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Bilibili Anime HK Macau TW

Fetch bilibili anime for HK Macau TW

Tác giả
𝖢𝖸 𝖥𝗎𝗇𝗀
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Áp dụng cho

Bilibili Anime HK Macau TW

=============== APIs Used ===============

#1 API url: ``
description: obtain the amounts required (original list of anime for CN)

#2 API url: `${page}&order=&keyword=%E5%83%85%E9%99%90%20%E5%9C%B0%E5%8D%80&category_id=&__refresh__=true&_extra=&highlight=1&single_column=0`
description: full list of anime for HK/Macau/TW, but without info `lateupdate`

#3 API url: `${pagesize}&type=1`
description: it is the official bangumi list for all animes including CN, HK, Macau, TW. However, some bangumi are still missing

#4 API url: `${encodeURIComponent(title)}&order=pubdate&jsonp=jsonp`
description: it is to fetch the latest uploads from user 哔哩哔哩番剧出差. (due to #3 issue)