Reddit Overwrite Extended

This script will overwrite your Reddit comment history. To use it, go to Reddit, log in, click on your username, then click on the comments tab, then click on the new OVERWRITE button. If you want to modify the message that is left over your comments, it is on line 88.

目前为 2015-07-10 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Reddit Overwrite Extended
// @namespace   Reddit
// @description This script will overwrite your Reddit comment history.  To use it, go to Reddit, log in, click on your username, then click on the comments tab, then click on the new OVERWRITE button.  If you want to modify the message that is left over your comments, it is on line 88.
// @include     https://**
// @include     http://**
// @version     1.2.5
// ==/UserScript==

unsafeWindow.to_delete = [];
unsafeWindow.num_user_comments = 0;
unsafeWindow.deleted = 0;
unsafeWindow.span = '';
unsafeWindow.user = '';

unsafeWindow.delete_comment = function(thing_id, from_delete_all)
	var thing = document.querySelector("input[name='thing_id'][value='" + thing_id + "']");

	var status = thing.parentNode.querySelector("div.usertext-edit > div.bottom-area > div.usertext-buttons > span.status").innerHTML;

	var error = false;
	if ((status.indexOf("error") != -1) || (status.indexOf("submitting") != -1)){
		error = true;
	} else {
//		var del_form = thing.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("ul.buttons > li > form.del-button");
//		unsafeWindow.toggle(del_form.querySelector("span.main > a"));
//		del_form.querySelector("span.error > a.yes").click();

	if (from_delete_all){
		if (unsafeWindow.to_delete.length != 0)
			unsafeWindow.span.innerHTML = "TRYING TO OVERWRITE COMMENT " + (unsafeWindow.deleted + 1) + " OF " + unsafeWindow.num_user_comments;
			var next_thing_id = unsafeWindow.to_delete.pop();
			unsafeWindow.setTimeout(unsafeWindow.overwrite_comment, 2000, next_thing_id, from_delete_all);
			if (unsafeWindow.num_user_comments - unsafeWindow.deleted != 0){
				unsafeWindow.num_user_comments = unsafeWindow.num_user_comments - unsafeWindow.deleted;
				unsafeWindow.span.innerHTML = "<span>Failed to delete " + unsafeWindow.num_user_comments + " comments</span><br>" + unsafeWindow.span.innerHTML;
			} else = 'none';

	} else {
		if (error)
			alert("Failed to overwrite your comment. Overwrite aborted.");
	return (error ? -1 : 0);
	if (from_delete_all) unsafeWindow.location.reload();
	return -99;

unsafeWindow.overwrite_comment = function(thing_id, from_delete_all)
	var edit_form = document.querySelector("input[name='thing_id'][value='" + thing_id + "']").parentNode;

	edit_form.querySelector("div.usertext-edit > div.bottom-area > div.usertext-buttons > button.cancel").click();

	var edit_btn = edit_form.parentNode.querySelector("ul > li > a.edit-usertext");
	if (edit_btn);
	var edit_textbox = edit_form.querySelector("div.usertext-edit > div > textarea");
	var repl_str = '';
	var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz><.-,+!#$%^&*();:[]~";
//	for(var x = 0; x < edit_textbox.value.length; x++){
//		if (edit_textbox.value.substr(x,1) == '\n'){
//			repl_str += '\n';
//		}else{
//			var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
//			repl_str += chars.charAt(rnum, 1);
//		}
//	}
	edit_textbox.value = "I have left reddit for [Voat]( due to years of admin mismanagement and preferential treatment for certain subreddits and users holding certain political and ideological views.  \n\n   The situation has gotten especially worse since the appointment of Ellen Pao as CEO, culminating in the seemingly unjustified firings of several valuable employees.  \n\n   As an act of protest, I have chosen to redact all the comments I've ever made on reddit, overwriting them with this message.  \n\n   If you would like to do the same, install [TamperMonkey]( for Chrome, [GreaseMonkey]( for Firefox, [NinjaKit]( for Safari, [Violent Monkey]( for Opera, or [AdGuard]( for Internet Explorer (in Advanced Mode), then add [this GreaseMonkey script](   \n\n Finally, click on your username at the top right corner of reddit, click on comments, and click on the new OVERWRITE button at the top of the page. You may need to scroll down to multiple comment pages if you have commented a lot.  \n\n   After doing all of the above, you are welcome to join me on [Voat](!";
    edit_form.querySelector("div.usertext-edit > div.bottom-area > div.usertext-buttons >").click();
	unsafeWindow.setTimeout(unsafeWindow.delete_comment, 2000, thing_id, from_delete_all);
	return 0;
	alert("Error interacting with overwrite form: " + e); 
	return -99;

unsafeWindow.delete_all = function()
	unsafeWindow.num_user_comments = 0;
	unsafeWindow.deleted = 0;
	unsafeWindow.to_delete = [];
	var comments = document.querySelectorAll("");
    for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++)
		if (comments[i].innerHTML != unsafeWindow.user) continue;
		var thing_id = comments[i].parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("form.usertext > input[name='thing_id']").value;
		if (unsafeWindow.to_delete.indexOf(thing_id) == -1){
	unsafeWindow.span.innerHTML = "TRYING TO Overwrite COMMENT 1 OF " + unsafeWindow.num_user_comments;
	var next_thing_id = unsafeWindow.to_delete.pop();
	unsafeWindow.overwrite_comment(next_thing_id, true);
 } catch(e){
    alert("Error trying to delete all your comments.\nError: " + e + " Stack:" + e.stack); 

function add_delete_links(ev)
	unsafeWindow.user = document.querySelector("span.user > a:not(.login-required)").innerHTML;
	if (!unsafeWindow.user){return;}
	var comments = document.querySelectorAll("");
	unsafeWindow.num_user_comments = 0;
	for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++)
		if (comments[i].innerHTML != unsafeWindow.user) continue;
		var main_parent = comments[i].parentNode.parentNode;
		var thing_id = main_parent.querySelector("form > input[name='thing_id']").value;
		var list = main_parent.querySelector("ul.flat-list");
		if (list.querySelector("li.secure_delete")) continue;

		var addedlink = document.createElement("li");
		addedlink.setAttribute('class', 'secure_delete');
		var dlink = document.createElement("a");
		dlink.setAttribute('class','bylink secure_delete');
		dlink.setAttribute('onClick','javascript:var ret = overwrite_comment("' + thing_id + '", false);');
		dlink.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
//		dlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('SECURE DELETE'));

	unsafeWindow.span = document.createElement("span");
	unsafeWindow.span.setAttribute('class', 'nextprev secure_delete_all');

function UpdateDeleteAllSpan()
	if (unsafeWindow.num_user_comments){
		unsafeWindow.span.innerHTML = "";
		var dlink = document.createElement("a");
		dlink.setAttribute('onClick','javascript:return delete_all()');
		dlink.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
		dlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('OVERWRITE ' + unsafeWindow.num_user_comments + ' visible comment(s) on this page.'));
	} else if (unsafeWindow.span != null) { = 'none';

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",add_delete_links, false);