 0 !== e ? a.addEventListener(b, c, { passive: e }) : a.addEventListener(b, c, false);
  function hd(a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f2 = d;
    if (0 === (b & 1) && 0 === (b & 2) && null !== d)
        for (; ; ) {
          if (null === d)
          var g = d.tag;
          if (3 === g || 4 === g) {
            var h = d.stateNode.containerInfo;
            if (h === e || 8 === h.nodeType && h.parentNode === e)
            if (4 === g)
              for (g = d.return; null !== g; ) {
                var k2 = g.tag;
                if (3 === k2 || 4 === k2) {
                  if (k2 = g.stateNode.containerInfo, k2 === e || 8 === k2.nodeType && k2.parentNode === e)
                g = g.return;
            for (; null !== h; ) {
              g = Wc(h);
              if (null === g)
              k2 = g.tag;
              if (5 === k2 || 6 === k2) {
                d = f2 = g;
                continue a;
              h = h.parentNode;
          d = d.return;
    Jb(function() {
      var d2 = f2, e2 = xb(c), g2 = [];
      a: {
        var h2 = df.get(a);
        if (void 0 !== h2) {
          var k3 = td, n2 = a;
          switch (a) {
            case "keypress":
              if (0 === od(c))
                break a;
            case "keydown":
            case "keyup":
              k3 = Rd;
            case "focusin":
              n2 = "focus";
              k3 = Fd;
            case "focusout":
              n2 = "blur";
              k3 = Fd;
            case "beforeblur":
            case "afterblur":
              k3 = Fd;
            case "click":
              if (2 === c.button)
                break a;
            case "auxclick":
            case "dblclick":
            case "mousedown":
            case "mousemove":
            case "mouseup":
            case "mouseout":
            case "mouseover":
            case "contextmenu":
              k3 = Bd;
            case "drag":
            case "dragend":
            case "dragenter":
            case "dragexit":
            case "dragleave":
            case "dragover":
            case "dragstart":
            case "drop":
              k3 = Dd;
            case "touchcancel":
            case "touchend":
            case "touchmove":
            case "touchstart":
              k3 = Vd;
            case $e:
            case af:
            case bf:
              k3 = Hd;
            case cf:
              k3 = Xd;
            case "scroll":
              k3 = vd;
            case "wheel":
              k3 = Zd;
            case "copy":
            case "cut":
            case "paste":
              k3 = Jd;
            case "gotpointercapture":
            case "lostpointercapture":
            case "pointercancel":
            case "pointerdown":
            case "pointermove":
            case "pointerout":
            case "pointerover":
            case "pointerup":
              k3 = Td;
          var t2 = 0 !== (b & 4), J2 = !t2 && "scroll" === a, x2 = t2 ? null !== h2 ? h2 + "Capture" : null : h2;
          t2 = [];
          for (var w2 = d2, u2; null !== w2; ) {
            u2 = w2;
            var F2 = u2.stateNode;
            5 === u2.tag && null !== F2 && (u2 = F2, null !== x2 && (F2 = Kb(w2, x2), null != F2 && t2.push(tf(w2, F2, u2))));
            if (J2)
            w2 = w2.return;
          0 < t2.length && (h2 = new k3(h2, n2, null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: h2, listeners: t2 }));
      if (0 === (b & 7)) {
        a: {
          h2 = "mouseover" === a || "pointerover" === a;
          k3 = "mouseout" === a || "pointerout" === a;
          if (h2 && c !== wb && (n2 = c.relatedTarget || c.fromElement) && (Wc(n2) || n2[uf]))
            break a;
          if (k3 || h2) {
            h2 = e2.window === e2 ? e2 : (h2 = e2.ownerDocument) ? h2.defaultView || h2.parentWindow : window;
            if (k3) {
              if (n2 = c.relatedTarget || c.toElement, k3 = d2, n2 = n2 ? Wc(n2) : null, null !== n2 && (J2 = Vb(n2), n2 !== J2 || 5 !== n2.tag && 6 !== n2.tag))
                n2 = null;
            } else
              k3 = null, n2 = d2;
            if (k3 !== n2) {
              t2 = Bd;
              F2 = "onMouseLeave";
              x2 = "onMouseEnter";
              w2 = "mouse";
              if ("pointerout" === a || "pointerover" === a)
                t2 = Td, F2 = "onPointerLeave", x2 = "onPointerEnter", w2 = "pointer";
              J2 = null == k3 ? h2 : ue(k3);
              u2 = null == n2 ? h2 : ue(n2);
              h2 = new t2(F2, w2 + "leave", k3, c, e2);
     = J2;
              h2.relatedTarget = u2;
              F2 = null;
              Wc(e2) === d2 && (t2 = new t2(x2, w2 + "enter", n2, c, e2), = u2, t2.relatedTarget = J2, F2 = t2);
              J2 = F2;
              if (k3 && n2)
                b: {
                  t2 = k3;
                  x2 = n2;
                  w2 = 0;
                  for (u2 = t2; u2; u2 = vf(u2))
                  u2 = 0;
                  for (F2 = x2; F2; F2 = vf(F2))
                  for (; 0 < w2 - u2; )
                    t2 = vf(t2), w2--;
                  for (; 0 < u2 - w2; )
                    x2 = vf(x2), u2--;
                  for (; w2--; ) {
                    if (t2 === x2 || null !== x2 && t2 === x2.alternate)
                      break b;
                    t2 = vf(t2);
                    x2 = vf(x2);
                  t2 = null;
                t2 = null;
              null !== k3 && wf(g2, h2, k3, t2, false);
              null !== n2 && null !== J2 && wf(g2, J2, n2, t2, true);
        a: {
          h2 = d2 ? ue(d2) : window;
          k3 = h2.nodeName && h2.nodeName.toLowerCase();
          if ("select" === k3 || "input" === k3 && "file" === h2.type)
            var na = ve;
          else if (me(h2))
            if (we)
              na = Fe;
            else {
              na = De;
              var xa = Ce;
            (k3 = h2.nodeName) && "input" === k3.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === h2.type || "radio" === h2.type) && (na = Ee);
          if (na && (na = na(a, d2))) {
            ne(g2, na, c, e2);
            break a;
          xa && xa(a, h2, d2);
          "focusout" === a && (xa = h2._wrapperState) && xa.controlled && "number" === h2.type && cb(h2, "number", h2.value);
        xa = d2 ? ue(d2) : window;
        switch (a) {
          case "focusin":
            if (me(xa) || "true" === xa.contentEditable)
              Qe = xa, Re = d2, Se = null;
          case "focusout":
            Se = Re = Qe = null;
          case "mousedown":
            Te = true;
          case "contextmenu":
          case "mouseup":
          case "dragend":
            Te = false;
            Ue(g2, c, e2);
          case "selectionchange":
            if (Pe)
          case "keydown":
          case "keyup":
            Ue(g2, c, e2);
        var $a;
        if (ae)
          b: {
            switch (a) {
              case "compositionstart":
                var ba = "onCompositionStart";
                break b;
              case "compositionend":
                ba = "onCompositionEnd";
                break b;
              case "compositionupdate":
                ba = "onCompositionUpdate";
                break b;
            ba = void 0;
          ie ? ge(a, c) && (ba = "onCompositionEnd") : "keydown" === a && 229 === c.keyCode && (ba = "onCompositionStart");
        ba && (de && "ko" !== c.locale && (ie || "onCompositionStart" !== ba ? "onCompositionEnd" === ba && ie && ($a = nd()) : (kd = e2, ld = "value" in kd ? kd.value : kd.textContent, ie = true)), xa = oe(d2, ba), 0 < xa.length && (ba = new Ld(ba, a, null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: ba, listeners: xa }), $a ? = $a : ($a = he(c), null !== $a && ( = $a))));
        if ($a = ce ? je(a, c) : ke(a, c))
          d2 = oe(d2, "onBeforeInput"), 0 < d2.length && (e2 = new Ld("onBeforeInput", "beforeinput", null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: e2, listeners: d2 }), = $a);
      se(g2, b);
  function tf(a, b, c) {
    return { instance: a, listener: b, currentTarget: c };
  function oe(a, b) {
    for (var c = b + "Capture", d = []; null !== a; ) {
      var e = a, f2 = e.stateNode;
      5 === e.tag && null !== f2 && (e = f2, f2 = Kb(a, c), null != f2 && d.unshift(tf(a, f2, e)), f2 = Kb(a, b), null != f2 && d.push(tf(a, f2, e)));
      a = a.return;
    return d;
  function vf(a) {
    if (null === a)
      return null;
      a = a.return;
    while (a && 5 !== a.tag);
    return a ? a : null;
  function wf(a, b, c, d, e) {
    for (var f2 = b._reactName, g = []; null !== c && c !== d; ) {
      var h = c, k2 = h.alternate, l2 = h.stateNode;
      if (null !== k2 && k2 === d)
      5 === h.tag && null !== l2 && (h = l2, e ? (k2 = Kb(c, f2), null != k2 && g.unshift(tf(c, k2, h))) : e || (k2 = Kb(c, f2), null != k2 && g.push(tf(c, k2, h))));
      c = c.return;
    0 !== g.length && a.push({ event: b, listeners: g });
  var xf = /\r\n?/g, yf = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g;
  function zf(a) {
    return ("string" === typeof a ? a : "" + a).replace(xf, "\n").replace(yf, "");
  function Af(a, b, c) {
    b = zf(b);
    if (zf(a) !== b && c)
      throw Error(p(425));
  function Bf() {
  var Cf = null, Df = null;
  function Ef(a, b) {
    return "textarea" === a || "noscript" === a || "string" === typeof b.children || "number" === typeof b.children || "object" === typeof b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html;
  var Ff = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0, Gf = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0, Hf = "function" === typeof Promise ? Promise : void 0, Jf = "function" === typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : "undefined" !== typeof Hf ? function(a) {
    return Hf.resolve(null).then(a).catch(If);
  } : Ff;
  function If(a) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      throw a;
  function Kf(a, b) {
    var c = b, d = 0;
    do {
      var e = c.nextSibling;
      if (e && 8 === e.nodeType)
        if (c =, "/$" === c) {
          if (0 === d) {
        } else
          "$" !== c && "$?" !== c && "$!" !== c || d++;
      c = e;
    } while (c);
  function Lf(a) {
    for (; null != a; a = a.nextSibling) {
      var b = a.nodeType;
      if (1 === b || 3 === b)
      if (8 === b) {
        b =;
        if ("$" === b || "$!" === b || "$?" === b)
        if ("/$" === b)
          return null;
    return a;
  function Mf(a) {
    a = a.previousSibling;
    for (var b = 0; a; ) {
      if (8 === a.nodeType) {
        var c =;
        if ("$" === c || "$!" === c || "$?" === c) {
          if (0 === b)
            return a;
        } else
          "/$" === c && b++;
      a = a.previousSibling;
    return null;
  var Nf = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), Of = "__reactFiber$" + Nf, Pf = "__reactProps$" + Nf, uf = "__reactContainer$" + Nf, of = "__reactEvents$" + Nf, Qf = "__reactListeners$" + Nf, Rf = "__reactHandles$" + Nf;
  function Wc(a) {
    var b = a[Of];
    if (b)
      return b;
    for (var c = a.parentNode; c; ) {
      if (b = c[uf] || c[Of]) {
        c = b.alternate;
        if (null !== b.child || null !== c && null !== c.child)
          for (a = Mf(a); null !== a; ) {
            if (c = a[Of])
              return c;
            a = Mf(a);
        return b;
      a = c;
      c = a.parentNode;
    return null;
  function Cb(a) {
    a = a[Of] || a[uf];
    return !a || 5 !== a.tag && 6 !== a.tag && 13 !== a.tag && 3 !== a.tag ? null : a;
  function ue(a) {
    if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag)
      return a.stateNode;
    throw Error(p(33));
  function Db(a) {
    return a[Pf] || null;
  var Sf = [], Tf = -1;
  function Uf(a) {
    return { current: a };
  function E(a) {
    0 > Tf || (a.current = Sf[Tf], Sf[Tf] = null, Tf--);
  function G(a, b) {
    Sf[Tf] = a.current;
    a.current = b;
  var Vf = {}, H = Uf(Vf), Wf = Uf(false), Xf = Vf;
  function Yf(a, b) {
    var c = a.type.contextTypes;
    if (!c)
      return Vf;
    var d = a.stateNode;
    if (d && d.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === b)
      return d.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;
    var e = {}, f2;
    for (f2 in c)
      e[f2] = b[f2];
    d && (a = a.stateNode, a.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = b, a.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = e);
    return e;
  function Zf(a) {
    a = a.childContextTypes;
    return null !== a && void 0 !== a;
  function $f() {
  function ag(a, b, c) {
    if (H.current !== Vf)
      throw Error(p(168));
    G(H, b);
    G(Wf, c);
  function bg(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.stateNode;
    b = b.childContextTypes;
    if ("function" !== typeof d.getChildContext)
      return c;
    d = d.getChildContext();
    for (var e in d)
      if (!(e in b))
        throw Error(p(108, Ra(a) || "Unknown", e));
    return A({}, c, d);
  function cg(a) {
    a = (a = a.stateNode) && a.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || Vf;
    Xf = H.current;
    G(H, a);
    G(Wf, Wf.current);
    return true;
  function dg(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.stateNode;
    if (!d)
      throw Error(p(169));
    c ? (a = bg(a, b, Xf), d.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = a, E(Wf), E(H), G(H, a)) : E(Wf);
    G(Wf, c);
  var eg = null, fg = false, gg = false;
  function hg(a) {
    null === eg ? eg = [a] : eg.push(a);
  function ig(a) {
    fg = true;
  function jg() {
    if (!gg && null !== eg) {
      gg = true;
      var a = 0, b = C;
      try {
        var c = eg;
        for (C = 1; a < c.length; a++) {
          var d = c[a];
            d = d(true);
          while (null !== d);
        eg = null;
        fg = false;
      } catch (e) {
        throw null !== eg && (eg = eg.slice(a + 1)), ac(fc, jg), e;
      } finally {
        C = b, gg = false;
    return null;
  var kg = [], lg = 0, mg = null, ng = 0, og = [], pg = 0, qg = null, rg = 1, sg = "";
  function tg(a, b) {
    kg[lg++] = ng;
    kg[lg++] = mg;
    mg = a;
    ng = b;
  function ug(a, b, c) {
    og[pg++] = rg;
    og[pg++] = sg;
    og[pg++] = qg;
    qg = a;
    var d = rg;
    a = sg;
    var e = 32 - oc(d) - 1;
    d &= ~(1 << e);
    c += 1;
    var f2 = 32 - oc(b) + e;
    if (30 < f2) {
      var g = e - e % 5;
      f2 = (d & (1 << g) - 1).toString(32);
      d >>= g;
      e -= g;
      rg = 1 << 32 - oc(b) + e | c << e | d;
      sg = f2 + a;
    } else
      rg = 1 << f2 | c << e | d, sg = a;
  function vg(a) {
    null !== a.return && (tg(a, 1), ug(a, 1, 0));
  function wg(a) {
    for (; a === mg; )
      mg = kg[--lg], kg[lg] = null, ng = kg[--lg], kg[lg] = null;
    for (; a === qg; )
      qg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null, sg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null, rg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null;
  var xg = null, yg = null, I = false, zg = null;
  function Ag(a, b) {
    var c = Bg(5, null, null, 0);
    c.elementType = "DELETED";
    c.stateNode = b;
    c.return = a;
    b = a.deletions;
    null === b ? (a.deletions = [c], a.flags |= 16) : b.push(c);
  function Cg(a, b) {
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 5:
        var c = a.type;
        b = 1 !== b.nodeType || c.toLowerCase() !== b.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : b;
        return null !== b ? (a.stateNode = b, xg = a, yg = Lf(b.firstChild), true) : false;
      case 6:
        return b = "" === a.pendingProps || 3 !== b.nodeType ? null : b, null !== b ? (a.stateNode = b, xg = a, yg = null, true) : false;
      case 13:
        return b = 8 !== b.nodeType ? null : b, null !== b ? (c = null !== qg ? { id: rg, overflow: sg } : null, a.memoizedState = { dehydrated: b, treeContext: c, retryLane: 1073741824 }, c = Bg(18, null, null, 0), c.stateNode = b, c.return = a, a.child = c, xg = a, yg = null, true) : false;
        return false;
  function Dg(a) {
    return 0 !== (a.mode & 1) && 0 === (a.flags & 128);
  function Eg(a) {
    if (I) {
      var b = yg;
      if (b) {
        var c = b;
        if (!Cg(a, b)) {
          if (Dg(a))
            throw Error(p(418));
          b = Lf(c.nextSibling);
          var d = xg;
          b && Cg(a, b) ? Ag(d, c) : (a.flags = a.flags & -4097 | 2, I = false, xg = a);
      } else {
        if (Dg(a))
          throw Error(p(418));
        a.flags = a.flags & -4097 | 2;
        I = false;
        xg = a;
  function Fg(a) {
    for (a = a.return; null !== a && 5 !== a.tag && 3 !== a.tag && 13 !== a.tag; )
      a = a.return;
    xg = a;
  function Gg(a) {
    if (a !== xg)
      return false;
    if (!I)
      return Fg(a), I = true, false;
    var b;
    (b = 3 !== a.tag) && !(b = 5 !== a.tag) && (b = a.type, b = "head" !== b && "body" !== b && !Ef(a.type, a.memoizedProps));
    if (b && (b = yg)) {
      if (Dg(a))
        throw Hg(), Error(p(418));
      for (; b; )
        Ag(a, b), b = Lf(b.nextSibling);
    if (13 === a.tag) {
      a = a.memoizedState;
      a = null !== a ? a.dehydrated : null;
      if (!a)
        throw Error(p(317));
      a: {
        a = a.nextSibling;
        for (b = 0; a; ) {
          if (8 === a.nodeType) {
            var c =;
            if ("/$" === c) {
              if (0 === b) {
                yg = Lf(a.nextSibling);
                break a;
            } else
              "$" !== c && "$!" !== c && "$?" !== c || b++;
          a = a.nextSibling;
        yg = null;
    } else
      yg = xg ? Lf(a.stateNode.nextSibling) : null;
    return true;
  function Hg() {
    for (var a = yg; a; )
      a = Lf(a.nextSibling);
  function Ig() {
    yg = xg = null;
    I = false;
  function Jg(a) {
    null === zg ? zg = [a] : zg.push(a);
  var Kg = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig;
  function Lg(a, b) {
    if (a && a.defaultProps) {
      b = A({}, b);
      a = a.defaultProps;
      for (var c in a)
        void 0 === b[c] && (b[c] = a[c]);
      return b;
    return b;
  var Mg = Uf(null), Ng = null, Og = null, Pg = null;
  function Qg() {
    Pg = Og = Ng = null;
  function Rg(a) {
    var b = Mg.current;
    a._currentValue = b;
  function Sg(a, b, c) {
    for (; null !== a; ) {
      var d = a.alternate;
      (a.childLanes & b) !== b ? (a.childLanes |= b, null !== d && (d.childLanes |= b)) : null !== d && (d.childLanes & b) !== b && (d.childLanes |= b);
      if (a === c)
      a = a.return;
  function Tg(a, b) {
    Ng = a;
    Pg = Og = null;
    a = a.dependencies;
    null !== a && null !== a.firstContext && (0 !== (a.lanes & b) && (Ug = true), a.firstContext = null);
  function Vg(a) {
    var b = a._currentValue;
    if (Pg !== a)
      if (a = { context: a, memoizedValue: b, next: null }, null === Og) {
        if (null === Ng)
          throw Error(p(308));
        Og = a;
        Ng.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: a };
      } else
        Og = = a;
    return b;
  var Wg = null;
  function Xg(a) {
    null === Wg ? Wg = [a] : Wg.push(a);
  function Yg(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = b.interleaved;
    null === e ? ( = c, Xg(b)) : ( =, = c);
    b.interleaved = c;
    return Zg(a, d);
  function Zg(a, b) {
    a.lanes |= b;
    var c = a.alternate;
    null !== c && (c.lanes |= b);
    c = a;
    for (a = a.return; null !== a; )
      a.childLanes |= b, c = a.alternate, null !== c && (c.childLanes |= b), c = a, a = a.return;
    return 3 === c.tag ? c.stateNode : null;
  var $g = false;
  function ah(a) {
    a.updateQueue = { baseState: a.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null };
  function bh(a, b) {
    a = a.updateQueue;
    b.updateQueue === a && (b.updateQueue = { baseState: a.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: a.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: a.lastBaseUpdate, shared: a.shared, effects: a.effects });
  function ch(a, b) {
    return { eventTime: a, lane: b, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null };
  function dh(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.updateQueue;
    if (null === d)
      return null;
    d = d.shared;
    if (0 !== (K & 2)) {
      var e = d.pending;
      null === e ? = b : ( =, = b);
      d.pending = b;
      return Zg(a, c);
    e = d.interleaved;
    null === e ? ( = b, Xg(d)) : ( =, = b);
    d.interleaved = b;
    return Zg(a, c);
  function eh(a, b, c) {
    b = b.updateQueue;
    if (null !== b && (b = b.shared, 0 !== (c & 4194240))) {
      var d = b.lanes;
      d &= a.pendingLanes;
      c |= d;
      b.lanes = c;
      Cc(a, c);
  function fh(a, b) {
    var c = a.updateQueue, d = a.alternate;
    if (null !== d && (d = d.updateQueue, c === d)) {
      var e = null, f2 = null;
      c = c.firstBaseUpdate;
      if (null !== c) {
        do {
          var g = { eventTime: c.eventTime, lane: c.lane, tag: c.tag, payload: c.payload, callback: c.callback, next: null };
          null === f2 ? e = f2 = g : f2 = = g;
          c =;
        } while (null !== c);
        null === f2 ? e = f2 = b : f2 = = b;
      } else
        e = f2 = b;
      c = { baseState: d.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: e, lastBaseUpdate: f2, shared: d.shared, effects: d.effects };
      a.updateQueue = c;
    a = c.lastBaseUpdate;
    null === a ? c.firstBaseUpdate = b : = b;
    c.lastBaseUpdate = b;
  function gh(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = a.updateQueue;
    $g = false;
    var f2 = e.firstBaseUpdate, g = e.lastBaseUpdate, h = e.shared.pending;
    if (null !== h) {
      e.shared.pending = null;
      var k2 = h, l2 =; = null;
      null === g ? f2 = l2 : = l2;
      g = k2;
      var m2 = a.alternate;
      null !== m2 && (m2 = m2.updateQueue, h = m2.lastBaseUpdate, h !== g && (null === h ? m2.firstBaseUpdate = l2 : = l2, m2.lastBaseUpdate = k2));
    if (null !== f2) {
      var q2 = e.baseState;
      g = 0;
      m2 = l2 = k2 = null;
      h = f2;
      do {
        var r2 = h.lane, y2 = h.eventTime;
        if ((d & r2) === r2) {
          null !== m2 && (m2 = = {
            eventTime: y2,
            lane: 0,
            tag: h.tag,
            payload: h.payload,
            callback: h.callback,
            next: null
          a: {
            var n2 = a, t2 = h;
            r2 = b;
            y2 = c;
            switch (t2.tag) {
              case 1:
                n2 = t2.payload;
                if ("function" === typeof n2) {
                  q2 =, q2, r2);
                  break a;
                q2 = n2;
                break a;
              case 3:
                n2.flags = n2.flags & -65537 | 128;
              case 0:
                n2 = t2.payload;
                r2 = "function" === typeof n2 ?, q2, r2) : n2;
                if (null === r2 || void 0 === r2)
                  break a;
                q2 = A({}, q2, r2);
                break a;
              case 2:
                $g = true;
          null !== h.callback && 0 !== h.lane && (a.flags |= 64, r2 = e.effects, null === r2 ? e.effects = [h] : r2.push(h));
        } else
          y2 = { eventTime: y2, lane: r2, tag: h.tag, payload: h.payload, callback: h.callback, next: null }, null === m2 ? (l2 = m2 = y2, k2 = q2) : m2 = = y2, g |= r2;
        h =;
        if (null === h)
          if (h = e.shared.pending, null === h)
            r2 = h, h =, = null, e.lastBaseUpdate = r2, e.shared.pending = null;
      } while (1);
      null === m2 && (k2 = q2);
      e.baseState = k2;
      e.firstBaseUpdate = l2;
      e.lastBaseUpdate = m2;
      b = e.shared.interleaved;
      if (null !== b) {
        e = b;
          g |= e.lane, e =;
        while (e !== b);
      } else
        null === f2 && (e.shared.lanes = 0);
      hh |= g;
      a.lanes = g;
      a.memoizedState = q2;
  function ih(a, b, c) {
    a = b.effects;
    b.effects = null;
    if (null !== a)
      for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
        var d = a[b], e = d.callback;
        if (null !== e) {
          d.callback = null;
          d = c;
          if ("function" !== typeof e)
            throw Error(p(191, e));
  var jh = new aa.Component().refs;
  function kh(a, b, c, d) {
    b = a.memoizedState;
    c = c(d, b);
    c = null === c || void 0 === c ? b : A({}, b, c);
    a.memoizedState = c;
    0 === a.lanes && (a.updateQueue.baseState = c);
  var nh = { isMounted: function(a) {
    return (a = a._reactInternals) ? Vb(a) === a : false;
  }, enqueueSetState: function(a, b, c) {
    a = a._reactInternals;
    var d = L(), e = lh(a), f2 = ch(d, e);
    f2.payload = b;
    void 0 !== c && null !== c && (f2.callback = c);
    b = dh(a, f2, e);
    null !== b && (mh(b, a, e, d), eh(b, a, e));
  }, enqueueReplaceState: function(a, b, c) {
    a = a._reactInternals;
    var d = L(), e = lh(a), f2 = ch(d, e);
    f2.tag = 1;
    f2.payload = b;
    void 0 !== c && null !== c && (f2.callback = c);
    b = dh(a, f2, e);
    null !== b && (mh(b, a, e, d), eh(b, a, e));
  }, enqueueForceUpdate: function(a, b) {
    a = a._reactInternals;
    var c = L(), d = lh(a), e = ch(c, d);
    e.tag = 2;
    void 0 !== b && null !== b && (e.callback = b);
    b = dh(a, e, d);
    null !== b && (mh(b, a, d, c), eh(b, a, d));
  } };
  function oh(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g) {
    a = a.stateNode;
    return "function" === typeof a.shouldComponentUpdate ? a.shouldComponentUpdate(d, f2, g) : b.prototype && b.prototype.isPureReactComponent ? !Ie(c, d) || !Ie(e, f2) : true;
  function ph(a, b, c) {
    var d = false, e = Vf;
    var f2 = b.contextType;
    "object" === typeof f2 && null !== f2 ? f2 = Vg(f2) : (e = Zf(b) ? Xf : H.current, d = b.contextTypes, f2 = (d = null !== d && void 0 !== d) ? Yf(a, e) : Vf);
    b = new b(c, f2);
    a.memoizedState = null !== b.state && void 0 !== b.state ? b.state : null;
    b.updater = nh;
    a.stateNode = b;
    b._reactInternals = a;
    d && (a = a.stateNode, a.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = e, a.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = f2);
    return b;
  function qh(a, b, c, d) {
    a = b.state;
    "function" === typeof b.componentWillReceiveProps && b.componentWillReceiveProps(c, d);
    "function" === typeof b.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && b.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(c, d);
    b.state !== a && nh.enqueueReplaceState(b, b.state, null);
  function rh(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = a.stateNode;
    e.props = c;
    e.state = a.memoizedState;
    e.refs = jh;
    var f2 = b.contextType;
    "object" === typeof f2 && null !== f2 ? e.context = Vg(f2) : (f2 = Zf(b) ? Xf : H.current, e.context = Yf(a, f2));
    e.state = a.memoizedState;
    f2 = b.getDerivedStateFromProps;
    "function" === typeof f2 && (kh(a, b, f2, c), e.state = a.memoizedState);
    "function" === typeof b.getDerivedStateFromProps || "function" === typeof e.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || "function" !== typeof e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof e.componentWillMount || (b = e.state, "function" === typeof e.componentWillMount && e.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), b !== e.state && nh.enqueueReplaceState(e, e.state, null), gh(a, c, e, d), e.state = a.memoizedState);
    "function" === typeof e.componentDidMount && (a.flags |= 4194308);
  function sh(a, b, c) {
    a = c.ref;
    if (null !== a && "function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) {
      if (c._owner) {
        c = c._owner;
        if (c) {
          if (1 !== c.tag)
            throw Error(p(309));
          var d = c.stateNode;
        if (!d)
          throw Error(p(147, a));
        var e = d, f2 = "" + a;
        if (null !== b && null !== b.ref && "function" === typeof b.ref && b.ref._stringRef === f2)
          return b.ref;
        b = function(a2) {
          var b2 = e.refs;
          b2 === jh && (b2 = e.refs = {});
          null === a2 ? delete b2[f2] : b2[f2] = a2;
        b._stringRef = f2;
        return b;
      if ("string" !== typeof a)
        throw Error(p(284));
      if (!c._owner)
        throw Error(p(290, a));
    return a;
  function th(a, b) {
    a =;
    throw Error(p(31, "[object Object]" === a ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(b).join(", ") + "}" : a));
  function uh(a) {
    var b = a._init;
    return b(a._payload);
  function vh(a) {
    function b(b2, c2) {
      if (a) {
        var d2 = b2.deletions;
        null === d2 ? (b2.deletions = [c2], b2.flags |= 16) : d2.push(c2);
    function c(c2, d2) {
      if (!a)
        return null;
      for (; null !== d2; )
        b(c2, d2), d2 = d2.sibling;
      return null;
    function d(a2, b2) {
      for (a2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); null !== b2; )
        null !== b2.key ? a2.set(b2.key, b2) : a2.set(b2.index, b2), b2 = b2.sibling;
      return a2;
    function e(a2, b2) {
      a2 = wh(a2, b2);
      a2.index = 0;
      a2.sibling = null;
      return a2;
    function f2(b2, c2, d2) {
      b2.index = d2;
      if (!a)
        return b2.flags |= 1048576, c2;
      d2 = b2.alternate;
      if (null !== d2)
        return d2 = d2.index, d2 < c2 ? (b2.flags |= 2, c2) : d2;
      b2.flags |= 2;
      return c2;
    function g(b2) {
      a && null === b2.alternate && (b2.flags |= 2);
      return b2;
    function h(a2, b2, c2, d2) {
      if (null === b2 || 6 !== b2.tag)
        return b2 = xh(c2, a2.mode, d2), b2.return = a2, b2;
      b2 = e(b2, c2);
      b2.return = a2;
      return b2;
    function k2(a2, b2, c2, d2) {
      var f3 = c2.type;
      if (f3 === ya)
        return m2(a2, b2, c2.props.children, d2, c2.key);
      if (null !== b2 && (b2.elementType === f3 || "object" === typeof f3 && null !== f3 && f3.$$typeof === Ha && uh(f3) === b2.type))
        return d2 = e(b2, c2.props), d2.ref = sh(a2, b2, c2), d2.return = a2, d2;
      d2 = yh(c2.type, c2.key, c2.props, null, a2.mode, d2);
      d2.ref = sh(a2, b2, c2);
      d2.return = a2;
      return d2;
    function l2(a2, b2, c2, d2) {
      if (null === b2 || 4 !== b2.tag || b2.stateNode.containerInfo !== c2.containerInfo || b2.stateNode.implementation !== c2.implementation)
        return b2 = zh(c2, a2.mode, d2), b2.return = a2, b2;
      b2 = e(b2, c2.children || []);
      b2.return = a2;
      return b2;
    function m2(a2, b2, c2, d2, f3) {
      if (null === b2 || 7 !== b2.tag)
        return b2 = Ah(c2, a2.mode, d2, f3), b2.return = a2, b2;
      b2 = e(b2, c2);
      b2.return = a2;
      return b2;
    function q2(a2, b2, c2) {
      if ("string" === typeof b2 && "" !== b2 || "number" === typeof b2)
        return b2 = xh("" + b2, a2.mode, c2), b2.return = a2, b2;
      if ("object" === typeof b2 && null !== b2) {
        switch (b2.$$typeof) {
          case va:
            return c2 = yh(b2.type, b2.key, b2.props, null, a2.mode, c2), c2.ref = sh(a2, null, b2), c2.return = a2, c2;
          case wa:
            return b2 = zh(b2, a2.mode, c2), b2.return = a2, b2;
          case Ha:
            var d2 = b2._init;
            return q2(a2, d2(b2._payload), c2);
        if (eb(b2) || Ka(b2))
          return b2 = Ah(b2, a2.mode, c2, null), b2.return = a2, b2;
        th(a2, b2);
      return null;
    function r2(a2, b2, c2, d2) {
      var e2 = null !== b2 ? b2.key : null;
      if ("string" === typeof c2 && "" !== c2 || "number" === typeof c2)
        return null !== e2 ? null : h(a2, b2, "" + c2, d2);
      if ("object" === typeof c2 && null !== c2) {
        switch (c2.$$typeof) {
          case va:
            return c2.key === e2 ? k2(a2, b2, c2, d2) : null;
          case wa:
            return c2.key === e2 ? l2(a2, b2, c2, d2) : null;
          case Ha:
            return e2 = c2._init, r2(
        if (eb(c2) || Ka(c2))
          return null !== e2 ? null : m2(a2, b2, c2, d2, null);
        th(a2, c2);
      return null;
    function y2(a2, b2, c2, d2, e2) {
      if ("string" === typeof d2 && "" !== d2 || "number" === typeof d2)
        return a2 = a2.get(c2) || null, h(b2, a2, "" + d2, e2);
      if ("object" === typeof d2 && null !== d2) {
        switch (d2.$$typeof) {
          case va:
            return a2 = a2.get(null === d2.key ? c2 : d2.key) || null, k2(b2, a2, d2, e2);
          case wa:
            return a2 = a2.get(null === d2.key ? c2 : d2.key) || null, l2(b2, a2, d2, e2);
          case Ha:
            var f3 = d2._init;
            return y2(a2, b2, c2, f3(d2._payload), e2);
        if (eb(d2) || Ka(d2))
          return a2 = a2.get(c2) || null, m2(b2, a2, d2, e2, null);
        th(b2, d2);
      return null;
    function n2(e2, g2, h2, k3) {
      for (var l3 = null, m3 = null, u2 = g2, w2 = g2 = 0, x2 = null; null !== u2 && w2 < h2.length; w2++) {
        u2.index > w2 ? (x2 = u2, u2 = null) : x2 = u2.sibling;
        var n3 = r2(e2, u2, h2[w2], k3);
        if (null === n3) {
          null === u2 && (u2 = x2);
        a && u2 && null === n3.alternate && b(e2, u2);
        g2 = f2(n3, g2, w2);
        null === m3 ? l3 = n3 : m3.sibling = n3;
        m3 = n3;
        u2 = x2;
      if (w2 === h2.length)
        return c(e2, u2), I && tg(e2, w2), l3;
      if (null === u2) {
        for (; w2 < h2.length; w2++)
          u2 = q2(e2, h2[w2], k3), null !== u2 && (g2 = f2(u2, g2, w2), null === m3 ? l3 = u2 : m3.sibling = u2, m3 = u2);
        I && tg(e2, w2);
        return l3;
      for (u2 = d(e2, u2); w2 < h2.length; w2++)
        x2 = y2(u2, e2, w2, h2[w2], k3), null !== x2 && (a && null !== x2.alternate && u2.delete(null === x2.key ? w2 : x2.key), g2 = f2(x2, g2, w2), null === m3 ? l3 = x2 : m3.sibling = x2, m3 = x2);
      a && u2.forEach(function(a2) {
        return b(e2, a2);
      I && tg(e2, w2);
      return l3;
    function t2(e2, g2, h2, k3) {
      var l3 = Ka(h2);
      if ("function" !== typeof l3)
        throw Error(p(150));
      h2 =;
      if (null == h2)
        throw Error(p(151));
      for (var u2 = l3 = null, m3 = g2, w2 = g2 = 0, x2 = null, n3 =; null !== m3 && !n3.done; w2++, n3 = {
        m3.index > w2 ? (x2 = m3, m3 = null) : x2 = m3.sibling;
        var t3 = r2(e2, m3, n3.value, k3);
        if (null === t3) {
          null === m3 && (m3 = x2);
        a && m3 && null === t3.alternate && b(e2, m3);
        g2 = f2(t3, g2, w2);
        null === u2 ? l3 = t3 : u2.sibling = t3;
        u2 = t3;
        m3 = x2;
      if (n3.done)
        return c(
        ), I && tg(e2, w2), l3;
      if (null === m3) {
        for (; !n3.done; w2++, n3 =
          n3 = q2(e2, n3.value, k3), null !== n3 && (g2 = f2(n3, g2, w2), null === u2 ? l3 = n3 : u2.sibling = n3, u2 = n3);
        I && tg(e2, w2);
        return l3;
      for (m3 = d(e2, m3); !n3.done; w2++, n3 =
        n3 = y2(m3, e2, w2, n3.value, k3), null !== n3 && (a && null !== n3.alternate && m3.delete(null === n3.key ? w2 : n3.key), g2 = f2(n3, g2, w2), null === u2 ? l3 = n3 : u2.sibling = n3, u2 = n3);
      a && m3.forEach(function(a2) {
        return b(e2, a2);
      I && tg(e2, w2);
      return l3;
    function J2(a2, d2, f3, h2) {
      "object" === typeof f3 && null !== f3 && f3.type === ya && null === f3.key && (f3 = f3.props.children);
      if ("object" === typeof f3 && null !== f3) {
        switch (f3.$$typeof) {
          case va:
            a: {
              for (var k3 = f3.key, l3 = d2; null !== l3; ) {
                if (l3.key === k3) {
                  k3 = f3.type;
                  if (k3 === ya) {
                    if (7 === l3.tag) {
                      c(a2, l3.sibling);
                      d2 = e(l3, f3.props.children);
                      d2.return = a2;
                      a2 = d2;
                      break a;
                  } else if (l3.elementType === k3 || "object" === typeof k3 && null !== k3 && k3.$$typeof === Ha && uh(k3) === l3.type) {
                    c(a2, l3.sibling);
                    d2 = e(l3, f3.props);
                    d2.ref = sh(a2, l3, f3);
                    d2.return = a2;
                    a2 = d2;
                    break a;
                  c(a2, l3);
                } else
                  b(a2, l3);
                l3 = l3.sibling;
              f3.type === ya ? (d2 = Ah(f3.props.children, a2.mode, h2, f3.key), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2) : (h2 = yh(f3.type, f3.key, f3.props, null, a2.mode, h2), h2.ref = sh(a2, d2, f3), h2.return = a2, a2 = h2);
            return g(a2);
          case wa:
            a: {
              for (l3 = f3.key; null !== d2; ) {
                if (d2.key === l3)
                  if (4 === d2.tag && d2.stateNode.containerInfo === f3.containerInfo && d2.stateNode.implementation === f3.implementation) {
                    c(a2, d2.sibling);
                    d2 = e(d2, f3.children || []);
                    d2.return = a2;
                    a2 = d2;
                    break a;
                  } else {
                    c(a2, d2);
                  b(a2, d2);
                d2 = d2.sibling;
              d2 = zh(f3, a2.mode, h2);
              d2.return = a2;
              a2 = d2;
            return g(a2);
          case Ha:
            return l3 = f3._init, J2(a2, d2, l3(f3._payload), h2);
        if (eb(f3))
          return n2(a2, d2, f3, h2);
        if (Ka(f3))
          return t2(a2, d2, f3, h2);
        th(a2, f3);
      return "string" === typeof f3 && "" !== f3 || "number" === typeof f3 ? (f3 = "" + f3, null !== d2 && 6 === d2.tag ? (c(a2, d2.sibling), d2 = e(d2, f3), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2) : (c(a2, d2), d2 = xh(f3, a2.mode, h2), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2), g(a2)) : c(a2, d2);
    return J2;
  var Bh = vh(true), Ch = vh(false), Dh = {}, Eh = Uf(Dh), Fh = Uf(Dh), Gh = Uf(Dh);
  function Hh(a) {
    if (a === Dh)
      throw Error(p(174));
    return a;
  function Ih(a, b) {
    G(Gh, b);
    G(Fh, a);
    G(Eh, Dh);
    a = b.nodeType;
    switch (a) {
      case 9:
      case 11:
        b = (b = b.documentElement) ? b.namespaceURI : lb(null, "");
        a = 8 === a ? b.parentNode : b, b = a.namespaceURI || null, a = a.tagName, b = lb(b, a);
    G(Eh, b);
  function Jh() {
  function Kh(a) {
    var b = Hh(Eh.current);
    var c = lb(b, a.type);
    b !== c && (G(Fh, a), G(Eh, c));
  function Lh(a) {
    Fh.current === a && (E(Eh), E(Fh));
  var M = Uf(0);
  function Mh(a) {
    for (var b = a; null !== b; ) {
      if (13 === b.tag) {
        var c = b.memoizedState;
        if (null !== c && (c = c.dehydrated, null === c || "$?" === || "$!" ===
          return b;
      } else if (19 === b.tag && void 0 !== b.memoizedProps.revealOrder) {
        if (0 !== (b.flags & 128))
          return b;
      } else if (null !== b.child) {
        b.child.return = b;
        b = b.child;
      if (b === a)
      for (; null === b.sibling; ) {
        if (null === b.return || b.return === a)
          return null;
        b = b.return;
      b.sibling.return = b.return;
      b = b.sibling;
    return null;
  var Nh = [];
  function Oh() {
    for (var a = 0; a < Nh.length; a++)
      Nh[a]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null;
    Nh.length = 0;
  var Ph = ua.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Qh = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Rh = 0, N = null, O = null, P = null, Sh = false, Th = false, Uh = 0, Vh = 0;
  function Q() {
    throw Error(p(321));
  function Wh(a, b) {
    if (null === b)
      return false;
    for (var c = 0; c < b.length && c < a.length; c++)
      if (!He(a[c], b[c]))
        return false;
    return true;
  function Xh(a, b, c, d, e, f2) {
    Rh = f2;
    N = b;
    b.memoizedState = null;
    b.updateQueue = null;
    b.lanes = 0;
    Ph.current = null === a || null === a.memoizedState ? Yh : Zh;
    a = c(d, e);
    if (Th) {
      f2 = 0;
      do {
        Th = false;
        Uh = 0;
        if (25 <= f2)
          throw Error(p(301));
        f2 += 1;
        P = O = null;
        b.updateQueue = null;
        Ph.current = $h;
        a = c(d, e);
      } while (Th);
    Ph.current = ai;
    b = null !== O && null !==;
    Rh = 0;
    P = O = N = null;
    Sh = false;
    if (b)
      throw Error(p(300));
    return a;
  function bi() {
    var a = 0 !== Uh;
    Uh = 0;
    return a;
  function ci() {
    var a = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null };
    null === P ? N.memoizedState = P = a : P = = a;
    return P;
  function di() {
    if (null === O) {
      var a = N.alternate;
      a = null !== a ? a.memoizedState : null;
    } else
      a =;
    var b = null === P ? N.memoizedState :;
    if (null !== b)
      P = b, O = a;
    else {
      if (null === a)
        throw Error(p(310));
      O = a;
      a = { memoizedState: O.memoizedState, baseState: O.baseState, baseQueue: O.baseQueue, queue: O.queue, next: null };
      null === P ? N.memoizedState = P = a : P = = a;
    return P;
  function ei(a, b) {
    return "function" === typeof b ? b(a) : b;
  function fi(a) {
    var b = di(), c = b.queue;
    if (null === c)
      throw Error(p(311));
    c.lastRenderedReducer = a;
    var d = O, e = d.baseQueue, f2 = c.pending;
    if (null !== f2) {
      if (null !== e) {
        var g =; =; = g;
      d.baseQueue = e = f2;
      c.pending = null;
    if (null !== e) {
      f2 =;
      d = d.baseState;
      var h = g = null, k2 = null, l2 = f2;
      do {
        var m2 = l2.lane;
        if ((Rh & m2) === m2)
          null !== k2 && (k2 = = { lane: 0, action: l2.action, hasEagerState: l2.hasEagerState, eagerState: l2.eagerState, next: null }), d = l2.hasEagerState ? l2.eagerState : a(d, l2.action);
        else {
          var q2 = {
            lane: m2,
            action: l2.action,
            hasEagerState: l2.hasEagerState,
            eagerState: l2.eagerState,
            next: null
          null === k2 ? (h = k2 = q2, g = d) : k2 = = q2;
          N.lanes |= m2;
          hh |= m2;
        l2 =;
      } while (null !== l2 && l2 !== f2);
      null === k2 ? g = d : = h;
      He(d, b.memoizedState) || (Ug = true);
      b.memoizedState = d;
      b.baseState = g;
      b.baseQueue = k2;
      c.lastRenderedState = d;
    a = c.interleaved;
    if (null !== a) {
      e = a;
        f2 = e.lane, N.lanes |= f2, hh |= f2, e =;
      while (e !== a);
    } else
      null === e && (c.lanes = 0);
    return [b.memoizedState, c.dispatch];
  function gi(a) {
    var b = di(), c = b.queue;
    if (null === c)
      throw Error(p(311));
    c.lastRenderedReducer = a;
    var d = c.dispatch, e = c.pending, f2 = b.memoizedState;
    if (null !== e) {
      c.pending = null;
      var g = e =;
        f2 = a(f2, g.action), g =;
      while (g !== e);
      He(f2, b.memoizedState) || (Ug = true);
      b.memoizedState = f2;
      null === b.baseQueue && (b.baseState = f2);
      c.lastRenderedState = f2;
    return [f2, d];
  function hi() {
  function ii(a, b) {
    var c = N, d = di(), e = b(), f2 = !He(d.memoizedState, e);
    f2 && (d.memoizedState = e, Ug = true);
    d = d.queue;
    ji(ki.bind(null, c, d, a), [a]);
    if (d.getSnapshot !== b || f2 || null !== P && P.memoizedState.tag & 1) {
      c.flags |= 2048;
      li(9, mi.bind(null, c, d, e, b), void 0, null);
      if (null === R)
        throw Error(p(349));
      0 !== (Rh & 30) || ni(c, b, e);
    return e;
  function ni(a, b, c) {
    a.flags |= 16384;
    a = { getSnapshot: b, value: c };
    b = N.updateQueue;
    null === b ? (b = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }, N.updateQueue = b, b.stores = [a]) : (c = b.stores, null === c ? b.stores = [a] : c.push(a));
  function mi(a, b, c, d) {
    b.value = c;
    b.getSnapshot = d;
    oi(b) && pi(a);
  function ki(a, b, c) {
    return c(function() {
      oi(b) && pi(a);
  function oi(a) {
    var b = a.getSnapshot;
    a = a.value;
    try {
      var c = b();
      return !He(a, c);
    } catch (d) {
      return true;
  function pi(a) {
    var b = Zg(a, 1);
    null !== b && mh(b, a, 1, -1);
  function qi(a) {
    var b = ci();
    "function" === typeof a && (a = a());
    b.memoizedState = b.baseState = a;
    a = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: ei, lastRenderedState: a };
    b.queue = a;
    a = a.dispatch = ri.bind(null, N, a);
    return [b.memoizedState, a];
  function li(a, b, c, d) {
    a = { tag: a, create: b, destroy: c, deps: d, next: null };
    b = N.updateQueue;
    null === b ? (b = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }, N.updateQueue = b, b.lastEffect = = a) : (c = b.lastEffect, null === c ? b.lastEffect = = a : (d =, = a, = d, b.lastEffect = a));
    return a;
  function si() {
    return di().memoizedState;
  function ti(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = ci();
    N.flags |= a;
    e.memoizedState = li(1 | b, c, void 0, void 0 === d ? null : d);
  function ui(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = di();
    d = void 0 === d ? null : d;
    var f2 = void 0;
    if (null !== O) {
      var g = O.memoizedState;
      f2 = g.destroy;
      if (null !== d && Wh(d, g.deps)) {
        e.memoizedState = li(b, c, f2, d);
    N.flags |= a;
    e.memoizedState = li(1 | b, c, f2, d);
  function vi(a, b) {
    return ti(8390656, 8, a, b);
  function ji(a, b) {
    return ui(2048, 8, a, b);
  function wi(a, b) {
    return ui(4, 2, a, b);
  function xi(a, b) {
    return ui(4, 4, a, b);
  function yi(a, b) {
    if ("function" === typeof b)
      return a = a(), b(a), function() {
    if (null !== b && void 0 !== b)
      return a = a(), b.current = a, function() {
        b.current = null;
  function zi(a, b, c) {
    c = null !== c && void 0 !== c ? c.concat([a]) : null;
    return ui(4, 4, yi.bind(null, b, a), c);
  function Ai() {
  function Bi(a, b) {
    var c = di();
    b = void 0 === b ? null : b;
    var d = c.memoizedState;
    if (null !== d && null !== b && Wh(b, d[1]))
      return d[0];
    c.memoizedState = [a, b];
    return a;
  function Ci(a, b) {
    var c = di();
    b = void 0 === b ? null : b;
    var d = c.memoizedState;
    if (null !== d && null !== b && Wh(b, d[1]))
      return d[0];
    a = a();
    c.memoizedState = [a, b];
    return a;
  function Di(a, b, c) {
    if (0 === (Rh & 21))
      return a.baseState && (a.baseState = false, Ug = true), a.memoizedState = c;
    He(c, b) || (c = yc(), N.lanes |= c, hh |= c, a.baseState = true);
    return b;
  function Ei(a, b) {
    var c = C;
    C = 0 !== c && 4 > c ? c : 4;
    var d = Qh.transition;
    Qh.transition = {};
    try {
      a(false), b();
    } finally {
      C = c, Qh.transition = d;
  function Fi() {
    return di().memoizedState;
  function Gi(a, b, c) {
    var d = lh(a);
    c = { lane: d, action: c, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null };
    if (Hi(a))
      Ii(b, c);
    else if (c = Yg(a, b, c, d), null !== c) {
      var e = L();
      mh(c, a, d, e);
      Ji(c, b, d);
  function ri(a, b, c) {
    var d = lh(a), e = { lane: d, action: c, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null };
    if (Hi(a))
      Ii(b, e);
    else {
      var f2 = a.alternate;
      if (0 === a.lanes && (null === f2 || 0 === f2.lanes) && (f2 = b.lastRenderedReducer, null !== f2))
        try {
          var g = b.lastRenderedState, h = f2(g, c);
          e.hasEagerState = true;
          e.eagerState = h;
          if (He(h, g)) {
            var k2 = b.interleaved;
            null === k2 ? ( = e, Xg(b)) : ( =, = e);
            b.interleaved = e;
        } catch (l2) {
        } finally {
      c = Yg(a, b, e, d);
      null !== c && (e = L(), mh(c, a, d, e), Ji(c, b, d));
  function Hi(a) {
    var b = a.alternate;
    return a === N || null !== b && b === N;
  function Ii(a, b) {
    Th = Sh = true;
    var c = a.pending;
    null === c ? = b : ( =, = b);
    a.pending = b;
  function Ji(a, b, c) {
    if (0 !== (c & 4194240)) {
      var d = b.lanes;
      d &= a.pendingLanes;
      c |= d;
      b.lanes = c;
      Cc(a, c);
  var ai = { readContext: Vg, useCallback: Q, useContext: Q, useEffect: Q, useImperativeHandle: Q, useInsertionEffect: Q, useLayoutEffect: Q, useMemo: Q, useReducer: Q, useRef: Q, useState: Q, useDebugValue: Q, useDeferredValue: Q, useTransition: Q, useMutableSource: Q, useSyncExternalStore: Q, useId: Q, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }, Yh = { readContext: Vg, useCallback: function(a, b) {
    ci().memoizedState = [a, void 0 === b ? null : b];
    return a;
  }, useContext: Vg, useEffect: vi, useImperativeHandle: function(a, b, c) {
    c = null !== c && void 0 !== c ? c.concat([a]) : null;
    return ti(
      yi.bind(null, b, a),
  }, useLayoutEffect: function(a, b) {
    return ti(4194308, 4, a, b);
  }, useInsertionEffect: function(a, b) {
    return ti(4, 2, a, b);
  }, useMemo: function(a, b) {
    var c = ci();
    b = void 0 === b ? null : b;
    a = a();
    c.memoizedState = [a, b];
    return a;
  }, useReducer: function(a, b, c) {
    var d = ci();
    b = void 0 !== c ? c(b) : b;
    d.memoizedState = d.baseState = b;
    a = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: a, lastRenderedState: b };
    d.queue = a;
    a = a.dispatch = Gi.bind(null, N, a);
    return [d.memoizedState, a];
  }, useRef: function(a) {
    var b = ci();
    a = { current: a };
    return b.memoizedState = a;
  }, useState: qi, useDebugValue: Ai, useDeferredValue: function(a) {
    return ci().memoizedState = a;
  }, useTransition: function() {
    var a = qi(false), b = a[0];
    a = Ei.bind(null, a[1]);
    ci().memoizedState = a;
    return [b, a];
  }, useMutableSource: function() {
  }, useSyncExternalStore: function(a, b, c) {
    var d = N, e = ci();
    if (I) {
      if (void 0 === c)
        throw Error(p(407));
      c = c();
    } else {
      c = b();
      if (null === R)
        throw Error(p(349));
      0 !== (Rh & 30) || ni(d, b, c);
    e.memoizedState = c;
    var f2 = { value: c, getSnapshot: b };
    e.queue = f2;
    ), [a]);
    d.flags |= 2048;
    li(9, mi.bind(null, d, f2, c, b), void 0, null);
    return c;
  }, useId: function() {
    var a = ci(), b = R.identifierPrefix;
    if (I) {
      var c = sg;
      var d = rg;
      c = (d & ~(1 << 32 - oc(d) - 1)).toString(32) + c;
      b = ":" + b + "R" + c;
      c = Uh++;
      0 < c && (b += "H" + c.toString(32));
      b += ":";
    } else
      c = Vh++, b = ":" + b + "r" + c.toString(32) + ":";
    return a.memoizedState = b;
  }, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }, Zh = {
    readContext: Vg,
    useCallback: Bi,
    useContext: Vg,
    useEffect: ji,
    useImperativeHandle: zi,
    useInsertionEffect: wi,
    useLayoutEffect: xi,
    useMemo: Ci,
    useReducer: fi,
    useRef: si,
    useState: function() {
      return fi(ei);
    useDebugValue: Ai,
    useDeferredValue: function(a) {
      var b = di();
      return Di(b, O.memoizedState, a);
    useTransition: function() {
      var a = fi(ei)[0], b = di().memoizedState;
      return [a, b];
    useMutableSource: hi,
    useSyncExternalStore: ii,
    useId: Fi,
    unstable_isNewReconciler: false
  }, $h = { readContext: Vg, useCallback: Bi, useContext: Vg, useEffect: ji, useImperativeHandle: zi, useInsertionEffect: wi, useLayoutEffect: xi, useMemo: Ci, useReducer: gi, useRef: si, useState: function() {
    return gi(ei);
  }, useDebugValue: Ai, useDeferredValue: function(a) {
    var b = di();
    return null === O ? b.memoizedState = a : Di(b, O.memoizedState, a);
  }, useTransition: function() {
    var a = gi(ei)[0], b = di().memoizedState;
    return [a, b];
  }, useMutableSource: hi, useSyncExternalStore: ii, useId: Fi, unstable_isNewReconciler: false };
  function Ki(a, b) {
    try {
      var c = "", d = b;
        c += Pa(d), d = d.return;
      while (d);
      var e = c;
    } catch (f2) {
      e = "\nError generating stack: " + f2.message + "\n" + f2.stack;
    return { value: a, source: b, stack: e, digest: null };
  function Li(a, b, c) {
    return { value: a, source: null, stack: null != c ? c : null, digest: null != b ? b : null };
  function Mi(a, b) {
    try {
    } catch (c) {
      setTimeout(function() {
        throw c;
  var Ni = "function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map;
  function Oi(a, b, c) {
    c = ch(-1, c);
    c.tag = 3;
    c.payload = { element: null };
    var d = b.value;
    c.callback = function() {
      Pi || (Pi = true, Qi = d);
      Mi(a, b);
    return c;
  function Ri(a, b, c) {
    c = ch(-1, c);
    c.tag = 3;
    var d = a.type.getDerivedStateFromError;
    if ("function" === typeof d) {
      var e = b.value;
      c.payload = function() {
        return d(e);
      c.callback = function() {
        Mi(a, b);
    var f2 = a.stateNode;
    null !== f2 && "function" === typeof f2.componentDidCatch && (c.callback = function() {
      Mi(a, b);
      "function" !== typeof d && (null === Si ? Si = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this]) : Si.add(this));
      var c2 = b.stack;
      this.componentDidCatch(b.value, { componentStack: null !== c2 ? c2 : "" });
    return c;
  function Ti(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.pingCache;
    if (null === d) {
      d = a.pingCache = new Ni();
      var e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
      d.set(b, e);
    } else
      e = d.get(b), void 0 === e && (e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), d.set(b, e));
    e.has(c) || (e.add(c), a = Ui.bind(null, a, b, c), b.then(a, a));
  function Vi(a) {
    do {
      var b;
      if (b = 13 === a.tag)
        b = a.memoizedState, b = null !== b ? null !== b.dehydrated ? true : false : true;
      if (b)
        return a;
      a = a.return;
    } while (null !== a);
    return null;
  function Wi(a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (0 === (a.mode & 1))
      return a === b ? a.flags |= 65536 : (a.flags |= 128, c.flags |= 131072, c.flags &= -52805, 1 === c.tag && (null === c.alternate ? c.tag = 17 : (b = ch(-1, 1), b.tag = 2, dh(c, b, 1))), c.lanes |= 1), a;
    a.flags |= 65536;
    a.lanes = e;
    return a;
  var Xi = ua.ReactCurrentOwner, Ug = false;
  function Yi(a, b, c, d) {
    b.child = null === a ? Ch(b, null, c, d) : Bh(b, a.child, c, d);
  function Zi(a, b, c, d, e) {
    c = c.render;
    var f2 = b.ref;
    Tg(b, e);
    d = Xh(a, b, c, d, f2, e);
    c = bi();
    if (null !== a && !Ug)
      return b.updateQueue = a.updateQueue, b.flags &= -2053, a.lanes &= ~e, $i(a, b, e);
    I && c && vg(b);
    b.flags |= 1;
    Yi(a, b, d, e);
    return b.child;
  function aj(a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (null === a) {
      var f2 = c.type;
      if ("function" === typeof f2 && !bj(f2) && void 0 === f2.defaultProps && null === && void 0 === c.defaultProps)
        return b.tag = 15, b.type = f2, cj(a, b, f2, d, e);
      a = yh(c.type, null, d, b, b.mode, e);
      a.ref = b.ref;
      a.return = b;
      return b.child = a;
    f2 = a.child;
    if (0 === (a.lanes & e)) {
      var g = f2.memoizedProps;
      c =;
      c = null !== c ? c : Ie;
      if (c(g, d) && a.ref === b.ref)
        return $i(a, b, e);
    b.flags |= 1;
    a = wh(f2, d);
    a.ref = b.ref;
    a.return = b;
    return b.child = a;
  function cj(a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (null !== a) {
      var f2 = a.memoizedProps;
      if (Ie(f2, d) && a.ref === b.ref)
        if (Ug = false, b.pendingProps = d = f2, 0 !== (a.lanes & e))
          0 !== (a.flags & 131072) && (Ug = true);
          return b.lanes = a.lanes, $i(a, b, e);
    return dj(a, b, c, d, e);
  function ej(a, b, c) {
    var d = b.pendingProps, e = d.children, f2 = null !== a ? a.memoizedState : null;
    if ("hidden" === d.mode)
      if (0 === (b.mode & 1))
        b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }, G(fj, gj), gj |= c;
      else {
        if (0 === (c & 1073741824))
          return a = null !== f2 ? f2.baseLanes | c : c, b.lanes = b.childLanes = 1073741824, b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: a, cachePool: null, transitions: null }, b.updateQueue = null, G(fj, gj), gj |= a, null;
        b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null };
        d = null !== f2 ? f2.baseLanes : c;
        G(fj, gj);
        gj |= d;
      null !== f2 ? (d = f2.baseLanes | c, b.memoizedState = null) : d = c, G(fj, gj), gj |= d;
    Yi(a, b, e, c);
    return b.child;
  function hj(a, b) {
    var c = b.ref;
    if (null === a && null !== c || null !== a && a.ref !== c)
      b.flags |= 512, b.flags |= 2097152;
  function dj(a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f2 = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current;
    f2 = Yf(b, f2);
    Tg(b, e);
    c = Xh(a, b, c, d, f2, e);
    d = bi();
    if (null !== a && !Ug)
      return b.updateQueue = a.updateQueue, b.flags &= -2053, a.lanes &= ~e, $i(a, b, e);
    I && d && vg(b);
    b.flags |= 1;
    Yi(a, b, c, e);
    return b.child;
  function ij(a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (Zf(c)) {
      var f2 = true;
    } else
      f2 = false;
    Tg(b, e);
    if (null === b.stateNode)
      jj(a, b), ph(b, c, d), rh(b, c, d, e), d = true;
    else if (null === a) {
      var g = b.stateNode, h = b.memoizedProps;
      g.props = h;
      var k2 = g.context, l2 = c.contextType;
      "object" === typeof l2 && null !== l2 ? l2 = Vg(l2) : (l2 = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current, l2 = Yf(b, l2));
      var m2 = c.getDerivedStateFromProps, q2 = "function" === typeof m2 || "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;
      q2 || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillReceiveProps || (h !== d || k2 !== l2) && qh(b, g, d, l2);
      $g = false;
      var r2 = b.memoizedState;
      g.state = r2;
      gh(b, d, g, e);
      k2 = b.memoizedState;
      h !== d || r2 !== k2 || Wf.current || $g ? ("function" === typeof m2 && (kh(b, c, m2, d), k2 = b.memoizedState), (h = $g || oh(b, c, h, d, r2, k2, l2)) ? (q2 || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillMount || ("function" === typeof g.componentWillMount && g.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), "function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308)) : ("function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308), b.memoizedProps = d, b.memoizedState = k2), g.props = d, g.state = k2, g.context = l2, d = h) : ("function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308), d = false);
    } else {
      g = b.stateNode;
      bh(a, b);
      h = b.memoizedProps;
      l2 = b.type === b.elementType ? h : Lg(b.type, h);
      g.props = l2;
      q2 = b.pendingProps;
      r2 = g.context;
      k2 = c.contextType;
      "object" === typeof k2 && null !== k2 ? k2 = Vg(k2) : (k2 = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current, k2 = Yf(b, k2));
      var y2 = c.getDerivedStateFromProps;
      (m2 = "function" === typeof y2 || "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillReceiveProps || (h !== q2 || r2 !== k2) && qh(b, g, d, k2);
      $g = false;
      r2 = b.memoizedState;
      g.state = r2;
      gh(b, d, g, e);
      var n2 = b.memoizedState;
      h !== q2 || r2 !== n2 || Wf.current || $g ? ("function" === typeof y2 && (kh(b, c, y2, d), n2 = b.memoizedState), (l2 = $g || oh(b, c, l2, d, r2, n2, k2) || false) ? (m2 || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillUpdate || ("function" === typeof g.componentWillUpdate && g.componentWillUpdate(d, n2, k2), "function" === typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(d, n2, k2)), "function" === typeof g.componentDidUpdate && (b.flags |= 4), "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (b.flags |= 1024)) : ("function" !== typeof g.componentDidUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r2 === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 4), "function" !== typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r2 === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 1024), b.memoizedProps = d, b.memoizedState = n2), g.props = d, g.state = n2, g.context = k2, d = l2) : ("function" !== typeof g.componentDidUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r2 === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 4), "function" !== typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r2 === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 1024), d = false);
    return kj(a, b, c, d, f2, e);
  function kj(a, b, c, d, e, f2) {
    hj(a, b);
    var g = 0 !== (b.flags & 128);
    if (!d && !g)
      return e && dg(b, c, false), $i(a, b, f2);
    d = b.stateNode;
    Xi.current = b;
    var h = g && "function" !== typeof c.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : d.render();
    b.flags |= 1;
    null !== a && g ? (b.child = Bh(b, a.child, null, f2), b.child = Bh(b, null, h, f2)) : Yi(a, b, h, f2);
    b.memoizedState = d.state;
    e && dg(b, c, true);
    return b.child;
  function lj(a) {
    var b = a.stateNode;
    b.pendingContext ? ag(a, b.pendingContext, b.pendingContext !== b.context) : b.context && ag(a, b.context, false);
    Ih(a, b.containerInfo);
  function mj(a, b, c, d, e) {
    b.flags |= 256;
    Yi(a, b, c, d);
    return b.child;
  var nj = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 };
  function oj(a) {
    return { baseLanes: a, cachePool: null, transitions: null };
  function pj(a, b, c) {
    var d = b.pendingProps, e = M.current, f2 = false, g = 0 !== (b.flags & 128), h;
    (h = g) || (h = null !== a && null === a.memoizedState ? false : 0 !== (e & 2));
    if (h)
      f2 = true, b.flags &= -129;
    else if (null === a || null !== a.memoizedState)
      e |= 1;
    G(M, e & 1);
    if (null === a) {
      a = b.memoizedState;
      if (null !== a && (a = a.dehydrated, null !== a))
        return 0 === (b.mode & 1) ? b.lanes = 1 : "$!" === ? b.lanes = 8 : b.lanes = 1073741824, null;
      g = d.children;
      a = d.fallback;
      return f2 ? (d = b.mode, f2 = b.child, g = { mode: "hidden", children: g }, 0 === (d & 1) && null !== f2 ? (f2.childLanes = 0, f2.pendingProps = g) : f2 = qj(g, d, 0, null), a = Ah(a, d, c, null), f2.return = b, a.return = b, f2.sibling = a, b.child = f2, b.child.memoizedState = oj(c), b.memoizedState = nj, a) : rj(b, g);
    e = a.memoizedState;
    if (null !== e && (h = e.dehydrated, null !== h))
      return sj(a, b, g, d, h, e, c);
    if (f2) {
      f2 = d.fallback;
      g = b.mode;
      e = a.child;
      h = e.sibling;
      var k2 = { mode: "hidden", children: d.children };
      0 === (g & 1) && b.child !== e ? (d = b.child, d.childLanes = 0, d.pendingProps = k2, b.deletions = null) : (d = wh(e, k2), d.subtreeFlags = e.subtreeFlags & 14680064);
      null !== h ? f2 = wh(h, f2) : (f2 = Ah(f2, g, c, null), f2.flags |= 2);
      f2.return = b;
      d.return = b;
      d.sibling = f2;
      b.child = d;
      d = f2;
      f2 = b.child;
      g = a.child.memoizedState;
      g = null === g ? oj(c) : { baseLanes: g.baseLanes | c, cachePool: null, transitions: g.transitions };
      f2.memoizedState = g;
      f2.childLanes = a.childLanes & ~c;
      b.memoizedState = nj;
      return d;
    f2 = a.child;
    a = f2.sibling;
    d = wh(f2, { mode: "visible", children: d.children });
    0 === (b.mode & 1) && (d.lanes = c);
    d.return = b;
    d.sibling = null;
    null !== a && (c = b.deletions, null === c ? (b.deletions = [a], b.flags |= 16) : c.push(a));
    b.child = d;
    b.memoizedState = null;
    return d;
  function rj(a, b) {
    b = qj({ mode: "visible", children: b }, a.mode, 0, null);
    b.return = a;
    return a.child = b;
  function tj(a, b, c, d) {
    null !== d && Jg(d);
    Bh(b, a.child, null, c);
    a = rj(b, b.pendingProps.children);
    a.flags |= 2;
    b.memoizedState = null;
    return a;
  function sj(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g) {
    if (c) {
      if (b.flags & 256)
        return b.flags &= -257, d = Li(Error(p(422))), tj(a, b, g, d);
      if (null !== b.memoizedState)
        return b.child = a.child, b.flags |= 128, null;
      f2 = d.fallback;
      e = b.mode;
      d = qj({ mode: "visible", children: d.children }, e, 0, null);
      f2 = Ah(f2, e, g, null);
      f2.flags |= 2;
      d.return = b;
      f2.return = b;
      d.sibling = f2;
      b.child = d;
      0 !== (b.mode & 1) && Bh(b, a.child, null, g);
      b.child.memoizedState = oj(g);
      b.memoizedState = nj;
      return f2;
    if (0 === (b.mode & 1))
      return tj(a, b, g, null);
    if ("$!" === {
      d = e.nextSibling && e.nextSibling.dataset;
      if (d)
        var h = d.dgst;
      d = h;
      f2 = Error(p(419));
      d = Li(f2, d, void 0);
      return tj(a, b, g, d);
    h = 0 !== (g & a.childLanes);
    if (Ug || h) {
      d = R;
      if (null !== d) {
        switch (g & -g) {
          case 4:
            e = 2;
          case 16:
            e = 8;
          case 64:
          case 128:
          case 256:
          case 512:
          case 1024:
          case 2048:
          case 4096:
          case 8192:
          case 16384:
          case 32768:
          case 65536:
          case 131072:
          case 262144:
          case 524288:
          case 1048576:
          case 2097152:
          case 4194304:
          case 8388608:
          case 16777216:
          case 33554432:
          case 67108864:
            e = 32;
          case 536870912:
            e = 268435456;
            e = 0;
        e = 0 !== (e & (d.suspendedLanes | g)) ? 0 : e;
        0 !== e && e !== f2.retryLane && (f2.retryLane = e, Zg(a, e), mh(d, a, e, -1));
      d = Li(Error(p(421)));
      return tj(a, b, g, d);
    if ("$?" ===
      return b.flags |= 128, b.child = a.child, b = vj.bind(null, a), e._reactRetry = b, null;
    a = f2.treeContext;
    yg = Lf(e.nextSibling);
    xg = b;
    I = true;
    zg = null;
    null !== a && (og[pg++] = rg, og[pg++] = sg, og[pg++] = qg, rg =, sg = a.overflow, qg = b);
    b = rj(b, d.children);
    b.flags |= 4096;
    return b;
  function wj(a, b, c) {
    a.lanes |= b;
    var d = a.alternate;
    null !== d && (d.lanes |= b);
    Sg(a.return, b, c);
  function xj(a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f2 = a.memoizedState;
    null === f2 ? a.memoizedState = { isBackwards: b, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: d, tail: c, tailMode: e } : (f2.isBackwards = b, f2.rendering = null, f2.renderingStartTime = 0, f2.last = d, f2.tail = c, f2.tailMode = e);
  function yj(a, b, c) {
    var d = b.pendingProps, e = d.revealOrder, f2 = d.tail;
    Yi(a, b, d.children, c);
    d = M.current;
    if (0 !== (d & 2))
      d = d & 1 | 2, b.flags |= 128;
    else {
      if (null !== a && 0 !== (a.flags & 128))
          for (a = b.child; null !== a; ) {
            if (13 === a.tag)
              null !== a.memoizedState && wj(a, c, b);
            else if (19 === a.tag)
              wj(a, c, b);
            else if (null !== a.child) {
              a.child.return = a;
              a = a.child;
            if (a === b)
              break a;
            for (; null === a.sibling; ) {
              if (null === a.return || a.return === b)
                break a;
              a = a.return;
            a.sibling.return = a.return;
            a = a.sibling;
      d &= 1;
    G(M, d);
    if (0 === (b.mode & 1))
      b.memoizedState = null;
      switch (e) {
        case "forwards":
          c = b.child;
          for (e = null; null !== c; )
            a = c.alternate, null !== a && null === Mh(a) && (e = c), c = c.sibling;
          c = e;
          null === c ? (e = b.child, b.child = null) : (e = c.sibling, c.sibling = null);
          xj(b, false, e, c, f2);
        case "backwards":
          c = null;
          e = b.child;
          for (b.child = null; null !== e; ) {
            a = e.alternate;
            if (null !== a && null === Mh(a)) {
              b.child = e;
            a = e.sibling;
            e.sibling = c;
            c = e;
            e = a;
          xj(b, true, c, null, f2);
        case "together":
          xj(b, false, null, null, void 0);
          b.memoizedState = null;
    return b.child;
  function jj(a, b) {
    0 === (b.mode & 1) && null !== a && (a.alternate = null, b.alternate = null, b.flags |= 2);
  function $i(a, b, c) {
    null !== a && (b.dependencies = a.dependencies);
    hh |= b.lanes;
    if (0 === (c & b.childLanes))
      return null;
    if (null !== a && b.child !== a.child)
      throw Error(p(153));
    if (null !== b.child) {
      a = b.child;
      c = wh(a, a.pendingProps);
      b.child = c;
      for (c.return = b; null !== a.sibling; )
        a = a.sibling, c = c.sibling = wh(a, a.pendingProps), c.return = b;
      c.sibling = null;
    return b.child;
  function zj(a, b, c) {
    switch (b.tag) {
      case 3:
      case 5:
      case 1:
        Zf(b.type) && cg(b);
      case 4:
        Ih(b, b.stateNode.containerInfo);
      case 10:
        var d = b.type._context, e = b.memoizedProps.value;
        G(Mg, d._currentValue);
        d._currentValue = e;
      case 13:
        d = b.memoizedState;
        if (null !== d) {
          if (null !== d.dehydrated)
            return G(M, M.current & 1), b.flags |= 128, null;
          if (0 !== (c & b.child.childLanes))
            return pj(a, b, c);
          G(M, M.current & 1);
          a = $i(a, b, c);
          return null !== a ? a.sibling : null;
        G(M, M.current & 1);
      case 19:
        d = 0 !== (c & b.childLanes);
        if (0 !== (a.flags & 128)) {
          if (d)
            return yj(a, b, c);
          b.flags |= 128;
        e = b.memoizedState;
        null !== e && (e.rendering = null, e.tail = null, e.lastEffect = null);
        G(M, M.current);
        if (d)
          return null;
      case 22:
      case 23:
        return b.lanes = 0, ej(a, b, c);
    return $i(a, b, c);
  var Aj, Bj, Cj, Dj;
  Aj = function(a, b) {
    for (var c = b.child; null !== c; ) {
      if (5 === c.tag || 6 === c.tag)
      else if (4 !== c.tag && null !== c.child) {
        c.child.return = c;
        c = c.child;
      if (c === b)
      for (; null === c.sibling; ) {
        if (null === c.return || c.return === b)
        c = c.return;
      c.sibling.return = c.return;
      c = c.sibling;
  Bj = function() {
  Cj = function(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = a.memoizedProps;
    if (e !== d) {
      a = b.stateNode;
      var f2 = null;
      switch (c) {
        case "input":
          e = Ya(a, e);
          d = Ya(a, d);
          f2 = [];
        case "select":
          e = A({}, e, { value: void 0 });
          d = A({}, d, { value: void 0 });
          f2 = [];
        case "textarea":
          e = gb(a, e);
          d = gb(a, d);
          f2 = [];
          "function" !== typeof e.onClick && "function" === typeof d.onClick && (a.onclick = Bf);
      ub(c, d);
      var g;
      c = null;
      for (l2 in e)
        if (!d.hasOwnProperty(l2) && e.hasOwnProperty(l2) && null != e[l2])
          if ("style" === l2) {
            var h = e[l2];
            for (g in h)
              h.hasOwnProperty(g) && (c || (c = {}), c[g] = "");
          } else
            "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l2 && "children" !== l2 && "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l2 && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l2 && "autoFocus" !== l2 && (ea.hasOwnProperty(l2) ? f2 || (f2 = []) : (f2 = f2 || []).push(l2, null));
      for (l2 in d) {
        var k2 = d[l2];
        h = null != e ? e[l2] : void 0;
        if (d.hasOwnProperty(l2) && k2 !== h && (null != k2 || null != h))
          if ("style" === l2)
            if (h) {
              for (g in h)
                !h.hasOwnProperty(g) || k2 && k2.hasOwnProperty(g) || (c || (c = {}), c[g] = "");
              for (g in k2)
                k2.hasOwnProperty(g) && h[g] !== k2[g] && (c || (c = {}), c[g] = k2[g]);
            } else
              c || (f2 || (f2 = []), f2.push(
              )), c = k2;
            "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === l2 ? (k2 = k2 ? k2.__html : void 0, h = h ? h.__html : void 0, null != k2 && h !== k2 && (f2 = f2 || []).push(l2, k2)) : "children" === l2 ? "string" !== typeof k2 && "number" !== typeof k2 || (f2 = f2 || []).push(l2, "" + k2) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l2 && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l2 && (ea.hasOwnProperty(l2) ? (null != k2 && "onScroll" === l2 && D("scroll", a), f2 || h === k2 || (f2 = [])) : (f2 = f2 || []).push(l2, k2));
      c && (f2 = f2 || []).push("style", c);
      var l2 = f2;
      if (b.updateQueue = l2)
        b.flags |= 4;
  Dj = function(a, b, c, d) {
    c !== d && (b.flags |= 4);
  function Ej(a, b) {
    if (!I)
      switch (a.tailMode) {
        case "hidden":
          b = a.tail;
          for (var c = null; null !== b; )
            null !== b.alternate && (c = b), b = b.sibling;
          null === c ? a.tail = null : c.sibling = null;
        case "collapsed":
          c = a.tail;
          for (var d = null; null !== c; )
            null !== c.alternate && (d = c), c = c.sibling;
          null === d ? b || null === a.tail ? a.tail = null : a.tail.sibling = null : d.sibling = null;
  function S(a) {
    var b = null !== a.alternate && a.alternate.child === a.child, c = 0, d = 0;
    if (b)
      for (var e = a.child; null !== e; )
        c |= e.lanes | e.childLanes, d |= e.subtreeFlags & 14680064, d |= e.flags & 14680064, e.return = a, e = e.sibling;
      for (e = a.child; null !== e; )
        c |= e.lanes | e.childLanes, d |= e.subtreeFlags, d |= e.flags, e.return = a, e = e.sibling;
    a.subtreeFlags |= d;
    a.childLanes = c;
    return b;
  function Fj(a, b, c) {
    var d = b.pendingProps;
    switch (b.tag) {
      case 2:
      case 16:
      case 15:
      case 0:
      case 11:
      case 7:
      case 8:
      case 12:
      case 9:
      case 14:
        return S(b), null;
      case 1:
        return Zf(b.type) && $f(), S(b), null;
      case 3:
        d = b.stateNode;
        d.pendingContext && (d.context = d.pendingContext, d.pendingContext = null);
        if (null === a || null === a.child)
          Gg(b) ? b.flags |= 4 : null === a || a.memoizedState.isDehydrated && 0 === (b.flags & 256) || (b.flags |= 1024, null !== zg && (Gj(zg), zg = null));
        Bj(a, b);
        return null;
      case 5:
        var e = Hh(Gh.current);
        c = b.type;
        if (null !== a && null != b.stateNode)
          Cj(a, b, c, d, e), a.ref !== b.ref && (b.flags |= 512, b.flags |= 2097152);
        else {
          if (!d) {
            if (null === b.stateNode)
              throw Error(p(166));
            return null;
          a = Hh(Eh.current);
          if (Gg(b)) {
            d = b.stateNode;
            c = b.type;
            var f2 = b.memoizedProps;
            d[Of] = b;
            d[Pf] = f2;
            a = 0 !== (b.mode & 1);
            switch (c) {
              case "dialog":
                D("cancel", d);
                D("close", d);
              case "iframe":
              case "object":
              case "embed":
                D("load", d);
              case "video":
              case "audio":
                for (e = 0; e < lf.length; e++)
                  D(lf[e], d);
              case "source":
                D("error", d);
              case "img":
              case "image":
              case "link":
                D("load", d);
              case "details":
                D("toggle", d);
              case "input":
                Za(d, f2);
                D("invalid", d);
              case "select":
                d._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!f2.multiple };
                D("invalid", d);
              case "textarea":
                hb(d, f2), D("invalid", d);
            ub(c, f2);
            e = null;
            for (var g in f2)
              if (f2.hasOwnProperty(g)) {
                var h = f2[g];
                "children" === g ? "string" === typeof h ? d.textContent !== h && (true !== f2.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(d.textContent, h, a), e = ["children", h]) : "number" === typeof h && d.textContent !== "" + h && (true !== f2.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(
                ), e = ["children", "" + h]) : ea.hasOwnProperty(g) && null != h && "onScroll" === g && D("scroll", d);
            switch (c) {
              case "input":
                db(d, f2, true);
              case "textarea":
              case "select":
              case "option":
                "function" === typeof f2.onClick && (d.onclick = Bf);
            d = e;
            b.updateQueue = d;
            null !== d && (b.flags |= 4);
          } else {
            g = 9 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument;
            "" === a && (a = kb(c));
            "" === a ? "script" === c ? (a = g.createElement("div"), a.innerHTML = "<script><\/script>", a = a.removeChild(a.firstChild)) : "string" === typeof ? a = g.createElement(c, { is: }) : (a = g.createElement(c), "select" === c && (g = a, d.multiple ? g.multiple = true : d.size && (g.size = d.size))) : a = g.createElementNS(a, c);
            a[Of] = b;
            a[Pf] = d;
            Aj(a, b, false, false);
            b.stateNode = a;
            a: {
              g = vb(c, d);
              switch (c) {
                case "dialog":
                  D("cancel", a);
                  D("close", a);
                  e = d;
                case "iframe":
                case "object":
                case "embed":
                  D("load", a);
                  e = d;
                case "video":
                case "audio":
                  for (e = 0; e < lf.length; e++)
                    D(lf[e], a);
                  e = d;
                case "source":
                  D("error", a);
                  e = d;
                case "img":
                case "image":
                case "link":
                  D("load", a);
                  e = d;
                case "details":
                  D("toggle", a);
                  e = d;
                case "input":
                  Za(a, d);
                  e = Ya(a, d);
                  D("invalid", a);
                case "option":
                  e = d;
                case "select":
                  a._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!d.multiple };
                  e = A({}, d, { value: void 0 });
                  D("invalid", a);
                case "textarea":
                  hb(a, d);
                  e = gb(a, d);
                  D("invalid", a);
                  e = d;
              ub(c, e);
              h = e;
              for (f2 in h)
                if (h.hasOwnProperty(f2)) {
                  var k2 = h[f2];
                  "style" === f2 ? sb(a, k2) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === f2 ? (k2 = k2 ? k2.__html : void 0, null != k2 && nb(a, k2)) : "children" === f2 ? "string" === typeof k2 ? ("textarea" !== c || "" !== k2) && ob(a, k2) : "number" === typeof k2 && ob(a, "" + k2) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== f2 && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== f2 && "autoFocus" !== f2 && (ea.hasOwnProperty(f2) ? null != k2 && "onScroll" === f2 && D("scroll", a) : null != k2 && ta(a, f2, k2, g));
              switch (c) {
                case "input":
                  db(a, d, false);
                case "textarea":
                case "option":
                  null != d.value && a.setAttribute("value", "" + Sa(d.value));
                case "select":
                  a.multiple = !!d.multiple;
                  f2 = d.value;
                  null != f2 ? fb(a, !!d.multiple, f2, false) : null != d.defaultValue && fb(
                  "function" === typeof e.onClick && (a.onclick = Bf);
              switch (c) {
                case "button":
                case "input":
                case "select":
                case "textarea":
                  d = !!d.autoFocus;
                  break a;
                case "img":
                  d = true;
                  break a;
                  d = false;
            d && (b.flags |= 4);
          null !== b.ref && (b.flags |= 512, b.flags |= 2097152);
        return null;
      case 6:
        if (a && null != b.stateNode)
          Dj(a, b, a.memoizedProps, d);
        else {
          if ("string" !== typeof d && null === b.stateNode)
            throw Error(p(166));
          c = Hh(Gh.current);
          if (Gg(b)) {
            d = b.stateNode;
            c = b.memoizedProps;
            d[Of] = b;
            if (f2 = d.nodeValue !== c) {
              if (a = xg, null !== a)
                switch (a.tag) {
                  case 3:
                    Af(d.nodeValue, c, 0 !== (a.mode & 1));
                  case 5:
                    true !== a.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(d.nodeValue, c, 0 !== (a.mode & 1));
            f2 && (b.flags |= 4);
          } else
            d = (9 === c.nodeType ? c : c.ownerDocument).createTextNode(d), d[Of] = b, b.stateNode = d;
        return null;
      case 13:
        d = b.memoizedState;
        if (null === a || null !== a.memoizedState && null !== a.memoizedState.dehydrated) {
          if (I && null !== yg && 0 !== (b.mode & 1) && 0 === (b.flags & 128))
            Hg(), Ig(), b.flags |= 98560, f2 = false;
          else if (f2 = Gg(b), null !== d && null !== d.dehydrated) {
            if (null === a) {
              if (!f2)
                throw Error(p(318));
              f2 = b.memoizedState;
              f2 = null !== f2 ? f2.dehydrated : null;
              if (!f2)
                throw Error(p(317));
              f2[Of] = b;
            } else
              Ig(), 0 === (b.flags & 128) && (b.memoizedState = null), b.flags |= 4;
            f2 = false;
          } else
            null !== zg && (Gj(zg), zg = null), f2 = true;
          if (!f2)
            return b.flags & 65536 ? b : null;
        if (0 !== (b.flags & 128))
          return b.lanes = c, b;
        d = null !== d;
        d !== (null !== a && null !== a.memoizedState) && d && (b.child.flags |= 8192, 0 !== (b.mode & 1) && (null === a || 0 !== (M.current & 1) ? 0 === T && (T = 3) : uj()));
        null !== b.updateQueue && (b.flags |= 4);
        return null;
      case 4:
        return Jh(), Bj(a, b), null === a && sf(b.stateNode.containerInfo), S(b), null;
      case 10:
        return Rg(b.type._context), S(b), null;
      case 17:
        return Zf(b.type) && $f(), S(b), null;
      case 19:
        f2 = b.memoizedState;
        if (null === f2)
          return S(b), null;
        d = 0 !== (b.flags & 128);
        g = f2.rendering;
        if (null === g)
          if (d)
            Ej(f2, false);
          else {
            if (0 !== T || null !== a && 0 !== (a.flags & 128))
              for (a = b.child; null !== a; ) {
                g = Mh(a);
                if (null !== g) {
                  b.flags |= 128;
                  Ej(f2, false);
                  d = g.updateQueue;
                  null !== d && (b.updateQueue = d, b.flags |= 4);
                  b.subtreeFlags = 0;
                  d = c;
                  for (c = b.child; null !== c; )
                    f2 = c, a = d, f2.flags &= 14680066, g = f2.alternate, null === g ? (f2.childLanes = 0, f2.lanes = a, f2.child = null, f2.subtreeFlags = 0, f2.memoizedProps = null, f2.memoizedState = null, f2.updateQueue = null, f2.dependencies = null, f2.stateNode = null) : (f2.childLanes = g.childLanes, f2.lanes = g.lanes, f2.child = g.child, f2.subtreeFlags = 0, f2.deletions = null, f2.memoizedProps = g.memoizedProps, f2.memoizedState = g.memoizedState, f2.updateQueue = g.updateQueue, f2.type = g.type, a = g.dependencies, f2.dependencies = null === a ? null : { lanes: a.lanes, firstContext: a.firstContext }), c = c.sibling;
                  G(M, M.current & 1 | 2);
                  return b.child;
                a = a.sibling;
            null !== f2.tail && B() > Hj && (b.flags |= 128, d = true, Ej(f2, false), b.lanes = 4194304);
        else {
          if (!d)
            if (a = Mh(g), null !== a) {
              if (b.flags |= 128, d = true, c = a.updateQueue, null !== c && (b.updateQueue = c, b.flags |= 4), Ej(f2, true), null === f2.tail && "hidden" === f2.tailMode && !g.alternate && !I)
                return S(b), null;
            } else
              2 * B() - f2.renderingStartTime > Hj && 1073741824 !== c && (b.flags |= 128, d = true, Ej(f2, false), b.lanes = 4194304);
          f2.isBackwards ? (g.sibling = b.child, b.child = g) : (c = f2.last, null !== c ? c.sibling = g : b.child = g, f2.last = g);
        if (null !== f2.tail)
          return b = f2.tail, f2.rendering = b, f2.tail = b.sibling, f2.renderingStartTime = B(), b.sibling = null, c = M.current, G(M, d ? c & 1 | 2 : c & 1), b;
        return null;
      case 22:
      case 23:
        return Ij(), d = null !== b.memoizedState, null !== a && null !== a.memoizedState !== d && (b.flags |= 8192), d && 0 !== (b.mode & 1) ? 0 !== (gj & 1073741824) && (S(b), b.subtreeFlags & 6 && (b.flags |= 8192)) : S(b), null;
      case 24:
        return null;
      case 25:
        return null;
    throw Error(p(156, b.tag));
  function Jj(a, b) {
    switch (b.tag) {
      case 1:
        return Zf(b.type) && $f(), a = b.flags, a & 65536 ? (b.flags = a & -65537 | 128, b) : null;
      case 3:
        return Jh(), E(Wf), E(H), Oh(), a = b.flags, 0 !== (a & 65536) && 0 === (a & 128) ? (b.flags = a & -65537 | 128, b) : null;
      case 5:
        return Lh(b), null;
      case 13:
        a = b.memoizedState;
        if (null !== a && null !== a.dehydrated) {
          if (null === b.alternate)
            throw Error(p(340));
        a = b.flags;
        return a & 65536 ? (b.flags = a & -65537 | 128, b) : null;
      case 19:
        return E(M), null;
      case 4:
        return Jh(), null;
      case 10:
        return Rg(b.type._context), null;
      case 22:
      case 23:
        return Ij(), null;
      case 24:
        return null;
        return null;
  var Kj = false, U = false, Lj = "function" === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set, V = null;
  function Mj(a, b) {
    var c = a.ref;
    if (null !== c)
      if ("function" === typeof c)
        try {
        } catch (d) {
          W(a, b, d);
        c.current = null;
  function Nj(a, b, c) {
    try {
    } catch (d) {
      W(a, b, d);
  var Oj = false;
  function Pj(a, b) {
    Cf = dd;
    a = Me();
    if (Ne(a)) {
      if ("selectionStart" in a)
        var c = { start: a.selectionStart, end: a.selectionEnd };
        a: {
          c = (c = a.ownerDocument) && c.defaultView || window;
          var d = c.getSelection && c.getSelection();
          if (d && 0 !== d.rangeCount) {
            c = d.anchorNode;
            var e = d.anchorOffset, f2 = d.focusNode;
            d = d.focusOffset;
            try {
              c.nodeType, f2.nodeType;
            } catch (F2) {
              c = null;
              break a;
            var g = 0, h = -1, k2 = -1, l2 = 0, m2 = 0, q2 = a, r2 = null;
              for (; ; ) {
                for (var y2; ; ) {
                  q2 !== c || 0 !== e && 3 !== q2.nodeType || (h = g + e);
                  q2 !== f2 || 0 !== d && 3 !== q2.nodeType || (k2 = g + d);
                  3 === q2.nodeType && (g += q2.nodeValue.length);
                  if (null === (y2 = q2.firstChild))
                  r2 = q2;
                  q2 = y2;
                for (; ; ) {
                  if (q2 === a)
                    break b;
                  r2 === c && ++l2 === e && (h = g);
                  r2 === f2 && ++m2 === d && (k2 = g);
                  if (null !== (y2 = q2.nextSibling))
                  q2 = r2;
                  r2 = q2.parentNode;
                q2 = y2;
            c = -1 === h || -1 === k2 ? null : { start: h, end: k2 };
          } else
            c = null;
      c = c || { start: 0, end: 0 };
    } else
      c = null;
    Df = { focusedElem: a, selectionRange: c };
    dd = false;
    for (V = b; null !== V; )
      if (b = V, a = b.child, 0 !== (b.subtreeFlags & 1028) && null !== a)
        a.return = b, V = a;
        for (; null !== V; ) {
          b = V;
          try {
            var n2 = b.alternate;
            if (0 !== (b.flags & 1024))
              switch (b.tag) {
                case 0:
                case 11:
                case 15:
                case 1:
                  if (null !== n2) {
                    var t2 = n2.memoizedProps, J2 = n2.memoizedState, x2 = b.stateNode, w2 = x2.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(b.elementType === b.type ? t2 : Lg(b.type, t2), J2);
                    x2.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = w2;
                case 3:
                  var u2 = b.stateNode.containerInfo;
                  1 === u2.nodeType ? u2.textContent = "" : 9 === u2.nodeType && u2.documentElement && u2.removeChild(u2.documentElement);
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 4:
                case 17:
                  throw Error(p(163));
          } catch (F2) {
            W(b, b.return, F2);
          a = b.sibling;
          if (null !== a) {
            a.return = b.return;
            V = a;
          V = b.return;
    n2 = Oj;
    Oj = false;
    return n2;
  function Qj(a, b, c) {
    var d = b.updateQueue;
    d = null !== d ? d.lastEffect : null;
    if (null !== d) {
      var e = d =;
      do {
        if ((e.tag & a) === a) {
          var f2 = e.destroy;
          e.destroy = void 0;
          void 0 !== f2 && Nj(b, c, f2);
        e =;
      } while (e !== d);
  function Rj(a, b) {
    b = b.updateQueue;
    b = null !== b ? b.lastEffect : null;
    if (null !== b) {
      var c = b =;
      do {
        if ((c.tag & a) === a) {
          var d = c.create;
          c.destroy = d();
        c =;
      } while (c !== b);
  function Sj(a) {
    var b = a.ref;
    if (null !== b) {
      var c = a.stateNode;
      switch (a.tag) {
        case 5:
          a = c;
          a = c;
      "function" === typeof b ? b(a) : b.current = a;
  function Tj(a) {
    var b = a.alternate;
    null !== b && (a.alternate = null, Tj(b));
    a.child = null;
    a.deletions = null;
    a.sibling = null;
    5 === a.tag && (b = a.stateNode, null !== b && (delete b[Of], delete b[Pf], delete b[of], delete b[Qf], delete b[Rf]));
    a.stateNode = null;
    a.return = null;
    a.dependencies = null;
    a.memoizedProps = null;
    a.memoizedState = null;
    a.pendingProps = null;
    a.stateNode = null;
    a.updateQueue = null;
  function Uj(a) {
    return 5 === a.tag || 3 === a.tag || 4 === a.tag;
  function Vj(a) {
      for (; ; ) {
        for (; null === a.sibling; ) {
          if (null === a.return || Uj(a.return))
            return null;
          a = a.return;
        a.sibling.return = a.return;
        for (a = a.sibling; 5 !== a.tag && 6 !== a.tag && 18 !== a.tag; ) {
          if (a.flags & 2)
            continue a;
          if (null === a.child || 4 === a.tag)
            continue a;
            a.child.return = a, a = a.child;
        if (!(a.flags & 2))
          return a.stateNode;
  function Wj(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.tag;
    if (5 === d || 6 === d)
      a = a.stateNode, b ? 8 === c.nodeType ? c.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b) : c.insertBefore(a, b) : (8 === c.nodeType ? (b = c.parentNode, b.insertBefore(a, c)) : (b = c, b.appendChild(a)), c = c._reactRootContainer, null !== c && void 0 !== c || null !== b.onclick || (b.onclick = Bf));
    else if (4 !== d && (a = a.child, null !== a))
      for (Wj(a, b, c), a = a.sibling; null !== a; )
        Wj(a, b, c), a = a.sibling;
  function Xj(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.tag;
    if (5 === d || 6 === d)
      a = a.stateNode, b ? c.insertBefore(a, b) : c.appendChild(a);
    else if (4 !== d && (a = a.child, null !== a))
      for (Xj(a, b, c), a = a.sibling; null !== a; )
        Xj(a, b, c), a = a.sibling;
  var X = null, Yj = false;
  function Zj(a, b, c) {
    for (c = c.child; null !== c; )
      ak(a, b, c), c = c.sibling;
  function ak(a, b, c) {
    if (lc && "function" === typeof lc.onCommitFiberUnmount)
      try {
        lc.onCommitFiberUnmount(kc, c);
      } catch (h) {
    switch (c.tag) {
      case 5:
        U || Mj(c, b);
      case 6:
        var d = X, e = Yj;
        X = null;
        Zj(a, b, c);
        X = d;
        Yj = e;
        null !== X && (Yj ? (a = X, c = c.stateNode, 8 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode.removeChild(c) : a.removeChild(c)) : X.removeChild(c.stateNode));
      case 18:
        null !== X && (Yj ? (a = X, c = c.stateNode, 8 === a.nodeType ? Kf(a.parentNode, c) : 1 === a.nodeType && Kf(a, c), bd(a)) : Kf(X, c.stateNode));
      case 4:
        d = X;
        e = Yj;
        X = c.stateNode.containerInfo;
        Yj = true;
        Zj(a, b, c);
        X = d;
        Yj = e;
      case 0:
      case 11:
      case 14:
      case 15:
        if (!U && (d = c.updateQueue, null !== d && (d = d.lastEffect, null !== d))) {
          e = d =;
          do {
            var f2 = e, g = f2.destroy;
            f2 = f2.tag;
            void 0 !== g && (0 !== (f2 & 2) ? Nj(c, b, g) : 0 !== (f2 & 4) && Nj(c, b, g));
            e =;
          } while (e !== d);
        Zj(a, b, c);
      case 1:
        if (!U && (Mj(c, b), d = c.stateNode, "function" === typeof d.componentWillUnmount))
          try {
            d.props = c.memoizedProps, d.state = c.memoizedState, d.componentWillUnmount();
          } catch (h) {
            W(c, b, h);
        Zj(a, b, c);
      case 21:
        Zj(a, b, c);
      case 22:
        c.mode & 1 ? (U = (d = U) || null !== c.memoizedState, Zj(a, b, c), U = d) : Zj(a, b, c);
        Zj(a, b, c);
  function bk(a) {
    var b = a.updateQueue;
    if (null !== b) {
      a.updateQueue = null;
      var c = a.stateNode;
      null === c && (c = a.stateNode = new Lj());
      b.forEach(function(b2) {
        var d = ck.bind(null, a, b2);
        c.has(b2) || (c.add(b2), b2.then(d, d));
  function dk(a, b) {
    var c = b.deletions;
    if (null !== c)
      for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
        var e = c[d];
        try {
          var f2 = a, g = b, h = g;
            for (; null !== h; ) {
              switch (h.tag) {
                case 5:
                  X = h.stateNode;
                  Yj = false;
                  break a;
                case 3:
                  X = h.stateNode.containerInfo;
                  Yj = true;
                  break a;
                case 4:
                  X = h.stateNode.containerInfo;
                  Yj = true;
                  break a;
              h = h.return;
          if (null === X)
            throw Error(p(160));
          ak(f2, g, e);
          X = null;
          Yj = false;
          var k2 = e.alternate;
          null !== k2 && (k2.return = null);
          e.return = null;
        } catch (l2) {
          W(e, b, l2);
    if (b.subtreeFlags & 12854)
      for (b = b.child; null !== b; )
        ek(b, a), b = b.sibling;
  function ek(a, b) {
    var c = a.alternate, d = a.flags;
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 0:
      case 11:
      case 14:
      case 15:
        dk(b, a);
        if (d & 4) {
          try {
            Qj(3, a, a.return), Rj(3, a);
          } catch (t2) {
            W(a, a.return, t2);
          try {
            Qj(5, a, a.return);
          } catch (t2) {
            W(a, a.return, t2);
      case 1:
        dk(b, a);
        d & 512 && null !== c && Mj(c, c.return);
      case 5:
        dk(b, a);
        d & 512 && null !== c && Mj(c, c.return);
        if (a.flags & 32) {
          var e = a.stateNode;
          try {
            ob(e, "");
          } catch (t2) {
            W(a, a.return, t2);
        if (d & 4 && (e = a.stateNode, null != e)) {
          var f2 = a.memoizedProps, g = null !== c ? c.memoizedProps : f2, h = a.type, k2 = a.updateQueue;
          a.updateQueue = null;
          if (null !== k2)
            try {
              "input" === h && "radio" === f2.type && null != && ab(e, f2);
              vb(h, g);
              var l2 = vb(h, f2);
              for (g = 0; g < k2.length; g += 2) {
                var m2 = k2[g], q2 = k2[g + 1];
                "style" === m2 ? sb(e, q2) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === m2 ? nb(e, q2) : "children" === m2 ? ob(e, q2) : ta(e, m2, q2, l2);
              switch (h) {
                case "input":
                  bb(e, f2);
                case "textarea":
                  ib(e, f2);
                case "select":
                  var r2 = e._wrapperState.wasMultiple;
                  e._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!f2.multiple;
                  var y2 = f2.value;
                  null != y2 ? fb(e, !!f2.multiple, y2, false) : r2 !== !!f2.multiple && (null != f2.defaultValue ? fb(
                  ) : fb(e, !!f2.multiple, f2.multiple ? [] : "", false));
              e[Pf] = f2;
            } catch (t2) {
              W(a, a.return, t2);
      case 6:
        dk(b, a);
        if (d & 4) {
          if (null === a.stateNode)
            throw Error(p(162));
          e = a.stateNode;
          f2 = a.memoizedProps;
          try {
            e.nodeValue = f2;
          } catch (t2) {
            W(a, a.return, t2);
      case 3:
        dk(b, a);
        if (d & 4 && null !== c && c.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
          try {
          } catch (t2) {
            W(a, a.return, t2);
      case 4:
        dk(b, a);
      case 13:
        dk(b, a);
        e = a.child;
        e.flags & 8192 && (f2 = null !== e.memoizedState, e.stateNode.isHidden = f2, !f2 || null !== e.alternate && null !== e.alternate.memoizedState || (gk = B()));
        d & 4 && bk(a);
      case 22:
        m2 = null !== c && null !== c.memoizedState;
        a.mode & 1 ? (U = (l2 = U) || m2, dk(b, a), U = l2) : dk(b, a);
        if (d & 8192) {
          l2 = null !== a.memoizedState;
          if ((a.stateNode.isHidden = l2) && !m2 && 0 !== (a.mode & 1))
            for (V = a, m2 = a.child; null !== m2; ) {
              for (q2 = V = m2; null !== V; ) {
                r2 = V;
                y2 = r2.child;
                switch (r2.tag) {
                  case 0:
                  case 11:
                  case 14:
                  case 15:
                    Qj(4, r2, r2.return);
                  case 1:
                    Mj(r2, r2.return);
                    var n2 = r2.stateNode;
                    if ("function" === typeof n2.componentWillUnmount) {
                      d = r2;
                      c = r2.return;
                      try {
                        b = d, n2.props = b.memoizedProps, n2.state = b.memoizedState, n2.componentWillUnmount();
                      } catch (t2) {
                        W(d, c, t2);
                  case 5:
                    Mj(r2, r2.return);
                  case 22:
                    if (null !== r2.memoizedState) {
                null !== y2 ? (y2.return = r2, V = y2) : hk(q2);
              m2 = m2.sibling;
            for (m2 = null, q2 = a; ; ) {
              if (5 === q2.tag) {
                if (null === m2) {
                  m2 = q2;
                  try {
                    e = q2.stateNode, l2 ? (f2 =, "function" === typeof f2.setProperty ? f2.setProperty("display", "none", "important") : f2.display = "none") : (h = q2.stateNode, k2 =, g = void 0 !== k2 && null !== k2 && k2.hasOwnProperty("display") ? k2.display : null, = rb("display", g));
                  } catch (t2) {
                    W(a, a.return, t2);
              } else if (6 === q2.tag) {
                if (null === m2)
                  try {
                    q2.stateNode.nodeValue = l2 ? "" : q2.memoizedProps;
                  } catch (t2) {
                    W(a, a.return, t2);
              } else if ((22 !== q2.tag && 23 !== q2.tag || null === q2.memoizedState || q2 === a) && null !== q2.child) {
                q2.child.return = q2;
                q2 = q2.child;
              if (q2 === a)
                break a;
              for (; null === q2.sibling; ) {
                if (null === q2.return || q2.return === a)
                  break a;
                m2 === q2 && (m2 = null);
                q2 = q2.return;
              m2 === q2 && (m2 = null);
              q2.sibling.return = q2.return;
              q2 = q2.sibling;
      case 19:
        dk(b, a);
        d & 4 && bk(a);
      case 21:
        ), fk(a);
  function fk(a) {
    var b = a.flags;
    if (b & 2) {
      try {
        a: {
          for (var c = a.return; null !== c; ) {
            if (Uj(c)) {
              var d = c;
              break a;
            c = c.return;
          throw Error(p(160));
        switch (d.tag) {
          case 5:
            var e = d.stateNode;
            d.flags & 32 && (ob(e, ""), d.flags &= -33);
            var f2 = Vj(a);
            Xj(a, f2, e);
          case 3:
          case 4:
            var g = d.stateNode.containerInfo, h = Vj(a);
            Wj(a, h, g);
            throw Error(p(161));
      } catch (k2) {
        W(a, a.return, k2);
      a.flags &= -3;
    b & 4096 && (a.flags &= -4097);
  function ik(a, b, c) {
    V = a;
  function jk(a, b, c) {
    for (var d = 0 !== (a.mode & 1); null !== V; ) {
      var e = V, f2 = e.child;
      if (22 === e.tag && d) {
        var g = null !== e.memoizedState || Kj;
        if (!g) {
          var h = e.alternate, k2 = null !== h && null !== h.memoizedState || U;
          h = Kj;
          var l2 = U;
          Kj = g;
          if ((U = k2) && !l2)
            for (V = e; null !== V; )
              g = V, k2 = g.child, 22 === g.tag && null !== g.memoizedState ? kk(e) : null !== k2 ? (k2.return = g, V = k2) : kk(e);
          for (; null !== f2; )
            V = f2, jk(f2), f2 = f2.sibling;
          V = e;
          Kj = h;
          U = l2;
      } else
        0 !== (e.subtreeFlags & 8772) && null !== f2 ? (f2.return = e, V = f2) : lk(a);
  function lk(a) {
    for (; null !== V; ) {
      var b = V;
      if (0 !== (b.flags & 8772)) {
        var c = b.alternate;
        try {
          if (0 !== (b.flags & 8772))
            switch (b.tag) {
              case 0:
              case 11:
              case 15:
                U || Rj(5, b);
              case 1:
                var d = b.stateNode;
                if (b.flags & 4 && !U)
                  if (null === c)
                  else {
                    var e = b.elementType === b.type ? c.memoizedProps : Lg(b.type, c.memoizedProps);
                    d.componentDidUpdate(e, c.memoizedState, d.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate);
                var f2 = b.updateQueue;
                null !== f2 && ih(b, f2, d);
              case 3:
                var g = b.updateQueue;
                if (null !== g) {
                  c = null;
                  if (null !== b.child)
                    switch (b.child.tag) {
                      case 5:
                        c = b.child.stateNode;
                      case 1:
                        c = b.child.stateNode;
                  ih(b, g, c);
              case 5:
                var h = b.stateNode;
                if (null === c && b.flags & 4) {
                  c = h;
                  var k2 = b.memoizedProps;
                  switch (b.type) {
                    case "button":
                    case "input":
                    case "select":
                    case "textarea":
                      k2.autoFocus && c.focus();
                    case "img":
                      k2.src && (c.src = k2.src);
              case 6:
              case 4:
              case 12:
              case 13:
                if (null === b.memoizedState) {
                  var l2 = b.alternate;
                  if (null !== l2) {
                    var m2 = l2.memoizedState;
                    if (null !== m2) {
                      var q2 = m2.dehydrated;
                      null !== q2 && bd(q2);
              case 19:
              case 17:
              case 21:
              case 22:
              case 23:
              case 25:
                throw Error(p(163));
          U || b.flags & 512 && Sj(b);
        } catch (r2) {
          W(b, b.return, r2);
      if (b === a) {
        V = null;
      c = b.sibling;
      if (null !== c) {
        c.return = b.return;
        V = c;
      V = b.return;
  function hk(a) {
    for (; null !== V; ) {
      var b = V;
      if (b === a) {
        V = null;
      var c = b.sibling;
      if (null !== c) {
        c.return = b.return;
        V = c;
      V = b.return;
  function kk(a) {
    for (; null !== V; ) {
      var b = V;
      try {
        switch (b.tag) {
          case 0:
          case 11:
          case 15:
            var c = b.return;
            try {
              Rj(4, b);
            } catch (k2) {
              W(b, c, k2);
          case 1:
            var d = b.stateNode;
            if ("function" === typeof d.componentDidMount) {
              var e = b.return;
              try {
              } catch (k2) {
                W(b, e, k2);
            var f2 = b.return;
            try {
            } catch (k2) {
              W(b, f2, k2);
          case 5:
            var g = b.return;
            try {
            } catch (k2) {
              W(b, g, k2);
      } catch (k2) {
        W(b, b.return, k2);
      if (b === a) {
        V = null;
      var h = b.sibling;
      if (null !== h) {
        h.return = b.return;
        V = h;
      V = b.return;
  var mk = Math.ceil, nk = ua.ReactCurrentDispatcher, ok = ua.ReactCurrentOwner, pk = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, K = 0, R = null, Y = null, Z = 0, gj = 0, fj = Uf(0), T = 0, qk = null, hh = 0, rk = 0, sk = 0, tk = null, uk = null, gk = 0, Hj = Infinity, vk = null, Pi = false, Qi = null, Si = null, wk = false, xk = null, yk = 0, zk = 0, Ak = null, Bk = -1, Ck = 0;
  function L() {
    return 0 !== (K & 6) ? B() : -1 !== Bk ? Bk : Bk = B();
  function lh(a) {
    if (0 === (a.mode & 1))
      return 1;
    if (0 !== (K & 2) && 0 !== Z)
      return Z & -Z;
    if (null !== Kg.transition)
      return 0 === Ck && (Ck = yc()), Ck;
    a = C;
    if (0 !== a)
      return a;
    a = window.event;
    a = void 0 === a ? 16 : jd(a.type);
    return a;
  function mh(a, b, c, d) {
    if (50 < zk)
      throw zk = 0, Ak = null, Error(p(185));
    Ac(a, c, d);
    if (0 === (K & 2) || a !== R)
      a === R && (0 === (K & 2) && (rk |= c), 4 === T && Dk(a, Z)), Ek(a, d), 1 === c && 0 === K && 0 === (b.mode & 1) && (Hj = B() + 500, fg && jg());
  function Ek(a, b) {
    var c = a.callbackNode;
    wc(a, b);
    var d = uc(a, a === R ? Z : 0);
    if (0 === d)
      null !== c && bc(c), a.callbackNode = null, a.callbackPriority = 0;
    else if (b = d & -d, a.callbackPriority !== b) {
      null != c && bc(c);
      if (1 === b)
        0 === a.tag ? ig(Fk.bind(null, a)) : hg(Fk.bind(null, a)), Jf(function() {
          0 === (K & 6) && jg();
        }), c = null;
      else {
        switch (Dc(d)) {
          case 1:
            c = fc;
          case 4:
            c = gc;
          case 16:
            c = hc;
          case 536870912:
            c = jc;
            c = hc;
        c = Gk(c, Hk.bind(null, a));
      a.callbackPriority = b;
      a.callbackNode = c;
  function Hk(a, b) {
    Bk = -1;
    Ck = 0;
    if (0 !== (K & 6))
      throw Error(p(327));
    var c = a.callbackNode;
    if (Ik() && a.callbackNode !== c)
      return null;
    var d = uc(a, a === R ? Z : 0);
    if (0 === d)
      return null;
    if (0 !== (d & 30) || 0 !== (d & a.expiredLanes) || b)
      b = Jk(a, d);
    else {
      b = d;
      var e = K;
      K |= 2;
      var f2 = Kk();
      if (R !== a || Z !== b)
        vk = null, Hj = B() + 500, Lk(a, b);
        try {
        } catch (h) {
          Nk(a, h);
      while (1);
      nk.current = f2;
      K = e;
      null !== Y ? b = 0 : (R = null, Z = 0, b = T);
    if (0 !== b) {
      2 === b && (e = xc(a), 0 !== e && (d = e, b = Ok(a, e)));
      if (1 === b)
        throw c = qk, Lk(a, 0), Dk(a, d), Ek(a, B()), c;
      if (6 === b)
        Dk(a, d);
      else {
        e = a.current.alternate;
        if (0 === (d & 30) && !Pk(e) && (b = Jk(a, d), 2 === b && (f2 = xc(a), 0 !== f2 && (d = f2, b = Ok(a, f2))), 1 === b))
          throw c = qk, Lk(a, 0), Dk(a, d), Ek(a, B()), c;
        a.finishedWork = e;
        a.finishedLanes = d;
        switch (b) {
          case 0:
          case 1:
            throw Error(p(345));
          case 2:
            Qk(a, uk, vk);
          case 3:
            Dk(a, d);
            if ((d & 130023424) === d && (b = gk + 500 - B(), 10 < b)) {
              if (0 !== uc(a, 0))
              e = a.suspendedLanes;
              if ((e & d) !== d) {
                a.pingedLanes |= a.suspendedLanes & e;
              a.timeoutHandle = Ff(Qk.bind(null, a, uk, vk), b);
            Qk(a, uk, vk);
          case 4:
            Dk(a, d);
            if ((d & 4194240) === d)
            b = a.eventTimes;
            for (e = -1; 0 < d; ) {
              var g = 31 - oc(d);
              f2 = 1 << g;
              g = b[g];
              g > e && (e = g);
              d &= ~f2;
            d = e;
            d = B() - d;
            d = (120 > d ? 120 : 480 > d ? 480 : 1080 > d ? 1080 : 1920 > d ? 1920 : 3e3 > d ? 3e3 : 4320 > d ? 4320 : 1960 * mk(d / 1960)) - d;
            if (10 < d) {
              a.timeoutHandle = Ff(Qk.bind(null, a, uk, vk), d);
            Qk(a, uk, vk);
          case 5:
            Qk(a, uk, vk);
            throw Error(p(329));
    Ek(a, B());
    return a.callbackNode === c ? Hk.bind(null, a) : null;
  function Ok(a, b) {
    var c = tk;
    a.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (Lk(a, b).flags |= 256);
    a = Jk(a, b);
    2 !== a && (b = uk, uk = c, null !== b && Gj(b));
    return a;
  function Gj(a) {
    null === uk ? uk = a : uk.push.apply(uk, a);
  function Pk(a) {
    for (var b = a; ; ) {
      if (b.flags & 16384) {
        var c = b.updateQueue;
        if (null !== c && (c = c.stores, null !== c))
          for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
            var e = c[d], f2 = e.getSnapshot;
            e = e.value;
            try {
              if (!He(f2(), e))
                return false;
            } catch (g) {
              return false;
      c = b.child;
      if (b.subtreeFlags & 16384 && null !== c)
        c.return = b, b = c;
      else {
        if (b === a)
        for (; null === b.sibling; ) {
          if (null === b.return || b.return === a)
            return true;
          b = b.return;
        b.sibling.return = b.return;
        b = b.sibling;
    return true;
  function Dk(a, b) {
    b &= ~sk;
    b &= ~rk;
    a.suspendedLanes |= b;
    a.pingedLanes &= ~b;
    for (a = a.expirationTimes; 0 < b; ) {
      var c = 31 - oc(b), d = 1 << c;
      a[c] = -1;
      b &= ~d;
  function Fk(a) {
    if (0 !== (K & 6))
      throw Error(p(327));
    var b = uc(a, 0);
    if (0 === (b & 1))
      return Ek(a, B()), null;
    var c = Jk(a, b);
    if (0 !== a.tag && 2 === c) {
      var d = xc(a);
      0 !== d && (b = d, c = Ok(a, d));
    if (1 === c)
      throw c = qk, Lk(a, 0), Dk(a, b), Ek(a, B()), c;
    if (6 === c)
      throw Error(p(345));
    a.finishedWork = a.current.alternate;
    a.finishedLanes = b;
    Qk(a, uk, vk);
    Ek(a, B());
    return null;
  function Rk(a, b) {
    var c = K;
    K |= 1;
    try {
      return a(b);
    } finally {
      K = c, 0 === K && (Hj = B() + 500, fg && jg());
  function Sk(a) {
    null !== xk && 0 === xk.tag && 0 === (K & 6) && Ik();
    var b = K;
    K |= 1;
    var c = pk.transition, d = C;
    try {
      if (pk.transition = null, C = 1, a)
        return a();
    } finally {
      C = d, pk.transition = c, K = b, 0 === (K & 6) && jg();
  function Ij() {
    gj = fj.current;
  function Lk(a, b) {
    a.finishedWork = null;
    a.finishedLanes = 0;
    var c = a.timeoutHandle;
    -1 !== c && (a.timeoutHandle = -1, Gf(c));
    if (null !== Y)
      for (c = Y.return; null !== c; ) {
        var d = c;
        switch (d.tag) {
          case 1:
            d = d.type.childContextTypes;
            null !== d && void 0 !== d && $f();
          case 3:
          case 5:
          case 4:
          case 13:
          case 19:
          case 10:
          case 22:
          case 23:
        c = c.return;
    R = a;
    Y = a = wh(a.current, null);
    Z = gj = b;
    T = 0;
    qk = null;
    sk = rk = hh = 0;
    uk = tk = null;
    if (null !== Wg) {
      for (b = 0; b < Wg.length; b++)
        if (c = Wg[b], d = c.interleaved, null !== d) {
          c.interleaved = null;
          var e =, f2 = c.pending;
          if (null !== f2) {
            var g =;
   = e;
   = g;
          c.pending = d;
      Wg = null;
    return a;
  function Nk(a, b) {
    do {
      var c = Y;
      try {
        Ph.current = ai;
        if (Sh) {
          for (var d = N.memoizedState; null !== d; ) {
            var e = d.queue;
            null !== e && (e.pending = null);
            d =;
          Sh = false;
        Rh = 0;
        P = O = N = null;
        Th = false;
        Uh = 0;
        ok.current = null;
        if (null === c || null === c.return) {
          T = 1;
          qk = b;
          Y = null;
        a: {
          var f2 = a, g = c.return, h = c, k2 = b;
          b = Z;
          h.flags |= 32768;
          if (null !== k2 && "object" === typeof k2 && "function" === typeof k2.then) {
            var l2 = k2, m2 = h, q2 = m2.tag;
            if (0 === (m2.mode & 1) && (0 === q2 || 11 === q2 || 15 === q2)) {
              var r2 = m2.alternate;
              r2 ? (m2.updateQueue = r2.updateQueue, m2.memoizedState = r2.memoizedState, m2.lanes = r2.lanes) : (m2.updateQueue = null, m2.memoizedState = null);
            var y2 = Vi(g);
            if (null !== y2) {
              y2.flags &= -257;
              Wi(y2, g, h, f2, b);
              y2.mode & 1 && Ti(f2, l2, b);
              b = y2;
              k2 = l2;
              var n2 = b.updateQueue;
              if (null === n2) {
                var t2 =  new Set();
                b.updateQueue = t2;
              } else
              break a;
            } else {
              if (0 === (b & 1)) {
                Ti(f2, l2, b);
                break a;
              k2 = Error(p(426));
          } else if (I && h.mode & 1) {
            var J2 = Vi(g);
            if (null !== J2) {
              0 === (J2.flags & 65536) && (J2.flags |= 256);
              Wi(J2, g, h, f2, b);
              Jg(Ki(k2, h));
              break a;
          f2 = k2 = Ki(k2, h);
          4 !== T && (T = 2);
          null === tk ? tk = [f2] : tk.push(f2);
          f2 = g;
          do {
            switch (f2.tag) {
              case 3:
                f2.flags |= 65536;
                b &= -b;
                f2.lanes |= b;
                var x2 = Oi(f2, k2, b);
                fh(f2, x2);
                break a;
              case 1:
                h = k2;
                var w2 = f2.type, u2 = f2.stateNode;
                if (0 === (f2.flags & 128) && ("function" === typeof w2.getDerivedStateFromError || null !== u2 && "function" === typeof u2.componentDidCatch && (null === Si || !Si.has(u2)))) {
                  f2.flags |= 65536;
                  b &= -b;
                  f2.lanes |= b;
                  var F2 = Ri(f2, h, b);
                  fh(f2, F2);
                  break a;
            f2 = f2.return;
          } while (null !== f2);
      } catch (na) {
        b = na;
        Y === c && null !== c && (Y = c = c.return);
    } while (1);
  function Kk() {
    var a = nk.current;
    nk.current = ai;
    return null === a ? ai : a;
  function uj() {
    if (0 === T || 3 === T || 2 === T)
      T = 4;
    null === R || 0 === (hh & 268435455) && 0 === (rk & 268435455) || Dk(R, Z);
  function Jk(a, b) {
    var c = K;
    K |= 2;
    var d = Kk();
    if (R !== a || Z !== b)
      vk = null, Lk(a, b);
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        Nk(a, e);
    while (1);
    K = c;
    nk.current = d;
    if (null !== Y)
      throw Error(p(261));
    R = null;
    Z = 0;
    return T;
  function Uk() {
    for (; null !== Y; )
  function Mk() {
    for (; null !== Y && !cc(); )
  function Vk(a) {
    var b = Wk(a.alternate, a, gj);
    a.memoizedProps = a.pendingProps;
    null === b ? Tk(a) : Y = b;
    ok.current = null;
  function Tk(a) {
    var b = a;
    do {
      var c = b.alternate;
      a = b.return;
      if (0 === (b.flags & 32768)) {
        if (c = Fj(c, b, gj), null !== c) {
          Y = c;
      } else {
        c = Jj(c, b);
        if (null !== c) {
          c.flags &= 32767;
          Y = c;
        if (null !== a)
          a.flags |= 32768, a.subtreeFlags = 0, a.deletions = null;
        else {
          T = 6;
          Y = null;
      b = b.sibling;
      if (null !== b) {
        Y = b;
      Y = b = a;
    } while (null !== b);
    0 === T && (T = 5);
  function Qk(a, b, c) {
    var d = C, e = pk.transition;
    try {
      pk.transition = null, C = 1, Xk(a, b, c, d);
    } finally {
      pk.transition = e, C = d;
    return null;
  function Xk(a, b, c, d) {
    while (null !== xk);
    if (0 !== (K & 6))
      throw Error(p(327));
    c = a.finishedWork;
    var e = a.finishedLanes;
    if (null === c)
      return null;
    a.finishedWork = null;
    a.finishedLanes = 0;
    if (c === a.current)
      throw Error(p(177));
    a.callbackNode = null;
    a.callbackPriority = 0;
    var f2 = c.lanes | c.childLanes;
    Bc(a, f2);
    a === R && (Y = R = null, Z = 0);
    0 === (c.subtreeFlags & 2064) && 0 === (c.flags & 2064) || wk || (wk = true, Gk(hc, function() {
      return null;
    f2 = 0 !== (c.flags & 15990);
    if (0 !== (c.subtreeFlags & 15990) || f2) {
      f2 = pk.transition;
      pk.transition = null;
      var g = C;
      C = 1;
      var h = K;
      K |= 4;
      ok.current = null;
      Pj(a, c);
      ek(c, a);
      dd = !!Cf;
      Df = Cf = null;
      a.current = c;
      K = h;
      C = g;
      pk.transition = f2;
    } else
      a.current = c;
    wk && (wk = false, xk = a, yk = e);
    f2 = a.pendingLanes;
    0 === f2 && (Si = null);
    Ek(a, B());
    if (null !== b)
      for (d = a.onRecoverableError, c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
        e = b[c], d(e.value, { componentStack: e.stack, digest: e.digest });
    if (Pi)
      throw Pi = false, a = Qi, Qi = null, a;
    0 !== (yk & 1) && 0 !== a.tag && Ik();
    f2 = a.pendingLanes;
    0 !== (f2 & 1) ? a === Ak ? zk++ : (zk = 0, Ak = a) : zk = 0;
    return null;
  function Ik() {
    if (null !== xk) {
      var a = Dc(yk), b = pk.transition, c = C;
      try {
        pk.transition = null;
        C = 16 > a ? 16 : a;
        if (null === xk)
          var d = false;
        else {
          a = xk;
          xk = null;
          yk = 0;
          if (0 !== (K & 6))
            throw Error(p(331));
          var e = K;
          K |= 4;
          for (V = a.current; null !== V; ) {
            var f2 = V, g = f2.child;
            if (0 !== (V.flags & 16)) {
              var h = f2.deletions;
              if (null !== h) {
                for (var k2 = 0; k2 < h.length; k2++) {
                  var l2 = h[k2];
                  for (V = l2; null !== V; ) {
                    var m2 = V;
                    switch (m2.tag) {
                      case 0:
                      case 11:
                      case 15:
                        Qj(8, m2, f2);
                    var q2 = m2.child;
                    if (null !== q2)
                      q2.return = m2, V = q2;
                      for (; null !== V; ) {
                        m2 = V;
                        var r2 = m2.sibling, y2 = m2.return;
                        if (m2 === l2) {
                          V = null;
                        if (null !== r2) {
                          r2.return = y2;
                          V = r2;
                        V = y2;
                var n2 = f2.alternate;
                if (null !== n2) {
                  var t2 = n2.child;
                  if (null !== t2) {
                    n2.child = null;
                    do {
                      var J2 = t2.sibling;
                      t2.sibling = null;
                      t2 = J2;
                    } while (null !== t2);
                V = f2;
            if (0 !== (f2.subtreeFlags & 2064) && null !== g)
              g.return = f2, V = g;
                for (; null !== V; ) {
                  f2 = V;
                  if (0 !== (f2.flags & 2048))
                    switch (f2.tag) {
                      case 0:
                      case 11:
                      case 15:
                        Qj(9, f2, f2.return);
                  var x2 = f2.sibling;
                  if (null !== x2) {
                    x2.return = f2.return;
                    V = x2;
                    break b;
                  V = f2.return;
          var w2 = a.current;
          for (V = w2; null !== V; ) {
            g = V;
            var u2 = g.child;
            if (0 !== (g.subtreeFlags & 2064) && null !== u2)
              u2.return = g, V = u2;
                for (g = w2; null !== V; ) {
                  h = V;
                  if (0 !== (h.flags & 2048))
                    try {
                      switch (h.tag) {
                        case 0:
                        case 11:
                        case 15:
                          Rj(9, h);
                    } catch (na) {
                      W(h, h.return, na);
                  if (h === g) {
                    V = null;
                    break b;
                  var F2 = h.sibling;
                  if (null !== F2) {
                    F2.return = h.return;
                    V = F2;
                    break b;
                  V = h.return;
          K = e;
          if (lc && "function" === typeof lc.onPostCommitFiberRoot)
            try {
              lc.onPostCommitFiberRoot(kc, a);
            } catch (na) {
          d = true;
        return d;
      } finally {
        C = c, pk.transition = b;
    return false;
  function Yk(a, b, c) {
    b = Ki(c, b);
    b = Oi(a, b, 1);
    a = dh(a, b, 1);
    b = L();
    null !== a && (Ac(a, 1, b), Ek(a, b));
  function W(a, b, c) {
    if (3 === a.tag)
      Yk(a, a, c);
      for (; null !== b; ) {
        if (3 === b.tag) {
          Yk(b, a, c);
        } else if (1 === b.tag) {
          var d = b.stateNode;
          if ("function" === typeof b.type.getDerivedStateFromError || "function" === typeof d.componentDidCatch && (null === Si || !Si.has(d))) {
            a = Ki(c, a);
            a = Ri(b, a, 1);
            b = dh(b, a, 1);
            a = L();
            null !== b && (Ac(b, 1, a), Ek(b, a));
        b = b.return;
  function Ui(a, b, c) {
    var d = a.pingCache;
    null !== d && d.delete(b);
    b = L();
    a.pingedLanes |= a.suspendedLanes & c;
    R === a && (Z & c) === c && (4 === T || 3 === T && (Z & 130023424) === Z && 500 > B() - gk ? Lk(a, 0) : sk |= c);
    Ek(a, b);
  function Zk(a, b) {
    0 === b && (0 === (a.mode & 1) ? b = 1 : (b = sc, sc <<= 1, 0 === (sc & 130023424) && (sc = 4194304)));
    var c = L();
    a = Zg(a, b);
    null !== a && (Ac(a, b, c), Ek(a, c));
  function vj(a) {
    var b = a.memoizedState, c = 0;
    null !== b && (c = b.retryLane);
    Zk(a, c);
  function ck(a, b) {
    var c = 0;
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 13:
        var d = a.stateNode;
        var e = a.memoizedState;
        null !== e && (c = e.retryLane);
      case 19:
        d = a.stateNode;
        throw Error(p(314));
    null !== d && d.delete(b);
    Zk(a, c);
  var Wk;
  Wk = function(a, b, c) {
    if (null !== a)
      if (a.memoizedProps !== b.pendingProps || Wf.current)
        Ug = true;
      else {
        if (0 === (a.lanes & c) && 0 === (b.flags & 128))
          return Ug = false, zj(a, b, c);
        Ug = 0 !== (a.flags & 131072) ? true : false;
      Ug = false, I && 0 !== (b.flags & 1048576) && ug(b, ng, b.index);
    b.lanes = 0;
    switch (b.tag) {
      case 2:
        var d = b.type;
        jj(a, b);
        a = b.pendingProps;
        var e = Yf(b, H.current);
        Tg(b, c);
        e = Xh(null, b, d, a, e, c);
        var f2 = bi();
        b.flags |= 1;
        "object" === typeof e && null !== e && "function" === typeof e.render && void 0 === e.$$typeof ? (b.tag = 1, b.memoizedState = null, b.updateQueue = null, Zf(d) ? (f2 = true, cg(b)) : f2 = false, b.memoizedState = null !== e.state && void 0 !== e.state ? e.state : null, ah(b), e.updater = nh, b.stateNode = e, e._reactInternals = b, rh(b, d, a, c), b = kj(null, b, d, true, f2, c)) : (b.tag = 0, I && f2 && vg(b), Yi(null, b, e, c), b = b.child);
        return b;
      case 16:
        d = b.elementType;
        a: {
          jj(a, b);
          a = b.pendingProps;
          e = d._init;
          d = e(d._payload);
          b.type = d;
          e = b.tag = $k(d);
          a = Lg(d, a);
          switch (e) {
            case 0:
              b = dj(null, b, d, a, c);
              break a;
            case 1:
              b = ij(null, b, d, a, c);
              break a;
            case 11:
              b = Zi(null, b, d, a, c);
              break a;
            case 14:
              b = aj(null, b, d, Lg(d.type, a), c);
              break a;
          throw Error(p(
        return b;
      case 0:
        return d = b.type, e = b.pendingProps, e = b.elementType === d ? e : Lg(d, e), dj(a, b, d, e, c);
      case 1:
        return d = b.type, e = b.pendingProps, e = b.elementType === d ? e : Lg(d, e), ij(a, b, d, e, c);
      case 3:
        a: {
          if (null === a)
            throw Error(p(387));
          d = b.pendingProps;
          f2 = b.memoizedState;
          e = f2.element;
          bh(a, b);
          gh(b, d, null, c);
          var g = b.memoizedState;
          d = g.element;
          if (f2.isDehydrated)
            if (f2 = { element: d, isDehydrated: false, cache: g.cache, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: g.pendingSuspenseBoundaries, transitions: g.transitions }, b.updateQueue.baseState = f2, b.memoizedState = f2, b.flags & 256) {
              e = Ki(Error(p(423)), b);
              b = mj(a, b, d, c, e);
              break a;
            } else if (d !== e) {
              e = Ki(Error(p(424)), b);
              b = mj(a, b, d, c, e);
              break a;
            } else
              for (yg = Lf(b.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild), xg = b, I = true, zg = null, c = Ch(b, null, d, c), b.child = c; c; )
                c.flags = c.flags & -3 | 4096, c = c.sibling;
          else {
            if (d === e) {
              b = $i(a, b, c);
              break a;
            Yi(a, b, d, c);
          b = b.child;
        return b;
      case 5:
        return Kh(b), null === a && Eg(b), d = b.type, e = b.pendingProps, f2 = null !== a ? a.memoizedProps : null, g = e.children, Ef(d, e) ? g = null : null !== f2 && Ef(d, f2) && (b.flags |= 32), hj(a, b), Yi(a, b, g, c), b.child;
      case 6:
        return null === a && Eg(b), null;
      case 13:
        return pj(a, b, c);
      case 4:
        return Ih(b, b.stateNode.containerInfo), d = b.pendingProps, null === a ? b.child = Bh(b, null, d, c) : Yi(a, b, d, c), b.child;
      case 11:
        return d = b.type, e = b.pendingProps, e = b.elementType === d ? e : Lg(d, e), Zi(a, b, d, e, c);
      case 7:
        return Yi(a, b, b.pendingProps, c), b.child;
      case 8:
        return Yi(a, b, b.pendingProps.children, c), b.child;
      case 12:
        return Yi(a, b, b.pendingProps.children, c), b.child;
      case 10:
        a: {
          d = b.type._context;
          e = b.pendingProps;
          f2 = b.memoizedProps;
          g = e.value;
          G(Mg, d._currentValue);
          d._currentValue = g;
          if (null !== f2)
            if (He(f2.value, g)) {
              if (f2.children === e.children && !Wf.current) {
                b = $i(a, b, c);
                break a;
            } else
              for (f2 = b.child, null !== f2 && (f2.return = b); null !== f2; ) {
                var h = f2.dependencies;
                if (null !== h) {
                  g = f2.child;
                  for (var k2 = h.firstContext; null !== k2; ) {
                    if (k2.context === d) {
                      if (1 === f2.tag) {
                        k2 = ch(-1, c & -c);
                        k2.tag = 2;
                        var l2 = f2.updateQueue;
                        if (null !== l2) {
                          l2 = l2.shared;
                          var m2 = l2.pending;
                          null === m2 ? = k2 : ( =, = k2);
                          l2.pending = k2;
                      f2.lanes |= c;
                      k2 = f2.alternate;
                      null !== k2 && (k2.lanes |= c);
                      h.lanes |= c;
                    k2 =;
                } else if (10 === f2.tag)
                  g = f2.type === b.type ? null : f2.child;
                else if (18 === f2.tag) {
                  g = f2.return;
                  if (null === g)
                    throw Error(p(341));
                  g.lanes |= c;
                  h = g.alternate;
                  null !== h && (h.lanes |= c);
                  Sg(g, c, b);
                  g = f2.sibling;
                } else
                  g = f2.child;
                if (null !== g)
                  g.return = f2;
                  for (g = f2; null !== g; ) {
                    if (g === b) {
                      g = null;
                    f2 = g.sibling;
                    if (null !== f2) {
                      f2.return = g.return;
                      g = f2;
                    g = g.return;
                f2 = g;
          Yi(a, b, e.children, c);
          b = b.child;
        return b;
      case 9:
        return e = b.type, d = b.pendingProps.children, Tg(b, c), e = Vg(e), d = d(e), b.flags |= 1, Yi(a, b, d, c), b.child;
      case 14:
        return d = b.type, e = Lg(d, b.pendingProps), e = Lg(d.type, e), aj(a, b, d, e, c);
      case 15:
        return cj(a, b, b.type, b.pendingProps, c);
      case 17:
        return d = b.type, e = b.pendingProps, e = b.elementType === d ? e : Lg(d, e), jj(a, b), b.tag = 1, Zf(d) ? (a = true, cg(b)) : a = false, Tg(b, c), ph(b, d, e), rh(b, d, e, c), kj(null, b, d, true, a, c);
      case 19:
        return yj(a, b, c);
      case 22:
        return ej(a, b, c);
    throw Error(p(156, b.tag));
  function Gk(a, b) {
    return ac(a, b);
  function al(a, b, c, d) {
    this.tag = a;
    this.key = c;
    this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null;
    this.index = 0;
    this.ref = null;
    this.pendingProps = b;
    this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null;
    this.mode = d;
    this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0;
    this.deletions = null;
    this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0;
    this.alternate = null;
  function Bg(a, b, c, d) {
    return new al(a, b, c, d);
  function bj(a) {
    a = a.prototype;
    return !(!a || !a.isReactComponent);
  function $k(a) {
    if ("function" === typeof a)
      return bj(a) ? 1 : 0;
    if (void 0 !== a && null !== a) {
      a = a.$$typeof;
      if (a === Da)
        return 11;
      if (a === Ga)
        return 14;
    return 2;
  function wh(a, b) {
    var c = a.alternate;
    null === c ? (c = Bg(a.tag, b, a.key, a.mode), c.elementType = a.elementType, c.type = a.type, c.stateNode = a.stateNode, c.alternate = a, a.alternate = c) : (c.pendingProps = b, c.type = a.type, c.flags = 0, c.subtreeFlags = 0, c.deletions = null);
    c.flags = a.flags & 14680064;
    c.childLanes = a.childLanes;
    c.lanes = a.lanes;
    c.child = a.child;
    c.memoizedProps = a.memoizedProps;
    c.memoizedState = a.memoizedState;
    c.updateQueue = a.updateQueue;
    b = a.dependencies;
    c.dependencies = null === b ? null : { lanes: b.lanes, firstContext: b.firstContext };
    c.sibling = a.sibling;
    c.index = a.index;
    c.ref = a.ref;
    return c;
  function yh(a, b, c, d, e, f2) {
    var g = 2;
    d = a;
    if ("function" === typeof a)
      bj(a) && (g = 1);
    else if ("string" === typeof a)
      g = 5;
        switch (a) {
          case ya:
            return Ah(c.children, e, f2, b);
          case za:
            g = 8;
            e |= 8;
          case Aa:
            return a = Bg(12, c, b, e | 2), a.elementType = Aa, a.lanes = f2, a;
          case Ea:
            return a = Bg(13, c, b, e), a.elementType = Ea, a.lanes = f2, a;
          case Fa:
            return a = Bg(19, c, b, e), a.elementType = Fa, a.lanes = f2, a;
          case Ia:
            return qj(c, e, f2, b);
            if ("object" === typeof a && null !== a)
              switch (a.$$typeof) {
                case Ba:
                  g = 10;
                  break a;
                case Ca:
                  g = 9;
                  break a;
                case Da:
                  g = 11;
                  break a;
                case Ga:
                  g = 14;
                  break a;
                case Ha:
                  g = 16;
                  d = null;
                  break a;
            throw Error(p(130, null == a ? a : typeof a, ""));
    b = Bg(g, c, b, e);
    b.elementType = a;
    b.type = d;
    b.lanes = f2;
    return b;
  function Ah(a, b, c, d) {
    a = Bg(7, a, d, b);
    a.lanes = c;
    return a;
  function qj(a, b, c, d) {
    a = Bg(22, a, d, b);
    a.elementType = Ia;
    a.lanes = c;
    a.stateNode = { isHidden: false };
    return a;
  function xh(a, b, c) {
    a = Bg(6, a, null, b);
    a.lanes = c;
    return a;
  function zh(a, b, c) {
    b = Bg(4, null !== a.children ? a.children : [], a.key, b);
    b.lanes = c;
    b.stateNode = { containerInfo: a.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: a.implementation };
    return b;
  function bl(a, b, c, d, e) {
    this.tag = b;
    this.containerInfo = a;
    this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null;
    this.timeoutHandle = -1;
    this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null;
    this.callbackPriority = 0;
    this.eventTimes = zc(0);
    this.expirationTimes = zc(-1);
    this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0;
    this.entanglements = zc(0);
    this.identifierPrefix = d;
    this.onRecoverableError = e;
    this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null;
  function cl(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g, h, k2) {
    a = new bl(a, b, c, h, k2);
    1 === b ? (b = 1, true === f2 && (b |= 8)) : b = 0;
    f2 = Bg(3, null, null, b);
    a.current = f2;
    f2.stateNode = a;
    f2.memoizedState = { element: d, isDehydrated: c, cache: null, transitions: null, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null };
    return a;
  function dl(a, b, c) {
    var d = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;
    return { $$typeof: wa, key: null == d ? null : "" + d, children: a, containerInfo: b, implementation: c };
  function el(a) {
    if (!a)
      return Vf;
    a = a._reactInternals;
    a: {
      if (Vb(a) !== a || 1 !== a.tag)
        throw Error(p(170));
      var b = a;
      do {
        switch (b.tag) {
          case 3:
            b = b.stateNode.context;
            break a;
          case 1:
            if (Zf(b.type)) {
              b = b.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;
              break a;
        b = b.return;
      } while (null !== b);
      throw Error(p(171));
    if (1 === a.tag) {
      var c = a.type;
      if (Zf(c))
        return bg(a, c, b);
    return b;
  function fl(a, b, c, d, e, f2, g, h, k2) {
    a = cl(c, d, true, a, e, f2, g, h, k2);
    a.context = el(null);
    c = a.current;
    d = L();
    e = lh(c);
    f2 = ch(d, e);
    f2.callback = void 0 !== b && null !== b ? b : null;
    dh(c, f2, e);
    a.current.lanes = e;
    Ac(a, e, d);
    Ek(a, d);
    return a;
  function gl(a, b, c, d) {
    var e = b.current, f2 = L(), g = lh(e);
    c = el(c);
    null === b.context ? b.context = c : b.pendingContext = c;
    b = ch(f2, g);
    b.payload = { element: a };
    d = void 0 === d ? null : d;
    null !== d && (b.callback = d);
    a = dh(e, b, g);
    null !== a && (mh(a, e, g, f2), eh(a, e, g));
    return g;
  function hl(a) {
    a = a.current;
    if (!a.child)
      return null;
    switch (a.child.tag) {
      case 5:
        return a.child.stateNode;
        return a.child.stateNode;
  function il(a, b) {
    a = a.memoizedState;
    if (null !== a && null !== a.dehydrated) {
      var c = a.retryLane;
      a.retryLane = 0 !== c && c < b ? c : b;
  function jl(a, b) {
    il(a, b);
    (a = a.alternate) && il(a, b);
  function kl() {
    return null;
  var ll = "function" === typeof reportError ? reportError : function(a) {
  function ml(a) {
    this._internalRoot = a;
  nl.prototype.render = ml.prototype.render = function(a) {
    var b = this._internalRoot;
    if (null === b)
      throw Error(p(409));
    gl(a, b, null, null);
  nl.prototype.unmount = ml.prototype.unmount = function() {
    var a = this._internalRoot;
    if (null !== a) {
      this._internalRoot = null;
      var b = a.containerInfo;
      Sk(function() {
        gl(null, a, null, null);
      b[uf] = null;
  function nl(a) {
    this._internalRoot = a;
  nl.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function(a) {
    if (a) {
      var b = Hc();
      a = { blockedOn: null, target: a, priority: b };
      for (var c = 0; c < Qc.length && 0 !== b && b < Qc[c].priority; c++)
      Qc.splice(c, 0, a);
      0 === c && Vc(a);
  function ol(a) {
    return !(!a || 1 !== a.nodeType && 9 !== a.nodeType && 11 !== a.nodeType);
  function pl(a) {
    return !(!a || 1 !== a.nodeType && 9 !== a.nodeType && 11 !== a.nodeType && (8 !== a.nodeType || " react-mount-point-unstable " !== a.nodeValue));
  function ql() {
  function rl(a, b, c, d, e) {
    if (e) {
      if ("function" === typeof d) {
        var f2 = d;
        d = function() {
          var a2 = hl(g);
      var g = fl(b, d, a, 0, null, false, false, "", ql);
      a._reactRootContainer = g;
      a[uf] = g.current;
      sf(8 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a);
      return g;
    for (; e = a.lastChild; )
    if ("function" === typeof d) {
      var h = d;
      d = function() {
        var a2 = hl(k2);;
    var k2 = cl(a, 0, false, null, null, false, false, "", ql);
    a._reactRootContainer = k2;
    a[uf] = k2.current;
    sf(8 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a);
    Sk(function() {
      gl(b, k2, c, d);
    return k2;
  function sl(a, b, c, d, e) {
    var f2 = c._reactRootContainer;
    if (f2) {
      var g = f2;
      if ("function" === typeof e) {
        var h = e;
        e = function() {
          var a2 = hl(g);
      gl(b, g, a, e);
    } else
      g = rl(c, b, a, e, d);
    return hl(g);
  Ec = function(a) {
    switch (a.tag) {
      case 3:
        var b = a.stateNode;
        if (b.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) {
          var c = tc(b.pendingLanes);
          0 !== c && (Cc(b, c | 1), Ek(b, B()), 0 === (K & 6) && (Hj = B() + 500, jg()));
      case 13:
        Sk(function() {
          var b2 = Zg(a, 1);
          if (null !== b2) {
            var c2 = L();
            mh(b2, a, 1, c2);
        }), jl(a, 1);
  Fc = function(a) {
    if (13 === a.tag) {
      var b = Zg(a, 134217728);
      if (null !== b) {
        var c = L();
        mh(b, a, 134217728, c);
      jl(a, 134217728);
  Gc = function(a) {
    if (13 === a.tag) {
      var b = lh(a), c = Zg(a, b);
      if (null !== c) {
        var d = L();
        mh(c, a, b, d);
      jl(a, b);
  Hc = function() {
    return C;
  Ic = function(a, b) {
    var c = C;
    try {
      return C = a, b();
    } finally {
      C = c;
  yb = function(a, b, c) {
    switch (b) {
      case "input":
        bb(a, c);
        b =;
        if ("radio" === c.type && null != b) {
          for (c = a; c.parentNode; )
            c = c.parentNode;
          c = c.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + b) + '][type="radio"]');
          for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) {
            var d = c[b];
            if (d !== a && d.form === a.form) {
              var e = Db(d);
              if (!e)
                throw Error(p(90));
              bb(d, e);
      case "textarea":
        ib(a, c);
      case "select":
        b = c.value, null != b && fb(a, !!c.multiple, b, false);
  Gb = Rk;
  Hb = Sk;
  var tl = { usingClientEntryPoint: false, Events: [Cb, ue, Db, Eb, Fb, Rk] }, ul = { findFiberByHostInstance: Wc, bundleType: 0, version: "18.2.0", rendererPackageName: "react-dom" };
  var vl = { bundleType: ul.bundleType, version: ul.version, rendererPackageName: ul.rendererPackageName, rendererConfig: ul.rendererConfig, overrideHookState: null, overrideHookStateDeletePath: null, overrideHookStateRenamePath: null, overrideProps: null, overridePropsDeletePath: null, overridePropsRenamePath: null, setErrorHandler: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: ua.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function(a) {
    a = Zb(a);
    return null === a ? null : a.stateNode;
  }, findFiberByHostInstance: ul.findFiberByHostInstance || kl, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, reconcilerVersion: "18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608" };
  if ("undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) {
    if (!wl.isDisabled && wl.supportsFiber)
      try {
        kc = wl.inject(vl), lc = wl;
      } catch (a) {
  reactDom_production_min.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = tl;
  reactDom_production_min.createPortal = function(a, b) {
    var c = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null;
    if (!ol(b))
      throw Error(p(200));
    return dl(a, b, null, c);
  reactDom_production_min.createRoot = function(a, b) {
    if (!ol(a))
      throw Error(p(299));
    var c = false, d = "", e = ll;
    null !== b && void 0 !== b && (true === b.unstable_strictMode && (c = true), void 0 !== b.identifierPrefix && (d = b.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== b.onRecoverableError && (e = b.onRecoverableError));
    b = cl(a, 1, false, null, null, c, false, d, e);
    a[uf] = b.current;
    sf(8 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a);
    return new ml(b);
  reactDom_production_min.findDOMNode = function(a) {
    if (null == a)
      return null;
    if (1 === a.nodeType)
      return a;
    var b = a._reactInternals;
    if (void 0 === b) {
      if ("function" === typeof a.render)
        throw Error(p(188));
      a = Object.keys(a).join(",");
      throw Error(p(268, a));
    a = Zb(b);
    a = null === a ? null : a.stateNode;
    return a;
  reactDom_production_min.flushSync = function(a) {
    return Sk(a);
  reactDom_production_min.hydrate = function(a, b, c) {
    if (!pl(b))
      throw Error(p(200));
    return sl(null, a, b, true, c);
  reactDom_production_min.hydrateRoot = function(a, b, c) {
    if (!ol(a))
      throw Error(p(405));
    var d = null != c && c.hydratedSources || null, e = false, f2 = "", g = ll;
    null !== c && void 0 !== c && (true === c.unstable_strictMode && (e = true), void 0 !== c.identifierPrefix && (f2 = c.identifierPrefix), void 0 !== c.onRecoverableError && (g = c.onRecoverableError));
    b = fl(b, null, a, 1, null != c ? c : null, e, false, f2, g);
    a[uf] = b.current;
    if (d)
      for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++)
        c = d[a], e = c._getVersion, e = e(c._source), null == b.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData ? b.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [c, e] : b.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(
    return new nl(b);
  reactDom_production_min.render = function(a, b, c) {
    if (!pl(b))
      throw Error(p(200));
    return sl(null, a, b, false, c);
  reactDom_production_min.unmountComponentAtNode = function(a) {
    if (!pl(a))
      throw Error(p(40));
    return a._reactRootContainer ? (Sk(function() {
      sl(null, null, a, false, function() {
        a._reactRootContainer = null;
        a[uf] = null;
    }), true) : false;
  reactDom_production_min.unstable_batchedUpdates = Rk;
  reactDom_production_min.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function(a, b, c, d) {
    if (!pl(c))
      throw Error(p(200));
    if (null == a || void 0 === a._reactInternals)
      throw Error(p(38));
    return sl(a, b, c, false, d);
  reactDom_production_min.version = "18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608";
  (function(module) {
    function checkDCE() {
      if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === "undefined" || typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE !== "function") {
      try {
      } catch (err) {
      module.exports = reactDom_production_min;
  var m = reactDomExports;
    client.createRoot = m.createRoot;
    client.hydrateRoot = m.hydrateRoot;
  function useMutationObserver(target, callback, options) {
    const observer = reactExports.useRef();
    reactExports.useEffect(() => {
      observer.current = new MutationObserver(callback);
      const targetEl = target && ("current" in target ? target.current : target);
      if (targetEl) {
        observer.current.observe(targetEl, options);
      return () => {
        var _a;
        (_a = observer.current) == null ? void 0 : _a.disconnect();
        observer.current = void 0;
    }, [target, callback, options]);
  function queryChatContainer() {
    var _a;
    const CHAT_LIST_EL_CLASS = "flex flex-col text-sm";
    return (_a = document.querySelector("main")) == null ? void 0 : _a.querySelector(className2Selector(CHAT_LIST_EL_CLASS));
  function queryQuestionEls() {
    var _a;
    return Array.from(((_a = queryChatContainer()) == null ? void 0 : _a.children) ?? []).filter((child) => child.hasAttribute("data-testid")).filter((_, index) => index % 2 === 0);
  function className2Selector(className) {
    return className.split(" ").map((cl2) => "." + cl2).join("");
  function useMountedCallbackValue(cb2) {
    const value = reactExports.useRef();
    const callback = reactExports.useCallback(cb2, [cb2]);
    reactExports.useEffect(() => {
      value.current = callback();
    }, [callback]);
    return value;
  function useQuestionEls() {
    const [questionEls, setQuestionEls] = reactExports.useState(queryQuestionEls());
    const questions = reactExports.useMemo(
      () => => {
        var _a;
        return (_a = q2.querySelector("[data-message-author-role]")) == null ? void 0 : _a.innerText;
      }).filter((s) => !!s),
    const chatContainer = useMountedCallbackValue(queryChatContainer);
      (mutationsList) => {
        for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
          if (mutation.type === "childList") {
        childList: true
    return { questionEls, questions };
  function useEventListener(target, type, listener) {
    const _listener = reactExports.useCallback(
      (e) => {
        requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    reactExports.useEffect(() => {
      const targetEl = target && ("current" in target ? target.current : target);
      if (!targetEl) {
      targetEl.addEventListener(type, _listener);
      return () => {
        targetEl.removeEventListener(type, _listener);
    }, [_listener, target, type]);
  const isSharePage = location.pathname.startsWith("/share/");
  const scrollMarginTop = 0;
  const topThreshold = isSharePage ? scrollMarginTop : 0;
  function useActiveQuestionIndex() {
    const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = reactExports.useState(null);
    const { questionEls } = useQuestionEls();
    const scrollContainer = useMountedCallbackValue(() => {
      var _a;
      return (_a = queryChatContainer()) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement;
    const findActiveIndex = reactExports.useCallback(() => {
      const index = questionEls.findIndex((el2) => el2.getBoundingClientRect().top >= topThreshold);
      if (index > -1) {
    }, [questionEls]);
    useEventListener(scrollContainer, "scroll", findActiveIndex);
    reactExports.useEffect(() => {
    }, [findActiveIndex]);
    return activeIndex;
  function useHovering() {
    const elRef = reactExports.useRef(null);
    const [hovering, setHovering] = reactExports.useState(false);
    useEventListener(elRef, "mouseenter", () => {
    useEventListener(elRef, "mouseleave", () => {
    return [elRef, hovering];
  function App() {
    const { questions, questionEls } = useQuestionEls();
    const activeQuestionIndex = useActiveQuestionIndex();
    const [elRef, hovering] = useHovering();
    const [open, setOpen] = reactExports.useState(true);
    const show = reactExports.useMemo(() => open || hovering, [hovering, open]);
    const handleClickList = (event) => {
      var _a;
      if ( instanceof HTMLLIElement) {
        const targetIndex = Number(;
        if (!isSharePage) {
          questionEls.forEach((q2) => {
   = "56px";
        (_a = questionEls == null ? void 0 : questionEls[targetIndex]) == null ? void 0 : _a.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
    const handleClickEye = () => {
    return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs(jsxRuntimeExports.Fragment, { children: [
      /* @__PURE__ */ jsxRuntimeExports.jsx("style", { children: `/* layer: preflights */
*,::before,::after{--un-rotate:0;--un-rotate-x:0;--un-rotate-y:0;--un-rotate-z:0;--un-scale-x:1;--un-scale-y:1;--un-scale-z:1;--un-skew-x:0;--un-skew-y:0;--un-translate-x:0;--un-translate-y:0;--un-translate-z:0;--un-pan-x: ;--un-pan-y: ;--un-pinch-zoom: ;--un-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity;--un-ordinal: ;--un-slashed-zero: ;--un-numeric-figure: ;--un-numeric-spacing: ;--un-numeric-fraction: ;--un-border-spacing-x:0;--un-border-spacing-y:0;--un-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-ring-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-shadow-inset: ;--un-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-ring-inset: ;--un-ring-offset-width:0px;--un-ring-offset-color:#fff;--un-ring-width:0px;--un-ring-color:rgba(147,197,253,0.5);--un-blur: ;--un-brightness: ;--un-contrast: ;--un-drop-shadow: ;--un-grayscale: ;--un-hue-rotate: ;--un-invert: ;--un-saturate: ;--un-sepia: ;--un-backdrop-blur: ;--un-backdrop-brightness: ;--un-backdrop-contrast: ;--un-backdrop-grayscale: ;--un-backdrop-hue-rotate: ;--un-backdrop-invert: ;--un-backdrop-opacity: ;--un-backdrop-saturate: ;--un-backdrop-sepia: ;}::backdrop{--un-rotate:0;--un-rotate-x:0;--un-rotate-y:0;--un-rotate-z:0;--un-scale-x:1;--un-scale-y:1;--un-scale-z:1;--un-skew-x:0;--un-skew-y:0;--un-translate-x:0;--un-translate-y:0;--un-translate-z:0;--un-pan-x: ;--un-pan-y: ;--un-pinch-zoom: ;--un-scroll-snap-strictness:proximity;--un-ordinal: ;--un-slashed-zero: ;--un-numeric-figure: ;--un-numeric-spacing: ;--un-numeric-fraction: ;--un-border-spacing-x:0;--un-border-spacing-y:0;--un-ring-offset-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-ring-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-shadow-inset: ;--un-shadow:0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0);--un-ring-inset: ;--un-ring-offset-width:0px;--un-ring-offset-color:#fff;--un-ring-width:0px;--un-ring-color:rgba(147,197,253,0.5);--un-blur: ;--un-brightness: ;--un-contrast: ;--un-drop-shadow: ;--un-grayscale: ;--un-hue-rotate: ;--un-invert: ;--un-saturate: ;--un-sepia: ;--un-backdrop-blur: ;--un-backdrop-brightness: ;--un-backdrop-contrast: ;--un-backdrop-grayscale: ;--un-backdrop-hue-rotate: ;--un-backdrop-invert: ;--un-backdrop-opacity: ;--un-backdrop-saturate: ;--un-backdrop-sepia: ;}
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