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Affinity to You

Shows the "Affinity to You" % that all users who have commented on any topic on MAL have with you!

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Bạn có thế thích Mentioner - MAL

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Many users have always requested an easier way to find users with high affinity with them (across the site), and this script does exactly that, but only on forum topics.

Now it's going to be much easier to find your anime best friend!

What's the MAL "Affinity to You"? What does it mean when a profile's "Affinity to You" section is positive/negative?

*The script only works when you are logged in.
*The script works on Forum/Clubs and Anime discussion topics. (The script works on any pages like
*If the "Affinity to You" text is red it means that the "Affinity to You" is negative (bad), if it's blue it means that the "Affinity to You" is positive (good).
*User affinities are stored on the script cache, because this helps prevent the blue screen "Click on submit to prove you are not a bot" to show up. The script erases it's cached user affinities each month.

*The script has been created by me (hacker09), and I now give ShaggyZE the right to update this script only to make it work by doing minor modifications, like fixing selectors. I will personally and continuously check for improvements, issues, and updates on this script often as well.

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