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Color Options for Habitica To Do's

Color options for your to do's on Habitica!

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A CSS style for Habitica with different color scheme options for to do's on your task page on Habitica (does not apply to challenges or other types of tasks besides to-dos).

The following options are available:

  • All Yellow (like my All-Yellow Tasks style except this only applies to to-dos)
  • Grey (neutral/just-created is the same color as an undue daily; they get darker the older they are (and lighter if you manage to raise their task value above neutral, i.e. with a skill))
  • Rainbow, two options (green is neutral/just-created for both, neither has any colors that exactly match what you'd see in a different column):
    • One has the colors where red is the best and purple is the worst (so you're only likely to see green, blue, indigo, and purple)
    • The other has the colors where red is the worst and purple is the best (so you're only likely to see green, yellow, orange, and red)
  • Shades of red (for people who like being stressed, I guess; darker is worse)
  • A scheme where everything except the oldest/reddest to-dos are yellow and the oldest/reddest ones are a shade lighter than the normal worst red
  • A scheme where everything except the oldest/reddest to-dos are green and the oldest/reddest ones are a shade of orange (the shade that is normally two "better" than the darkest red)

License has symbolically changed to a more restrictive one because I no longer give my blessing for forks of this style. Thank you.