Transform your Twitch.TV experience
Slims down chat, removes the Left bar, maximizes the video space.
NEW MODE: Big Ass Mode. Hide the chat, press the button, and watch your big ass stream. Doesn't matter what size your browser tab is. My goal is a fluid experience, please let me know about any bugs.
NEW MODE: Blue Clear Mode Additionally helps clear formatting, if white mode isn't working click the toggle again to get blue mode. Keep toggling to clear through back to your desired mode.
Removes the channel header, the info section and gives you more space with the 'M' toggle on the bottom left of the screen.
- Chrome (Stable & Dev)
- Firefox (Stable & Dev) - FIXED *11/20/13*
Twitch Addons/Extensions:
- Itaku Twitch Chat
- Better Twitch.TV (Currently broken because of resize overload when script is activated)
- Added requirement for jquery, which in turn enabled Firefox compatibility! 10/05/13
- Fixed padding issues after deactivation 11/09/13
- Captures initial video height on page load 11/09/13
- Auto-Updates11/09/13
- 100% Compatible with Better TTV & Itaku Chat11/09/13
- Fixed height capture issues / video doesn't look weird if you change browser width 11/14/13
- Preserves Left Column State upon activation 11/14/13
- Now captures certain heights, margins, & widths and relays upon deactivation 11/14/13
- New button animations 11/16/13
- Revised intelligent padding handling 11/16/13
- Revised left column handling 11/16/13
- Play/Pause/ & Volume sliders now works in 'Monster Mode'11/16/13
- Fixed the actions of both left bar and right bar after deactivation (everything now functions like normal, no more bar lockups) 11/20/13
- Changed player-container position from relative to absolute (enabled firefox compatibility) 11/20/13
- Big ass changes (New Big Ass Mode, Intelligent Handling, Bug Fixes) 11/21/13
- With big ass changes comes a new name, Hello Video is now Monster Twitch 11/21/13
- Small Bug Fix (Corrected button name as to not affect emote subscription button) 11/21/13
- Major Bug Fixes 11/27/13
- NEW - Blue Mode (Additional Toggle for site compatibility between no extensions/extensions 11/27/13
- NEW - Itaku Chat/Geo TTV Button Purple Button Highlight upon activation 11/27/13
- Fixes issues with use with regular excluding additional extensions 11/27/13
- Quick fix for Twitch Update (will work on additional fixes tomorrow) 1/17/14
- Semi-Rollback to Height (100% height causing break on FF but temporarily fixed) 1/17/14
CHROME USERS PLEASE UNCOMMENT LINES 205 & 209 FOR FIX (Enabled this way to at least show some video on firefox) 1/17/14- Fixed player height issues across the board (Both Chrome and Firefox now work as intended) 1/17/14
- Tweaked Margins for left_col & main_col (Should fix most, if not all formatting issues) 1/19/14
- Updated JQuery to 2.0.3 1/19/14
- @Exclude to the dashboard 1/19/14
- Fixes for the new chat (Fixed button width & prepared for button border color fixes |Coming later today in another update |) 3/05/14
- Additional Fixes & Button Reformats 3/05/14
- New Chatbox Color Tweaks (Including Button, Borders, Etc) 3/05/14
- Button formatting fixes for BTTV (Pressing viewers list or emoticon selector still makes BTTV call a resize overload & break the page) - 3/07/14
- More formatting fixes (Made buttons look normal on both vanilla and modded twitch) - 3/07/14
- Fixed Player Height Issue - 3/31/14
- Multiple Formatting Fixes (Chat Button Width, Button Margins, Emotes Button Style) - 4/3/14
- Chat Button Color Fix - 4/3/14
- Chat Bottom Fix - 4/3/14
- Settings, Viewer List, & Emote Button Margin Adjustments - 4/3/14
Suggestions / Ideas / Concerns?
Message me here: