// ==UserScript==
// @name Kamikaze' Script Utils
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/928242
// @description Custom Functions for Kamikaze's Scripts
// @version 1.1.10
// @author Kamikaze (https://github.com/Kamiikaze)
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 11 */
/* global Toastify */
* @description Custom Logger
class Logger {
* @param {string} prefix - Prefix for the log output
* @param {number} logLevel - 0: disable, 1: info, 2: debug, 3: warn, 4: all
constructor(prefix, logLevel = 1) {
this.prefix = prefix; // Name of Script
this.logLevel = logLevel;
this.defaultStyle = "background: #44adf3; color: #000; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 15px; border-radius: 10px"
this.resetStyle = "background: unset; color: unest"
this.prefixStyle = this.setPrefixStyle(prefix);
this.info(`Logger initialized with prefix "${prefix}" and logLevel ${logLevel}`)
* @param {number} logLevel - 0: disable, 1: info, 2: debug, 3: warn, 4: all
setLogLevel(logLevel) {
this.logLevel = logLevel
setPrefixStyle(prefix) {
switch (prefix) {
case "sto":
return "background: #000; color: #fff"
return this.defaultStyle
formattedOutput(...args) {
const argsArray = Array.from(args).map(arg => {
if (typeof arg === "object") return JSON.stringify(arg, null, 4)
return arg
return `%c${this.prefix}%c ` + argsArray.join(", ")
info(...args) {
if (this.logLevel >= 1) console.info(this.formattedOutput(...args), this.prefixStyle, this.resetStyle)
debug(...args) {
if (this.logLevel >= 2) console.debug(this.formattedOutput(...args), this.prefixStyle, this.resetStyle)
warn(...args) {
if (this.logLevel >= 3) console.warn(this.formattedOutput(...args), this.prefixStyle, this.resetStyle)
error(...args) {
if (this.logLevel > 0) console.error(this.formattedOutput(...args), this.prefixStyle, this.resetStyle)
* @param {string} text - Notification Text
* @param {number} [duration=5000] - Duration for which the toast should be displayed.
* -1 for permanent toast
* @param {string} [type="default"] - Classname for Notification type
* @description Sending Toast Notification
function notify(text, duration = 5000, type = "default") {
text: text,
duration: duration,
close: true,
gravity: "top", // `top` or `bottom`
position: "right", // `left`, `center` or `right`
offset: {
x: 0, // horizontal axis - can be a number or a string indicating unity. eg: '2em'
y: 70 // vertical axis - can be a number or a string indicating unity. eg: '2em'
className: type,
stopOnFocus: true, // Prevents dismissing of toast on hover
* @param {string} css - CSS String
* @param {boolean} important - Add !important to all rules
* @description Adds CSS to the head of the document
function addGlobalStyle(css, important = true) {
let head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) return;
style = document.createElement('style');
(important) ? style.innerHTML = css.replace(/;/g, ' !important;') : style.innerHTML = css;
* @param {string} selector - CSS Selector
* @param {HTMLElement|Document} parent - Parent Element
* @description Waits for an element to be present in the DOM
* @returns {Element | null}
function waitForElm(selector, parent = document) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (parent.querySelector(selector)) {
log.debug("Element found", selector)
return resolve(parent.querySelector(selector));
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
if (parent.querySelector(selector)) {
log.debug("Element found", selector)
observer.observe(document.body, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
setTimeout(() => {
console.error("Element not found", selector)
return resolve(null)
}, 1000)
* @description Get current Hostname, Season and Episode
* @returns {{host: string, season: (string|number), episode: (string|number)}}
function getStreamPageLocation() {
const url = window.location;
const host = url.host;
const path = url.pathname.split("/").slice(3);
return {
host: host,
season: path[1]?.split("-")[1] || 0,
episode: path[2]?.split("-")[1] || 0,
* @param {HTMLElement} seasonListEl - Season List Element
* @description Check if the Stream has Movies
* @returns {boolean} - True if the list contains a "Filme" entry
function checkHasMovies(seasonListEl) {
if (!seasonListEl) return false
const seasonList = seasonListEl.children
for (let i = 0; i < seasonList.length; i++)
if (seasonList[i].textContent.trim() === "Filme") {
log.debug("Found Movies")
return true
return false
* @description Get Stream Details from the Stream Page
* @returns {Promise<{seasonsCount: number, hasMovies: boolean, episodesCount: number, episodeTitle: {de: string, en: string}, title: string}>}
async function getStreamDetails() {
const titleEl = await waitForElm(".series-title > h1 > span")
const seasonListEl = await waitForElm("#stream > ul:nth-child(1)")
const episodeListEl = await waitForElm("#stream > ul:nth-child(4)")
const episodeTitleEl = await waitForElm(".hosterSiteTitle h2")
const episodeTitle = getEpisodeTitle(episodeTitleEl)
const hasMovies = checkHasMovies(seasonListEl)
const seasonsCount = seasonListEl?.childElementCount - 1 - (hasMovies ? 1 : 0) || 0
const episodesCount = episodeListEl?.childElementCount - 1 || 0
log.debug("Elements", titleEl, seasonListEl, episodeListEl)
log.debug("Count", seasonsCount, episodesCount)
return {
title: titleEl?.textContent.trim() || "",
seasonsCount: seasonsCount,
episodesCount: episodesCount,
episodeTitle: {
de: episodeTitle.de,
en: episodeTitle.en,
hasMovies: hasMovies,
* @description Parsing title for both languages
* @returns {{de: string, en: string}}
function getEpisodeTitle(episodeTitleEl) {
let titleDE = ""
let titleEN = ""
if (episodeTitleEl) {
const [episodeTitleDE, episodeTitleEN] = episodeTitleEl.children
titleDE = episodeTitleDE.textContent.trim()
titleEN = episodeTitleEN?.textContent.trim() || ""
return {de: titleDE, en: titleEN}
* @description Return Stream Data from the Stream Page
* @returns {Promise<{seasonsCount: number, currentSeason: number, host: string, hasMovies: boolean, episodesCount: number, title: string, currentEpisode: number}>}
async function getStreamData() {
const streamLocation = getStreamPageLocation()
const streamDetails = await getStreamDetails()
const data = {
host: streamLocation.host,
title: streamDetails.title,
currentSeason: parseInt(streamLocation.season),
seasonsCount: parseInt(streamDetails.seasonsCount),
currentEpisode: parseInt(streamLocation.episode),
episodesCount: parseInt(streamDetails.episodesCount),
episodeTitle: streamDetails.episodeTitle,
hasMovies: streamDetails.hasMovies,
log.debug("StreamData", data)
return data
.toastify {
background: #243743;
border: 2px solid #637cf9;
border-radius: 50px;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 0px #0f1620;
.toastify.error {
background: #9c0000;
border: 2px solid #f96363;
`, true)