Greasy Fork is available in English.

Nút dịch bình luận YouTube

Thêm nút dịch vào nhận xét trên YouTube && Live Chat Translation

< Feedback on Nút dịch bình luận YouTube

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 01-05-2023

Would it be possible to translate the transcript as well?

linkwanggoTác giả
Posted: 02-05-2023

Please send me a video link

Posted: 02-05-2023

I think all videos have transcripts now. Example here.

linkwanggoTác giả
Posted: 02-05-2023

Because Chinese is different from English, so I don't understand what "transcript" is. But now I know. Ha ha.

linkwanggoTác giả
Posted: 10-05-2023

Done, try it~

Posted: 10-05-2023

Perfect, thanks.

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