CG Modify Links

Adds &pp= at the end of links on

// ==UserScript==
// @name        CG Modify Links
// @version 	1.1
// @namespace
// @author	    ShellC55
// @description	Adds &pp= at the end of links on
// @include 	*://*
// @include 	*://*
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==
This version does not rewrite the links - it changes the address in the address bar.

wont work if view from feed, i.e. read to last post
2018-11-15 fix url
// 	\d+ means 1 or more digits - in other words - numbers
// 	location.href is the address in the address bar
// 	+= means stick it on the end
if (/^https?:\/\/www\.carigold\.com\/portal\/forums\/showthread\.php\?t=\d+/.test(location.href) && (!(/&pp=40/.test(location.href)))) {
	location.href += "&pp=40";
//	num of thread on 1 page
// 	normal 20 thread |pp=60  will show 6- threads in 1 page
if (/^https:\/\/www\.carigold\.com\/portal\/forums\/forumdisplay\.php\?f=\d+/.test(location.href) && (!(/&pp=60/.test(location.href)))) {
	location.href += "&pp=60";
//01-04-16     add daysprune
if (/^https:\/\/www\.carigold\.com\/portal\/forums\/forumdisplay\.php\?s=&daysprune=\d+&f=\d+/.test(location.href) && (!(/&pp=60/.test(location.href)))) {
	location.href += "&pp=60";