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Search Helper - MAL

Quickly search for the anime/manga title on any websites of your choice.

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Bạn có thế thích Approved Entries Notifier - MAL

Cài đặt script này
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1 0 0
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*Works on Kiwi browser or any mobile browser that lets you install user scripts and/or tamper monkey.
This script adds 102 search/stream/read links by default on manga and anime pages on MyAnimeList. (You can remove any/all default websites if you want, by clicking on the X symbol)

You can add any websites you want to this script! Just click on the bold Search text and follow the 3 steps that will be displayed.

*The script also opens the direct entry page link for Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Kitsu in case MAL has its direct page links under Streaming Platforms.