此脚本不应直接安装,它是一个供其他脚本使用的外部库。如果您需要使用该库,请在脚本元属性加入:// @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/460056/1149985/mzLibMenu.js
/* eslint-disable */
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.mzLibMenu = factory());
})(this, (function () { 'use strict';
function styleInject(css, ref) {
if ( ref === void 0 ) ref = {};
var insertAt = ref.insertAt;
if (!css || typeof document === 'undefined') { return; }
var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (insertAt === 'top') {
if (head.firstChild) {
head.insertBefore(style, head.firstChild);
} else {
} else {
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
var css_248z = "/** mturco/context-menu: A small JavaScript library for adding context menus to any HTML element **/\n/** https://github.com/mturco/context-menu **/\n.mzLibMenu {\n list-style: none;\n display: none;\n max-width: 250px;\n min-width: 125px;\n border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n padding: 2px 0;\n}\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default {\n position: fixed;\n left: 50%;\n top: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n background-color: #fff;\n box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n font-size: 13px;\n outline: 0;\n}\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default .mzLibMenu-item {\n padding: 6px 12px;\n}\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default .mzLibMenu-item:hover,\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default .mzLibMenu-item:focus {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n}\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default .mzLibMenu-item:focus {\n outline: 0;\n}\n.mzLibMenu--theme-default .mzLibMenu-divider {\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);\n}\n.mzLibMenu.is-open {\n display: block;\n}\n.mzLibMenu-item {\n cursor: pointer;\n display: block;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n}\n.mzLibMenu-divider {\n height: 1px;\n margin: 4px 0;\n}\n";
// mturco/context-menu: A small JavaScript library for adding context menus to any HTML element
// https://github.com/mturco/context-menu
// Fires custom event on given element
function emit(el, type, data = {}) {
const event = new CustomEvent(type, {
detail: data,
class mzLibMenu {
items = [],
options = {
className: "",
minimalStyling: false,
}) {
this.items = [...items, {
name: "关闭(close)",
fn(cls) {
this.options = options;
// Creates DOM elements, sets up event listeners
create() {
// Create the menu
this.menu = document.createElement("ul");
this.menu.className = "mzLibMenu";
// Create the menu items
this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
const li = document.createElement("li");
if (!("name" in item)) {
// Insert a divider
li.className = "mzLibMenu-divider";
} else {
li.className = "mzLibMenu-item";
li.innerHTML = item.name;
li.setAttribute("data-ItemIndex", index);
li.addEventListener("click", this.select.bind(this, li));
if (!this.options.minimalStyling) {
if (this.options.className) {
.split(" ")
.forEach(cls => this.menu.classList.add(cls));
// Add root element to the <body>
// 创建后绑定事件
this.on("created", () => {
// console.log(this.menu);
const $menu = this.menu;
// ctrl + m
document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
if (e.ctrlKey && e.key === "m") {
emit(this.menu, "created");
// Selects the given item and calls its handler
select(item) {
const itemId = item.getAttribute("data-ItemIndex");
if (this.items[itemId]) {
emit(this.menu, "itemselected");
// hides the menu
hide() {
emit(this.menu, "hidden");
// Convenience method for adding an event listener
on(type, fn) {
this.menu.addEventListener(type, fn);
// Convenience method for removing an event listener
off(type, fn) {
this.menu.removeEventListener(type, fn);
return mzLibMenu;