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Nút dịch bình luận YouTube

Thêm nút dịch vào nhận xét trên YouTube && Live Chat Translation

< Feedback on Nút dịch bình luận YouTube

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 05-05-2023

Hello Linkwanggo
Can I ask you a few questions?
Did you use the API to translate the comments? If yes, how did you keep your API key secret from the public?
I'm new to JS and I want to create a script that uses the YouTube api to calculate playlist length, but I don't know how to keep the api key secret from the public.


Posted: 06-05-2023
Edited: 06-05-2023

Hello Linkwanggo
Can I ask you a few questions?
Did you use the API to translate the comments? If yes, how did you keep your API key secret from the public?
I'm new to JS and I want to create a script that uses the YouTube api to calculate playlist length, but I don't know how to keep the api key secret from the public.


This script uses the public API from Google. No token No secret key required.${localeLang}&dj=1&dt=t&dt=rm&q=${q}

  • tl is the target language.
  • sl just set to auto.
  • q is the actual text you want to translate.
                    .then(res => {
                        return res.json()
                    .then(result => {
                        let resultText = (s) {
                            return "trans" in s ? s.trans : "";
                        return resultText.split("\n");
                    }).then(result=>{ console.log(result) })
linkwanggoTác giả
Posted: 10-05-2023

That's right. No token No secret key.

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