// ==UserScript==
// @name Reddit visited link remover
// @version 0.9.5
// @namespace [email protected]
// @description hides links you already visited on reddit and offers keyboard navigatin
// @include *.reddit.com/*
// @exclude *.reddit.com/r/*/comments/*
// @exclude *.reddit.com/user/*
// @exclude *.reddit.com/message/*
// @exclude *.reddit.com/reddits/*
// @exclude *.reddit.com/prefs/*
// @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==
// Keyboard Shortcuts:
// - h: Open next unread post in new tab
// - j: Jump to next unread post and mark it as read (+minimize)
// - shift + j: Jump to next post (even minimized)
// - k: Jump to previous unread post and mark it as read (+minimize)
// - shift + k: Jump to previous post (even minimized)
// - l: Open comments of active post
// - u: up vote active post
// - m: down vote active post
var cached_links_time = 60*60*24*2; // Two days - how long should visited links be saved
var cached_links_count = 1000; // Only save this amount of links (due to performance reasons)
var fade_time = 750; // time it takes until the visited link is completely invisible
var show_footer = true; // show how many links are currently cached at the buttom of reddit.com
var toggle_links_button = true; // show button to show / hide links (hide_links has to be true)
var hide_links = false; // removes links completely (after the next page reload)
var add_manual_hide_link = true; // adds a link to the frontpage to manually hide posts
var activate_popup = false; // activate popup functionality
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Add config style
function addGlobalStyle(css) {
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
addGlobalStyle('.rvlr_marker { color: #FFF !important; background-color: #FF4500; border-radius: 50%; text-align: center !important; padding: 2px; }');
if (toggle_links_button && hide_links) {
$("body").append ('<center><div id="show_links" class="show_links"><button>Toggle links</button></div> <br></center>');
if (add_manual_hide_link) {
$('ul.flat-list.buttons').append('<li><a class="manHideLink" href="#">mark as read</a></li>');
var stateMachine;
window.addEventListener ("load", function () {
stateMachine = new GM_LinkTrack();
if (show_footer) {
var numLinks = stateMachine.GetVisitedLinkCount();
$("body").append ('<center><p>' + numLinks + ' links cached. (max '+ cached_links_count + ')</p><br></center>');
var activeElement;
document.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if(!e) e=window.event;
var isShift = e.shiftKey;
var key = e.which;
//console.log('key: '+key+' isShift: '+isShift);
// http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/event_key_which.asp
if ((key == 106) || (key == 74)) { // j key
// shrink next unshrinked link
var element;
if (isShift){
element = getElementAfterActive();
} else {
element = getCorrectElement();
//console.log("element: " + element + "e0: " + element[0]);
if ( typeof element === "undefined" ) {
} else if ( typeof element[0] === "undefined" ) {
} else if (key == 104) { // h key
// pop disable, open link in new tab
var element = getCorrectElement();
} else if ((key == 107) || (key == 75)) { // k key
// open previous link in popup
var element;
if (isShift){
element = getElementBeforeActive();
} else {
element = getPrevUnreadLink();
if(element.length === 0) {
return 0;
} else if (key == 117) { // u key
// up vote active post
} else if (key == 109) { // m key
// down vote active post
} else if (key == 108) { // l key
// open comments of active post
}, true);
function setActiveElement(elm) {
activeElement = elm;
function resetActiveElement() {
if (activeElement) {
function getActiveElement() {
return activeElement;
function isActiveElement(elm) {
if (elm.hasClass('rvlr_active')) {
return true;
return false;
function getCorrectElement() {
var element;
var aElement = getActiveElement();
if (typeof aElement !== "undefined") {
element = getNextUnreadLink();
if (typeof element === "undefined") {
element = getFirstUnreadLink();
return element;
function nextPage() {
function getNextUnreadLink() {
var element = getActiveElement();
if (typeof element !== "undefined") {
var elem = element.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').nextAll('div.thing:not(.shrinked):not(.promoted)').eq(0).find('a.title');
return elem;
return 0;
function getPrevUnreadLink() {
var element = getActiveElement();
if (typeof element !== "undefined") {
var elem = element.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').prevAll('div.thing:not(.shrinked):not(.promoted)').eq(0).find('a.title');
return elem;
return 0;
function getFirstUnreadLink() {
var currentElement;
$('#siteTable a.title').each(function() {
if ( ($(this).closest('div.thing').hasClass('promoted') === false) && ($(this).closest('div.thing').hasClass('shrinked') === false) && ($(this).closest('div.thing').is(":hidden") === false) ) {
currentElement = $(this);
return false;
return currentElement;
function getLastShrinkedLink() {
var element;
$('#siteTable a.title').each(function() {
if ( ($(this).closest('div.thing').hasClass('promoted') === false) && ($(this).closest('div.thing').hasClass('shrinked') === true) && ($(this).closest('div.thing').is(":hidden") === false) ) {
element = $(this);
return element;
function getElementBeforeActive() {
var element;
element = $('.rvlr_active').closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').prevAll('div.thing:visible:not(.promoted)').eq(0).find('a.title');
return element;
function getElementAfterActive() {
var element;
element = $('.rvlr_active').closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').nextAll('div.thing:visible:not(.promoted)').eq(0).find('a.title');
return element;
function openLink(elm) {
var href = elm.attr('href');
window.open(href, '_blank');
function getYoutubeId(url) {
var regExp = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/;
var match = url.match(regExp);
if (match && match[2].length == 11) {
return match[2];
} else {
return 0;
function openLinkComments(elm) {
var href = elm.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').find("a.comments").attr('href');
//window.location = href;
window.open(href, '_blank');
function upVote(elm) {
elm.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').find("div.up, div.upmod").click();
function downVote(elm) {
elm.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').find("div.down, div.downmod").click();
function GM_LinkTrack () {
var visitedLinkArry = [];
var numVisitedLinks = 0;
var link_count = 0;
var current_timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var sortedLocalStorage = SortLocalStorage();
// Get visited link-list from storage.
for (var J = sortedLocalStorage.length - 1; J >= 0; --J) {
var item = sortedLocalStorage[J];
var four_weeks = cached_links_time*1000;
// Get saved links
if (/^Visited_\d+.*/i.test (item) ) {
var regex = /^Visited_(\d+).*/;
var old_timestamp = regex.exec(item)[1];
var regex2 = /^Visited_\d+_(.*)/;
var value = regex2.exec(item)[1];
var regex3 = /^(Visited_\d+)_.*/;
var itemName = regex3.exec(item)[1];
//console.log(numVisitedLinks + " " + item+ " t: " + old_timestamp + " v: " + value + " n: " + itemName);
if (value == '#') {
localStorage.removeItem (itemName);
if (link_count >= cached_links_count) {
localStorage.removeItem (itemName);
//console.log(numVisitedLinks + " " + value + "t: " + timeConverter(old_timestamp));
// check link age
if ( (current_timestamp - old_timestamp) < four_weeks ) {
visitedLinkArry.push (value);
//console.log(numVisitedLinks + " " + localStorage[itemName] + " t: " +old_timestamp[1]);
if (hide_links) {
$('a[href*="' + value + '"]').closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').fadeOut(fade_time);
} else {
//$('a[href="' + localStorage[itemName] + '"]').closest('div').fadeOut(fade_time);
shrinkLinks($('a[href*="' + value + '"]'));
} else {
// too old, remove from storage
localStorage.removeItem (itemName);
function SortLocalStorage() {
var localStorageArray = [];
if(localStorage.length > 0) {
for (var i=0; i<localStorage.length; i++){
localStorageArray[i] = localStorage.key(i)+ "_" +localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i));
return localStorageArray.sort();
function timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp) {
var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp*1000);
var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
var year = a.getFullYear();
var month = months[a.getMonth()];
var date = a.getDate();
var hour = a.getHours();
var min = a.getMinutes();
var sec = a.getSeconds();
var time = date+','+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
return time;
function ShowLinks () {
for (var J = localStorage.length - 1; J >= 0; --J) {
var itemName = localStorage.key (J);
// Get saved links
if (/^Visited_\d+$/i.test (itemName) ) {
$('a[href="' + localStorage[itemName] + '"]').closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').fadeToggle(fade_time);
this.LinkIsNewPub = function (linkObj) {
function LinkIsNew (linkObj) {
var href = linkObj.attr('href');
href = href.replace(/^(http|https)\:\/\//g, '');
if (visitedLinkArry.indexOf (href) == -1) {
visitedLinkArry.push (href);
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var itemName = 'Visited_' + timestamp;
localStorage.setItem (itemName, href);
// Hide links imideately after klicked. Makes it impossible to see commenst afterward.
//$('a[href="' + href + '"]').closest('div').fadeOut(fade_time);
return true;
function shrinkLinks (linkObj) {
// Alter the look of clicked links imideately
var mainLinkElement = linkObj.closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)');
// Remove elements that are nor needed in the smll view
mainLinkElement.find('a.thumbnail').css({'opacity': '0', 'width': '0px'});
mainLinkElement.find('a.thumbnail').hide(fade_time, function () {
mainLinkElement.find('li a.manHideLink').remove();
// Realign elements for the small view
var animObj = {"queue": false, "duration": fade_time};
mainLinkElement.find('a.title').animate({'font-size': '9px', 'margin': '0px'}, animObj);
mainLinkElement.find('p.title').css({'float': 'left', 'margin-left': '10px', 'font-size': '9px', 'font-weight': 'normal', 'margin-top': '4px', 'text-overflow': 'ellipsis', 'max-width': '300px', 'white-space': 'nowrap', 'overflow': 'hidden'});
mainLinkElement.find('ul.flat-list.buttons').animate({'margin-left': '10px', 'font-size': '9px', 'margin-top': '0px'}, animObj);
mainLinkElement.find('span.rank').animate({'margin-top': '1px', 'font-size': '10px'}, animObj);
mainLinkElement.find('div.midcol').css("cssText", "width: 110px !important;"); //jquery hack to apply important
mainLinkElement.find('div.midcol').css({'margin-top': '0px', 'margin-bottom': '0px', 'height': 'unset'});
mainLinkElement.find('div.arrow').css({'float': 'left'});
mainLinkElement.find('div.score').css({'float': 'left'});
mainLinkElement.find('div.score').animate({'font-size': '10px', 'padding-left': '10px', 'padding-right': '10px', 'margin-top': '3px', 'width': '30px'}, animObj);
mainLinkElement.find('div.entry').css({'padding': '0px'});
//main div
mainLinkElement.css({'padding': '0px'});
mainLinkElement.css({'padding-left': '10px', 'opacity': '0.4', 'margin': '4px'});
//mainLinkElement.find('p.tagline').css({'float': 'right'});
return true;
this.GetVisitedLinkCount = function () {
return numVisitedLinks;
function centerView(elm) {
var offsetTop = $(elm).offset().top;
var newTopPos = offsetTop - $(window).scrollTop();
var elemLimitPos = $(window).height() / 2;
//console.log("offsetTop: " + offsetTop);
//console.log("newTopPos: " + newTopPos);
//console.log("elemLimitPos: " + elemLimitPos);
if ( newTopPos > elemLimitPos ) {
scrollTop: offsetTop - 50
}, 800);
$('a.title').click(function() {
$('#hidesidebar').click(function(event) {
if (toggle_links_button && hide_links) {
$('#show_links button').click (function() {
if (add_manual_hide_link) {
$('a.manHideLink').click (function(event) {
var $titleLink = $(this).closest('div.thing:not(.promoted)').find('a.title');