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Autokey helper script - nitro type bot 2023-02-06 被举报,原因是:未声明的 可能不受欢迎的功能(包括但不限于广告、用户追踪、挖矿等功能)


Rewrites user's clipboard (this feature wasn't mentioned), site doesn't provide any useful functionality or data for user-script and also, it isn't author's homepage (like Discord, GitHub etc.), which means, this site is ads.

Ginfio 说:
I've added the "@antifeature miner" to fix the issue. The script copies the text from the race page onto the user's clipboard. The script works in cooperation with the nitro type auto typer Autokey ( The auto typer will then get the copied text and automatically type it out on nitro type - nitro tpye auto typer.

This script has been updated since the report was filed.

This script has had 2 previous upheld or fixed reports.

